View Full Version : Congrats to the Spurs

05-18-2007, 11:31 PM
I just want you guys to know that some of us here in Phoenix appreciate good Basketball. I thought it was an awesome series. You guys are VERY tough.
One of these years I hope we beat you. I will enjoy that very much.

Until then, best of luck.


05-18-2007, 11:34 PM

anonymous coward
05-18-2007, 11:37 PM
:lol a spurs troll cragratulating himself :lol

05-18-2007, 11:45 PM
Wow...amazing how few responses there are to this.

Congrats to the Spurs. They did what they had to do.

But I still wish to God that Horry would slip in his shower tonight and break a kneecap.

On a final note, I'm amazed at how close the stats in the box score are. Across the board, it's as close as it gets.

05-18-2007, 11:47 PM
Thanx for the compliment. When your team sack your whiney, incapable coach, and the rest of the team follow Nash brilliance and not using the media as a shield for their mishaps, you'll get a pretty good shot at winning it all. Ofcourse, they better hurry doing whay i suggested, 'cause Nash isn't getting any younger.

05-18-2007, 11:48 PM
On a final note, I'm amazed at how close the stats in the box score are. Across the board, it's as close as it gets.

As it should be in the playoffs. That is what makes them good.

05-18-2007, 11:50 PM
Class post by the OP. Thanks, we do have a tough team and it was a FANTASTIC series that we all wish hadn't been marred by the crap that went on.

Props to your team too. A lot of people thought we were your worst matchup and yet it still took 6 tough games to shake you off. You'll be back again next year, and one of these years you will beat us... a day I'm not looking forward to.

Thanks for posting. :toast

05-18-2007, 11:56 PM
Phoneix was tough!!! They showed more grit than I remember in past years!

Nash and Amare needed some help tonight!

They have some decisions to make in the off-season regarding Marion though!

Agreed -- great series!

05-19-2007, 12:02 AM
I see there's a "taint" thread, but I'll respond on this one. I lived and died with the Suns this year, and I'm drowning my sorrows in a bottle of gin right now, but my hat's off to the Spurs. Tonight was a fair game and good game, and the Spurs took it. The Suns lost concentration for just two or three minutes in the third, and the Spurs took advantage with two or three threes in a row, and that was the difference.

Thank God for Steve Nash. He single-handedly salvaged the Suns' pride with that finish. 20 down with 8 minutes to go, and he shaves it to 5 points. Even as I watched it, I knew it was a hopeless cause, but it was still great to watch. There's no such thing as a moral victory -- but there is such a thing as pride in a losing cause, and Nash showed it.

05-19-2007, 12:13 AM
Congrats to the Spurs. It was a great series. Best of of luck with the Jazz. On a side note it was classy of the Spurs PA to give congrats to the Suns on a great season.

05-19-2007, 12:15 AM
Congrats on a fun series. I hope someday to be a fan and taste a championship.

Pardon me for disliking Texas...it just seems to rip my heart out every year.

Good luck against the Jazz!

05-19-2007, 12:16 AM
Thank you! Looking forward to playing you again.

05-19-2007, 12:18 AM
Props to the Suns. Nash is da man, and I am very fond of Amare, the man is a beast. It's a pitty he is following your lame coach bad example (bitching to the press, whining, etc). I hope he does improve his IQ, that's the only thing he is lacking of.

05-19-2007, 12:22 AM
Ya, great series folks~ ^_^ Quality stuff. Whether you're at the winning or losing end at the end of the day, take heart that you've witnessed an excellent series. That's what we basketball fans are looking for. :toast

05-19-2007, 12:30 AM
I just want you guys to know that some of us here in Phoenix appreciate good Basketball. I thought it was an awesome series. You guys are VERY tough.
One of these years I hope we beat you. I will enjoy that very much.

Until then, best of luck.


you know THOSE FANS WHINING AND THROWING BOTTLES ON DUNCAN IS actually the reason this game made possible for us to gt the win. :donkey WHO WOULD WANT SAN ANTONIO TO SEND THE SPURS TO YOUR HOMETOWN AGAIN?

Thanks though :toast &

thanks for the memories and the crying. I just hope everybody on your roster's going to console Amare now than in 2003 when he last cried(bucket in front). He needs it badly, he's one reason you lost. He played with his mouth 50%, only 50% left to lead your team.

I'm sorry Shawn Marion. You're the only player left in your team i like. No drama at all you played w/ class. :tu Good luck.


05-19-2007, 12:34 AM
:toast to the Suns fans who stuck around after the loss.

05-19-2007, 12:58 AM
Well done Spurs. The better team with the better coach certainly won this series. I had a nice long post written out but am drunk and lost it so I am keeping this short...er.

YOu guys got exactly what you have been asking for all series that Manu, Parker, and Timmy all have phenomenal nights. With the exception of Timmay's offense in the first half that was obviously accomplished. That guy was a monster on D tonight and he should have had more than the 10 block post season record if it weren't for a few questionalbe calls.

I can't blame the refs or the suspensions. The Suns just don't have what it takes to beat a champion or become one. That starts with D' Antoni. Its obvious our team is built for 60 regular season wins only to struggle in EVERY playoff series. But that is not what this is about.

You guys enjoy your next series and as you know the Jazz will certainly be physical. well at least a lot more than the Suns.

Later I am going fishin with coach D and I am throwin him off the boat. CYA next year if we meet in the playoffs again. Its been fun with the trash talkin and I don't take any of it personally. Well done Spurs. Well done.


Man of Steel
05-19-2007, 02:28 AM
Props to the Suns fans who showed a lot of class here tonight.

Now that the series is over, I can say--props to you and your team.

05-19-2007, 02:35 AM
Well done Spurs. The better team with the better coach certainly won this series. I had a nice long post written out but am drunk and lost it so I am keeping this short...er.

YOu guys got exactly what you have been asking for all series that Manu, Parker, and Timmy all have phenomenal nights. With the exception of Timmay's offense in the first half that was obviously accomplished. That guy was a monster on D tonight and he should have had more than the 10 block post season record if it weren't for a few questionalbe calls.

I can't blame the refs or the suspensions. The Suns just don't have what it takes to beat a champion or become one. That starts with D' Antoni. Its obvious our team is built for 60 regular season wins only to struggle in EVERY playoff series. But that is not what this is about.

You guys enjoy your next series and as you know the Jazz will certainly be physical. well at least a lot more than the Suns.

Later I am going fishin with coach D and I am throwin him off the boat. CYA next year if we meet in the playoffs again. Its been fun with the trash talkin and I don't take any of it personally. Well done Spurs. Well done.


I *bow* to you sir.

Just remember, we've been through a similar time. From 2000-02 we felt like we were wasting DRob's last years, and Duncan's prime. At the time, Pop couldn't coach an under 14 girl's team, but he learned and eventually came of age in 2003. not saying D'Antoni will do the same, but that growing pains make the ultimate triumph even sweeter! ;)

See you next year.

05-19-2007, 02:38 AM
Coming out the fucking wood work...but seriously for those who have said those nice things u are good guys man...yall have been classy with ur comments in this thread and that is at least appreciated by me as I am sure by others...Good luck to you next year...

Tigole Bitties
05-19-2007, 02:39 AM
Very nice words from the classy Suns fans.

It really was a competitive series. Keep the core players around and hope the Atlanta Hawks don't strike it rich on Tuesday and you'll be right there next year.

Maybe kick D'Antoni to the curb :lol