View Full Version : Bowen is probably suspended tonight

05-14-2007, 09:01 AM
Mike and Mike just said that Bowen is more than likely suspended for tonight's game. They had a source that said that due to his continued questionable dirty tactics, the league is going to act to try to stop them and prevent a larger problem down the line.

I have to agree here, Bruce needs to clean it up. It can not be coincidence that he is involved in so many questionable situations and his reputation is getting worse by the minute. It reflects badly upon the Spurs IMO. If this were Ron Artest doing this same stuff, all us Spurs fans would be calling for his head, so we need to admit that he is getting out of hand.

The Spurs will have to suck it up and win w/o him tonight.

05-14-2007, 09:03 AM
Mike and Mike just said that Bowen is more than likely suspended for tonight's game. They had a source that said that due to his continued questionable dirty tactics, the league is going to act to try to stop them and prevent a larger problem down the line.

I have to agree here, Bruce needs to clean it up. It can not be coincidence that he is involved in so many questionable situations and his reputation is getting worse by the minute. It reflects badly upon the Spurs IMO. If this were Ron Artest doing this same stuff, all us Spurs fans would be calling for his head, so we need to admit that he is getting out of hand.

The Spurs will have to suck it up and win w/o him tonight.

Good luck with that :lol

05-14-2007, 09:04 AM
To quote Tim Duncan, "That's retarded".

05-14-2007, 09:04 AM
I have never considered mike and mike that credible. and if bowen is suspended oh well. we will just have to win without him and then really listen to the suns cry. I think this will light a fire under our ass.

05-14-2007, 09:04 AM
If this is true then it is a death sentence... for Phoenix
Veteran teams like the Spurs don't get emotional or fired up so much from another team talking in the media, but I'm guessing if one of the core memberse of the team is suspended for a home game, there's going to be determination in the Spurs tonight that we probably have not seen since Game 7 of the 2005 Finals

05-14-2007, 09:05 AM
It's not dirty tho... It's just smart basketball.... Everything he's done and been questioned on has been legal. So how can it be dirty if it's not even a violation.

This is insane to me that we're even talking about it.

And I like Mike and Mike.... but they're 'sources' arn't always the most reliable... especially if it's Greeny sayin that.

05-14-2007, 09:05 AM
A suspension woud be ridiculous- granted I realize that won't stop the league from doing it.

The clip on Amare's foot was not intentional. Neither was his kneeing Nash. Both were incidental contact.

People who complain about Bruce are just mad because he is actually in thei shooters' space- denying shooters open looks and messing up their shots night after night.
It's called defense people.
Shush and play ball.

05-14-2007, 09:06 AM
Is it normal to suspend a player less than 24 hours before tip-off?

05-14-2007, 09:07 AM
They suspend Bowen, the Spurs will still win.

Buddy Holly
05-14-2007, 09:08 AM
Guys, this is coming for Jim. :lol :lol

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
The Spurs have yet to have their blowout in the playoffs this year...I think tonight might be the night!

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
Is it normal to suspend a player less than 24 hours before tip-off?

That's not that unusual. Less than 12 hours before tip would be fairly remarkable, particularly where the team isn't playing in a back-to-back situation.

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
Is it normal to suspend a player less than 24 hours before tip-off?

No, but they had to look at the complaint yesterday fro D'Antoni I am sure and need time to look at all the evidence.
D'Antoni is a whiny bitch and if he continiues to whine and complain, then eventually they have to listen.

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
Bruce said that he and Nash spoke after the incident and Nash said told Bruce he knows that Bruce didn't knee him on purpose.

Amare is just a whiner. And that is putting it nicely.

Here Amare is going on and on about how Bruce Bowen clipped his foot, when no real disruption to his game. much less injury, was caused.
Meanwhile Nash played through a terribly bloody nose and Gino played with an incredibly swollen eye- and both with zero complaint.

Grow up Amare.

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
B U L L F U C K I N S H I T.

M I K E A N D M I K E C A N B L O W M E.

If you suspend Bowen, you suspend Marion for punching Ginobili in the eye...

05-14-2007, 09:09 AM
A suspension woud be ridiculous- granted I realize that won't stop the league from doing it.

The clip on Amare's foot was not intentional. Neither was his kneeing Nash. Both were incidental contact.

People who complain about Bruce are just mad because he is actually in thei shooters' space- denying shooters open looks and messing up their shots night after night.
It's called defense people.
Shush and play ball.

You have to wonder if people are so angry about great defense then why aren't there any complaints about the Pistons year after year? Are they not up in your face on defense? Are they not "physical"? Tayshaun Prince crowds the hell out of shooters...where are the complaints about him? Of course we've never seen Tayshaun "clip" a player or knee a player in the groin but that's besides the point :lol

05-14-2007, 09:11 AM
Guys, this is coming for Jim. :lol :lol


My reputation precedes me, I think.

I am serious here, Mike and Mike did just report this, I swear.

05-14-2007, 09:12 AM

My reputation precedes me, I think.

I am serious here, Mike and Mike did just report this, I swear.

I heard the same thing, though I didn't hear that they had a source. I thought it was just speculation on Greenberg's part. I figured that it was probably speculation informed by the notion that he'd prefer to see the Suns advance.

05-14-2007, 09:12 AM
They suspend Bowen, the Spurs will still win.

Go ahead and suspend him. We still win tonight and we'll wait here and see tommorow what the complaints will be.

05-14-2007, 09:12 AM
Their sources are better than mine obviously but I would be shocked if Bowen got suspended tonight. This is the playoffs and you have to do something pretty flagrant to get a league reviewed suspension. He may be fined and warned to back it down a notch but all the whining by Phoenix could backfire too...I expect the first quarter to be a foul fest as the Refs make a statement that they are gonna control the game. Phoenix is typically awful at the line and that plays right into the Spurs game plan and negates fast break points.

05-14-2007, 09:13 AM
I heard the same thing, though I didn't hear that they had a source. I thought it was just speculation on Greenberg's part. I figured that it was probably speculation informed by the notion that he'd prefer to see the Suns advance.

True, they both aways pick against the Spurs. Greenie picked Denver to beat SA.


05-14-2007, 09:13 AM
Players do what Bowen does all the time. The difference is that Bowen attracts more attention because of all the pussies in the league (Allen, Carter, I. Thomas, etc). Players swing elbows all the time to create space. If they make contact, it's a foul. If they don't create contact, nothing happens. Same thing. However, if Bowen does get suspended, I have only one thing to say:

James White!

05-14-2007, 09:13 AM
Phoenix is typically awful at the line and that plays right into the Spurs game plan and negates fast break points.


The Suns were first in the league in team FT% in the 2006-07 season.

05-14-2007, 09:14 AM
Ron Artest went to the head on two separate Spurs and slammed Tony Parker to the court in garbage time OF THE SAME GAME to earn his suspension. If the NBA is going to legislate what it perceives as intent they are opening a dangerous Pandora's box.

05-14-2007, 09:14 AM
Phoenix is typically awful at the line and that plays right into the Spurs game plan and negates fast break points.

:wtf :wtf :wtf

Phoenix led the league in FT % with 81% shooting. What are you smoking?

05-14-2007, 09:15 AM
Please. Evans got fined $10k for giving Kaman a reach around last year. The intent was flagrant and obvious. No suspension. How can you possibly think this warrants a suspension?

05-14-2007, 09:16 AM
Players do what Bowen does all the time. The difference is that Bowen attracts more attention because of all the pussies in the league (Allen, Carter, I. Thomas, etc). Players swing elbows all the time to create space. If they make contact, it's a foul. If they don't create contact, nothing happens. Same thing. However, if Bowen does get suspended, I have only one thing to say:

James White!

Yes, but Bruce is the only one that makes headines for being dirty year after year. The NBA has to look at it.

