View Full Version : Roy Bragg: Dear Phoenix, Shut up already!

05-18-2007, 02:33 PM
Here is a terrific piece by Roy Bragg of the San Antonio Express News as posted on www.mysa.com today.


Phoenix is a barren wasteland of dust and sand. But there's been an unusual amount of precipitation there lately. Most of it has been tears from crybaby fans of the Phoenix Suns.
There are so many tears, in fact, that you could irrigate a farm with them. And what would you grow on this farm? Weeping willows, of course.
If the Sun fans were a movie, they'd be a chick flick. If they were a singer, they'd be Morrissey. If they had guts...they'd be us.
You may have heard of mass hysteria. We saw some of that in Game 5, when the fans and the Suns' players almost — that's "almost" — willed their undermanned team to victory.

Smells like team dispirit
What we're witnessing now is mass whimpering, in which an entire community comes together to feel sorry for itself and offer up excuses, assign blame and prepare itself for inevitable disappointment.
Two of their pivotal players were suspended for Wednesday's for leaving the bench when Spur Robert Horry decked Sun star Stevie Gash in Game 4.
Gash flopped, but they don't remember that. And Horry is still suspended, but they don't talk about that. Spurs fans are whining, too -- about the whining Suns' fans.

Phoenix wears the yellow jersey for the final stage of grief
The four stages of fan grief are anger, temporary recovery, whining and paranoia. The Phoenix faithful are going through all of that.
We've seen the anger. We've seen the temporary recovery, i.e. the mass hysteria in Game 5.
Now we're in "whining," which is manifesting itself as mass paranoia. Their suspended players return tonight for Game 6 at the AT&T, but the sun-dried, leathery-skinned, transplanted Californians and Witness Protection Program cowards who populate their soulless city can't let it go.

Conspiracy? The Spurs are running the Tri-Lateral Commission offense
To be a Suns fan these days, apparently, is to be an open sore on the bottom half of the body politic. Flip over to one of their big fan message boards and you'll see what I mean. Down 3-2 to the East Houston St. Hoodlums and convinced that the world is out to get them (this is the fourth stage, or "conspiracy"), they've opted not to focus on the task at hand, but rather obsess over, in no particular order:
• The suspensions of Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw were unfair.
• The suspensions were part of a conspiracy by the NBA to keep the leathery people down.
• Tim Duncan should've been suspended, too, but wasn't because of a conspiracy to protect him.
• The Spurs have a long history as thugs.
• The Spurs wouldn't even be good if they hadn't drafted David Robinson and then Duncan, and they conspired to get them.
• Black helicopters have been seen in Phoenix, part of the NBA's plot to screw the Suns.
Congrats, Suns fans. That list is the closest thing to a parade you're going to see until Thanksgiving. I read that crap and I wonder about the collective intelligence of the community, much less their mass paranoia. Conspiracy is the opiate of the defeated. When you can't explain anything rationally or if the facts fly in the face of your beliefs, you pull out conspiracy.

