View Full Version : Billy Donovan To Not Agree To Any NBA Job For 5 Years In Order To Void Contract?

06-05-2007, 11:38 AM
Sources: Donovan in talks with Magic to rescind contract
By Andy Katz
Updated: June 5, 2007, 11:59 AM ET

Billy Donovan and the Magic entered talks on Monday to terminate the contract that he signed on Friday, but the NBA might have a say in resolving the matter as well, ESPN.com has learned.

Multiple sources said that Donovan is being asked to refrain from coaching in the NBA for five years as one of the terms of his release from his Magic contract. Especially in light of this newest wrinkle, negotiations were expected to continue into Tuesday.

ESPN's Kelly Naqi cites a Magic team source saying Donovan obtained legal representation at 6 p.m. Monday to work on the complexities of the contract with Orlando attorneys.

The source also said that Donovan has called high-ranking team officials several times apologizing for the his change of heart. According to the source, Donovan said, "I'm so sorry this happened. I meant no harm. My heart is in Florida."

After signing a contract with the Magic on Friday, Donovan, who is fresh off leading the Florida Gators to back-to-back national titles, decided he wants out of Orlando.

Donovan had been waiting Monday afternoon to hear from Magic owner Rich DeVos to find out what Orlando would do with him. With talks ongoing, the choices appear to be simple: Either the two parties will agree to rescind his deal or the Magic could pressure him into honoring the contract and/or seek damages.

Donovan was at his home in Gainesville, Fla., on Monday and isn't expected to speak on the matter until there is closure. Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley, who was in a board of regents meeting earlier in the day on contractual issues not related to Donovan, isn't going to comment, either, until there is a resolution.

Meanwhile, sources told ESPN.com that Donovan called Foley on Saturday morning and said he was really struggling with the decision to leave. It was not until Saturday morning that Donovan told Foley that he wanted to come back.

The prevailing mood among sources close to the situation is that Donovan will remain the head coach at Florida, the recruits and staff will stay intact, and the Magic will then hope to hire former Miami Heat coach Stan Van Gundy, the leading candidate to replace Donovan. Representatives of Spurs assistant coach P.J. Carlesimo have been contacted, and Pistons assistant Terry Porter also is considered a candidate.

As long as Donovan is still under contract with the Magic, Florida will back off and let the process unfold. The search for a new Florida coach obviously has been put on hold. Sources said that Florida expects the contract negotiations with Donovan and the Magic to last a few days.

According to sources, the Magic are now pursuing former Miami Heat coach Stan Van Gundy, who returned to Florida on Monday after interviewing Sunday in Las Vegas for the vacant Sacramento Kings job. Sources said the Magic are trying to get Van Gundy before the Kings make him an offer.

Donovan, according to sources, hopes to reach a resolution soon so he can resume his coaching duties at the University of Florida.

ESPN.com spoke at length Monday with those close to the situation, who said Donovan sounds much more at ease with his decision to return to Florida than he ever did in his decision to join the Magic.

Sources said the Magic pressured Donovan to make a decision last Wednesday and Thursday, and Donovan, who admittedly had gone back and forth on the idea, finally agreed to take the job.

But problems arose on Friday when Donovan held the first of two news conferences. The issue was the order of events. Florida officials felt the Magic should hold the first news conference, since they were hiring Donovan. At that news conference Friday, Donovan was greeted by a standing ovation from the Magic staff.

The news conference was euphoric for Donovan, who exited feeling great about the situation. Donovan, according to the Magic, signed a five-year, $27.5 million contract just before Friday's news conference.

But then Donovan boarded a plane for Gainesville and a news conference to say goodbye to Florida. There were tears as he and Foley spoke about his departure. That was Donovan's lasting image and it stayed with him Friday night and into Saturday morning.

If anything, maybe the news conferences should have been reversed, but Florida wasn't going to trump the Magic's desire to make a first big splash with the news.

Multiple sources said Donovan woke up Saturday morning and realized he had made a mistake. Donovan felt awful about what he had done and realized how much he loved coaching Florida.

Last month, at a reunion for the Providence 1987 Final Four team, former coach Rick Pitino, now at the Louisville helm, said he advised Donovan not to take an offer to coach Kentucky. Pitino said he wanted Donovan to enjoy the benefits of winning two national titles, and he hoped one day he'd see Donovan's name on the O'Connell Center court.

Sources told ESPN.com on Monday that Donovan had a hard time making the phone calls to tell his staff and players that he was leaving. He was especially troubled by telling Foley. It turned out he didn't feel any better about being the Magic coach come Saturday morning, either.

That's when Donovan told Foley he had changed his mind. At the time, Foley was on his way to Richmond, Va., to discuss the Gators' job opening with Virginia Commonwealth coach Anthony Grant, a former assistant to Donovan for 10 years. Foley and Grant weren't able to meet, no offer was made by phone, and Foley flew back to Gainesville.

After Donovan changed his mind, Magic representatives traveled to Gainesville to try to convince Donovan to change it back. But DeVos was out of the country at the time and hadn't weighed in on the matter. He was expected to add his thoughts on Monday afternoon.

"What it comes down to is that Billy thought he knew what he wanted and that's why he said yes," said a source. "But he realized [Saturday] that he didn't want to be any place but at Florida, but unfortunately he is now entangled in contractual issues."

Donovan said Friday that Pitino and Jeff Van Gundy, the former Providence assistant and longtime NBA coach, had told him that the Magic offered a good situation for him, because they have a solid organization with young players and salary cap space. So if he really wanted to go to the NBA, this was a great opportunity. Donovan spoke Friday about all of this, and especially noted Orlando's proximity to Gainesville which would facilitate a smoother transition for moving his family.

"Personally this was very difficult for me because my 11 years at Florida were a very great 11 years," Donovan said Friday. "But I really looked at myself in a couple of aspects; one, the easy decision for me personally would have been to stay at Florida, or the next step would be to do something that would really challenge me as a person and coach and help me me grow and get better.

"And I've always been intrigued by the NBA. To leave Florida would have taken something very, very special."

The question from the Magic now is what they want from him. Do they want him to coach even if his heart isn't into it? Are they willing to move on? Do they want money in return for releasing him from the contract?

The reality, according to sources, is that Donovan isn't scared of coaching in the NBA, but he simply realized that he loves the University of Florida. And once he signed the contract, held the back-to-back news conferences and slept on it Friday night, he was convinced that he wanted to stay in Gainesville.


06-05-2007, 01:53 PM
Considering the alternative HELL the Magic could thrash on Donovan...yes, he WILL accept those terms, and any others Orlando reigns down.

Deal with it flopper.

...you make John Kerry and Kobe Bryant jealous! :fro

06-05-2007, 01:57 PM
If his heart is really in Gainesville, then that would be a no-brainer, right? And if he doesn't agree to it, then how is Florida supposed to take that? Clever legal strategy by the Magic. Not only do they put him on the spot and prevent having him coach against them, but if he balks, there might not be a job waiting for him back at Florida.

06-05-2007, 07:38 PM

Let's see, 11 years of coaching College...go out with a bang...25+ million dollars...stay in Florida.... Is there something missing from this whirlwind deal for Donovan?

Grow the hell up and move on! If you don't sieze this opportunity, there may never be another.

Watch him flop around and regret this bigtime.

06-06-2007, 12:15 AM
Well...as the Magic organization must be thinking:

"Look I'm not going to take any action or inaction that might inadvertantly hurt my franchise as in: "Sure, go with your heart Billy!". As in...I don't wanna see your flip-floppin undecisive ass coaching the Heat in 2 years when we embarassed ourselves for you BITCH!"