05-14-2007, 09:16 AM
I expect the first quarter to be a foul fest as the Refs make a statement that they are gonna control the game. Phoenix is typically awful at the line and that plays right into the Spurs game plan and negates fast break points.

Good. Foul fest. I bet Kurt Thomas won't last the first half. No way he'll be stopping Duncan without holding him.

05-14-2007, 09:17 AM
Please. Evans got fined $10k for giving Kaman a reach around last year. The intent was flagrant and obvious. No suspension. How can you possibly think this warrants a suspension?

It is not just one time. It is a series of complaints from coaches and players.

05-14-2007, 09:17 AM
Bruce had the ball in his hand......HOW about the intent being he was the offensive player trying to put the ball down or something?

05-14-2007, 09:17 AM
Dude, Bowen doesn't play Spurs score 20 more points. WTF?

05-14-2007, 09:17 AM
:wtf :wtf :wtf

Phoenix led the league in FT % with 81% shooting. What are you smoking?


05-14-2007, 09:18 AM
I think he will get a fine of $25K

05-14-2007, 09:19 AM
D'Antoni is a whiny bitch

I never really paid that much attention to him before this series. But he sure the hell is. His press conf. Sat. nite was hilarious.

When he crumbled up that piece of paper and threw it, I thought "Ooooooo...the Spurs have done it now. We're in trouble."

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 09:23 AM
Jim, it was already posted in the other Bowen thread that it was reported on Sporting News Radio late last night that he will "probably" be suspended. But thanks for starting a new thread about it :lol

I don't know if these people reporting it have sources or not. I would think someone like Marc Stein would know before Mike and Mike (who I can't stand) but who knows.

05-14-2007, 09:23 AM
Kori, how soon will we know? If it's a suspension would they wait much longer?

05-14-2007, 09:23 AM
LMAO at this thread? why in the hell would they suspend Bowen? they need to give a reason you know? :lol

Everybody calm down. Bowen will NOT get suspended. why would he?

05-14-2007, 09:24 AM
not worthy of a fine or a suspension IMO. this league is getting super soft just when i thought it couldn't get any softer.

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 09:24 AM
Kori, how soon will we know? If it's a suspension would they wait much longer?

I don't know. I would think that they would have decided by last night, but who knows.

05-14-2007, 09:24 AM
Is Manu gonna be suspended for making a contact with Marion?

It will ba a big loss for trhe spurs if Bowen's out, all in all he is who he is :D

We have to start barry then with Fin out there I suppose

05-14-2007, 09:25 AM

Just kidding.

The knee was completely incidental....a standard clear-out move. He wasn't even looking at Nash, more looking over him for the entry pass to Duncan in the post.

The sole reason the league is looking into this is cries by the Phoenix Suns and overhyping media to question Bowen's "tactics". It's all crap!

05-14-2007, 09:26 AM
Why would Bowen be suspended? Did I miss something?

05-14-2007, 09:27 AM
a suspension would be complete BS.

05-14-2007, 09:28 AM
It's almost 10 hours and 30 minutes before game time... any announcement of the suspension should have been said hours ago.

05-14-2007, 09:29 AM
Why would Bowen be suspended? Did I miss something?

Unbeleivable, it is true. League is full of shit!!!

how can they listen to these crybaby suns :madrun :madrun

Updated: May 13, 2007, 11:59 PM ET
League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3By Marc Stein

For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

05-14-2007, 09:30 AM
I never really paid that much attention to him before this series. But he sure the hell is. His press conf. Sat. nite was hilarious.

When he crumbled up that piece of paper and threw it, I thought "Ooooooo...the Spurs have done it now. We're in trouble."

I loved his weak "oh really" sarcastic comment he made to the reporter who mentioned the physicality of the series. Hilarious! He needs to get his crying ass back to Europe yesterday. :lol

05-14-2007, 09:30 AM
If Bowen gets suspended, Steve Nash will have executed the Greatest Flop in the History of Basketball. I thought the CONTACT was questionable, to say nothing of intent.

This would be some steaming bullshit.

05-14-2007, 09:31 AM
If they didn't announce it by 10 AM EST, there's no way they can do it now. I'd imagine they would have told the organization about it last night some time.

05-14-2007, 09:31 AM

Why are you quoting me, you just proved my point. they shot 81%, just like I said?

05-14-2007, 09:31 AM
Unbeleivable, it is true. League is full of shit!!!

how can they listen to these crybaby suns :madrun :madrun

Updated: May 13, 2007, 11:59 PM ET
League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3By Marc Stein

For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

Uhm, I thought your article has news that Bowen was already suspended...

05-14-2007, 09:32 AM
yeah, there was no contact to the balls. Steve Nash flopped, maybe Bowen made contact with his tigh.

This suspension would be the most ridiculous suspension in NBA history. I don't even know what to say...

Solid D
05-14-2007, 09:33 AM
Bowen will not be mishandlled.

05-14-2007, 09:35 AM
Jim, it was already posted in the other Bowen thread that it was reported on Sporting News Radio late last night that he will "probably" be suspended. But thanks for starting a new thread about it :lol

I don't know if these people reporting it have sources or not. I would think someone like Marc Stein would know before Mike and Mike (who I can't stand) but who knows.

No problem. I am here for you and your forum, and will help any way that I can.

BTW, I used to hate Mike and Mike, but now I love their show. They are so different from each other, but they work.

05-14-2007, 09:36 AM
Uhm, I thought your article has news that Bowen was already suspended...


Me too....I was pissed off while reading it, then confused.

05-14-2007, 09:38 AM
Jim, it was already posted in the other Bowen thread that it was reported on Sporting News Radio late last night that he will "probably" be suspended. But thanks for starting a new thread about it :lol

I don't know if these people reporting it have sources or not. I would think someone like Marc Stein would know before Mike and Mike (who I can't stand) but who knows.

League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3By Marc Stein

For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for ESPN.com. To e-mail him, click here.

05-14-2007, 09:38 AM
No problem. I am here for you and your forum, and will help any way that I can.

BTW, I used to hate Mike and Mike, but now I love their show. They are so different from each other, but they work.

I like the show... I especially like Golic... Greeny just comes off as being so lame sometimes, it gets on my nerves.... Just like with this Bowen situation, I didn't hear it, but I'm sure he was promoting it as being a dirty play worthy of suspension.

05-14-2007, 09:38 AM
Heyyyy GOLIC!

nnnYES Greenie?

Did you know I'm an enormous douche?

Me too!!

05-14-2007, 09:39 AM
Is there any video of this 'attack'?

The only player I saw with a visible injury from game 3 was Manu.

05-14-2007, 09:40 AM
Heyyyy GOLIC!

nnnYES Greenie?

Did you know I'm an enormous douche?

Me too!!

:lol :lol

I can hear 'em saying it

05-14-2007, 09:40 AM
Is there any video of this 'attack'?

The only player I saw with a visible injury from game 3 was Manu.

Other than Nash's voice going up a few octaves, there is no evidence of the knee doing any harm.


Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 09:41 AM
League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3By Marc Stein

For the first time in an increasingly contentious San Antonio Spurs-Phoenix Suns series, Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

Nash declined after Saturday's game and again Sunday to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play. But the league decided anyway to conduct a full investigation into this incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk.

If the league decides to fine or suspend Bowen, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for ESPN.com. To e-mail him, click here.

Umm.. I know Marc Stein reported they are looking into the incident. I am saying that I thought he would have a source saying that Bowen was getting suspended before guys like Mike and Mike would.

05-14-2007, 09:43 AM
If Bruce is suspended (which I doubt), I bet Manu will start and pick up the slack. He's due for a mind boggling performance.

05-14-2007, 09:44 AM
([I]Players swing elbows all the time to create space. If they make contact, it's a foul.

