View Full Version : Latest comments from D'Antoni

05-17-2007, 09:40 AM
In an unscheduled press conference today, Mike D'Antoni announced that, after reviewing the film, he has discovered that Bruce Bowen was the gunman who shot JFK from the Grassy Knoll in Dallas. "I am just disgusted by the whole thing," said D'Antoni. "We will let the league review the film and take whatever action they deem appropriate.

Sources close to D'Antoni say that he thinks there should be a 3 game suspension, at minimum, for killing a head of state - but he would settle for 2 games since the series is almost over. However, it may not be that simple, even in light of the overwhelming evidence. In an interview, just moments after the D'Antoni press conference, Steve Kerr broke the well-known code of secrecy among NBA-insiders by revealing that David Stern was actually in charge of the Warren Commission. "Something is fundamentally wrong," Kerr said, "when a state benefits from a cheap shot. Clearly the absence of JFK made room for a President from Texas. I think the entire election process should be reviewed before next season."

To further add to the controversy, a Phoenix Suns fan has revealed, citing no sources whatsoever, that Robert Horry was responsible for re-routing the Presidential motorcade by tricking them into driving in front of the book depository. It is hard to dispute the fact that Horry's actions affected history, and set the country up for a devastating loss. "He had it all planned in advance," said the fan. "And the only punishment he got was having to play for Danny Ainge for a season."

Spurs fans point to the fact that it was two Phoenix Suns players who dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. And many note that Adolph Hitler, perhaps the most famous Phoenix Sun of all time, was the one who actually set the tone for WWII. But Suns fans will hear none of it. "We know who the real criminals are here," said one fan, "and now the rest of the country will too."

With all of this controversy, it is clear that it will be an exciting Game 6 in San Antonio. But the question that is on the minds of every person on the planet is whether any of the Suns players will still be alive to finish the game.

05-17-2007, 09:42 AM
Your humour is almost as lame as your team.

Phil Hellmuth
05-17-2007, 09:44 AM

05-17-2007, 09:54 AM
Funnay? Funnay?

Funnay = absent

05-17-2007, 09:55 AM
Here's some funnay just so anyone else who clicks on the thread isn't disappointed:


05-17-2007, 09:56 AM
lol...i love it.

05-17-2007, 09:58 AM
lol...who else finds irony in the fact that a raptors fan calls another team lame.

Extra Stout
05-17-2007, 09:59 AM
What the hell was that?

05-17-2007, 10:27 AM
What the hell was that?

Just a comment on how ridiculous some of this has become. D'Antoni reviewing tapes for evidence of wrongdoing. The conspiracy theories. People insisting that Horry orchestrated that episode to get Suns players suspended. It's satire...but only slightly less ridiculous than the real thing.

BTW - Steve Kerr really did say last night that "something is fundamentally wrong with a team that benefits from a cheap shot like that". He's a nice guy, and adoring Spurs fans rush to defend him. But some of his comments, especially coming from a recent ex-Spur, have added more fuel to the fire. D'Antoni has clearly been working this thing in hopes of gaining an edge for his team. Kerr has a vested financial interest in the Suns, and an unavoidable conflict of interest. In most businesses, individuals with a conflict of interest have to stay out of certain matters "to avoid the appearance of impropriety". Kerr is a (minority) team owner, with access to a national audience. He should probably avoid commenting on the controversies, and let D'Antoni do his own lobbying.

05-17-2007, 10:32 AM
Just a comment on how ridiculous some of this has become. D'Antoni reviewing tapes for evidence of wrongdoing. The conspiracy theories. People insisting that Horry orchestrated that episode to get Suns players suspended. It's satire...but only slightly less ridiculous than the real thing.

BTW - Steve Kerr really did say last night that "something is fundamentally wrong with a team that benefits from a cheap shot like that". He's a nice guy, and adoring Spurs fans rush to defend him. But some of his comments, especially coming from a recent ex-Spur, have added more fuel to the fire. D'Antoni has clearly been working this thing in hopes of gaining an edge for his team. Kerr has a vested financial interest in the Suns, and an unavoidable conflict of interest. In most businesses, individuals with a conflict of interest have to stay out of certain matters "to avoid the appearance of impropriety". Kerr is a (minority) team owner, with access to a national audience. He should probably avoid commenting on the controversies, and let D'Antoni do his own lobbying.

I agree wholeheartedly. He shouldn't be there at all. His statement (and he hasn't been the only one) defies logic. Horry had no control on Amare and Boris' actions. The suspensions didn't happen because horry hit nash.