The truth hurts, like a forehead to the nose
Allow me to answer these assertions, including the one I made up:
• The suspensions of Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw were unfair.
Shut your pieholes, you blouse-wearing poodle walkers.* The rules are the rules. If the NBA Is going to bend the rules, then Horry, a 14-year-veteran — with as many NBA rings as the number of sun lesions on the average Arizonoid — should get a break, not those two also-rans.
• The suspensions were part of a plot by the NBA.
Hey sand fleas, no one cares enough about Phoenix to plot against it. None of you are from there, and you weren't even allowed into the U.S. until 1912. Frankly, we regret that decision to this very day.
• Tim Duncan should've been suspended, too, but wasn't because of a conspiracy to protect him.
If anyone should've gotten whacked, it was Shawn Marion for clothes-lining Manu Ginobili, or Stevie Gash for nose-butting Tony Parker. That's just common courtesy and common sense. Of course, you can't expect common sense from people who chose to live where there's no water. Dumbasses.
• The Spurs have a long history as thugs.
Earth to Phoenix: You are so wrong, even people in Dallas are embarrassed for you.
• The Spurs wouldn't even be good if they hadn't drafted David Robinson and then Duncan, and they conspired to get them.
Some people wait for good things to happen; others make good things happen.
• Black helicopters have been seen in Phoenix, part of the NBA's plot to screw the Suns
How did you find out about that? That was supposed to be a s-e-c-r-e-t.
Lighten up, Phoenix. Hopefully, we will put you out of your misery — and ours — tonight. If we don't and we lose Game 7, don't expect conspiracy theories from San Antonio. We know that you'll win fair and square because, let's face it, who the hell would conspire on your behalf? Puh-lease.
P.S. Join the rest of the country and start using Daylight Savings Time, you time-thieving Luddites.
*(The Carlos Mencia Act of 2007 requires the following disclosure: I got that joke from The Simpsons. Remember: joke larceny is a serious crime.)

05-18-2007, 02:38 PM

05-18-2007, 02:39 PM
No offense but this guy comes off as a colossal self-righteous douche. We get it, people have different opinions on the suspensions. The game is already over, Amare and Boris are back, and everybody needs to shut the fuck up about this topic.

And for the record, the articles coming from Phoenix about how the Spurs are satan incarnate are equally annoying and douchey.

05-18-2007, 02:39 PM
Congrats, Suns fans. That list is the closest thing to a parade you're going to see until Thanksgiving.

05-18-2007, 02:40 PM
I loved it.

05-18-2007, 02:41 PM
Hey sand fleas, no one cares enough about Phoenix to plot against it. None of you are from there, and you weren't even allowed into the U.S. until 1912. Frankly, we regret that decision to this very day.
Great stuff

05-18-2007, 02:42 PM

What we're witnessing now is mass whimpering, in which an entire community comes together to feel sorry for itself and offer up excuses, assign blame and prepare itself for inevitable disappointment.

05-18-2007, 02:43 PM
No offense but...
None taken but the idea that the Spurs are dirty or that the Suns should be allowed to cheat is ludicrous. If you haven't been pounding those points in since you logged onto this board, you've been gleefully supporting those that have.

No offense, if you want people to shut the fuck up about it, maybe you should have shut the fuck up about it, oh, three days ago.

05-18-2007, 02:44 PM
A bit over the top.

Anything coming out of Phoenix, written in that tone, would have 99% of this board complaining and many sending emails to the writer of such a peace (remeber the Denver idiot?)

05-18-2007, 02:46 PM
A bit over the top.

Anything coming out of Phoenix, written in that tone, would have 99% of this board complaining and many sending emails to the writer of such a peace (remeber the Denver idiot?)
Lighten up

05-18-2007, 02:48 PM
None taken but the idea that the Spurs are dirty or that the Suns should be allowed to cheat is ludicrous. If you haven't been pounding those points in since you logged onto this board, you've been gleefully supporting those that have.

No offense, if you want people to shut the fuck up about it, maybe you should have shut the fuck up about it, oh, three days ago.

I just thought that the rule is stupid. I don't know anybody who actually questioned its application (and if they did they were wrong). The game is over now and it's irrelevant.

05-18-2007, 02:48 PM
If the Sun fans were a movie, they'd be a chick flick
lol I dont care who you are thats funny right there

05-18-2007, 02:52 PM
it's like someone took bits of threads from here, spell checked, cleaned up the language and made it a bit coherent.

i'll take it.

*blouse-wearing poodle walkers :p:

love the dig at ned.

05-18-2007, 02:52 PM
I just thought that the rule is stupid.
Why do you think the rule is stupid? It is to prevent things from getting so out of hand that more chaos ensues.

Or is it because your team forgot/ignored the rule and now your up the creek in the series?

