View Full Version : The Debriefing: It's Time to Take the Skirts Off, Suns

05-14-2007, 09:42 AM

The Debriefing: It's Time to Take the Skirts Off, Suns
Posted May 14th 2007 9:00AM by mjd
Filed under: Suns, Spurs, Western, NBA Playoffs, Featured Stories

If Tim Duncan openly laughing at the "physical" nature of your game doesn't hurt your pride, Phoenix Suns, then I don't know what to tell you. A man barely capable of human emotion thinks your masculinity is a joke.

As fantastic as the Warriors/Mavericks opening round series was, Spurs/Suns has a chance to eclipse it. To start with, they're better teams playing a higher level of basketball. More importantly, though, there's that playoff familiarity; the sort of mutual contempt that only builds up through multiple years of playoff competition.

By now, Amare Stoudemire and Tim Duncan are intimately familiar with each others' body odor, chest hair, and dental work. They might respect each other, but they also make each other sick. It's that dislike, that ability to get under an opponent's skin and push them around, that helps make playoff basketball so fantastic.

Unfortunately for the Suns, it's also what's about to send them home early, because they're not nearly as good at it as the Spurs.

There's no doubt about it, the Spurs are in the Suns' kitchen. They're making themselves at home, cooking up breakfast, having waffle fights, spilling the orange juice, and peeing in the silverware drawer just for the hell of it. And the Suns can't stop them.

Which is saying something, because the Spurs aren't even all that physical. One of the reasons the Nuggets played the Spurs so tough in the first round was that they were willing to be the aggressor. Sadly for the Nuggets, it didn't happen to be enough to overcome the Spurs' superior execution and trust of each other, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

The Suns can match the Spurs in basketball execution, cohesion, and ability. But when it comes to any kind of toughness, they're not close.

You've got Mike D'Antoni carrying on at press conferences, sounding like that toupee salesman in Goodfellas who kept nagging Robert DeNiro. You've got Amare Stoudemire bellyaching that Bruce Bowen's playing too dirty. And that's all they're doing, talking. Could I advance the radical notion that if the 6'10", 260-pound Stoudemire doesn't like something that the 6'6", 200-pound Bowen is doing, then Stoudemire is in a position do something about it?

It's not even about Stoudemire's being right or wrong. I'll even grant that he's right. Bowen's a dirty player who does dirty things. Fine. But the question is not what the league's going to do about it, the question is: What are the Phoenix Suns going to do about it?

Imagine Bill Laimbeer whining like that. Imagine Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Charles Oakley, or Karl Malone complaining that a 200-pound small forward with almost no offensive game was bullying them. :lol

You know what those guys would do? They'd mess Bruce Bowen up. They'd throw an elbow, a knee, a forearm, whatever they could. There are a million ways you can let a guy know that there are repercussions for things like kicking your achilles, undercutting you, or kneeing your point guard in the coin purse.

I'm not advocating violence on the court -- actually, wait, that's exactly what I'm doing. But would that be such a bad thing? I'm not saying that Stoudemire should wrap his hands in double-sided tape, and then roll them through broken glass for Game 4, but shouldn't someone do something?

If the Suns need an example of how to get physical with a guy without a suspension, fine or even a foul being incurred ... maybe they could get their hands on some San Antonio Spurs game film. Even better, some Denver Nuggets game film.

They don't even have to go that far. Not letting it bother you can be just as effective as responding in kind. If they turned the other cheek, shrugged it off, and upped the intensity, speed, and execution in their own game, that would be one thing. That would be a response. But it's not happening. They just take it and go, "Hey, I don't like that."

I hope this doesn't shatter any illusions for you, but most great teams have at least one guy that's willing to bend, break, or completely ignore the rules. If you want to call it cheating, fine. But Michael Jordan cheated when he pushed off on Bryon Russell, Rip Hamilton cheated by pushing off and holding jerseys, Dwyane Wade cheated by flopping constantly, and Bill Laimbeer cheated in about 1,000 different ways. All cheaters, all champions.

