View Full Version : Okay, now Kobe is even starting to piss me off..he says he wants out AGAIN.

05-31-2007, 10:26 AM
The Los Angeles Times -
After saying that he wanted to be traded on ESPN Radio early yesterday, and then seemingly retracting that demand later in the day, Kobe Bryant spoke to The Los Angeles Times late in the afternoon yesterday and said he still wanted off the Lakers.

At 5:27 PM, Bryant affirmed his first position as stated on the air yesterday morning.

"Nothing's changed," Bryant said. "It's just a matter of I don't want to go no place else. I don't have much of a choice. When things like this go down, you just sit back. What can I do? It's like a broken record."

When asked if he still wanted to be traded, Bryant reportedly expressed no hesitation or doubt in quickly answering "Yes."

Okay, make up your fuckin mind already..

05-31-2007, 10:30 AM
He needs some Paxil ... or Lithium.

05-31-2007, 10:31 AM
Here's some more about the trade scenario.
All of the NBA executives who spoke on the topic of Bryant's apparent trade demand mentioned two teams to which Bryant could be dealt: The Bulls and Suns.

ESPN's source says that Bryant has been looking at Chicago for the past month as a place he'd like to continue his career.

Luol Deng, Ben Gordon, Adrian Griffin, and Victor Khryapa are mentioned as the principal parts of a potential Bulls offer. The Bulls also have the 9th overall pick in the upcoming draft.

This may be the best talent swap the Lakers could garner in a Bryant blockbuster.

05-31-2007, 10:32 AM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"

05-31-2007, 10:33 AM
beat you to it by a sec..lol..Nothing to worry 'bout though, he ain't goin' nowhere.
Word is they are already in talks about a Jermaine O'Neill trade

05-31-2007, 10:33 AM

05-31-2007, 10:45 AM
Matching salaries just don't work with the Chicago Bulls unless there's a third team involved. Who's going to help the Bulls land Kobe?

Only place that makes sense is the Knicks with all there contracts and some young talent or in a virtual player-for-player swap with Boston for Paul Pierce. There aren't many other scenerios that really make sense.

05-31-2007, 10:49 AM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"


05-31-2007, 11:05 AM
Kobe's change of direction has L.A. guessing
By Mike Bresnahan, Times Staff Writer
May 31, 2007

The morning began with a startling declaration from L.A.'s most recognizable athlete, a demand by Kobe Bryant on a radio show that he wanted to be traded from the Lakers, the only team he has played for since he was a teenager.

Before it could fully sink in with die-hard followers of the Lakers, Bryant's ultimatum zigzagged as he appeared on two more radio shows, an apparent realization by the nine-time NBA All-Star that, well, things just might turn out OK after all and he might like to stay.

Then, late in the afternoon, Bryant told The Times that, sorry for the confusion, but he still wanted to be traded.

Somehow, Wednesday took the prize for the most chaotic part of a four-day span, the latest chapter of an unforgettable period in Lakers history, jump-started by Bryant's remarks in Sunday's editions of The Times that, "I'm still frustrated. I'm waiting for them to make some changes."

It was a direct shot at the Lakers' upper management, a warning note from the franchise's cornerstone that he had been increasingly disenchanted since the team's quick exit in the first round of the playoffs this month. The Lakers, accustomed to winning championships almost as often as presidential elections — they've won nine since moving to Los Angeles in 1960 — but haven't earned one since 2002.

Bryant, who turns 29 in August, has already taken part in three championship parades, but, after three disappointing seasons, he was apparently too unhappy with the Lakers management.

So Wednesday morning, Bryant sighed deeply and said the words he never envisioned he would say.

"I would like to be traded, yeah," he told ESPN radio. "As tough as it is to say that, as tough as it is to come to that conclusion, there's no other alternative. They obviously want to move in a different direction as far as rebuilding.

"I just want them to do the right thing…. At this point, I'll go play on Pluto right now."

Not more than a couple of hours later, Bryant apparently came back to Earth and softened his trade demand in an interview with KLAC radio in Los Angeles.

"I can only hope that they do something because I don't want to go no place else. I don't want to," he said. "I want to stay here. I hope they can do something."

Bryant wants a few new teammates, some game-changing pieces to join him here in L.A., but the Lakers, already burdened with a big payroll, could acquire them only by making some eye-opening trades, which Bryant would endorse heartily.

After Bryant's trade demand, it appeared that some soothing early-afternoon words from Lakers Coach Phil Jackson and a Lakers legend, Magic Johnson, also brought Bryant back from orbit.

