View Full Version : Anyone watching Pistons/Cavs? Got a ?

05-31-2007, 08:46 PM
What happened with the flagrant, was it deserved and will this result in any suspensions for Game 6?

Additionally, will this be attributed to Salvatore tampering with the series or simply bad move by McDyess?

05-31-2007, 08:47 PM
Any hard foul to the neck or above is automatically a flagrant.

Flagrant 2? I don't know and can't comment.

Pistons < Spurs
05-31-2007, 08:54 PM
Poor decision by Dice.

But IMO in no way was it deserving of a flagrant 2.

especially not int the playoffs.

especially considering that Gooden only got a T last game for his foul of Sheed.

especially considering Bron got away with a "unnatural act" flinging of the arm that hit Webber in the face and knocked him to the ground with no call assessed earlier in this series. Though he was given a flagrant 2 the next day.

I seriously doubt he'll be suspended.....I hope.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-31-2007, 08:56 PM
The refs threw him out on account that he took a shot to the "head"

it looked like he got him on the neck, and it *was* a flagrant.

But Dice set himself up for it.

The ejection, can be argued the same reasons Horry getting ejected by the hard foul to Nash...(ejected from the heat of the moment) but IMO unlike Horry's foul, it was definitely a flagrant 1 at least because it wasn't just a body-check.

whether he gets suspended for it remains to be seen.

05-31-2007, 08:56 PM
Looked like a flagrant 1, but you take your chances when you hit the head/neck.

Doubt any further punishment will be more than a fine.

05-31-2007, 09:26 PM
Reggie Miller said at halftime that he thinks it will result in a suspension--he used Horry's situation as a comparison, saying that if Horry was suspended Dice probably will be too. Barkley thought he wouldn't because Dice "doesn't have a history" and is a good guy, and Reggie said that Horry doesn't have a history either.

06-01-2007, 02:41 AM
If Dice gets suspended for game 6 I'm gonna throw a fit. Lebron's 'unnatural act' was even more unnatural than Kobe's. Both Kobe's 'acts' ended with his arms in the air, usually with his palms up - kinda like ballet - and obviously intended to draw a foul. Lebron's was done with a closed fist, his elbow extended so far out it hit Chris AFTER he'd run by him. Lehype even had the nerve to bitch about not getting the call afterwards, even while Chris was lying on the floor grabbing his head. That was judged a flagrant 2 - if you watch without being an idiot, that was as unnatural an act as an act is gonna get - and if they suspend Kobe for that, suspend Lebron too, dammit!
And they dare to talk about fairness?

Gooden not getting tagged with a flagrant for the hit on Sheed is a fucking travesty - and the league isn't even going to review it!! Goes to show just how 'committed' they are to applying their so-called rules - they're more intent on bending it to the point of breaking to protect their favored team. That wasn't even the only one - Pavlobitch fouled Sheed then pulled him down HARD. Lebron deserved a tech for whining to the officials all the time. It wasn't even whining anymore - he was just outright berating them, demanding that a foul be called. The inconsistencies in the NBA are becoming downright disgusting.

06-01-2007, 02:46 AM
i thought it was pretty vicious and a dangerous play all around. i have no problem with the ejection. but he definitely shouldn't be suspended for any games.

06-01-2007, 03:43 AM
barkley made an interesting point that since it happen so early in the game, it's essentially like dice got suspended for THAT game. compare to horry's play that happened in the final minutes of the fourth quarter. in fairness, it would appear the nba might take that into consideration. but, since when was the nba fair, right?

no matter. suspended or not, pistons have to win game 6 or they're done.

06-01-2007, 09:51 AM
It looked like a flagrant 1 to me.

06-01-2007, 09:56 AM
Looking at the replay, no way did that deserve an ejection. Given that it was Varejao I have my doubts that Dice actually touched him. I hate that slinky headed son of a bitch.

06-01-2007, 10:17 AM
Looking at the replay, no way did that deserve an ejection. Given that it was Varejao I have my doubts that Dice actually touched him. I hate that slinky headed son of a bitch.

But he almost won that first season of American Idol.


06-01-2007, 12:19 PM
But he almost won that first season of American Idol.


No he didn't. I think he's a wrestler:


06-01-2007, 12:55 PM
Both wrong...hes a prop comic...


06-01-2007, 01:04 PM
Both wrong...hes a prop comic...


Illegitimate child of Bozo the Clown and Liz Taylor.


06-01-2007, 01:05 PM
Suns fans should now take note of what a dirty play is.

06-01-2007, 01:15 PM
Anytime you collar the head area, it's a no-brainer.

It's not as bad as Raja Bell's clotheslining of Kobe, but there should be no suspension of game 6.

06-01-2007, 01:16 PM
Illegitimate child of Bozo the Clown and Liz Taylor.


I've actually seen this dude in person - he's pretty funny; too bad his cavs counterpart is such an annoying little bastard.

06-01-2007, 02:01 PM
Looking at the replay, no way did that deserve an ejection. Given that it was Varejao I have my doubts that Dice actually touched him. I hate that slinky headed son of a bitch.

So you have doubts about Fisher T on Manu too ? Or you think that Horry didn't even touch Nash in his flagrant foul ?

Double standard is indeed American stuff, eh ?

06-01-2007, 02:10 PM
So you have doubts about Fisher T on Manu too ? Or you think that Horry didn't even touch Nash in his flagrant foul ?

Double standard is indeed American stuff, eh ?

No question Dice hit him - but that was a flagrant 1, IMO. I'm only even debating this because it was carrot top - if anyone so much as sneezes in this dude's direction he drops to the floor like someone had delivered a hard overhand right or something.

06-01-2007, 03:23 PM
So you have doubts about Fisher T on Manu too ? Or you think that Horry didn't even touch Nash in his flagrant foul ?

Double standard is indeed American stuff, eh ?
I was being sarcastic as to whether or not there was contact. I really did see the replays, I know there was contact.

For the record, I do think the Fisher T was a load of crap, and while Horry's shot was definitely a flagrant there was no need for a suspension. I hate flopping, and I especially hate big men who flop. I was laughing my ass off when Varejao tried to flop instead actually guarding Rasheed in game 1 or 2 only to get no whistle while Rasheed went on to hit the game winner.

I've screamed at my TV plenty of times when Manu has flopped and left his man wide open for an easy hoop. There's too damn much of it in today's game.