05-14-2007, 09:47 AM
.Dwyane Wade cheated by flopping constantly, [/B]


05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
By now, Amare Stoudemire and Tim Duncan are intimately familiar with each others' body odor, chest hair, and dental work.

:dizzy :lol

05-14-2007, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=nkdlunch]You've got Mike D'Antoni carrying on at press conferences, sounding like that toupee salesman in Goodfellas who kept nagging Robert DeNiro. QUOTE]


05-14-2007, 09:50 AM
You've got Mike D'Antoni carrying on at press conferences, sounding like that toupee salesman in Goodfellas who kept nagging Robert DeNiro.


05-14-2007, 09:53 AM
sig worthy

There's no doubt about it, the Spurs are in the Suns' kitchen. They're making themselves at home, cooking up breakfast, having waffle fights, spilling the orange juice, and peeing in the silverware drawer just for the hell of it. And the Suns can't stop them.

05-14-2007, 09:56 AM
:lol @ all the smileys response...

05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
Funny article, but the Suns know they can't afford to foul the Spurs.

They just need to play through it, and if anything, foul even less.

05-14-2007, 09:59 AM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

That deserved four emoticons. God, that's the funniest shit I've read in a while. Hmmmm...maybe I should read more, but anyway back to: :lol

05-14-2007, 10:30 AM
The Spurs are going to have to match the energy the Suns bring.

05-14-2007, 12:33 PM
Hmmm peeing on the silverware? I just got an image of all the Spurs just peeing in a kitchen. wierd.

05-14-2007, 12:48 PM
:lol that article was very funny...starting with the title and first line.

05-14-2007, 03:41 PM
No, the real joke here is how quickly Spurs' fans forget what happened to them a short year ago. Allow me to refresh your memory...

Whichever team will generate more profits for the NBA is the team that will win.

Referees have no trouble calling games. These are professional referees - they aren't just making mistakes over and over! :lol
In this series they have been consistent in calling blatantly obvious bias against the team they are told to.

I am done watching. I hope everyone else follows suit.

I do not give a shit who wins game 5. Fuck the NBA, goodbye!


What a crock of s#@! NBA refs have become. This is the WWF now. It looks too obvious now. There is definately a case for fans to stop watching this farce. There is no way now that the Spurs will get the kind of calls that were made in this game.

Brent f#@%ed up royally with that inbound pass too; outside of that, I can live with what happened.

This game was a gift from the refs and Stern. :fro


Have to take the good with the bad. The Spurs have received their fair share of questionable calls over the years, as has every other NBA team. It evens out.

You don't want to admit that your wins have been tainted by bad officiating. Fine, that's your prerogative. But you can't stop people from expressing their views on the referees if they feel like it. Deal with it.


Ok, for those of you lucky enough to have tickets to Game 5, do all of us that can't be there a favor and IF David $atan, i mean $tern does show up at the AT&T Center shout "Bullshit" or "Steern" do something to show this shit won't go unoticed. This has to be addressed and fans are very limited to making a stand so cheer our spurs and boo stern. Now if $tern doesn't show that will prove that this shit is rigged cause he was at the 2 home Dallas games.


Is Spurs Nation the only ones noticing this bullshit officiating? It's like the rest of the world doesnt see it, i dont get it. When Duncan was called for a blocking foul when he was clearly 2 ft outside of the arc. I'm not gonna get pissed anymore cause it does no use. If David Stern wants the Mavs in it, he gets what he wants. Our back is against the wall boys, what do you say? Let's take it a game at a time, its all we can do since the world is against us. If we do this no one can question the heart of Duncan or his team. :flag:


Upon further review:

I just watched the last 5 mins of game 3, and came to the conclusion that the Spurs did get jobbed bigtime. I know in the heat of the moment, we all think calls are bad, but after having some time to calm down, and sit and watch the last 5 mins, I can say without a doubt that the refs are responsible for the Spurs losing this game.

