View Full Version : The Spurs' Win Tonight...

05-28-2007, 10:50 PM
courtesy of the refs.

And preemptively, stuff all your typical and very expected "Mavfan" crap up your ass because you guys obviously don't have shit else to say. You know it's the truth.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-28-2007, 10:52 PM
Yeah, it's not like Utah got away with mugging Duncan all night long. You came off objective over the last couple of weeks, but now you've shown your true face. Lame.

05-28-2007, 10:54 PM
courtesy of the refs.

And preemptively, stuff all your typical and very expected "Mavfan" crap up your ass because you guys obviously don't have shit else to say. You know it's the truth.

YOu live and die by physical basketball, you die by physical basketball.


SpursDynasty 100 Monoslob 0




05-28-2007, 10:54 PM
If anyone would know about giftwrapping it would be Mav Fan.

Stuff your preemptive crap up you ass because you obviously have nothing else to say. You know it's the truth.

Enjoying your fishing?

05-28-2007, 10:58 PM
Fishing with Dirk

Or Fisting with Dirk.,.......

Decisions Decisions for Mavfan.

05-28-2007, 10:59 PM
Don't be giving the mavs fan so much shit. They got the 3 pt challenge trophy via DIRKIE

05-28-2007, 10:59 PM

courtesy of the warriors...

05-28-2007, 11:02 PM
LOL and my point is proven. Other than AHF, everybody else would rather gloss over things and just say "fuck you Mavfan!" instead of looking at the obvious truth, that the Spurs got a victory gift-wrapped for them by the refs. Enjoy another bullshit win. OOH OOH HERE'S WHAT SOMEONE'S GONNA SAY NEXT - "At least we're still doing some winning unlike your MAVS YOU MAVFAN!" HOW DID I GUESS!!?!?!! i'm a FUCKING PROPHET!!!!

05-28-2007, 11:02 PM
I'm curious how you figure that. The Spurs shot a bunch of 4th quarter FTs, but are you arguing that the Jazz didn't really foul? Or that the officials shouldn't have called contact on shots? or are you suggesting that the Jazz attacked the basket in the 4th and didn't just settle for jumpers?

I mean, if you're going to argue that the officiating cost the Jazz the game -- always a weak argument -- I'd figure you'd at least have to come with some sort of explanation for that statement -- something more than 41 FTA to 20 or whatever it ended up being.

The Spurs attacked the rim and forced the officials to make calls. The Jazz make no bones about the fact that they intend to play physically and dare officials to make calls. Tonight, when the Spurs attacked and the Jazz played physically, the officials made the calls. What's conspiratorial about that?

05-28-2007, 11:06 PM
LOL and my point is proved. Other than AHF, everybody else would rather gloss over things and just say "fuck you Mavfan!" instead of looking at the obvious truth, that the Spurs got a victory gift-wrapped for them by the refs. Enjoy another bullshit win. OOH OOH HERE'S WHAT SOMEONE'S GONNA SAY NEXT - "At least we're still doing some winning unlike your MAVS YOU MAVFAN!" HOW DID I GUESS!!?!?!! i'm a FUCKING PROPHET!!!!

In other news, you'd think a Mavs fan would recognize that game -- it looked a whole lot like Game 3 of the Spurs/Mavs series last year. The Mavs lived at the line in the 4th and even though the Spurs shot better than 70% in the 4th, they couldn't ever get over the hump. The difference tonight is that Utah didn't shoot 70% in the 4th.

05-28-2007, 11:07 PM
LOL and my point is proved. Other than AHF, everybody else would rather gloss over things and just say "fuck you Mavfan!" instead of looking at the obvious truth, that the Spurs got a victory gift-wrapped for them by the refs. Enjoy another bullshit win. OOH OOH HERE'S WHAT SOMEONE'S GONNA SAY NEXT - "At least we're still doing some winning unlike your MAVS YOU MAVFAN!" HOW DID I GUESS!!?!?!! i'm a FUCKING PROPHET!!!!Only one point has been proven by the above post.