Johnson, who won five championships in the 1980s while playing for the Lakers, sent text messages to Bryant, then left two voice-mail messages that were retrieved by Bryant, although the two superstars never actually spoke.

"You've got to give him credit because he said some things that were on his mind, and that's OK," said Johnson, who owns about 5% of the Lakers. "I think we want a better product on the court. We want to win too. Now it's just got to come down to listening to what the young man said.

"Trading him is not an option. You don't trade the best player in the world. What you do is try to make trades and try to make the team better."

Jackson also took a turn talking with Bryant, an image dripping with irony: The coach and his player, adversaries a few years back, now propping each other up. Jackson, 61, who has won nine championships as a coach, criticized Bryant in a tell-all book in 2004, but has since mended fences with the player he once referred to as "uncoachable."

The two discussed a passage from a story in Tuesday's editions of The Times that infuriated Bryant. It read: "Nevertheless, as a Lakers insider notes, it was Bryant's insistence on getting away from Shaquille O'Neal that got them in this mess."

Bryant wanted to know the exact identity of the insider. Jackson asked him to relax.

"He told me, 'I can't blame you. I'd do the same thing. It's messed up. We're going to try and figure things out ourselves within this organization internally,' " Bryant said.

Together, at the best of times, O'Neal and Bryant were an unbeatable tandem, driving the Lakers to championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002. But at their worst, the two stars bickered incessantly and brought an end to what could have been a long-running dynasty. The Lakers have not won a playoff series since O'Neal was traded in July 2004 and have a 121-125 record the last three seasons, not including two first-round playoff exits.

Bryant also said Jackson told him to "just relax and just kick back, continue your training and enjoy your vacation. We'll address the issues. We have to do something in terms of bringing in talent and looking internally into the organization."

So Bryant went to see his young daughter in her ballet class. He tried to take his mind off of the events swirling around him but was continually hit with text messages and calls on his cellphone.

When he spoke to The Times at 5:27 p.m., he reiterated his position from earlier in the morning.

"Nothing's changed," Bryant said. "It's just a matter of I don't want to go no place else. I don't have much of a choice. When things like this go down, you just sit back. What can I do? It's like a broken record."

When asked if he still wanted to be traded, he answered quickly and firmly: "Yes."

The Lakers have no interest in trading Bryant, who has four years and $88.6 million left on his contract. But Bryant has the option of voiding his contract after the 2008-09 season. The two-time scoring champion, widely acknowledged as the game's best player, has the NBA's best-selling jersey and is a significant draw at Staples Center and on the road.

The Lakers were concerned enough to send a mass e-mail to season-ticket holders Wednesday, providing an e-mail address to "voice your concerns to Lakers Management."

In fact, most of the Lakers' brain trust was in Orlando, Fla., for a camp showcasing young players for next month's NBA draft. The Lakers officials included General Manager Mitch Kupchak and Vice President of Player Personnel Jim Buss, son of team owner Jerry Buss.

The younger Buss, in the late morning, said it was too early to formulate a game plan.

"We're trying to build a championship team and Kobe was part of that," Buss said. "I have to talk to Mitch and my dad and also listen to Kobe as to why he's demanding the trade. Trading Kobe wasn't in our plans in any way, but we have to listen to him and see what this whole thing's all about."

Then, an hour later, came a statement released by the team that carried a similar theme from the elder Buss, who gave the go-ahead in July 2004 to sign Bryant to his seven-year, $136.4-million contract.

"We are aware of the media reports," Buss said. "However, Kobe has not told us directly that he wants to be traded. We have made it very clear that we are building our team around Kobe and that we intend for him to be a Laker his entire career. We will speak directly to Kobe and until we do that, we will not comment publicly about this."

Jerry Buss is expected to talk with Bryant before leaving the country today for a vacation to an unspecified destination. A lot could be riding on it.

Buss, known as a first-rate poker player and the overseer of one of the most successful franchises in pro sports history, has a reputation for making the right move at the perfect moment. Or, as a source close to him said Wednesday, "His timing is pretty damn good." Regardless, it won't be a simple transaction if the Lakers decide to trade Bryant.

He will obviously waive a no-trade clause in his contract, but he has a trade kicker in his deal that will add $9.5 million to his contract, to be absorbed by any team that acquires him.

If the Lakers do satisfy Bryant's wishes, they would almost certainly send him to an Eastern Conference team to avoid having to play against him four times during the regular season.

The Lakers will assemble in Honolulu for training camp on Oct. 3. Will Bryant be there?

"That's an if for me," he said. "I don't know. There ain't much I can do, bro."