Here are the calls in question:

1. On TD's 5th foul, Dirk misses shot, he goes up and grabs O rebound, going over the back of Bowen in the process, knocking him across the lane. When Dirk goes back up to shoot, TD gets called for his 5th foul. TD barely makes contact, if at all. Dirk made 2 FTs

Result - 2 pts and TD getting 5th foul

2. Dirk dribbles the ball off his foot, in top of the key area, then tries to retrieve the ball, diving out of bounds, Barry is called for tripping, and the replay showed that Brent was nowhere near Dirk, and Dirk just fell out of bounds. Dirk hits 2 FTs

Result: -2 pts

3. 2:54 left, Spurs up 2 pts. Tony clearly gets pushed in the back cutting to the basket and knocked down just as TD passes the ball, and the ball goes out of bounds, resulting in anothet turnover for SA.

Result: Loss of possession, and possible basket and points.

4. TD gets 6th foul after Dirk steps on TD's ankle and loses balance. Again, there is very little contact by TD and Dirk was just out of control, and flailing after his loss of balance.

Result : -2pts and Spurs lose TD for remaining of game which is huge.

These four HORRIBLE calls, cost the Spurs 6 pts and the services of TD in crunch time. In a one point game, these bad calls determined the result of the game, no doubt about it.

Cuban's threats paid off again, and it shows that the refs are affraid of Cuban and his tapes that he makes of each game, which shows all the poor calls. Well, I think Peter Holt or Pop need to send the film of game 3 to Stern and the Spurs need to get some decent calls now. Turn about is fair play.


Apparently the Spurs players are crybabies too. Word is they were fumoing about the reffing after the game.
When you get totally jobbed it's pretty normal to be pissed. It's one think to miss a call or two in crunch time. But to have a clusterfuck of blown calls 5 to 1 going against your team would piss most except the political correct fagazi tough "oh I just suck it up"s. That last five minutes was certainly one of the most one sided screw jobs in a playoffs in a while.


I could find at least a hundred more examples easily, but I think I made my point.

That point being, it's a lot easier to play the "crybaby" card when your team is getting the benefit of most of the crappy calls. So keep calling out the Suns fans for being whiners, but do so knowing that, last May, it was you guys doing most of the whining.

For the record, I was watching that series last year as an unbiased observer, not really caring who won and I thought that the Spurs got completely screwed over for most of that series.

05-14-2007, 03:44 PM
one thing is spurs fans crying on their own little forum.

another thing is the team's superstar and coach crying like bitches to the media and in front of the cameras. and Phoenix media publicly crying as well.

get real.

05-14-2007, 03:47 PM
No, the real joke here is how quickly Spurs' fans forget what happened to them a short year ago. Allow me to refresh your memory...

Sorry, no time to read your argument. This is getting old already. See you game 4. :blah

05-14-2007, 03:47 PM
one thing is spurs fans crying on their own little forum.

another thing is the team's superstar and coach crying like bitches to the media and in front of the cameras. and Phoenix media publicly crying as well.

get real.

I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm just reminding you that it goes both ways.

05-14-2007, 03:48 PM
Sorry, no time to read your argument. This is getting old already. See you game 4. :blah


05-14-2007, 03:49 PM
I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm just reminding you that it goes both ways.

how does it go both ways?

show me 1 person that belongs to the Spurs organization that has complained one bit about officiating or fouling in this series. 1.

that's right. all the complaining has been coming from Suns organization.

both ways my ass.

05-14-2007, 03:52 PM
I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm just reminding you that it goes both ways.
:lmao You are comparing a guy setting a record for trips to the free throw line in last year's series to the Suns' complaining about the team getting the fewest calls in the playoffs?

The truth is that Smallball killed the Spurs in that series and allowed the games to be close enough for a call to decide the outcome of a game. There's absolutely no case to be made that anything approaching that is happening here.

BTW, go back and look. It was the Mavs coaches, players, and owner who were the ones complaining about calls, not the Spurs.