05-18-2007, 02:53 PM
Why do you think the rule is stupid? It is to prevent things from getting so out of hand that more chaos ensues.

Or is it because your team forgot/ignored the rule and now your up the creek in the series?
Oh no, lets not start this up again :lol

05-18-2007, 02:54 PM
lol I dont care who you are thats funny right there
You need to disclose that you stole that from Larry the Cable Guy.:D

05-18-2007, 02:54 PM
Oh no, lets not start this up again :lol

Word. So anybody want to talk about basketball?

05-18-2007, 02:55 PM
Oh no, lets not start this up again :lol
Old dirt brought it up....he can't seem to let it go.

That happened days ago......it is over....now on to game 6.

05-18-2007, 02:57 PM
Lighten up
I just got a massage that cured a 3-year old back pain.

You cannot believe how relaxed I am :spin

05-18-2007, 02:58 PM
I just got a massage that cured a 3-year old back pain.

You cannot believe how relaxed I am :spin
Awesome, I got acupunture yesterday on my back so I feel you

05-18-2007, 02:59 PM
Oh no, lets not start this up again :lol
It never finished because there hasn't been a single Suns fan that's stepped up to the plate and answered the question. Not a single one. The defense is always "I think the rule is stupid". It's the sporting version of "I never agreed with the war". It's awfully high and mighty of Suns fans to suggest that we move on and stop talking about it as soon as the conversation stops going their way, only to bring it up again later whenever it suits them.

Fuck the Suns, fuck their fans. They can whine to the fucking fish about it all summer long. They'll have to go to the grocery store to find fish because the largest body of water in the state is a hazard on the 12th hole.

05-18-2007, 03:00 PM
Awesome, I got acupunture yesterday on my back so I feel you

But the article was still a bit over the top :lol

05-18-2007, 03:01 PM
It never finished because there hasn't been a single Suns fan that's stepped up to the plate and answered the question. Not a single one. The defense is always "I think the rule is stupid". It's the sporting version of "I never agreed with the war".

Let it go! After Game 7 it won't matter anymore.

05-18-2007, 03:01 PM
Let it go! After Game 7 it won't matter anymore.
Answer the question, bitch.

05-18-2007, 03:04 PM
It never finished because there hasn't been a single Suns fan that's stepped up to the plate and answered the question. Not a single one. The defense is always "I think the rule is stupid". It's the sporting version of "I never agreed with the war". It's awfully high and mighty of Suns fans to suggest that we move on and stop talking about it as soon as the conversation stops going their way, only to bring it up again later whenever it suits them.

Fuck the Suns, fuck their fans. They can whine to the fucking fish about it all summer long. They'll have to go to the grocery store to find fish because the largest body of water in the state is a hazard on the 12th hole.

Exactly what's the question?

05-18-2007, 03:04 PM
Answer the question, bitch.

I am not getting in this debate again. I said everything I was going to say on this subject. Check my posts on this in the threads about the suspensions bitch.

05-18-2007, 03:04 PM
It's the sporting version of "I never agreed with the war"..

Fuck you. Keep your politics to yourself, or post them in the right forum.

05-18-2007, 03:08 PM
Fuck you. Keep your politics to yourself, or post them in the right forum.
Fuck you. It's a chickenshit revisionist opinion. It's not a political observation.

05-18-2007, 03:09 PM
That was a devastating article. I don't think he'll be wandering the streets of Phoenix at night anytime soon. :lol

05-18-2007, 03:09 PM
Damn, I hope this doesn't bite him in the ass!

05-18-2007, 03:09 PM
I am not getting in this debate again. I said everything I was going to say on this subject. Check my posts on this in the threads about the suspensions bitch.
You never got into it in the first place, you just wanted to troll and try to get the league to break the rules for your players.

05-18-2007, 03:11 PM
Exactly what's the question?


05-18-2007, 03:13 PM
This and all the email responses are great. Specially the coffee one, we need to frame it.

