View Full Version : ****One Ass to risk****

05-18-2007, 07:08 PM
It is time gentlemen. It's time to reveal the true meaning of the Asterisk. Its time to wear it as a badge of Honor. Go Spurs Go!


Gary Paul Johnston knows what it’s like to put your life on the line daily. He did it as a commander with the Shaker Heights Police Department, and tells the story of the creation of his 1* logo this way: The idea for the 1* logo came from a joke I heard as a kid.”

That joke has many variations, but perhaps the oldest version tells of the teacher in a one-room schoolhouse who first covered the American history lesson, and then went on to grammar and punctuation. She asked, “Can anyone here use the word ‘asterisk’ in a sentence.” A boy’s hand immediately shot up, and he blurted, “We just covered that in the history lesson. It was patriot Nathan Hale who said, ‘I regret that I have only one-ass-to-risk for my country.’”