05-14-2007, 03:56 PM
how does it go both ways?

show me 1 person that belongs to the Spurs organization that has complained one bit about officiating or fouling in this series. 1.

that's right. all the complaining has been coming from Suns organization.

both ways my ass.

Sigh...I suppose this went in the wrong thread.

All I'm hearing is how Suns fans are a bunch of babies.

These posts are just a sampling of Spurs fans being a "bunch of babies".

Do you need a slide rule?

05-14-2007, 03:57 PM
Sigh...I suppose this went in the wrong thread.

All I'm hearing is how Suns fans are a bunch of babies.

These posts are just a sampling of Spurs fans being a "bunch of babies".

Do you need a slide rule?

oh, yes I agree a lot of Spurs fans are babies.

Solid D
05-14-2007, 03:59 PM
Will Spursfans be wearing their "sun"-dresses tonght?

Extra Stout
05-14-2007, 04:34 PM
Sigh...I suppose this went in the wrong thread.

All I'm hearing is how Suns fans are a bunch of babies.

These posts are just a sampling of Spurs fans being a "bunch of babies".

Do you need a slide rule?
Spurs fans whining on a Spurs forum


the coach and players for the Phoenix Suns whining to the media, the Phoenix media whining on air and in print, and Suns fans screaming to any national outlet that will let them speak about the conspiracy being perpetrated against them.

Meanwhile, the Spurs still have the fewest FTA's of any team in the playoffs.

Your team's players (except for Steve Nash) are mentally soft, your coach's whining undermines their frame of mind, and your fan base and media are whining about the Spurs' "thuggishness" in a series that is less physical than the average NBA second-round series.

It's probably too much to ask for the people of Arizona to grow some testicles in the next week, but if the rest of the Suns themselves don't man up like their point guard already has, their season ends in two games.

Maybe Nash should be player-coach. D'Antoni is killing the Suns with his foppish attitude.

05-14-2007, 04:44 PM
Spurs fans whining on a Spurs forum


the coach and players for the Phoenix Suns whining to the media, the Phoenix media whining on air and in print, and Suns fans screaming to any national outlet that will let them speak about the conspiracy being perpetrated against them.

Meanwhile, the Spurs still have the fewest FTA's of any team in the playoffs.

Your team's players (except for Steve Nash) are mentally soft, your coach's whining undermines their frame of mind, and your fan base and media are whining about the Spurs' "thuggishness" in a series that is less physical than the average NBA second-round series.

It's probably too much to ask for the people of Arizona to grow some testicles in the next week, but if the rest of the Suns themselves don't man up like their point guard already has, their season ends in two games.

Maybe Nash should be player-coach. D'Antoni is killing the Suns with his foppish attitude.

Again, it's very easy to assume this stance when you're up 2 games to 1.

Spurs fans are no better in this regard than anyone else's fans. Spurs players may not whine to the media, but is incessantly whining on the court really any better?

Everybody whines.

Extra Stout
05-14-2007, 04:49 PM
Again, it's very easy to assume this stance when you're up 2 games to 1.

Spurs fans are no better in this regard than anyone else's fans. Spurs players may not whine to the media, but is incessantly whining on the court really any better?

Everybody whines.
The Spurs' whining reached a crescendo in the 2005-06 season.

That year, in the playoffs, they got punked by a team that has done little but choke in the playoffs ever since.

Incessant whining = mental weakness = playoff elimination.

05-14-2007, 04:50 PM
Everybody whines.
Then fucking shut up about it already.

05-14-2007, 04:53 PM
Then fucking shut up about it already.

Truth hurts, don't it?

You guys act like you're above it all when all you really are is a bunch of hypocrites.

If you weren't so busy being an antagonistic asshole, you'd probably agree with me.

05-14-2007, 04:59 PM
If you weren't so busy being an antagonistic asshole, you'd probably agree with me.Hellloooo, pot.

05-14-2007, 05:02 PM
I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm just reminding you that it goes both ways.

well according to your other comrades, if a spurs fan post something that happened last season or maybe even a couple of seasons, we get accused of living in the past. Aren't you doing the same?

