View Full Version : Kerr and Barkley

05-17-2007, 10:28 AM
What has gone wrong with these 2 individuals?

Kerr: He's part owner of the Suns franchise but being a sports comentator he should chill out a little bit. He's biased. Period. This wasn't true 1 or 2 years ago though. I'm losing respect for this guy. As he said of himself, he is a moron.

Barkley: Sexy? I'm starting to lose respect for this individual. He comments without thinking first. He goes with momentum, where the wind blows and puts it up there for everyone to see. Smith does a better analysis in my opinion. As it happened when he said he wasn't surprised with the suspensions. It is clear dudes have to stir up shit to get ratings but come on...

Extra Stout
05-17-2007, 10:31 AM
What has gone wrong with these 2 individuals?

Kerr: He's part owner of the Suns franchise but being a sports comentator he should chill out a little bit. He's biased. Period. This wasn't true 1 or 2 years ago though. I'm losing respect for this guy. As he said of himself, he is a moron.

Barkley: Sexy? I'm starting to lose respect for this individual. He comments without thinking first. He goes with momentum, where the wind blows and puts it up there for everyone to see. Smith does a better analysis in my opinion. As it happened when he said he wasn't surprised with the suspensions. It is clear dudes have to stir up shit to get ratings but come on...

Barkley has been a Spurs homer for four years, but he goes against them for two whole days, and you're "starting to lose respect" for him?

Stick with Sean Elliott then.

05-17-2007, 10:31 AM
Barkley I can handle. He used to play for the Suns and doesn't hide it. And he's funny.

Kerr, on the other hand, has lost my respect. His status as a minority owner of the Suns makes anything he says biased. He is simply a joke.

05-17-2007, 10:35 AM

Barkley has been a Spurs homer for four years, but he goes against them for two whole days, and you're "starting to lose respect" for him?

Stick with Sean Elliott then.

He's funny. Granted. But still, you are over there, in National television. Think before you speak.

05-17-2007, 10:37 AM

05-17-2007, 10:39 AM
I don't know where this perception of Steve Kerr being biased is coming from.

05-17-2007, 10:43 AM
What has gone wrong with these 2 individuals?

Kerr: He's part owner of the Suns franchise but being a sports comentator he should chill out a little bit. He's biased. Period. This wasn't true 1 or 2 years ago though. I'm losing respect for this guy. As he said of himself, he is a moron.

Barkley: Sexy? I'm starting to lose respect for this individual. He comments without thinking first. He goes with momentum, where the wind blows and puts it up there for everyone to see. Smith does a better analysis in my opinion. As it happened when he said he wasn't surprised with the suspensions. It is clear dudes have to stir up shit to get ratings but come on...

Barkley, Smith, and Shaq all said they would probably be suspended the night it happened. They all agreed that it was a stupid rule, especially applied in this case but that a rule was a rule and the NBA would enforce it.

05-17-2007, 10:53 AM
By the way did anyone hear Manu's interview when he was told that Charles was predicting the Suns to win. Manu goes on to say he's had a tough streak streak of predictions lately and that he's going to let it go this time and that he hopes that he goes with the Suns for game 6 :lol :lol

05-17-2007, 11:22 AM
Barkley is funny and entertaining. He says whatever pops into his mind at any given moment. (He takes it on the chin sometimes for doing that. But he's also man enough to say that he was wrong.) He is always talking about how one player should hammer another player, to see how well they can get up off of their back. He looked at that clothesline that Stephen Jackson threw in the last game, and said, "I don't think that was flagrant." Barkley is "color commentary" all the way, and you can't take everything he says as serious.

Kerr is a minority owner of the team, and clearly benefits from the team's success. He is also a member of the media, and Mike D'Antoni is clearly lobbying the media to try and gain some advantage for his team. Even the skeptics should be willing to admit that puts Kerr in a difficult position. (You won't find many stock analysts issuing "strong sell" statements on stocks they have in their own portfolios. And you would be really suspicious of a "strong buy" from an analyst who owned a lot of the same stock.) I'm sure Kerr tries to be un-biased, but it's a tall order.

Steve Kerr is a very bright guy. Smart enough to figure out that he should have backed away from this one. Smart enough to know that it isn't unfair for Stoudamire and Diaw to be suspended, and that the rule is there for a reason. I think he is a really nice person, but he has let something get in the way of his best judgment here. Is that bias? I think so. It doesn't mean that he is anti-Spur, or that he never acknowledges the talent of the Spurs players. But I think he has leaned Mike D'Antoni's direction more than he would have a few years ago.

No, that's too weak. I think he is really starting to believe some bullshit that he would not have believed a few years ago. And TNT should have put a muzzle on him.

05-17-2007, 11:33 AM
Barkley saying that the Suns should put TP into the 2nd row with a very hard foul, is over the top IMO. I know in sports this is common practice, (the pitcher hitting the first guy up after the opposing pitcher beans one of his teammates, the O lineman crack blocking the D end, after the opponent gives his QB a late hit earlier) but the Spurs are not in the habit of being dirty and TP especially is innocent in this matter.

This whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. I do not remember the media giving a rat's ass near to this extent, when J Howard of Dallas put Jax out of the playoffs with his dirty flagrant foul in 02, do you?

05-17-2007, 11:36 AM
Kerr's OBJECTIVE comments last night ....."the suns are known for being a tough team"

05-17-2007, 11:38 AM
Kerr and Barkley are cool with me.

Kerr is part owner of the Suns and Barkley used to be a Sun. WTF do you expect from them? Do you think they should have worn Spurs jerseys last night? Geez.

Man of Steel
05-17-2007, 11:40 AM
Fuck Kerr.

That bastard is very biased.

Every time he calls a game, he always does so from the vantage point of the Uns.

"The Uns this" "The Uns that."

"Obvious foul on Ginobili. Good call" when it wasn't as pointed out in Hollinger's column.

Not even bothering to criticize Coach D. when the fool ran onto the floor and should have gotten at the very least a technical. Kerr does not mention that.

Kerr is a fucking Uns part owner--why in the hell is he calling a game. That's like having Peter Holt call the game.

05-17-2007, 12:05 PM
i'm cool on Barkely.whatever.

Steve Kerr howver, is dead to me.

05-17-2007, 03:14 PM
Kerr and Barkley are cool with me.

Kerr is part owner of the Suns and Barkley used to be a Sun. WTF do you expect from them? Do you think they should have worn Spurs jerseys last night? Geez.

If that's the case as you simply put it, then they shouldn't be doing what they do. Period. If you want to be a sports analyst talking to viewers you can't be biased in any way, form or shape. Period.

05-17-2007, 03:28 PM
i'm cool on Barkely.whatever.

Steve Kerr howver, is dead to me.
Same to me.

Im tired of Kerr's commentating on NBA Live 2007 as well. Hard to believe this is the same guy who's supported the Spurs in the past years. I wish this was all because he was forced to do this, not because he wanted to.