View Full Version : My own personal recap of last night's game

05-17-2007, 09:58 AM
X-posted to my journal (http://realsupergirl.livejournal.com)

A brief summary of last night's Suns-Spurs game:

1st quarter
Spurs: Um, shit. What do we do? If we win, they're going to crucify us. If we lose, we suck. Shit. Plus, how are the refs going to call this game? Should we drive or jack up 3's?

Suns: OK, fine. We've lost our best post player and his back up to suspension. We'll just run, run, run. Oh, and post up Shawn Marion, cause you know, he's pretty good.

2nd quarter
Spurs: Hey, wait, we have Tim Duncan. Maybe we should get him the ball for some layups. Hey, that was easy.

Suns: Shit, it's Tim Duncan. We haven't been able to guard him all season, even at full strength. But, hey, we can run, run, run. Maybe Kurt Thomas can even make a few shots. Hey, look at that.

3rd quarter
Spurs: OK, so, here's what we're going to do. They're double-teaming Tim, so we're just going to keep kicking it out and jacking up 3's. Maybe they'll eventually fall. Maybe? Um...um...

Suns: Gosh, I hope their wide open 3 point shots don't start falling.

4th quarter
Spurs: Hey, look, a couple 3 pointers fell. Suddenly it's a tie game, with two minutes left to go. But damn, game on the line, and we need a clutch 3 pointer. Wish we had Robert Horry. Oh...well, maybe Bruce Bowen will do.

Suns: How did we blow an 11 point lead in the fourth quarter? Wait, isn't that what the Spurs did in the last game?

Spurs win, 88-84. Now, they get to go back home and give Phoenix a chance to beat them at full strength. No excuse for trying to let them win this game, as if they felt guilty for playing. Just close it out Friday night.

Cry Havoc
05-17-2007, 10:47 AM

Hilarious. How did you do that? It's like you're in their heads! GET AWAY FROM ME VOODOO WOMAN!!! :lol

05-17-2007, 10:49 AM
That was awesome. I suspect even Sun fans will agree?

05-17-2007, 10:52 AM
LOL that was pretty funny