View Full Version : A small shout out to two people.

T Park
05-28-2007, 11:38 PM
1. Jacque Vaughn.

he wasn't great, he wasn't flashy or spectacular, but he was solid.

He made some nice passes, he played some decent defense.

His steal on the pick and roll was huge, as that killed a mini run.

2. Pop.

For shortening up the rotation and leaving the stiffs Barry and Elson on the bench.

For playing Fin, Ginobili, Duncan heavy minutes.

Bring the same rotation to game 5.

No more little league gift minutes to Elson and Barry.

05-28-2007, 11:40 PM
I want to give a shout out to the Spurs fans in Utah. You could definitely hear them during the game.

05-28-2007, 11:46 PM
I thought you were talking to me.

Cry Havoc
05-28-2007, 11:52 PM
1. Jacque Vaughn.

he wasn't great, he wasn't flashy or spectacular, but he was solid.

He made some nice passes, he played some decent defense.

His steal on the pick and roll was huge, as that killed a mini run.

2. Pop.

For shortening up the rotation and leaving the stiffs Barry and Elson on the bench.

For playing Fin, Ginobili, Duncan heavy minutes.

Bring the same rotation to game 5.

No more little league gift minutes to Elson and Barry.

I thought Parker and Manu played some nice defense as well tonight, too. Also, Oberto was HUGE on the glass.

05-28-2007, 11:54 PM
I agree about Jacque. Good assists, good hustle...I felt comfortable with him in there. I wish he could do more offensively than dribbling to top of key and looking to pass it right away, but he does well in other things. Overall, I like his defense as well.

05-29-2007, 12:01 AM
I like Bones and when he's being aggressive he's great, but it seems he got a little timid on us again and Pop just isnt going to put up with that now. As for Elson, he needs to toughen up and quit making dumb mistakes. He has potential but... Good call on Pops part for tonight in the critical game. I could see them both playing some in game 5.

05-29-2007, 12:11 AM
Jacque reminds me more and more of a poor man's Avery....i didn't think i'd ever use that term.

I still say we have to severely limit his playing time in the finals (assuming we get there, of course) and use manu as backup pg. But yeah, i remember saying to my brother a few weeks ago, "jacque kinda reminds me of avery...plays with heart, not much talent, hustles, doesn't have a jumper...can run the offense decently"

So congratulations Jacque Vaughn. You are a "poor man's Avery Johnson." (I'm still not sure if that's a compliment or an insult.)