05-14-2007, 05:04 PM
Hellloooo, pot.

No, actually I'm being pretty civil.

He was being needlessly hostile.

05-14-2007, 05:04 PM
Truth hurts, don't it?

You guys act like you're above it all when all you really are is a bunch of hypocrites.

If you weren't so busy being an antagonistic asshole, you'd probably agree with me.
What exactly am I a hypocrite about? The truth is that you guys haven't stopped complaining about anything long enough to bring a single basketball take. I'm sick of the fucking bellyaching, you goddamn pansy. While you are looking for evidence, why don't you figure out which of us has the higher percentage of antagonistic posts? I'm just tired of your stupid ignorant shit when you obviously won't listen to anything approaching reason because you are such a pathetic little epicene that can't stop whining. Seriously. Shut up about it. Talk basketball or go the fuck away.

05-14-2007, 05:06 PM
well according to your other comrades, if a spurs fan post something that happened last season or maybe even a couple of seasons, we get accused of living in the past. Aren't you doing the same?

Not really. I'm just pointing out that a year ago, it was the Spurs getting hosed in the second round against Dallas.

So I'm just lobbying for a little empathy.

05-14-2007, 05:06 PM
"If Tim Duncan openly laughing at the "physical" nature of your game..."

Did Tim do that?

05-14-2007, 05:11 PM
Not really. I'm just pointing out that a year ago, it was the Spurs getting hosed in the second round against Dallas.

So I'm just lobbying for a little empathy.

You'll never get it. Spurs fans may bring something up from the past and get accused of living in the past. So it is safe to assume that Spurs fans are "just lobbying for a little empathy" also.

you can't have it both ways.

05-14-2007, 05:11 PM
What exactly am I a hypocrite about? The truth is that you guys haven't stopped complaining about anything long enough to bring a single basketball take. I'm sick of the fucking bellyaching, you goddamn pansy. While you are looking for evidence, why don't you figure out which of us has the higher percentage of antagonistic posts? I'm just tired of your stupid ignorant shit when you obviously won't listen to anything approaching reason because you are such a pathetic little epicene that can't stop whining. Seriously. Shut up about it. Talk basketball or go the fuck away.

Boy, I guess I really struck a nerve.

Higher percentage of antagonistic posts? Me?

See, you're confusing reason with hostility. I'm not calling anyone 'retard' or 'baby' or 'pussy' or 'pathetic little epicene', am I?

The problem is, you can't possibly bury the hatchet with me and still save face, so you'll continue to flail away. Be my guest.

And for the record, this post was originally directed at you, so your frustration is self-inflicted.

05-14-2007, 05:12 PM
Not really. I'm just pointing out that a year ago, it was the Spurs getting hosed in the second round against Dallas.

So I'm just lobbying for a little empathy.
Okay, I feel for you. Will you shut up about it now?

05-14-2007, 05:12 PM
"If Tim Duncan openly laughing at the "physical" nature of your game..."

Did Tim do that?

I think the writer is referring to Tim's response when asked if this Suns series is the most physical he's faced (or something like that)...he kind of chuckled and said "no" or "not even close..." something to that affect.

05-14-2007, 05:13 PM
You'll never get it. Spurs fans may bring something up from the past and get accused of living in the past. So it is safe to assume that Spurs fans are "just lobbying for a little empathy" also.

you can't have it both ways.

You never heard that from me. I totally agreed with all that stuff that I dredged up from a year ago. The Spurs got robbed in a few of those games against the Mavs.

05-14-2007, 05:13 PM
Boy, I guess I really struck a nerve.

Higher percentage of antagonistic posts? Me?

See, you're confusing reason with hostility. I'm not calling anyone 'retard' or 'baby' or 'pussy' or 'pathetic little epicene', am I?

The problem is, you can't possibly bury the hatchet with me and still save face, so you'll continue to flail away. Be my guest.