05-28-2007, 11:09 PM
I'm curious how you figure that. The Spurs shot a bunch of 4th quarter FTs, but are you arguing that the Jazz didn't really foul? Or that the officials shouldn't have called contact on shots? or are you suggesting that the Jazz attacked the basket in the 4th and didn't just settle for jumpers?

I mean, if you're going to argue that the officiating cost the Jazz the game -- always a weak argument -- I'd figure you'd at least have to come with some sort of explanation for that statement -- something more than 41 FTA to 20 or whatever it ended up being.

The Spurs attacked the rim and forced the officials to make calls. The Jazz make no bones about the fact that they intend to play physically and dare officials to make calls. Tonight, when the Spurs attacked and the Jazz played physically, the officials made the calls. What's conspiratorial about that?

I felt that there were alot of calls that went SA's way that didn't go Utah's way as well. And to me, a team as composed and playoff experienced as Utah (especially Sloan and Fisher) wouldn't go apeshit unless they really believed some serious bullshit was going down? I understand that the way Utah plays can bite them in the ass at times (as it very obviously did tonight) but the fact that the Spurs were able to play rough with the Jazz but not the other way around in the 4th really irritated me.

And why is it that Free Throw disparity is complete bullshit and needs to be ignored unless it's how many the Mavs get over the Spurs? Talk about not being objective...

05-28-2007, 11:12 PM
Uhhh, the Jazz hacked the Spurs. Considering your own team petitions for more fouls called, particularly your owner, you might want to think about what you're bitching about. The refs called it pretty fairly, there were of course a few bad calls against the Jazz, but so what there were even more against the Spurs. They hacked Duncan all night and the refs decided to call it only in the fourth for some reason. Coming from someone who's team got 50 to its opponents 32 one game in last year's playoffs, you should probably shut the fuck up. Our team didn't go into pussy mode like yours did and jack up jumpshot after jumpshot, hoping to win. They drove it to the whole like men and got rewarded. Go cry over your pathetic team, bitch.

05-28-2007, 11:14 PM
I felt that there were alot of calls that went SA's way that didn't go Utah's way as well. And to me, a team as composed and playoff experienced as Utah (especially Sloan and Fisher) wouldn't go apeshit unless they really believed some serious bullshit was going down? I understand that the way Utah plays can bite them in the ass at times (as it very obviously did tonight) but the fact that the Spurs were able to play rough with the Jazz but not the other way around in the 4th really irritated me.

The Jazz weren't called for anything, really, other than making contact with shooters and drivers in the 4th. Are you contending that the Spurs were making contact with the Jazz's jump shooters in that period? Really. Is that your argument?

And why is it that Free Throw disparity is complete bullshit and needs to be ignored unless it's how many the Mavs get over the Spurs? Talk about not being objective...

Curiously, I didn't bitch about the free throw disparity in the Mavs/Spurs game. I just pointed out the fact that this game was similar. The Spurs lost Game 3 in Dallas because they fouled too much and didn't play well enough before the 4th. I guess the Jazz are somehow immune from having themselves to blame for losses, though -- at least in your world.

Nice whining.

05-28-2007, 11:17 PM
This is how a veteran, half-court team handles a younger, faster jump-shooting team.

Too bad AJ was too busy being deer in the headlights to realize this

05-28-2007, 11:21 PM
Curiously, I didn't bitch about the free throw disparity in the Mavs/Spurs game. I just pointed out the fact that this game was similar. The Spurs lost Game 3 in Dallas because they fouled too much and didn't play well enough before the 4th. I guess the Jazz are somehow immune from having themselves to blame for losses, though -- at least in your world.

Nice whining.

Fair enough. The majority of Spurs fans I see bitch endlessly about how many more FTA's the Mavs shot over the Spurs, yet find a way to make that stat completely irrelevant when the Spurs get the benefit.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be shooting fouls. I saw plenty of moving screens, push offs, and other rough things away from the ball that shocked me because it never got called.

And does anybody really have the guts to say that Oberto didn't commit basket interference?

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-28-2007, 11:22 PM
a team as composed and playoff experienced as Utah (especially Sloan and Fisher) wouldn't go apeshit unless they really believed some serious bullshit was going down

Fisher has a history of being a punk ass bitch when his team is down and obviously going to lose a big game. What's so surprising about his bitch performance at the end of the game tonight?