Did anyone else see the elbow Boozer gave Davis on the face... overlooked cause there was a foul called on someone else at that time.. it was so obvious..

Last year, when Bowen was being scrutanized by the league.. on non Spurs games, 2 or 3 more players had twisted/fell on somebody else's foot that same week... nothing was said about those players.. i think one of them was Shaq...

05-14-2007, 09:44 AM
Umm.. I know Marc Stein reported they are looking into the incident. I am saying that I thought he would have a source saying that Bowen was getting suspended before guys like Mike and Mike would.

Well that Stein article was yesterday and this was reported this morning, so I assumed that Stern is waiting to offically annouince it until he lets Pop know about it befiore the announcement is official, because Pop deserves Stern's respect.

05-14-2007, 09:44 AM
If Bruce is suspended (which I doubt), I bet Manu will start and pick up the slack. He's due for a mind boggling performance.

Game 3, post-eye gouging wasn't too bad of a performance imo

Had me out of my seat

05-14-2007, 09:45 AM
I stopped listening to Mike & Mike after that stupid rant about one of the dude's "man crush" on Brady Quinn. They even had the guy's wife call in verifying it. That was so tired and lame.

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 09:46 AM
Well that Stein article was yesterday and this was reported this morning, so I assumed that Stern is waiting to offically annouince it until he lets Pop know about it befiore the announcement is official, because Pop deserves Stern's respect.

Well last night (shortly after the Marc Stein's article) they were already saying on Sporting News that they had a source saying Bowen was probably getting suspended.

So I'm not sure if these people have sources or they are just speculating.

05-14-2007, 09:46 AM
([I]Players swing elbows all the time to create space. If they make contact, it's a foul.

Did anyone else see the elbow Boozer gave Davis on the face... overlooked cause there was a foul called on someone else at that time.. it was so obvious..

Last year, when Bowen was being scrutanized by the league.. on non Spurs games, 2 or 3 more players had twisted/fell on somebody else's foot that same week... nothing was said about those players.. i think one of them was Shaq...

Anyone remember Karl Malones' elbow that knocked DRob out, while he was creating space? Malone was not suspended, nor was there even a foul called, if I remember correctly...in fact, I think DRob was the one who was called for the foul.....now that is the worst call in history, IMO.

05-14-2007, 09:47 AM
([I]Players swing elbows all the time to create space. If they make contact, it's a foul.

Did anyone else see the elbow Boozer gave Davis on the face... overlooked cause there was a foul called on someone else at that time.. it was so obvious..

Last year, when Bowen was being scrutanized by the league.. on non Spurs games, 2 or 3 more players had twisted/fell on somebody else's foot that same week... nothing was said about those players.. i think one of them was Shaq...

i saw the elbow davis gave to fisher, terrible and fucked up, especially because they're supposed to be friends.

05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
Well last night (shortly after the Marc Stein's article) they were already saying on Sporting News that they had a source saying Bowen was probably getting suspended.

So I'm not sure if these people have sources or they are just speculating.

If it was Greeny that said it.... My money's on him having read the article you're refering to, or like you say, just pure speculation.

05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
People who complain about Bruce are just mad because he is actually in thei shooters' space- denying shooters open looks and messing up their shots night after night.
It's called defense people.
Shush and play ball.

Oh you mean the same reason you people are saying it was Nash's fault for getting kneed... "He was in the shooters space".

So if everytime Bowen gets in a Suns "space" we get a free shot to his nuts. Good logic, go make me a pie. :hungry:

05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
Anyone remember Karl Malones' elbow that knocked DRob out, while he was creating space? Malone was not suspended, nor was there even a foul called, if I remember correctly...in fact, I think DRob was the one who was called for the foul.....now that is the worst call in history, IMO.

that's back when NBA was a league of MEN. not sissies

05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
Anyone remember Karl Malones' elbow that knocked DRob out, while he was creating space? Malone was not suspended, nor was there even a foul called, if I remember correctly...in fact, I think DRob was the one who was called for the foul.....now that is the worst call in history, IMO.

yes, the foul was called on D-Rob...Malone's elbows deserve to be cut off, he's such a prick...although, that D-Rob incident was nothing compared to his college days when Malone served up career-ending elbow facials

05-14-2007, 09:49 AM
Game 3, post-eye gouging wasn't too bad of a performance imo

Had me out of my seat

I agree he was great, but you and I both know he can be a lot greater.

05-14-2007, 09:51 AM
Anyone remember Karl Malones' elbow that knocked DRob out, while he was creating space? Malone was not suspended, nor was there even a foul called, if I remember correctly...in fact, I think DRob was the one who was called for the foul.....now that is the worst call in history, IMO.

Back then the NBA wasn't terrified of a ratings fall if the Jazz made it to the Finals to face Jordan and the Bulls. They are flat terrified of the Spurs making it that far. Speculation, speculation, speculation....

05-14-2007, 09:51 AM
yes, the foul was called on D-Rob...Malone's elbows deserve to be cut off, he's such a prick...although, that D-Rob incident was nothing compared to his college days when Malone served up career-ending elbow facials

Nah, I think the fact that the fucker never won a 'ship with the Jazz and then tried to gravy train one in LA and failed there too is enough.

05-14-2007, 09:52 AM
Oh you mean the same reason you people are saying it was Nash's fault for getting kneed... "He was in the shooters space".

So if everytime Bowen gets in a Suns "space" we get a free shot to his nuts. Good logic, go make me a pie. :hungry:

because Nash does not know how to play defense one-on-one. He had no business crowding Bowen who is not at all an offensive threat.

go make us some pie... :hungry:

05-14-2007, 09:52 AM
Oh you mean the same reason you people are saying it was Nash's fault for getting kneed... "He was in the shooters space".

So if everytime Bowen gets in a Suns "space" we get a free shot to his nuts. Good logic, go make me a pie. :hungry:

lol, yeah it's pretty hard to argue the whole spatial argument when bowen crowds players space so much as a defensive player that injuries sometimes occur. if he got kneed or smacked in the face in such an instance people would be crying bloody murder and screaming "suspension"

oh btw, i don't think bowen should be suspended but i'm not about to act like he doesn't know what he's doing when throwing a body part here or there, that's just pure homer b.s.

05-14-2007, 09:52 AM
Suspending Bowen for clearing space between himself and his defender? That would be overkill. After no foul call when Manu winds up with a freaking black eye -- from the same level of incidental contact -- I would be mighty pissed if the NBA suspended Bowen for this game. Fined, maybe. I hope the Spurs sent a video of Marion's incidental contact on Manu, too. Maybe he'll be fined as well.

05-14-2007, 09:53 AM
I think the bigger story here is that people actually listen to ESPN radio.

05-14-2007, 09:53 AM
Nah, I think the fact that the fucker never won a 'ship with the Jazz and then tried to gravy train one in LA and failed there too is enough.

the LA signing and subsequent failure was awesome, karl malone is on the top of my short list of hated players

05-14-2007, 09:53 AM
I agree he was great, but you and I both know he can be a lot greater.

Very true.... I'm with you 100%, I'd love to see another big game from him tonight too

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-14-2007, 09:54 AM
LMAO at this thread? why in the hell would they suspend Bowen? they need to give a reason you know? :lol

Everybody calm down. Bowen will NOT get suspended. why would he?

Seriously. Look at who started the thread :lol

05-14-2007, 09:54 AM
Umm.. I know Marc Stein reported they are looking into the incident. I am saying that I thought he would have a source saying that Bowen was getting suspended before guys like Mike and Mike would.

Sorry, I misunderstood you I guess. I was just trying to help.

05-14-2007, 09:55 AM
Seriously. Look at who started the thread :lol


Just getting the juices flowing, you know?


05-14-2007, 09:56 AM
[QUOTE=nkdlunch]yeah, there was no contact to the balls. Steve Nash flopped, maybe Bowen made contact with his tigh.