And for the record, this post was originally directed at you, so your frustration is self-inflicted.
Yes, posting fifty times without talking about basketball in a basketball forum is finally going to annoy me to where I say something. Imgaine that! I'll be happy to bury the hatchet if you'll stop whining about the goddamn officiating already. I don't like it when Spurs fans do it, and it's all you Suns fans ever seem to do. You really take all the fun out of the playoffs. I hereby make a peace offering to you: Can we fucking talk about basketball for a change?

05-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Okay, I feel for you. Will you shut up about it now?

Probably, but more because I think that I successfully made my point than anything else. Your insincere commiseration is noted.

05-14-2007, 05:19 PM
I watched the Spurs vs. Mavs series last year too and thought the Spurs got the shaft because everyone wanted to see Dirk against Nash. But now it's the Suns who are getting the shaft and that is why everyone outside of San Antonio is crying about it. Of course the Spurs and their fans are not crying about the refs... why would they when they are getting the benefit of most of the calls and Bowen is getting away with his little punk ass crap. Greg Anthony defended Bowen and said he isn't dirty... yeah, Greg Anthony is a good judge of that... considering he once came off the bench in street clothes and sucker punched Kevin Johnson when the Suns were beating the Knicks. I'm sure that wasn't dirty either. lol


05-14-2007, 05:21 PM
Yes, posting fifty times without talking about basketball in a basketball forum is finally going to annoy me to where I say something. Imgaine that! I'll be happy to bury the hatchet if you'll stop whining about the goddamn officiating already. I don't like it when Spurs fans do it, and it's all you Suns fans ever seem to do. You really take all the fun out of the playoffs. I hereby make a peace offering to you: Can we fucking talk about basketball for a change?

That's just it, I'm not whining about the officiating. I think the Suns need to just STFU and win the damn series.

I'm just trying to remind you guys that you were on the receiving end of the butt raping last year.

Sure, we can talk about basketball.

See you in the game thread?

05-14-2007, 05:30 PM
That's just it, I'm not whining about the officiating. I think the Suns need to just STFU and win the damn series.
The only chance they have is if they do.

I'm just trying to remind you guys that you were on the receiving end of the butt raping last year.
The fucking bitches that complained about the calls in that series are the same people that don't understand how benching your centers relates to the other team scoring at will in the paint and drawing fouls. The officiating might have gone against the Spurs, but the momentum of the officiating went against them when they abandoned their defensive style based on some irrational fear that Dirk Nowitzki was going to score 50 points a game on Tim Duncan. As for me, wake me up when Amare's fouled out of a game for having his foot stepped on and you'll get some real sympathy.

05-14-2007, 05:32 PM

05-14-2007, 05:51 PM
What this series needs: Some Jalen Rose... intelligence, calm, and veteran play will be a key

05-14-2007, 06:35 PM
I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm just reminding you that it goes both ways.
Except with the players and coaching staff, it doesn't.

05-14-2007, 06:46 PM
Again, it's very easy to assume this stance when you're up 2 games to 1.

Spurs fans are no better in this regard than anyone else's fans. Spurs players may not whine to the media, but is incessantly whining on the court really any better?

Everybody whines.
You're argument is completely stupid and will be void of any intellectual response. With that said, kindly shut the fuck up and worry about your team crying publicly, not our fans crying on a forum a year ago, dumbass.

05-14-2007, 06:51 PM
I seriously do not like the message he is sending in this article and if any spur gets elbowed to the head followed by a concussion and misses a game, i will start a militia to take a crowbar to the knees of whoever on the suns team did it.

05-14-2007, 06:55 PM
I watched the Spurs vs. Mavs series last year too and thought the Spurs got the shaft because everyone wanted to see Dirk against Nash. But now it's the Suns who are getting the shaft and that is why everyone outside of San Antonio is crying about it. Of course the Spurs and their fans are not crying about the refs... why would they when they are getting the benefit of most of the calls and Bowen is getting away with his little punk ass crap. Greg Anthony defended Bowen and said he isn't dirty... yeah, Greg Anthony is a good judge of that... considering he once came off the bench in street clothes and sucker punched Kevin Johnson when the Suns were beating the Knicks. I'm sure that wasn't dirty either. lol

Somebody PLEASE choke that damned ghey whinney fruitcake, d'antoni. What a prissy little girl !!!!!