05-18-2007, 03:19 PM
You know darn well what the question is.
Just go back hrough this thread and read, you'll find it....if you want to answer it, fine, if not fine, but I am done with it.

05-18-2007, 03:20 PM
that article was disguisting.

05-18-2007, 03:22 PM
Kinda weak. There's no point making fun of Phoenix itself (I live there) because it's actually a pretty decent city. How are you going to call the fastest growing city in the US a wasteland....? Lots of jobs, lots of wealth, all the major sports, (well...the Cardinals might not count)... however, I listen to the radio shows and it's pretty embarrassing how much they are whining. The last straw was last night, Robert Sarver on one of the shows and whining. I can't handle billionaires complaining and whining. As the Hopkins character said in The Edge "never feel sorry for a man who owns a plane."

05-18-2007, 03:24 PM
Exactly what's the question?
Why do you think that the Suns shouldn't have to play by the exact same rules as everyone else in the NBA over the last ten years?

05-18-2007, 03:29 PM
Kinda weak. There's no point making fun of Phoenix itself (I live there) because it's actually a pretty decent city. How are you going to call the fastest growing city in the US a wasteland....? Lots of jobs, lots of wealth, all the major sports, (well...the Cardinals might not count)... however, I listen to the radio shows and it's pretty embarrassing how much they are whining. The last straw was last night, Robert Sarver on one of the shows and whining. I can't handle billionaires complaining and whining. As the Hopkins character said in The Edge "never feel sorry for a man who owns a plane."

San Antonio and Phoenix both are two of America's fastest growing cities. Speaking for San Antonio, its economy has really diversified over the past several years and so many out of staters are moving here for the excellent quality of life. I'm sure Phoenix is a nice city as well.

05-18-2007, 03:35 PM
fuck feenix that piece of shit hellhole it smells worse than my litterbox after chinese.

05-18-2007, 03:36 PM
San Antonio and Phoenix both are two of America's fastest growing cities. Speaking for San Antonio, its economy has really diversified over the past several years and so many out of staters are moving here for the excellent quality of life. I'm sure Phoenix is a nice city as well.

Zero State Income Tax :toast

05-18-2007, 03:38 PM
I have never been to Phoenix, so talking about the city would be stupid.
All I know it is hot and dry most of the year, being in a desert and all. One of the oldest cities on earth is in a desert (Cairo).
BTW, is the Salt river the main river going through the city?

05-18-2007, 04:09 PM
"the truth hurts, like a forehead to the nose."

goddamn, that is poetic :clap

05-18-2007, 04:11 PM
Why do you think that the Suns shouldn't have to play by the exact same rules as everyone else in the NBA over the last ten years?

Anyone? Anyone at all? Suns fans? Hello? (http://www.brandens.net/files/Sounds/FX/Animals/CRICKET.WAV)

05-18-2007, 04:13 PM
i lost interest as soon as I saw an S.A. guy wrote it. call me when a national guy admits this.

still nice find :elephant

05-18-2007, 04:18 PM
Why do you think that the Suns shouldn't have to play by the exact same rules as everyone else in the NBA over the last ten years?

Because nobody should've had to abide by that ludicrous rule, whether it was the 1997 Knicks or whether it was the 2007 Suns. I think that it would be foolish to enforce a blatantly unfair rule, just because you wrongly enforced that same blatantly unfair rule to others.

05-18-2007, 04:20 PM
i lost interest as soon as I saw an S.A. guy wrote it. call me when a national guy admits this.

still nice find :elephant
I'll be downright shocked if anyone in the national media says anything of the kind. The truth is that there aren't nearly as many people watching this series as there are people who pretend they are watching this series. That the most clever and well-written of the smack articles over the last few years was written by someone that doesn't work for a newspaper is almost sad.