Yeah, Nash does seem like the lying type... :bang

05-14-2007, 09:56 AM
because Nash does not know how to play defense one-on-one. He had no business crowding Bowen who is not at all an offensive threat.

go make us some pie... :hungry:

ummm, last time i checked the roach could knock down some 3s from the side of the arc...he wasn't exactly at the top of the arc when the incident occurred. so it's ok for bowen to crowd an offensive threat but it's not ok for anyone else to crowd a non-offensive threat? :wtf

05-14-2007, 09:57 AM
ummm, last time i checked the roach could knock down some 3s from the side of the arc...he wasn't exactly at the top of the arc when the incident occurred. so it's ok for bowen to crowd an offensive threat but it's not ok for anyone else to crowd a non-offensive threat? :wtf

What did you just say?

05-14-2007, 09:57 AM
Is it normal to suspend a player less than 24 hours before tip-off?
Monday- that's why.

05-14-2007, 09:57 AM
Yeah, Nash does seem like the lying type... :bang

are you saying Nash never ever flopped in his life? LMAO, take your homer glasses off

05-14-2007, 09:57 AM
[QUOTE=nkdlunch]yeah, there was no contact to the balls. Steve Nash flopped, maybe Bowen made contact with his tigh.

Yeah, Nash does seem like the lying type... :bang
Nash said something about it? Quote, please.

05-14-2007, 09:57 AM
Let's hope for a fine rather than a suspension

05-14-2007, 09:58 AM

I think we can all agree now, Phoenix can play defense, yes?

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
Monday- that's why.

They have actually handed down rulings on the weekend before if there was a Monday game involving one of the players.

We'll see. I can't imagine they can wait more than another hour or so. The team will already be having shootaround soon and they have to have an opportunity to prepare for playing without him.

05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
Who cares if Nash said something about it? Pop says the opposite of what he feels all the time, onlyh a fool would believe everything he says at face value.

Anyway, it seems rather late, I doubt anything will come of it.

05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
ummm, last time i checked the roach could knock down some 3s from the side of the arc...he wasn't exactly at the top of the arc when the incident occurred. so it's ok for bowen to crowd an offensive threat but it's not ok for anyone else to crowd a non-offensive threat? :wtf

We are speaking of Nash here. Steve Nash. Nash need not to crowd Bowen. Is he hoping for a steal? Bowen can shoot 3s, but he is a spot up shooter. He needs more space.

05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
ummm, last time i checked the roach could knock down some 3s from the side of the arc...he wasn't exactly at the top of the arc when the incident occurred. so it's ok for bowen to crowd an offensive threat but it's not ok for anyone else to crowd a non-offensive threat? :wtf

People can try and take these shots at Bowen when he crowds 'em, but they're not going to because it won't work. What happened to Nash, happened because he's a lousy defender, slow, and unaware. If somebody stepped in on Bruce like that, he probably woulda taken a counter step back right along with 'em, almost like they were dancing.

And if they swing the elbows... the he's probably just gonna rip the ball as you try and swing thru

Lose/Lose situation

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 10:00 AM
Sorry, I misunderstood you I guess. I was just trying to help.

:) It's okay.

05-14-2007, 10:03 AM

I think we can all agree now, Phoenix can play defense, yes?
Best defensive team in the NBA, maybe ever! They are also really physical. They are also never commit fouls and are very gracious when they lose. :rolleyes

05-14-2007, 10:04 AM
People can try and take these shots at Bowen when he crowds 'em, but they're not going to because it won't work. What happened to Nash, happened because he's a lousy defender, slow, and unaware. If somebody stepped in on Bruce like that, he probably woulda taken a counter step back right along with 'em, almost like they were dancing.

And if they swing the elbows... the he's probably just gonna rip the ball as you try and swing thru

Lose/Lose situation

or he probably would've thrown himself on the ground and listened hard for that whistle. hey man, it's part of the game, as long as it gets rewarded, it's part of the game. i agree, nash is a lousy defender and sure he flops (who the heck doesn't, surely you can name a couple of spurs just like i can name some mavs who flop) so if he can get something out of this incident, oh well, it's part of the game. btw, i don't think the spurs are dirty but i'm not going to go along and think that teams don't look for any advantage possible in the playoffs, ANY advantage....that goes for all teams.

05-14-2007, 10:04 AM
are you saying Nash never ever flopped in his life? LMAO, take your homer glasses off

Nash flopping? Hardly, Raja and Gino flop.

I find it ironic a spurs fan calling anyone a homer. "Its not us... Its the rest of the league thats wrong!" Anyone that can watch a video and convince themselves the outcome is different than the way fans of every other team see it truely amazes me. I salute you. :clap

05-14-2007, 10:06 AM
Best defensive team in the NBA, maybe ever! They are also really physical. They are also never commit fouls and are very gracious when they lose. :rolleyes

I am just saying, they do play defense better than I thought they played defense. If I am not mistaken, they are outshooting SA in this series, yes?

05-14-2007, 10:07 AM
or he probably would've thrown himself on the ground and listened hard for that whistle. hey man, it's part of the game, as long as it gets rewarded, it's part of the game. i agree, nash is a lousy defender and sure he flops (who the heck doesn't, surely you can name a couple of spurs just like i can name some mavs who flop) so if he can get something out of this incident, oh well, it's part of the game. btw, i don't think the spurs are dirty but i'm not going to go along and think that teams don't look for any advantage possible in the playoffs, ANY advantage....that goes for all teams.

Bruce may take the offensive foul, but 9 times out of 10, he steps back with 'em, there's no contact, the play continues.... That's all I was tryin to say. He doesn't get in your space like THAT, he stays far enough away where he has time to react to what the other guy is doing. Otherwise people would throw themselves into him all the time ala Allen Iverson.... cause that play, like it or not, was/is a defensive foul

05-14-2007, 10:07 AM
People can try and take these shots at Bowen when he crowds 'em, but they're not going to because it won't work. What happened to Nash, happened because he's a lousy defender, slow, and unaware. If somebody stepped in on Bruce like that, he probably woulda taken a counter step back right along with 'em, almost like they were dancing.

And if they swing the elbows... the he's probably just gonna rip the ball as you try and swing thru

Lose/Lose situation

AND AND AND and then, if you try to sucker punch him he will do a backflip over you and round house kick you to the back of the head and and and then flip back over you and uppercut you and rip your head off! :dizzy

05-14-2007, 10:09 AM
AND AND AND and then, if you try to sucker punch him he will do a backflip over you and round house kick you to the back of the head and and and then flip back over you and uppercut you and rip your head off! :dizzy

You forgot the part where he finishes it off by doing an off-glass 360 between the legs glass shattering dunk, using the affor mentioned ripped off head as the ball

And 1!

05-14-2007, 10:10 AM
Nash flopping? Hardly, Raja and Gino flop.

I find it ironic a spurs fan calling anyone a homer. "Its not us... Its the rest of the league thats wrong!" Anyone that can watch a video and convince themselves the outcome is different than the way fans of every other team see it truely amazes me. I salute you. :clap

the rest of the world is laughing at the suns for being crybabies. wake up. the only ones who are supporting the whiny suns are their own whiny fans :lol

and the league will not do a damn thing to help your sissy team, Bowen will not get suspended.

05-14-2007, 10:10 AM
Mike and Mike just said that Bowen is more than likely suspended for tonight's game. They had a source that said that due to his continued questionable dirty tactics, the league is going to act to try to stop them and prevent a larger problem down the line.

I have to agree here, Bruce needs to clean it up. It can not be coincidence that he is involved in so many questionable situations and his reputation is getting worse by the minute. It reflects badly upon the Spurs IMO. If this were Ron Artest doing this same stuff, all us Spurs fans would be calling for his head, so we need to admit that he is getting out of hand.

