View Full Version : Why Timmy is the best player in the league.

05-19-2007, 02:01 PM
As Spurs fans we have all had to endure ignorant comparisons in which the likes of KG, Malone, Dirk, Nash, Kobe, Lebron, Wade etc. grab the media attention as the worlds best players while Tim Duncan continues to fly under the radar. Sure, Duncan has been recognized in the past, but how quickly the national media forgets his true greatness. If the media and NBA fans were in ever in doubt as to who the best player on the planet is, last nights performance by Tim Duncan should serve as the wake up call which solidifies Duncan as the leagues best bar none.

Last night in a elimination game against the Suns Phoenix coach Mike D'Antoni decided to take his chances throwing sporatic double teams at Tim Duncan in the 3rd quarter to get the ball out of the the dominant superstars hands. Duncan proceeded to make the Suns pay by initiating a huge Spurs run that culminated in building a 20 pt lead which proved to be insurmountable for the Suns vaunted run and gun offense lead by Steve Nash.

Shouldn't D'Antoni have known better?

Flashback to the '2005 Finals in which head coach Larry Brown of the Pistons made the same mistake in a game 7 in San Antonio. Coming down the stretch in the 4th quarter Brown decided to get the ball out of #21's hands because he was dominating the Pistons front line which had tried to play him one on one. Brown made his decision, and the rest is history. Duncan saw the double teams coming and did what none of the players mentioned above can do like he can. Duncan became the facilitator and catalyst to a Spurs last quarter game sealing romp in which the Pistons were barraged by countless Spur 3 pointers.

If ever there was any doubt of who the best player in the league was, I submit to you this as evidence.

Duncan's array of offensive moves, and his undaunted defensive prowess put him in a category all his own.

Last night, as in game 5 against the Suns, Duncan abused Sun defender Kurt Thomas by backing him down at will as well as displaying a faceup game in which he blew by the would be Duncan Stopper at his every whim.

Memo to the national media: Tim Duncan is the straw that stirs the championship drink. Duncan stands tall in a forest of self proclaimed would be alpha males that are all bark and no bite. Keep handing out your MVP trophies based upon popularity contests while Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs keep piling up NBA titles and Finals MVP awards.

(since we can't seem to get an honest take from the national media, I decided to write my own article)

05-19-2007, 02:26 PM

Call ESPN. They are in desperate need of your talents, tho they won't admit it.

05-19-2007, 02:27 PM
:tu a little over the top, but so true at the same time. good read

05-19-2007, 02:52 PM

Call ESPN. They are in desperate need of your talents, tho they won't admit it.

I agree.

You're a great writer. This read much better (in terms of quality of writing- not just the content- which of course I agree with completely) than 99 % of all the articles that pass for sports journalism today.

Great work! I am impressed.

And it's all true.