05-18-2007, 04:25 PM
Because nobody should've had to abide by that ludicrous rule, whether it was the 1997 Knicks or whether it was the 2007 Suns. I think that it would be foolish to enforce a blatantly unfair rule, just because you wrongly enforced that same blatantly unfair rule to others.
But they did, and they lived with it, and they accepted the punishment. They never took the rule out of the rulebook, so the competition committee, and the board of governors, both of which Jerry Colangelo has long been both member or chairman, considered it neither ludicrous nor blatantly unfair. The rule is sill there. Colangelo too busy working to get the rules changed to help offensive players.

So why do you want the rule that has applied to everyone else over the last dozen years to suddenly not apply to your team?

Cry Havoc
05-18-2007, 04:26 PM
Because nobody should've had to abide by that ludicrous rule, whether it was the 1997 Knicks or whether it was the 2007 Suns. I think that it would be foolish to enforce a blatantly unfair rule, just because you wrongly enforced that same blatantly unfair rule to others.


Yeah, you're right. It's a dumb rule and there's no purpose for it. :rolleyes

05-18-2007, 04:29 PM
Not everyone who is actually from Phoenix (me) agrees with all the douchebags on those message boards. But the Suns are the first franchise in Phoenix, the most successful and a really good bunch of guys, so of course we support them.

However, these lame attempts to call out those bandwagon fans who know nothing about basketball and try to place blame on everybody else is getting ridiculous. Spurs fans could point to championship banners and prior success, but they'd rather keep bitching about Suns fans and players for reasons I can't fathom. Maybe it's because the Spurs are headed home and up 3-2, so they feel a little self-righteous, but I still can't put a finger on it.

The stereotyping of the entire fanbase as poodle-wearing whatever whatever blah, blah and ripping on the city/state is taking an extremely low road. Shawn Marion never clotheslined Manu, either. Jesus, is it time to bring in Cuban to rip on the Riverwalk and then for the rest of us to call you all fat, ugly, pigs who live in a town with terrible roads, and with a stadium placed in a part of town known for warring Mexican/black gangs?

But I won't do that, because it's stooping to your level.

05-18-2007, 04:31 PM
Zero State Income Tax :toast

Countered with extremely high TX property taxes... :untoast.

05-18-2007, 04:32 PM
i could say you are a redneck aggie fan with a bad case of internets diarrhea but i won't stoop to your level.

05-18-2007, 06:08 PM
I have never been to Phoenix, so talking about the city would be stupid.
All I know it is hot and dry most of the year, being in a desert and all. One of the oldest cities on earth is in a desert (Cairo).
BTW, is the Salt river the main river going through the city?
There's no river in Phoenix :) Well, I guess there must be a Salt River, but I've never seen it...it's probably more like an arroyo or wabi than a river.

However, there are some canals that used to irrigate the many citrus groves, that were bulldozed to make room for multi-million dollar houses. And nowadays we keep making lakes and erecting expensive condos on the shores. I feel sorry for whatever state we're stealing all this water from!

05-18-2007, 06:17 PM
No offense but this guy comes off as a colossal self-righteous douche. We get it, people have different opinions on the suspensions. The game is already over, Amare and Boris are back, and everybody needs to shut the fuck up about this topic.

And for the record, the articles coming from Phoenix about how the Spurs are satan incarnate are equally annoying and douchey.

This is the first article I've read that is reaking of homerism and guess what douche nozzle its part of the game. You're the second suns of bitches fan to used the word douchey its a dumb word, its like saying its colonicy

05-18-2007, 06:43 PM
I forgot to add this article is HILARIOUS :toast

Vito Corleone
05-18-2007, 06:44 PM
Not everyone who is actually from Phoenix (me) agrees with all the douchebags on those message boards. But the Suns are the first franchise in Phoenix, the most successful and a really good bunch of guys, so of course we support them.