The Spurs will have to suck it up and win w/o him tonight.

This is Bruce F'N Bowen we are talking about...who cares he sucks. Other than hitting a couple lucky corner 3's he is worthless on offense. Also his D is over-rated...he can't shut down Nash or Marion....he just plays hard and physical getting under the opponents skin. He's over-rated without a doubt. If they do suspended him it's because they are trying to avoid an altercation which he will likely cause if he commits another cheap shot. :elephant

05-14-2007, 10:11 AM
try again, the league has never suspended somebody because they wanted to avoid an altercation.

05-14-2007, 10:12 AM
This is Bruce F'N Bowen we are talking about...who cares he sucks. Other than hitting a couple lucky corner 3's he is worthless on offense. Also his D is over-rated...he can't shut down Nash or Marion....he just plays hard and physical getting under the opponents skin. He's over-rated without a doubt. If they do suspended it's because they are trying to avoid an altercation which he will likely cause if he commits another cheap shot. :elephant

:lol a Mavs fan talking about over-rated players

05-14-2007, 10:12 AM
try again, the league has never suspended somebody because they wanted to avoid an altercation.

Yeah ok Mr. Stern :elephant

05-14-2007, 10:12 AM
I am just saying, they do play defense better than I thought they played defense. If I am not mistaken, they are outshooting SA in this series, yes?
Wow, the top offensive team in the NBA outshoots the Spurs. Must be their suffocating defense.

05-14-2007, 10:12 AM
lol, yeah it's pretty hard to argue the whole spatial argument when bowen crowds players space so much as a defensive player that injuries sometimes occur. if he got kneed or smacked in the face in such an instance people would be crying bloody murder and screaming "suspension"

oh btw, i don't think bowen should be suspended but i'm not about to act like he doesn't know what he's doing when throwing a body part here or there, that's just pure homer b.s.

You can all learn something from this man... :toast

05-14-2007, 10:15 AM
You can all learn something from this man... :toast

or woman...

05-14-2007, 10:17 AM
and the league will not do a damn thing to help your sissy team, Bowen will not get suspended.

Which is fine. When Pat Burke comes in and steps on Duncan's knee cap I wont expect any of you to act like a "sissy". Riiiight? :rolleyes

05-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Bruce will NOT get suspended over this.
Now go to work everybody!

05-14-2007, 10:18 AM
ok, bruce kneed the guy....(intentional or not) he got assessed a foul. because he is bruce he needs to be decapitated. but marion who didn't called for a foul walks free?

05-14-2007, 10:18 AM
As mentioned earlier, I don't think he will be suspended, but would not be surprised if he does get suspended. It was dirty.

05-14-2007, 10:21 AM
First all the hoopla over Bowen trying to give Amare a "flat tire" and now this. :pctoss

05-14-2007, 10:22 AM
First all the hoopla over Bowen trying to give Amare a "flat tire" and now this. :pctoss

LOL, Dude I have not heard anyone use that phrase in years... Whats funny is that is exactly what I though it looked like. :lol

05-14-2007, 10:23 AM
My gut feeling says he gets suspended. It involved Steve Nash, Bruce has had 2 straight questional plays in consecutive games, and the league will try anything to get the series to go 7.

05-14-2007, 10:25 AM
Which is fine. When Pat Burke comes in and steps on Duncan's knee cap I wont expect any of you to act like a "sissy". Riiiight? :rolleyes

Why, did you act "sissy" when Bowen kneed Nash?

05-14-2007, 10:26 AM
Which is fine. When Pat Burke comes in and steps on Duncan's knee cap I wont expect any of you to act like a "sissy". Riiiight? :rolleyes
Um, did you just equate someone getting their knee taken out to someone getting racked? Wow.

Just to refresh your memory, the only injury Nash sustained was while committing a foul on Tony Parker.

05-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Wow, the top offensive team in the NBA outshoots the Spurs. Must be their suffocating defense.

The Spurs are shooting below their season averages...if they totally suck at defense, please explain this to me....stop being a sarcastic bitch...you are acting like a woamn.

05-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Bruce will NOT get suspended over this.
Now go to work everybody!

I am at work.

05-14-2007, 10:35 AM
The Spurs are shooting below their season averages...if they totally suck at defense, please explain this to me....stop being a sarcastic bitch...you are acting like a woamn.
Oh, gee. I'm so sorry that we can't all agree that the Suns are a good defensive team just because of the field goal percentages. The Spurs aren't shooting well and the Suns are a great offensive team. The idiocy of your take was going to make itself clear; don't get pissy with me because I happened to be the first to point out the flaw.

Seriously, stop being such a pussy. It's embarassing.

05-14-2007, 10:38 AM
Um, did you just equate someone getting their knee taken out to someone getting racked? Wow.

Oh I forgot to say the stepping on the knee will be completely "unintentional". Isnt that the word you guys used? I am thinking going for a rebound and getting sideways to come down on Timmy's knee. Heck you can even suspend Burke for the rest of the year if you'd like. :cry

05-14-2007, 10:41 AM
Oh, gee. I'm so sorry that we can't all agree that the Suns are a good defensive team just because of the field goal percentages. The Spurs aren't shooting well and the Suns are a great offensive team. The idiocy of your take was going to make itself clear; don't get pissy with me because I happened to be the first to point out the flaw.

Seriously, stop being such a pussy. It's embarassing.

You are the one with your panties in a wad, not me. I just made a statement that the Suns' D was better than I thought, they are keeping the Spurs from shooting near their season averages, and if their D totaly sucked, like I thought, that could not happen over a whole series, one game, yes, but not over a whole series.

05-14-2007, 10:42 AM
If the Suns are sending Pat Burke into games to mix it up with Tim Duncan, I like the Spurs' chances.

05-14-2007, 10:45 AM
If the Suns are sending Pat Burke into games to mix it up with Tim Duncan, I like the Spurs' chances.

Suns/Spurs reg season game when Gino kicked Amare in the nuts. After the game Duncan said Gino did it on accident because he was pretty sure Amare would stomp him in a fight, let alone Gino and he knows this.

Duncan is not a fighter. He might be a scoring machine, but far from a fighter.

Burke is Irish. :ihit

05-14-2007, 10:46 AM
If the Suns are sending Pat Burke into games to mix it up with Tim Duncan, I like the Spurs' chances.
I think you just stumbled onto CIA Pop's latest plan. Maybe they can get D'Antoni flustered to bench Nash in favor of an even bigger, more physical lineup. With Kurt Thomas already getting more playing time I don't know what other adjustment is left for them to make to get bigger and tougher.

05-14-2007, 10:48 AM
Burke is Irish. :ihit

Soooo, he'll be hungover when he hits the court? I'm not following you.

05-14-2007, 10:48 AM

05-14-2007, 10:49 AM
I think you just stumbled onto CIA Pop's latest plan. Maybe they can get D'Antoni flustered to bench Nash in favor of an even bigger, more physical lineup. With Kurt Thomas already getting more playing time I don't know what other adjustment is left for them to make to get bigger and tougher.


I think that if the Suns decide that playing more physically is the secret, the Spurs have won half the battle. The Suns' adjustments haven't forced the Spurs to change their identity -- at least not yet. Those adjustments have forced the Suns to change their identity, though. In a clash of styles, the team that blinks and changes is usually the team that's in trouble (see 2006 WCSF, SA v. Dallas).

05-14-2007, 10:50 AM
Suns/Spurs reg season game when Gino kicked Amare in the nuts. After the game Duncan said Gino did it on accident because he was pretty sure Amare would stomp him in a fight, let alone Gino and he knows this.


Duncan is not a fighter. He might be a scoring machine, but far from a fighter.

Burke is Irish. :ihit

He's also not Amare or Kurt Thomas.

