View Full Version : My RNC Donations and Letters

Wild Cobra
06-02-2007, 01:28 AM
Two years ago, I received a file and printed some of my own money. I never used it like it was meant to be used. This year, I'm going to buy stamps like crazy, and send this money to republican members of congress, and various RNC donation locations. Here is the money:


I also plan to send a letter to the republican senator of my state, Gordon Smith. It will go something like this:

Dear senator Smith;

I have always voted for you in the past. I wish to thank-you for making me decide to register as a republican. For more than twenty years, my party affiliation is listed as "not affiliated." As an independent, I normally vote republican, but have occasionally voted democrat, libertarian, and constitution party. Because of your position on not enforcing border control and granting amnesty, I will register as a republican so I can vote against you for this upcoming primary.

06-02-2007, 02:03 AM
Thats pretty cute..

I'm curious about all the people who bitch about the injustice that illegals bring to our beautiful country I'd like to poll some of you with the following questions..

1) Age:
2) Education:
3) Current Job:
4) Location within the US:
5) Favorite color
6) How has illegal immigration personally affected you:

I'll go first
1) 28
2) BS in computer science
3) software developer for media firm
4) Austin,tx
5) Red
6) This mexican looked at me mean the other day