However, these lame attempts to call out those bandwagon fans who know nothing about basketball and try to place blame on everybody else is getting ridiculous. Spurs fans could point to championship banners and prior success, but they'd rather keep bitching about Suns fans and players for reasons I can't fathom. Maybe it's because the Spurs are headed home and up 3-2, so they feel a little self-righteous, but I still can't put a finger on it.

The stereotyping of the entire fanbase as poodle-wearing whatever whatever blah, blah and ripping on the city/state is taking an extremely low road. Shawn Marion never clotheslined Manu, either. Jesus, is it time to bring in Cuban to rip on the Riverwalk and then for the rest of us to call you all fat, ugly, pigs who live in a town with terrible roads, and with a stadium placed in a part of town known for warring Mexican/black gangs?

But I won't do that, because it's stooping to your level.

I will agree that the Suns are a team of good citizens and as a Spurs fan there is not one I would not want on my team, but the problem I have and most Spurs fans have with them is that they get in front of the mike before and after the game and whine and whine and whine about how dirty the Spurs are and how unfair things turned out. We have video proof that the Suns are dishing it out as much as they are taking it when it comes to dirty, but you have never heard a word from a Spur coach or player against them. It is called professionalism. Have the Spurs played dirty, at times they have, but so has everyone in the league.

The problem isn't the dirty play, the problem is the whinning to the media. You see the Suns fans read this crap and accept it as gospel truth and then they start to whine and whine and whine, it makes the whole lot of you look like a bunch of poodle walking Sheilas.

What Suns fans are not doing is asking why the Suns are whining so much? It is not to sound like little bitches, but to get an edge. They do it not because it is true but because it plants seeds in the minds of the refs that can later help to get fouls called in their favor.

Finally the part that really gets me is the cry of unfairness in the suspensions. Guess what there is nothing unfail about this. Unfair happened in 97 when over half the Knicks were suspended for this very same rule in their playoff series against the Miami Heat. The Knicks were leading in that series and ended up losing in seven games. Since that time the rule has been there and everyone has known about it, nothing was changed to help the Knicks and nothing should have changed in this case. Anyone who says it opens the door to thugs attacking star players in a hope of getting the other team suspended still does not understand the rule. If that really did happen nothing has changed, it is still up to the players on the bench to stay there and not leave, this is called restraint.

If San Antonio goes on to win this series, it will not be tainted nor will it be unfair. The Suspensions affected one game in 7 for them, the Suspension is affecting San Antonio for 2 games. The series is decided when one team wins 4 games. What the Suns need to do is look in the mirror and see if they can figure out why San Antonio won the other 3 games. If Pheonix wins San Antonio will have to do the same.

05-18-2007, 06:58 PM
Countered with extremely high TX property taxes... :untoast.
Yep. Artificially high. You have to go down to the tax office and bitch once a year to get them to drop it. It's a state income tax on the lazy.

05-18-2007, 07:13 PM
this paper is rather funny (thought it goes way too far) but it is about time to get over this crap

kyle macy
05-18-2007, 07:39 PM
I will agree that the Suns are a team of good citizens and as a Spurs fan there is not one I would not want on my team, but the problem I have and most Spurs fans have with them is that they get in front of the mike before and after the game and whine and whine and whine about how dirty the Spurs are and how unfair things turned out. We have video proof that the Suns are dishing it out as much as they are taking it when it comes to dirty, but you have never heard a word from a Spur coach or player against them. It is called professionalism. Have the Spurs played dirty, at times they have, but so has everyone in the league.

The problem isn't the dirty play, the problem is the whinning to the media. You see the Suns fans read this crap and accept it as gospel truth and then they start to whine and whine and whine, it makes the whole lot of you look like a bunch of poodle walking Sheilas.

What Suns fans are not doing is asking why the Suns are whining so much? It is not to sound like little bitches, but to get an edge. They do it not because it is true but because it plants seeds in the minds of the refs that can later help to get fouls called in their favor.