05-14-2007, 10:51 AM
Spurs are so into Suns heads it's funny.

It's hilarious that Suns are worrying so much about physicallity, suspensions, complaints, etc. and forgetting about playing basketball. :lol

05-14-2007, 10:52 AM
Oh I forgot to say the stepping on the knee will be completely "unintentional". Isnt that the word you guys used? I am thinking going for a rebound and getting sideways to come down on Timmy's knee. Heck you can even suspend Burke for the rest of the year if you'd like. :cry
You are right about one thing, though: The only chance the Suns have in this series is to go out and injure someone. Your team has proven that they can't even expect to compete playing 8 on 5. Maybe David Stern will let the Suns bring hockey sticks with them onto the court.

05-14-2007, 10:54 AM
I am sure most of you play basketball in your spare time, as do I. And I can honestly tell you, its happened before, that if a guy knee's me in the nuts like Bowen did Nash, "playing basketball" is out the window and its time to throw down.

05-14-2007, 10:54 AM
Amare is not a fighter. He might be a talking machine, but far from a fighter.

Hey. Fixed some things for you.

05-14-2007, 10:57 AM
I am sure most of you play basketball in your spare time, as do I. And I can honestly tell you, its happened before, that if a guy knee's me in the nuts like Bowen did Nash, "playing basketball" is out the window and its time to throw down.


05-14-2007, 10:57 AM
I am sure most of you play basketball in your spare time, as do I. And I can honestly tell you, its happened before, that if a guy knee's me in the nuts like Bowen did Nash, "playing basketball" is out the window and its time to throw down.

Uhm. I do not get you. You can honestly tell us that it had happened before, "if" you were kicked in your nuts?


05-14-2007, 11:03 AM
I am sure most of you play basketball in your spare time, as do I. And I can honestly tell you, its happened before, that if a guy knee's me in the nuts like Bowen did Nash, "playing basketball" is out the window and its time to throw down.

ROFL... ok... if you get kneed in the crotch as bad as it apparently HURT Steve Nash... you aint throwing down SHIT for a while...

05-14-2007, 11:05 AM
ROFL... ok... if you get kneed in the crotch as bad as it apparently HURT Steve Nash... you aint throwing down SHIT for a while...

DRob was in no mood to throw down either, when his balls rolled down the court when he got them smacked a few years ago.


05-14-2007, 11:06 AM
ROFL... ok... if you get kneed in the crotch as bad as it apparently HURT Steve Nash... you aint throwing down SHIT for a while...

How long did it take him to get up? I know it takes me a few seconds after catching one in the junk to shake it off.

By the way, how long did Gino roll around on the floor after he got poked in the eye? :spin

05-14-2007, 11:09 AM
Was Nash going commando? Seriously, I still can't see how Bowen's knee made so much contact with Nash's balls.

05-14-2007, 11:10 AM
I don't want to see any injuries, so I hope both teams just clean up their acts and play some fucking ball.

05-14-2007, 11:11 AM
Was Nash going commando? Seriously, I still can't see how Bowen's knee made so much contact with Nash's balls.

Well, it was not cold in the gym, so I think it is not only possible, but very much probable.

05-14-2007, 11:13 AM
How long did it take him to get up? I know it takes me a few seconds after catching one in the junk to shake it off.

By the way, how long did Gino roll around on the floor after he got poked in the eye? :spin

ROFL... you are questioning Manu's Toughness?

Dude... That's like questioning Nixon's stance on Communism...

The only person in the league with as much grit as Manu is Iverson.

05-14-2007, 11:13 AM
Was Nash going commando? Seriously, I still can't see how Bowen's knee made so much contact with Nash's balls.

Nash has the balls of an 80 year old donkey. :donkey

05-14-2007, 11:14 AM
ROFL... you are questioning Manu's Toughness?

Dude... That's like questioning Nixon's stance on Communism...

The only person in the league with as much grit as Manu is Iverson.

You guys question Nash's after game 1? :rolleyes

05-14-2007, 11:16 AM
Barkley will be on Rome in the next hour. I am sure this subject will arise.

It will be interesting to hear Chuck's take.

05-14-2007, 11:17 AM
You guys question Nash's after game 1? :rolleyes

Not me, I love the guy. Had Dallas traded him to SA instead of Phoenix, SA would have 5-6 rings by now.

05-14-2007, 11:17 AM
Chuck's gonna call out Phoenix for letting San Antonio get in their heads, something along those lines. But he won't say Phoenix is dead yet. Nash will get mad props for being the consummate professional he is through this controversial series.

05-14-2007, 11:19 AM
Barkley will be on Rome in the next hour. I am sure this subject will arise.

It will be interesting to hear Chuck's take.

I bet he has Bowen in his Fav 5. :(

05-14-2007, 11:20 AM
Golden State has been much dirtier in their series, but Utah doesn't bitch. They play basketball and that's why they are up 3-1.

Phoenix cries like a little bitch, instead of rolling up their sleeves and playing ball. And that's why they'll be down 3-1 after tonight.

05-14-2007, 11:21 AM
I bet he has Bowen in his Fav 5. :(

At least you know that he has Ginobili.

05-14-2007, 11:25 AM
You guys question Nash's after game 1? :rolleyes

I'm not questioning his toughness. If you get kicked in the junk perfectly, it pretty much changes a good day into a bad one immediately...

There is the possibility though that Nash sold it a little bit... Every guy here has sold a shot to the nuts a little more than it needed to be sold just to give themselves time to catch their breath and make sure they are ok...

That's a natural reaction...

There is no QUESTIONING that Manu was injured by Marion... there is a chance Nash was faking it...

05-14-2007, 11:28 AM
I am sure most of you play basketball in your spare time, as do I. And I can honestly tell you, its happened before, that if a guy knee's me in the nuts like Bowen did Nash, "playing basketball" is out the window and its time to throw down.

Well if Nash insists on all but humping Bowen's leg then he is leaving himself open to something like that happening. Suspending Bowen would be a joke you have to do something that is so obvious as to your intent. This is not such a case, Bell clothes lining Kobe last year that was suspension worthy but not this.

05-14-2007, 11:29 AM
What injury as a man would you say causes more pain? Be honest...

05-14-2007, 11:30 AM
What injury as a man would you say causes more pain? Be honest...

Why does that matter, we are talking about intent here.

05-14-2007, 11:31 AM
Well if Nash insists on all but humping Bowen's leg then he is leaving himself open to something like that happening.

You say people think Bowen is dirty because he plays so close in in the "shooters space". Does this mean he is open for a shot in the nuts or an elbow every play? Comon man, its a double edged sword and makes for a shitty arguement. :rolleyes

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 11:32 AM
Update on Stein's article (but unfortunately no decision yet).

League looking into Bowen's actions in Game 3
By Marc Stein
Updated: May 14, 2007, 11:51 AM ET

SAN ANTONIO -- For the first time in an increasingly contentious Spurs-Suns series, San Antonio forward Bruce Bowen is officially under the league's microscope.

An NBA spokesman confirmed Sunday night that Bowen's third-quarter knee to the groin of Suns guard Steve Nash in Saturday's Game 3 is under review for possible punishment.

If the decision is made to fine or suspend Bowen, or simply upgrade the foul called on the play to a flagrant foul, that announcement would come before Monday night's Game 4.

The league decided to conduct a full investigation into Saturday's incident after declining to do so when Bowen was accused of intentionally kicking Amare Stoudemire in Game 2.

Stoudemire called Bowen and Manu Ginobili "dirty" players after the Game 2 tangle, in which Bowen admitted he "did clip" Stoudemire from behind on a dunk, but Nash has consistently refused to voice any public displeasure with Bowen's physical play, which the Suns believe was a factor in Nash's 0-for-9 shooting in the first half in Game 3.