Sloan decided to go to work early on getting his team all the calls in game 5.

Nothing too surprising about either of their actions.

05-28-2007, 11:24 PM
Fair enough. The majority of Spurs fans I see bitch endlessly about how many more FTA's the Mavs shot over the Spurs, yet find a way to make that stat completely irrelevant when the Spurs get the benefit.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be shooting fouls. I saw plenty of moving screens, push offs, and other rough things away from the ball that shocked me because it never got called.

And does anybody really have the guts to say that Oberto didn't commit basket interference?

Oh, that basket interference changed the game! Dumbass. Kirlenko goaltended two layups. So it's an eye for an eye. Quit bitching.

05-28-2007, 11:24 PM
And it's great to see all the "I have no opinion, I just think the Spurs are awesome and I think that anytime they win it's cuz they're the fuckin best and whenever they lose it's cuz the refs fucked us over" crowd join in unison for a nice "Fuck you Mavfan, HAHA Mavfan, you're a Mavfan, you fucking Mavfan, go fishing you Mavfan fucking piece of Mavfan shit! I say this because I didn't really pay any attention to the game and I have no other argument." session. It's been great. Good night to you all.

05-28-2007, 11:28 PM
I concede that Oberto's illegal 14-point tip-in won the game for the Spurs.

05-28-2007, 11:28 PM
And a good night to you too. Dumbass!!!! :p:

05-28-2007, 11:28 PM
Fair enough. The majority of Spurs fans I see bitch endlessly about how many more FTA's the Mavs shot over the Spurs, yet find a way to make that stat completely irrelevant when the Spurs get the benefit.

But way to generalize. Really. Excellent job with that.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be shooting fouls. I saw plenty of moving screens, push offs, and other rough things away from the ball that shocked me because it never got called.

Are you seriously saying that the Jazz didn't get away with moving screens and push-offs tonight? I thought the officials basically let the players play and didn't call much on either end that happened away from the ball. Remarkably, that tends to be how late round playoff games go.

What's with your insistence on using the word "rough?" Are you Mike D'Antoni? It sounds really sillified to complain that the Spurs were just too rough on the Jazz tonight. It's not like the Jazz didn't do their share of pushing and shoving and hacking and things like that. Physical play off the ball is a hallmark of playoff basketball -- particularly with teams like the Spurs and the Jazz.

And does anybody really have the guts to say that Oberto didn't commit basket interference?

Wow -- the officials missed a call?!?!?! Those damned human officials! It's really too bad that the game turned on that missed call. Really unfortunate.

T Park
05-28-2007, 11:28 PM

Hope you catch something.

Cause obviously the fish aren't biting if your watching such a "boring" series

05-28-2007, 11:31 PM
Wow -- the officials missed a call?!?!?! Those damned human officials! It's really too bad that the game turned on that missed call. Really unfortunate.

Well it's great to be told that the refs actually missed one call but the Spurs and the refs were both absolutely perfect for everything else. It's also nice to see a Spurs fan admit that the Spurs actually might have gotten away with one thing. First time in Spurs history that they got away with something.

05-28-2007, 11:33 PM
Oh goodnight for real this time. I truly love you all. Enjoy the win. Keep shitting on the Mavs despite it being completely irrelevant to the conversation, I love the stupidity!

05-28-2007, 11:36 PM

Hope you catch something.

Cause obviously the fish aren't biting if your watching such a "boring" series

Actually I think the series has been decently entertaining. Unlike the boring ass ECF series, where 46 minutes is the most dull experience ever, and the last 2 minutes are pretty good.

Ok last post of the night for real. G'nite. Remember everyone, don't ever think that the Spurs had anything given to them by the refs. They win every game despite being the most screwed over team in NBA history. I'm just a trolling Mavfan piece of shit! Add that to ur sigs everyone!

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-28-2007, 11:37 PM
Stupidity? You mean like singling out a non-goaltend call to try and validate your weak ass take? :lol

05-28-2007, 11:37 PM
Well it's great to be told that the refs actually missed one call but the Spurs and the refs were both absolutely perfect for everything else. It's also nice to see a Spurs fan admit that the Spurs actually might have gotten away with one thing. First time in Spurs history that they got away with something.

