View Full Version : W Passing the Hat Around Again

11-29-2004, 02:13 AM

President Bush said that 2004 would be his last campaign, but for his legion of political donors there is no end in sight. No sooner was the election over than they began bracing for another appeal for money, this time for the $40 million or more needed to put on the behemoth party that will be known as Mr. Bush's second inaugural.

One might think that the donors would be exhausted from writing and persuading so many others to write the checks that fed the $273 million Mr. Bush collected for his re-election, a record for an American presidential campaign. But one would be wrong.

At least, that is the view of Brad Freeman, the presidential chum and the most talkative in the triumvirate of Bush fund-raisers tasked with calling people up and asking for $100,000 each to help with the swearing-in festivities.


Mr. Freeman, a California financer worth an estimated $100 million who took in the presidential tomcat, Ernie, when the Bushes moved to the White House (his claws were deemed ruinous to the furniture), will get together with other inaugural fund-raisers for a planning session in Washington on Saturday.


And what of Ernie? "Unfortunately, the cat's still alive," Mr. Freeman intoned. "So it's what I've got for the next four years."

Or at least until the fund-raising for Mr. Bush's library begins.

NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/29/national/29letter.html?oref=login)

They should devote a portion of W's Presidential library to "My Pet Goat"


Nothing like a big goody affair in the middle of a war.

11-29-2004, 11:00 AM
The tax cuts are really working!