On the play in question, Bowen pivoted in an attempt to clear space in the first minute of the second half and landed his knee between Nash's legs. Bowen insisted later that he apologized to Nash immediately.

Bowen told the San Antonio Express-News: "I said to him, 'Now, Steve, you know I didn't try to knee you there,' and he said, 'Yeah, absolutely, Bruce,' and we gave each other five."

In explaining what happened, Bowen said: "He was crowding me, and in this game you're taught to get people off of you. If someone is taking up your space, you have nothing to do. But with all the stuff that is going on with [me], I'm sure that will end up on YouTube."

How the Suns respond from a physicality standpoint to their 108-101 defeat in Game 3 has become the major story line of the series for the two active playoff teams with the best regular-season records.

Suns coach Mike D'Antoni crumpled a box score and stormed off the interview podium on Saturday night when asked about the Spurs' hands-on approach to guarding Nash, saying: "If that's the way everyone wants it, we'll play that way, too."

Yet D'Antoni had cooled off by Sunday, urging his team to fight through the increased contact historically allowed in the playoffs and poking fun at himself.

"Don't quote me from [the podium]," he said. "I was out of my mind. I don't even know what I meant.

"I'm not going to get into [Bowen's knee] just because it doesn't change anything, and we know how they want to play us. It's going to be up to us to draw a line in the sand, and hey, let's play.

"We're going to have to take it to them. We're going to have to be aggressive. We're going to have to be smart with it. We're going to have to be mentally tough, and that's why they put champion beside your name if you can do that.

"To be a champion, you have to acquire this, either by getting it in your gut or by failing. You have to be there, and then you have to get over the hump. And we're not over the hump."

Stoudemire implored league officials to "clean the game up a little bit" as part of a string of complaints against the Spurs following his Game 2 tangle with Bowen.

After the initial suggestion from D'Antoni that the Suns would respond to the latest incident by pushing back, D'Antoni and Suns guard Raja Bell made it clear that responding with more physicality is not their best hope of evening the series 2-2 and regaining home-court advatange.

"I don't think it's matching elbow for elbow," Bell said Sunday. "Look, you get caught up in that with the Spurs and you will lose. They're good at it. As much as everyone would like to spin it and have us out there fighting [in Game 4], you can't do that. I hope guys understand that's not the answer.

"We've been in the newspapers and people have been making a big deal about that. I'm sure [the Spurs] are having a real good time with it, so it's time to stop talking and say, 'Hey, let's go play.' "

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 11:33 AM
"Don't quote me from [the podium]," he said. "I was out of my mind. I don't even know what I meant. :lol

05-14-2007, 11:33 AM
You say people think Bowen is dirty because he plays so close in in the "shooters space". Does this mean he is open for a shot in the nuts or an elbow every play? Comon man, its a double edged sword and makes for a shitty arguement. :rolleyes

I am saying when you are that close to someone a players natural intent is always going to be to clear you out of their space that is the way it works in the NBA. That is what Bowen did and he caught nash with the knee but even Nash asmitted to Bruce that it was not intentional.

05-14-2007, 11:34 AM
Why does that matter, we are talking about intent here.

As we decided last questionable call. Intent is impossible to find out because only one guy knows the truth.

All I can go by is what I have had experience with. I have, while playing, poked someone in the eye. I have never kneed a defender in the nuts standing still.

05-14-2007, 11:35 AM
I am saying when you are that close to someone a players natural intent is always going to be to clear you out of their space that is the way it works in the NBA. That is what Bowen did and he caught nash with the knee but even Nash asmitted to Bruce that it was not intentional.

He is Canadian AND a Liberal. Of course he is going to take the high road. I hate him for that. When have you ever heard him say anything bad about another team?

05-14-2007, 11:37 AM
He is Canadian AND a Liberal. Of course he is going to take the high road. I hate him for that. When have you ever heard him say anything bad about another team?

Oh so we are suppossed to assume he is lying and he really thinks Bruce did it on purpose, your kidding right. :p:

05-14-2007, 11:37 AM
As we decided last questionable call. Intent is impossible to find out because only one guy knows the truth.

All I can go by is what I have had experience with. I have, while playing, poked someone in the eye. I have never kneed a defender in the nuts standing still.

Neither Nash nor Bowen were standing still, so....

Bruce says he did not do it intentionally, and even goes further to say that Nash agrees with him. I commend Nash for staying quiet, but in this case, if he felt it was intentional, he should say, "With all due respect to Bruce, who is a great defender, I do not accept his version of events."

And leave it like that. No need to go Amare and call the whole Spurs team "dirty," just be diplomatic but disagree. The fact he hasn't made such a statement, to me, means Bowen's version is correct.

05-14-2007, 11:37 AM
He is Canadian AND a Liberal. Of course he is going to take the high road. I hate him for that. When have you ever heard him say anything bad about another team?

I have to admit, Nash is classy as hell. He always mans up and he never whines or bitches, unlike other Suns.

05-14-2007, 11:38 AM
Neither Nash nor Bowen were standing still, so....

Bowen had lost his dribble. That is what I meant by standing still.

05-14-2007, 11:40 AM
Bowen had lost his dribble. That is what I meant by standing still.
All he did was step forward towards the d to get some room, nothing wrong with that

05-14-2007, 11:40 AM
Oh so we are suppossed to assume he is lying and he really thinks Bruce did it on purpose, your kidding right. :p:

No he is too classy to actually call someone out.

05-14-2007, 11:40 AM
"Don't quote me from [the podium]," he said. "I was out of my mind. I don't even know what I meant. :lol

I can relate to this statement.


05-14-2007, 11:42 AM
I edited my above post. You can still be classy and disagree with a player's version of events.

05-14-2007, 11:46 AM
Bowen has more body control than this. For a guy to be that good of defender he HAS TO. I just don't know why he chooses to do any of this crap. How much of it can be an "accident". Even Geico would have dropped his ass by now.


05-14-2007, 11:47 AM
Bowen has more body control than this. For a guy to be that good of defender he HAS TO. I just don't know why he chooses to do any of this crap. How much of it can be an "accident". Even Geico would have dropped his ass by now.

:lol at that stupid ass youtube vid

05-14-2007, 11:48 AM
Bowen has more body control than this. For a guy to be that good of defender he HAS TO. I just don't know why he chooses to do any of this crap. How much of it can be an "accident". Even Geico would have dropped his ass by now.


As I said, this can not be all accidental...Bruce needs to clean up his act.

05-14-2007, 11:48 AM
suns fans better pray he's not suspended. the spurs were playing w/ a chip on their shoulder last game, imagine the punishment they're gonna dish out if bowen gets suspended.

Buddy Holly
05-14-2007, 11:49 AM
Oh shit! Bowen was suspended today! :bang

ESPN Link below.


05-14-2007, 11:50 AM
suns fans better pray he's not suspended. the spurs were playing w/ a chip on their shoulder last game, imagine the punishment they're gonna dish out if bowen gets suspended.

What are they gunna do? Beat us at home? How about kick us in the nuts? Oh wait...

05-14-2007, 11:50 AM
Yep, he was suspended....told ya so.

05-14-2007, 11:52 AM
Yep, he was suspended....told ya so.

congratulations. here's a doggie biscuit for you.

Extra Stout
05-14-2007, 11:53 AM
You say people think Bowen is dirty because he plays so close in in the "shooters space". Does this mean he is open for a shot in the nuts or an elbow every play? Comon man, its a double edged sword and makes for a shitty arguement. :rolleyes
Yes, normally deep in the NBA playoffs, the consequences of playing tough defense include getting beat up by ballhandlers and screeners.

This "D'Antoniball" where the players wear skirts is a new thing.

05-14-2007, 11:53 AM
Wow I want Nash as a Spur.