What he said

Wednesday morning, to ESPN radio's Stephen A. Smith:

"I would like to be traded, yeah…. At this point I'll go play on Pluto."


Midday, with ESPN's Dan Patrick:

"I don't want to go anywhere else. I want to be here for the rest of my career."


Later, on L.A.'s AM 570 KLAC:

Phil Jackson said, " 'Let us try to work that out…. ' That made me feel a lot better."


Finally, in a Times interview:

"It's just a matter of I don't want to go no place else." But asked if he still wanted to be traded: "Yes."


05-31-2007, 11:11 AM
I hope he doesn't go to the Bulls, that would completely obliterate our small chance at getting Nocioni or one of their other small forwards. I hope he doesn't go to the Suns either, unless the Suns give up Amare.

05-31-2007, 11:15 AM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"

"The Fat hobbit tricked us!"


05-31-2007, 11:25 AM
I think what he's saying is "I want out, I want to be traded, but there's probably no way the Lakers trade me, so I'm just going to have to live with it." The problem is that he's doing it in the worst possible manner.

05-31-2007, 11:27 AM
I think what he's saying is "I want out, I want to be traded, but there's probably no way the Lakers trade me, so I'm just going to have to live with it." The problem is that he's doing it in the worst possible manner.

Damn I feel better reading that now..you're right he's going to stay with the Lakers but in his heart he wants out but he's gonna have to live with it.

05-31-2007, 12:06 PM
Talented individuals should be free to migrate to where they will be most successful and most happy.

05-31-2007, 12:23 PM
Kobe's change of direction has L.A. guessing
By Mike Bresnahan, Times Staff Writer
May 31, 2007
Magic Johnson, who won five championships in the 1980s while playing for the Lakers, sent text messages to Bryant, then left two voice-mail messages that were retrieved by Bryant, although the two superstars never actually spoke.

"You've got to give him credit because he said some things that were on his mind, and that's OK," said Johnson, who owns about 5% of the Lakers. "I think we want a better product on the court. We want to win too. Now it's just got to come down to listening to what the young man said.

"Trading him is not an option. You don't trade the best player in the world.

Keep dreaming Laker LaLas. Enjoy your .500ness with the best playing in your minds. Real Best player is in San Antonio.

05-31-2007, 12:29 PM
Keep dreaming Laker LaLas. Enjoy your .500ness with the best playing in your minds. Real Best player is in San Antonio.

Let's not forget he's also David Stern's favorite player.

05-31-2007, 12:35 PM
Talented individuals should be free to migrate to where they will be most successful and most happy.

Not at the expense of other party while being under contract.

05-31-2007, 12:37 PM
Let's not forget he's also David Stern's favorite player.

Why not ? He wasn't the guy who went around raping chick while being married, and humiliate the league with the ensuing legal procedures. :lol

05-31-2007, 12:41 PM
Nah he never raped anyone. She wanted it and after they had sex she sued saying he raped her. I bet if you had sex with Jessica Alba afterwards you would say that she drugged you and then she forced you to have sex with her. lmao

05-31-2007, 12:59 PM
seriously, this dude has mental problems. instead of going on radio shows and talking to reporters, kobe needs to see a therapist.

05-31-2007, 01:20 PM
Nah he never raped anyone. She wanted it and after they had sex she sued saying he raped her. I bet if you had sex with Jessica Alba afterwards you would say that she drugged you and then she forced you to have sex with her. lmao

Jessica Alba ? Dang she's HOT -with caps. :lol

05-31-2007, 01:25 PM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"Hmm, is he Gandalf, or Saruman?

(http://lakers.topbuzz.com/gallery/d/717-1/phil-jackson-20690186.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=fb441b3b3709802adf0887c 6631c41ee)

05-31-2007, 01:34 PM
Hmm, is he Gandalf, or Saruman?

(http://lakers.topbuzz.com/gallery/d/717-1/phil-jackson-20690186.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=fb441b3b3709802adf0887c 6631c41ee)
Gandalf. You can tell by the coloring. He's Gandalf the Grey there.
Here's the Gandalf the White look:

05-31-2007, 02:08 PM
He keeps demanding trades to fill his ego. He is frusterated but he wants attention and exposure and is hoping that because of all of this talk, he'll be 'appreciated more' because he didn't get up and leave the Lakers. As crazy as it sounds, I really don't think the Bulls would do a trade to get Kobe. With all of this talk going about, and his need to be 'the guy'... it seems to me that it would just be making the Bulls a guaranteed second round exit a year.

Kobe knows he won't be traded, and doesn't want to be, but he just wants more appreciation so he's trying to scare the organization.