That is logic. Evertying else is BS. The NBA didn't favored the Spurs. The truth is and logic demands it that Suns lost 2 players due to an existing rule. Period.

Stop being damn stupids. And Kerr has to go. He's a fucking moron.

05-17-2007, 11:11 AM
Here's some funnay just so anyone else who clicks on the thread isn't disappointed:


Totally worth the lameness of the thread. :toast

05-17-2007, 11:17 AM
Here's some funnay just so anyone else who clicks on the thread isn't disappointed:


Why did you post that video here? What's the matter with you? How would you like to have your head smashed against a wall, maybe end up paralyzed then have a video of it uplinked to every fan forum. Real funny, right? :rolleyes

Cry Havoc
05-17-2007, 11:22 AM
Here's some funnay just so anyone else who clicks on the thread isn't disappointed:


Where is that from, and what's the explanation behind it?

05-17-2007, 12:02 PM
Where is that from, and what's the explanation behind it?

the little kid in that video was actually DampierAmGod, that happened just a couple of years ago

05-17-2007, 12:04 PM
Why did you post that video here? What's the matter with you? How would you like to have your head smashed against a wall, maybe end up paralyzed then have a video of it uplinked to every fan forum. Real funny, right? :rolleyes

welcome to the interweb.
p.s. there is porn.

05-17-2007, 12:08 PM
Why did you post that video here? What's the matter with you? How would you like to have your head smashed against a wall, maybe end up paralyzed then have a video of it uplinked to every fan forum. Real funny, right? :rolleyes

How sick is an individual that thinks this is something that should be posted as the least bit entertaining? What is becoming of this world? :rolleyes

05-17-2007, 12:13 PM
Why did you post that video here? What's the matter with you? How would you like to have your head smashed against a wall, maybe end up paralyzed then have a video of it uplinked to every fan forum. Real funny, right? :rolleyes

Get off the internet, pussy.

05-17-2007, 12:19 PM
welcome to the interweb.
p.s. there is porn.

Don't come back with a stupid comment like that. :rolleyes

05-17-2007, 12:20 PM
Get off the internet, pussy.


Oh, okay. Another internet gangsta. Talks big from the safety of his cell confines. Nice.

05-17-2007, 12:21 PM
Get off the internet, pussy.

Get the fuck out of our forum, pussy.

05-17-2007, 12:25 PM
welcome to the interweb.
p.s. there is porn.

I still cannot get over the stupidity of your smart ass comment. My point is obviously why bring such a violent, trashy video to a mainstream Spurs fan forum. There's porn on the net, but do you need to post it here? Have some fucking decency and defend people worth defending, not a fucking Mav troll. :rolleyes

05-17-2007, 12:28 PM

Oh, okay. Another internet gangsta. Talks big from the safety of his cell confines. Nice.

Why did you not post the racy PM you just sent me with your panties all in a wad threatening actual physical violence against me if you knew where I lived? You obviously take the internet a bit too seriously and should probably look into getting a life. Start with a girlfriend.

05-17-2007, 12:35 PM
Why did you not post the racy PM you just sent me with your panties all in a wad threatening actual physical violence against me if you knew where I lived? You obviously take the internet a bit too seriously and should probably look into getting a life. Start with a girlfriend.

I think that one whose team has been eliminated from the 07 season, and yet still posts in another team's forum is the one who actually needs to get a life, yes?

05-17-2007, 12:49 PM
I think that guy who has 30,000 posts on an internet forum needs to get a life, yes?

Well I don't think simply posting on a message board means you need to get a life but hey, 30,000 is a lot so maybe you have a point.

05-17-2007, 12:58 PM
Where is that from, and what's the explanation behind it?

MAN YOU GOTTA LAUGH AT THAT!!!!!! Who the hell lets there kid run around a Bboy?!? Everyone knows you gotta give the man some room... let him operate... Flare - 90 - pose Suckas! :p:

05-17-2007, 01:00 PM
I still cannot get over the stupidity of your smart ass comment. My point is obviously why bring such a violent, trashy video to a mainstream Spurs fan forum. There's porn on the net, but do you need to post it here? Have some fucking decency and defend people worth defending, not a fucking Mav troll. :rolleyes

You don't have access to the private porn forum? Some good stuff there!

05-17-2007, 01:05 PM
Well I don't think simply posting on a message board means you need to get a life but hey, 30,000 is a lot so maybe you have a point.

I was one of the very first posters in the Spurs forum, even preceding Kori by 1 year, so 30,000 posts during that long time span is not all that much, ya dig?