Kori Ellis
05-14-2007, 11:54 AM
If you keep your eye on every player in the league, you will find they step up on feet, throw forearms, get under players, etc. The only reason people sit breaking down video of Bowen is because a couple pussies in Ray Allen and Vince Carter started whining years ago and everyone jumped on the bandwagon because they don't like being defended. Bowen is irritating. He's crafty. And he plays by the edge of the rules.

But there's no frickin way in hell he could guard all the best players in the league all the time and never get suspended, if he was actually intentionally trying to hurt people all the time.

Go put a camera on Raja Bell and break down every sequence for me. Go put upload a video of Amare assing Finley. Keep breaking it down and breaking it down and eventually you'll realize that there's a lot of contact in basketball.

People bitched about a player coming down on Bowen's foot earlier in the year. In the same game, Manu came down on the opponents foot. Within the same week, someone came down on Shaq's foot. But you only hear about Bowen - and you can thank the vaginas of VC and Ray Allen.

:cry :cry :cry

:stfu and play the game

05-14-2007, 11:54 AM
What are they gunna do? Beat us at home?

Yeah. Like game 1.

05-14-2007, 11:54 AM
congratulations. here's a doggie biscuit for you.

I was joking....look at the picture posted before my post.


05-14-2007, 11:57 AM

Is it really more intentional than this?

05-14-2007, 11:57 AM
Yeah. Like game 1.

Thats what I meant... nevermind.

05-14-2007, 12:01 PM

Is it really more intentional than this?

That is driving to the lane. Of course there will be contact. Just like the Manu kicking Amare in the "gonads". The first basketball camp I ever attended they teach you to lead with your knee and leg. I was actually told "it increases your hangtime".

Standing still it is a little harder to sell. :greedy

05-14-2007, 12:03 PM
That is driving to the lane. Of course there will be contact. Just like the Manu kicking Amare in the "gonads". The first basketball camp I ever attended they teach you to lead with your knee and leg. I was actually told "it increases your hangtime".

Standing still it is a little harder to sell. :greedy
Ha, you keep bringing up your playing basketball like it relates to anything. I played competitively too, who gives a fuck. Since you like to keep bringing up personal basketball stories as if they relate, anyone that has ever played very competitive ball will tell you that Nash was lucky he didnt catch an elbow, cause thats what most players would have thrown, fuck the knee

05-14-2007, 12:08 PM
cause thats what I would have thrown, fuck the knee

Lol, you play any kind of competitive ball and throw an elbow in that situation and see what happens to you... LMAO, can you get it on video for us? :ihit :dizzy

Anyhow, im out for the day. Later! :elephant

05-14-2007, 12:10 PM
If they suspend Bowen I'm going on the court tonight and punching Nash in the fucking balls myself.

05-14-2007, 12:10 PM
Lol, you play any kind of competitive ball and throw an elbow in that situation and see what happens to you... LMAO, can you get it on video for us? :ihit :dizzy

Anyhow, im out for the day. Later! :elephant
:lol Its too bad your not in New mexico or I would be more than happy to provide an example and video tape it

05-14-2007, 12:17 PM
found on another board
Marc Iavaroni (Suns assist. coach) said on XTRA Sports Radio 910 AM in Phoenix 5 minutes ago that the NBA notified them Bowen will receive a Flagrant 1. Ultimately, No Suspension.


05-14-2007, 12:29 PM
Nash didn't even get hit in the balls. The first thing he did was grab his thigh. I hope Bowen gets pissed and undresses everyone he defends tonight.

05-14-2007, 12:30 PM
Barkley will be on Rome in the next hour. I am sure this subject will arise.

It will be interesting to hear Chuck's take.
They talked about the Bowen/Nash deal last night on Inside the NBA, and Barkley said he didn't think it was done intentionally, and he didn't see what all the fuss was about.

05-14-2007, 12:36 PM
If this is the case, they need to also suspend Baron Davis for the elbow to was it derek fisher last night? That was pretty blatant. I am so sick of these poser teams grasping at everything they can to gain an advantage.

The phoenix bums would not last 20 games in the east. How pathetic.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-14-2007, 12:41 PM
Barkley actually said 'when a guy is that close to you, you should clear him out with your elbow. yeah, you get an offensive foul, but he gets the message to stay out of your grill'.

Charles said Nash was fortunate to just get a knee to the thigh.

05-14-2007, 12:42 PM
Barkley actually said 'when a guy is that close to you, you should clear him out with your elbow. yeah, you get an offensive foul, but he gets the message to stay out of your grill'.

Charles said Nash was fortunate to just get a knee to the thigh.
And I completely agree, Nash should be happy he didnt get his nose broken

05-14-2007, 12:46 PM
Props to Nash for not being a bitch and complaining about it. I'm sure Coach Chompers petitioned the league for a suspension.

05-14-2007, 12:48 PM
Their sources are better than mine obviously but I would be shocked if Bowen got suspended tonight. This is the playoffs and you have to do something pretty flagrant to get a league reviewed suspension. He may be fined and warned to back it down a notch but all the whining by Phoenix could backfire too...I expect the first quarter to be a foul fest as the Refs make a statement that they are gonna control the game. Phoenix is typically awful at the line and that plays right into the Spurs game plan and negates fast break points.

You said Phoenix is typically awful at the line?? :wtf They are number one in the league in freethrow shooting this year. Just shot horrible on Saturday.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-14-2007, 12:50 PM
And I completely agree, Nash should be happy he didnt get his nose broken

Yeah, think of Bowen would have hit his nose with an elbow. Nash would have been gushing blood again. Then they would have had something to whine about :lol

05-14-2007, 12:51 PM
B U L L F U C K I N S H I T.

M I K E A N D M I K E C A N B L O W M E.

If you suspend Bowen, you suspend Marion for punching Ginobili in the eye...

Right, Marion punched Manu in the eye?? :rolleyes He reached in for the ball and scratched him around the eye. This was more accident than anything Bowen has done. Marion is not a dirty player, he hates physical contact, if you knew anything about him.

05-14-2007, 12:58 PM
Marion is not a dirty player, he hates physical contact, if you knew anything about him.

:baby Marion :baby

05-14-2007, 01:23 PM
:baby Marion :baby

Just classy :rolleyes

05-14-2007, 01:27 PM
Just listened to Amare's comments calling San Antonio a "dirty" team.

Try focusing more on the fact that you're getting owned, dude.

05-14-2007, 01:29 PM
Marion is not a dirty player, he hates physical contact, if you knew anything about him.

Well, since you probably know more about Marion than us, then tell him he has no business playing for any playoff teams like the Suns.

Lots of sports out there that he can join though.

05-14-2007, 01:48 PM
To bad crybabies ..... Bowen is gonna play tonight.

05-14-2007, 01:51 PM
Props to Jimcs50 for saving Bowen from suspension.


05-14-2007, 01:55 PM
Well I guess Mike and Mike-WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN FRIENDS OR FANS OF THE SPURS...NEVER-won't get their wishes! F-em!! :ihit

05-14-2007, 01:56 PM
Props to Jimcs50 for saving Bowen from suspension.

W3rd. :clap

05-14-2007, 01:58 PM
Just classy :rolleyes
God shut the fuck up already

05-14-2007, 02:00 PM
God shut the fuck up already

Hit a nerve did I? :lol

05-14-2007, 02:04 PM
Props to Jimcs50 for saving Bowen from suspension.



05-14-2007, 02:15 PM
leave it to espn to, once again, blow something out of proportion. I don't know how many times I have to say it. espn sux!!!

05-14-2007, 02:21 PM
Its too bad your not in New mexico or I would be more than happy to provide an example and video tape it

Don't worry he challenged me to a fight in New Mexico earlier...


05-14-2007, 02:27 PM
At any rate.... Nash's nuts <---- OWNED

05-14-2007, 02:33 PM
God shut the fuck up already