What has happened to the Lakers? Funny, they were the elite and still are one of the most elite franchises in all four major sports ever in history... but they are just falling apart since Shaq left. Kobe can't keep up with it anymore and he's obviously mad at that.

Laker fans... I'd take the Chicago trade if Kobe doesn't get over it, Gordon would excell likely if he were used as a main offensive option, he has talent, undersized but he is just as clutch as Kobe.

05-31-2007, 02:25 PM
Would Skiles actually want Kobe there?

05-31-2007, 02:25 PM
Yeah...Gordon is just like Kobe.....please.
Kobe's being a bitch....but who cares, if it gets us some talent back in LA, than so be it. I like the Chicago trade...

05-31-2007, 02:39 PM
Yep, it's either going for broke getting a superstar big who can excel alongside Kobe in his prime, or rebuild all over by getting as much talents and/or picks as possible.

05-31-2007, 04:38 PM
Even when he's fishin' the sick bastard is a ball hogg!
STFU Kobe!!!
NBA Playoffs is goin' on!


05-31-2007, 04:47 PM
It's quite sad when there's a billion posts hanging in the balance on every word Kobe says or doesn't say....It's even more traumatic that it's happenening during the Conf. Finals and no one outside their respective teams really cares.

If Kobe wants out...so be it, get the best possible trade you can and rebuild. I can live with that. If he stays, get him help and then let us see if he can take us to the promise land. Frankly, all of this BS by both FO and Kobe is really starting to irk me...however it's going to be a long off-season. At least the Olympic trials are coming up and we can see Team USA dominate....

05-31-2007, 05:18 PM
At least the Olympic trials are coming up and we can see Team USA dominate....

good luck with that :lol

05-31-2007, 07:26 PM

05-31-2007, 08:49 PM
Man, Kobe is such a bitch. How can any self respecting Laker fan defend him?


ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-31-2007, 08:52 PM
:lol Chuck started ripping on him at halftime about it.

Man, Kobe is such a bitch. How can any self respecting Laker fan defend him?

By this point, regardless if you're a fan or not. The way he keeps changing his mind in front of the media?? He could have easily avoided embarrassing himself if he wasn't such a transparent headcase. It goes beyond fan ties at this point! :lol

The media is lapping up the fodder he's giving them.

Capt Bringdown
05-31-2007, 11:27 PM
The ultimate media whore just wants attention because of what the Spurs and LBJ are doing in the playoffs. If you got beefs, you don't go to the media. Kobe's perhaps the most repugnant superstar of all time.

05-31-2007, 11:32 PM
"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."


I needed that.

Cry Havoc
05-31-2007, 11:35 PM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"


Post of the WEEK.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

06-01-2007, 12:26 AM
Kobe, STFU, Please!!!! You're embarrassing. :pctoss

06-01-2007, 06:25 PM
so if I am correct first kobe wants LA to trade Shaqw, then he wants them to trade kobe..

KObe killed the lakers , and I really wanted the spurs to do it. I mean it is good since we don't have to play the lakers and possibly lose. but would of been nice if we coulf have taken it from them...

SO he wants to go to chicago to be with ben wallace or so he can wear MJs number 23 in chicago(assume he can since it shoudl be retired)

I would trade Elso +barry +rights to scola for kobe though won't work under cap though

06-01-2007, 07:07 PM
hes not going anywhere.

06-01-2007, 11:25 PM
The ultimate media whore just wants attention because of what the Spurs and LBJ are doing in the playoffs. If you got beefs, you don't go to the media. Kobe's perhaps the most repugnant superstar of all time.

He's right up there with Mike Tyson and OJ. Just a total piece of shit as a person and team-mate.

I think Kobe and Lakers fans are a match made in Heaven, or Hell. In any case, they deserve each other.

06-02-2007, 12:21 AM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"

:lmao :lmao :lmao That was some funny shit right there! :lmao :lmao :lmao

06-02-2007, 10:32 PM
Kobe for Beno and every draft pick until 2031.

06-02-2007, 11:06 PM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"

As a big LOTR fan I almost died :lol at this.

Fernando TD21
06-02-2007, 11:38 PM
I swear he's having a total Smeagol/Golem meltdown. He's going to go on ESPN and ask for two cameras to talk into.

"This franchise lied to us. Thieving little Busses!"

"No! We loves the Lakers. We have three Preciouses because of LA."

"Kupchek won't sign our friends. His rebuilding will be the death of Kobe!"

"The Zen Master will protects us. The Zen Master is our friend."

"Trade us!"

edit: This is too funny, I had to do a gif..