I didn't say that they were absolutely perfect. Officials miss calls every night. For the most part, though, they do a pretty solid job. The missed calls tend to balance out. You focus on one missed call. I'm saying that while the officials missed some calls -- as they always do -- they called the game pretty consistently all night long. The Spurs did a good job of attacking the basket in the 4th, drawing early calls, getting themselves into the bonus, and exploiting that. Utah did a good job of settling for mid-range jump shots, which rarely nets calls -- as a Mavs fan, I'd expect that you're keenly aware of that (though a couple of years ago, your brethren were insistent that such play should nevertheless result in equalized FTA).

It's not the first time that the Spurs might have gotten away with something, but it's also not as if the Spurs have never had a bad call go against them. Equilibrium.

But I'm not sure why we're still discussing your weak take -- I thought you were out of here a while back.

05-28-2007, 11:38 PM
Oh goodnight for real this time. I truly love you all. Enjoy the win. Keep shitting on the Mavs despite it being completely irrelevant to the conversation, I love the stupidity!

Yes and keep generalizing all Spurs fans as being of one mindset.

05-28-2007, 11:40 PM
i actually did go fishing today instead of watching this game. :lol

its Memorial Day after all, lots of stuff to do

05-28-2007, 11:40 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 27 (14 members and 13 guests)

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Solid D
05-28-2007, 11:40 PM
The Jazz's strategy failed tonight. There were a few missed calls, Oberto's in the cylinder shot, for one...but face it, the NBA's number 1 fouling team, fouled the penetrator - usually very hard. The refs overlooked a lot of pulled jerseys on screen/rolls and also overlooked flops tonight, which was a good thing overall.

Another physical game but this one goes to the team that executed the best down the stretch.

05-28-2007, 11:48 PM
did the refs give the spurs some calls in the fourth? yes, but really mono I honestly think the spurs were in control during the 2nd half.

the jaz had agreat rally to cut it to 1 but once the lead ballooned to 8 (prior to the free throw fest) i think the game was the spurs to lose

Kori Ellis
05-29-2007, 12:04 AM
I'll take gift wrap over fish wrap anyday :tu

But this game wasn't gift wrapped. The Spurs were getting banged around all night and not getting a lot of calls. It was a rough game. In the fourth, the Spurs kept driving and the Jazz started settling into a mid-range game offensively and starting getting desperate and began hacking on D. Thus the 4th quarter freethrow disparity. It was just a hard physical game.

05-29-2007, 12:04 AM
courtesy of the refs.

And preemptively, stuff all your typical and very expected "Mavfan" crap up your ass because you guys obviously don't have shit else to say. You know it's the truth.
Isn't your bitch ass supposed to be gone from the forum?

05-29-2007, 12:07 AM
You know what would have been funny? If the Mavs had been introduced to Jazz playoff basketball in the second round.

The outcome might have been more embarrassing than losing to the Warriors.

05-29-2007, 12:14 AM
Why argue with an obvious idiot? Mavs? Gone. Suns? Gone. Jazz? Well, they could win again, its entirely possible, even in SA. Im not counting them totally out of it yet (though Im feeling much better than earlier tonight). Spurs need to stomp their guts out in game 5 and move on.

The Genius
05-29-2007, 12:16 AM
monosylab1k=Troll with no life.

05-29-2007, 12:22 AM
Well it's great to be told that the refs actually missed one call but the Spurs and the refs were both absolutely perfect for everything else. It's also nice to see a Spurs fan admit that the Spurs actually might have gotten away with one thing. First time in Spurs history that they got away with something.

They missed a lot of calls.

But, for the most part the calls they made were correct.

They missed several no-calls on both ends, including Oberto's basket-interfence, a charge on a Utah player I'm not remembering, Oberto getting a two handed shove by Fisher that pushed him out of position on defense, etc.

I think I saw two foul calls I disagreed with as fouls, one for each team. Granted there were several that while they were fouls, I don't think they should have been called (like Manu getting bailed out on that air ball three for his arm being tapped by Fisher after the shot was released).