05-14-2007, 07:01 PM
Sigh...I suppose this went in the wrong thread.

All I'm hearing is how Suns fans are a bunch of babies.

These posts are just a sampling of Spurs fans being a "bunch of babies".

Do you need a slide rule?

Get fucking real man.. we are saying that the Suns PLAYERS are a bunch of crybabies..

Johnny RIngo
05-14-2007, 07:42 PM
Great article

05-14-2007, 07:46 PM
I watched the Spurs vs. Mavs series last year too and thought the Spurs got the shaft because everyone wanted to see Dirk against Nash. But now it's the Suns who are getting the shaft and that is why everyone outside of San Antonio is crying about it. Of course the Spurs and their fans are not crying about the refs... why would they when they are getting the benefit of most of the calls and Bowen is getting away with his little punk ass crap. Greg Anthony defended Bowen and said he isn't dirty... yeah, Greg Anthony is a good judge of that... considering he once came off the bench in street clothes and sucker punched Kevin Johnson when the Suns were beating the Knicks. I'm sure that wasn't dirty either. lol

I think it is funny that all of the East teams are playing very physical, agressive games with little to no whining, and then the whiny ass little Suns come in and stink it up for the West. :smokin

05-14-2007, 08:01 PM
I think it is funny that all of the East teams are playing very physical, agressive games with little to no whining, and then the whiny ass little Suns come in and stink it up for the West. :smokin

HAHAHA have you been watching the East playoffs? I will take "whinning Suns" and "dirty Spurs" play over that any day of the week.

I agree Suns better get their panties off and be ready to play ball tonight....Play ball tonight and no whining, get back on D, Amare calm down and stop getting into foul trouble, and we will win this game if we can play like we did in Game 2. If not we are done in this series.

05-14-2007, 08:02 PM
You're argument is completely stupid and will be void of any intellectual response. With that said, kindly shut the fuck up and worry about your team crying publicly, not our fans crying on a forum a year ago, dumbass.

Saying that doesn't make it reality, it only makes YOU look an idiot.

But who am I kidding?

You wouldn't know "intellect" if it bit you in the vagina.

05-14-2007, 08:08 PM
Saying that doesn't make it reality, it only makes YOU look an idiot.

But who am I kidding?

You wouldn't know "intellect" if it bit you in the vagina.

But he brought so much to the table in refuting your post. I wouldn't mess with this guy and his intellect. I mean his name is EssaySpur so he must read and write quite a bit.

Marcus Bryant
05-14-2007, 08:15 PM

05-14-2007, 08:18 PM
HAHAHA have you been watching the East playoffs? I will take "whinning Suns" and "dirty Spurs" play over that any day of the week.

I agree Suns better get their panties off and be ready to play ball tonight....Play ball tonight and no whining, get back on D, Amare calm down and stop getting into foul trouble, and we will win this game if we can play like we did in Game 2. If not we are done in this series.
I wasn't talking about which conference was the most talented, I was trying to make the point about which is the whiniest right now, and the West wins the prize with the baby Suns. :smokin

05-14-2007, 08:40 PM
I wasn't talking about which conference was the most talented, I was trying to make the point about which is the whiniest right now, and the West wins the prize with the baby Suns. :smokin

The Spurs set the bar so high; the Suns have yet to reach that plateau of whininess.

05-14-2007, 08:41 PM
I wasn't talking about which conference was the most talented, I was trying to make the point about which is the whiniest right now, and the West wins the prize with the baby Suns. :smokin

I know. I was just trying to lighten things up or make a joke, if you will. We are the winners of the whiny award currently. I can't agree more. Hey at least we can say the Suns have won something now.

Ok that was a lame attempt at another joke. Is it game time yet?