Finally the part that really gets me is the cry of unfairness in the suspensions. Guess what there is nothing unfail about this. Unfair happened in 97 when over half the Knicks were suspended for this very same rule in their playoff series against the Miami Heat. The Knicks were leading in that series and ended up losing in seven games. Since that time the rule has been there and everyone has known about it, nothing was changed to help the Knicks and nothing should have changed in this case. Anyone who says it opens the door to thugs attacking star players in a hope of getting the other team suspended still does not understand the rule. If that really did happen nothing has changed, it is still up to the players on the bench to stay there and not leave, this is called restraint.

If San Antonio goes on to win this series, it will not be tainted nor will it be unfair. The Suspensions affected one game in 7 for them, the Suspension is affecting San Antonio for 2 games. The series is decided when one team wins 4 games. What the Suns need to do is look in the mirror and see if they can figure out why San Antonio won the other 3 games. If Pheonix wins San Antonio will have to do the same.

The truth is, Phoenix is a very transient city and for the most part, residents don't care about a team unless they win. We are the biggest bandwagon city in the world, just look at the Diamondbacks attendance records for proof. My dad took me to Suns games as a kid and we had a great time until they won 55 games in 88 or 89. Since then, Suns games have been an event for people to be seen. The regular season games suck ass at the arena as no one gives a shit, they just want to wear their Tommy Bahama shirts and parade off their women's fake tits. I am now fortunate enough to be able to afford to go to games, but I have more fun watching them on tv at home. I hope by the time this series is over, you guys will realize that not all of Phoenix is whining over the BS some of the Suns players, their owner, and all the bandwagon fans are pulling.

05-18-2007, 07:51 PM
The truth is, Phoenix is a very transient city and for the most part, residents don't care about a team unless they win. We are the biggest bandwagon city in the world, just look at the Diamondbacks attendance records for proof. My dad took me to Suns games as a kid and we had a great time until they won 55 games in 88 or 89. Since then, Suns games have been an event for people to be seen. The regular season games suck ass at the arena as no one gives a shit, they just want to wear their Tommy Bahama shirts and parade off their women's fake tits. I am now fortunate enough to be able to afford to go to games, but I have more fun watching them on tv at home. I hope by the time this series is over, you guys will realize that not all of Phoenix is whining over the BS some of the Suns players, their owner, and all the bandwagon fans are pulling.

oh my god, I think I'm getting aroused reading your posts. :p: :downspin:

UV Ray
05-18-2007, 08:41 PM
A BRICK through the bus window. :lmao

05-18-2007, 08:47 PM
Yep. Artificially high. You have to go down to the tax office and bitch once a year to get them to drop it. It's a state income tax on the lazy.

Exactly. (Btw, I need to do that this month.)

And I've decided something - OV has the angriest picture of Tim Duncan out there as his avatar which is completely appropriate given the anger of some of your posts.

Really adds the extra edge you need.

05-18-2007, 08:49 PM
The truth is, Phoenix is a very transient city and for the most part, residents don't care about a team unless they win. We are the biggest bandwagon city in the world, just look at the Diamondbacks attendance records for proof. My dad took me to Suns games as a kid and we had a great time until they won 55 games in 88 or 89. Since then, Suns games have been an event for people to be seen. The regular season games suck ass at the arena as no one gives a shit, they just want to wear their Tommy Bahama shirts and parade off their women's fake tits. I am now fortunate enough to be able to afford to go to games, but I have more fun watching them on tv at home. I hope by the time this series is over, you guys will realize that not all of Phoenix is whining over the BS some of the Suns players, their owner, and all the bandwagon fans are pulling.
Dude, you just described Dallas. Mavs games became the place to be seen when Stars games became gauche.

05-18-2007, 08:51 PM
And I've decided something - OV has the angriest picture of Tim Duncan out there as his avatar which is completely appropriate given the anger of some of your posts.

Really adds the extra edge you need.
It's the playoffs. Take no prisoners, accept no excuses. Win four with who's on the floor and go on.