Utah just flat out lost their composure though. And the fans jumping on the officials early probably helped the Jazz get to that point.

05-29-2007, 08:07 AM
Since monoslyab1k wants to talk about things that didn't get called:


Remarkably, Williams ended the game with no personal fouls.

05-29-2007, 08:14 AM
Oberto didn't commit basket interference. They showed a replay from above the rim and the ball was outside the cylinder. Let's say that's a bad call, though. There's one. Where are all the others? Utah got away with at least three offensive fouls that led directly to scores. Manu got called for a foul trying to tie up Milsap. Name me one example of a foul that Manu didn't earn in the 4th quarter. It's really fucking hard for Utah to draw fouls when they shoot jumpers. It's really fucking hard to shoot free throws when you're never in the bonus.

You just lost what little basketball credibilty you had, Mavs bitch.

05-29-2007, 08:16 AM


05-29-2007, 08:46 AM
courtesy of the refs.

And preemptively, stuff all your typical and very expected "Mavfan" crap up your ass because you guys obviously don't have shit else to say. You know it's the truth.
Here it comes.

05-29-2007, 08:51 AM
I'll take gift wrap over fish wrap anyday :tu

But this game wasn't gift wrapped. The Spurs were getting banged around all night and not getting a lot of calls. It was a rough game. In the fourth, the Spurs kept driving and the Jazz started settling into a mid-range game offensively and starting getting desperate and began hacking on D. Thus the 4th quarter freethrow disparity. It was just a hard physical game.
Sloan said after the second game, in effect, that he knew his guys weren't trying hard enough because "nobody has been fouling out." That was the message. The Jazz heard it. The Spurs heard it. So the challenge to the Spurs was to get intimidated or keep plowing into Utah's D. Bravo, Manu.

05-29-2007, 08:53 AM

05-29-2007, 08:55 AM
I'm curious how you figure that. The Spurs shot a bunch of 4th quarter FTs, but are you arguing that the Jazz didn't really foul? Or that the officials shouldn't have called contact on shots? or are you suggesting that the Jazz attacked the basket in the 4th and didn't just settle for jumpers?

I mean, if you're going to argue that the officiating cost the Jazz the game -- always a weak argument -- I'd figure you'd at least have to come with some sort of explanation for that statement -- something more than 41 FTA to 20 or whatever it ended up being.

The Spurs attacked the rim and forced the officials to make calls. The Jazz make no bones about the fact that they intend to play physically and dare officials to make calls. Tonight, when the Spurs attacked and the Jazz played physically, the officials made the calls. What's conspiratorial about that?
Jazz philosophy has always been"Push, Grap, Hold, Flop; they can't call them all."

05-29-2007, 08:57 AM
Since monoslyab1k wants to talk about things that didn't get called:


Remarkably, Williams ended the game with no personal fouls.
And Bravo! Tough little French guy!

05-29-2007, 09:02 AM
Well it's great to be told that the refs actually missed one call but the Spurs and the refs were both absolutely perfect for everything else. It's also nice to see a Spurs fan admit that the Spurs actually might have gotten away with one thing. First time in Spurs history that they got away with something.
Thought you were leaving.

05-29-2007, 09:05 AM
This thread is rich.

The jazz imploded in the 4th, we aggressively attacked the basket on every possesion, the jazz shot jumpers...

Sloan and Fish lost their cool because their teams composure was falling apart, and they could see the win floating away...

Better team won...and honestly i feel it is irrelevant because the jazz will not beat the spurs in the ATT center.

05-29-2007, 09:52 AM
It's relevant bc if we can win on Wednesday night we can get the guys some rest, as opposed to having to winning a Game 7 and then go right to the Finals.

05-29-2007, 10:56 AM
Of all the people, I am surprised it was you who complained about the referees. You always came across as objective and a no-nonsense type of guy.
But even Boozer himself said that when the Spurs were taking FTs, they were taking jumpshots. Nobody but Williams was driving to the basket, and given the physical nature of both teams, I am not surprised that there were a bunch of calls.