View Full Version : Hey Mavs

06-06-2007, 09:56 AM
I would first like to appologize to most of you (not the bitch fans)for basically acting like a SUNS fan of this year and bitching about the refs and calls and blah blah from last year. I finally understand what a lof of you true fans went through last year. Most suns fans act the way i did last year towards you guys when I thought we got screwed. Yeah its a rivalry and you guys understand im sure. Does this mean I like that mavs........NO, it just means that I am truely sorry for all those mavs fans that had to hear it from me. I finally get it. For those of you pulling for us in the Finals....I commend you. I for one pulled for Miami last year and should have been supporting the west and TEXAS especially. If you guys still hate on us, its understandable, but remember we didnt Eliminate you guys this year and I do wish we would have played you guys in the WCF. Well comment on.....I know some of you are just itching to call me names and whatever..I just wanted to get it off my chest and didnt want to be a bitch like most of the SUNS fans that WON't let it die that they lost and are out.

06-06-2007, 10:50 AM
Very cool of you. I wasn't a member of this forum during the regular season but I can imagine.

I am pulling for the Spurs for now. 100%.

Mavs first , Texas second. If my local rooting interest can't do it I want my state to do it. I want Texas to be the champions and have the best teams and the most trophies for every sport. I want them to be better than California, New York and Florida.

Although I just can't to root specifically for Duncan and probably never will I do respect his insane talent without question. With people like Packman Jones and Mike "Ron Mexico" Vick making headlines its hard NOT to worship the ground people like Duncan walk on.

When next season starts I will have a snarl on my face everytime the Mavs take on the Spurs but for now I got my Spurs jersey on.

Cheers for great rivalries!

06-06-2007, 11:09 AM
Very cool of you. I wasn't a member of this forum during the regular season but I can imagine.

I am pulling for the Spurs for now. 100%.

Mavs first , Texas second. If my local rooting interest can't do it I want my state to do it. I want Texas to be the champions and have the best teams and the most trophies for every sport. I want them to be better than California, New York and Florida.

Although I just can't to root specifically for Duncan and probably never will I do respect his insane talent without question. With people like Packman Jones and Mike "Ron Mexico" Vick making headlines its hard NOT to worship the ground people like Duncan walk on.

When next season starts I will have a snarl on my face everytime the Mavs take on the Spurs but for now I got my Spurs jersey on.

Cheers for great rivalries!

Yeah it wasn't east :). Thanks for the understanding.... you and Leonard are my MMA buddies anyways :).

06-06-2007, 11:20 AM
I would first like to appologize to most of you (not the bitch fans)for basically acting like a SUNS fan of this year and bitching about the refs and calls and blah blah from last year. I finally understand what a lof of you true fans went through last year. Most suns fans act the way i did last year towards you guys when I thought we got screwed. Yeah its a rivalry and you guys understand im sure. Does this mean I like that mavs........NO, it just means that I am truely sorry for all those mavs fans that had to hear it from me. I finally get it. For those of you pulling for us in the Finals....I commend you. I for one pulled for Miami last year and should have been supporting the west and TEXAS especially. If you guys still hate on us, its understandable, but remember we didnt Eliminate you guys this year and I do wish we would have played you guys in the WCF. Well comment on.....I know some of you are just itching to call me names and whatever..I just wanted to get it off my chest and didnt want to be a bitch like most of the SUNS fans that WON't let it die that they lost and are out.Most of the fans of a team will try to excuse away their losses. It's only natural when you invest so much energy supporting a team, following them along in the regular season through the struggles and the winning. It's heartbreaking when at the end of the year all you had hoped for your team ends up not coming to fruition. As a fan you search for someone else to blame.... and unfortunately the refs become big targets.

Rivalries are fun... and I'm glad the Mavericks have a natural one down 35. It is too bad that my team couldn't hold up their end of the bargain. That would have been great fun, and gray hair enducing I'm sure. It always is when our teams meet.

No apology necessary. Go watch your team win another one. I'll be rooting for you. I'll be rooting for Finley. I'll be rooting for Texas.

06-06-2007, 12:29 PM
there are a bunch of threads, and here is one example of why Mav fans are not cheering for the Spurs


and for the fact that last year they turned their back on us, then laughed in our faces big time after we lost it in heartbreaking fashion. the pain of losing was bad enough some say.

but it has nothing to do with you or Spurs fans, im just cheering for the Cavs so a new team will win it all this year. Spurs have won enough

06-06-2007, 12:36 PM
there are a bunch of threads, and here is one example of why Mav fans are not cheering for the Spurs


and for the fact that last year they turned their back on us, then laughed in our faces big time after we lost it in heartbreaking fashion. the pain of losing was bad enough some say.

but it has nothing to do with you or Spurs fans, im just cheering for the Cavs so a new team will win it all this year. Spurs have won enough

Reasonable and who you cheer for is up to you. I just wanted to bury the hatchet and apologize for being a whiney bitch aka MOST SUNS FANS. :) That is all. I used to be a Mavs fan....in fact I loved all 3 because I was true to Texas. I just started to dislike them after Nash left, then Fin and I can't stand Howard or Terry. Granted last years Spurs vs Mavs was one of the greatest series I have ever seen. I hope we continue to have games like that. They say the spurs are "boring" but that series was one of the best all time IMO.

06-06-2007, 12:41 PM
what the heck kind of fun would it be to root for the spurs? the best games i've seen in recent times have been between the spurs and mavs and i wouldn't give that up for anything (other than a ring of course!) so yeah, i don't expect or want spurs to pull for us or vice-versa. i have a healthy respect for your team but that's only because when the two teams match up it's a crazy game worth watching. the fact that the cavs are some big time underdogs in this series and they are going up against the spurs who have a lazy fanbase that can't do enough to sell out tickets but throw the three rings in our face even when they lose a game against us makes me wanna root for the cavs. i think it's cool when Mavs and Spurs fans can talk a little smack and have some fun but i never understood this whole *texas* thing, it's not the wild wild west anymore so GO CAVS!!!

06-06-2007, 02:21 PM
what the heck kind of fun would it be to root for the spurs? the best games i've seen in recent times have been between the spurs and mavs and i wouldn't give that up for anything

I want the Mavs to be the best and to be the best I want them to beat the best so another reason to root for the Spurs.

06-06-2007, 02:26 PM
what the heck kind of fun would it be to root for the spurs? the best games i've seen in recent times have been between the spurs and mavs and i wouldn't give that up for anything (other than a ring of course!) so yeah, i don't expect or want spurs to pull for us or vice-versa. i have a healthy respect for your team but that's only because when the two teams match up it's a crazy game worth watching. the fact that the cavs are some big time underdogs in this series and they are going up against the spurs who have a lazy fanbase that can't do enough to sell out tickets but throw the three rings in our face even when they lose a game against us makes me wanna root for the cavs. i think it's cool when Mavs and Spurs fans can talk a little smack and have some fun but i never understood this whole *texas* thing, it's not the wild wild west anymore so GO CAVS!!!

Well I guess since I grew up in South TX our closest "PRO" team was the Spurs but 5 hours away. The best thing to do was follow all the pro teams, Rangers, Astros, Mavs, Rockets, Spurs, Cowboys, Oilers. The biggest thing down there and still is today is Friday NIght High School football. When I got older I started picking my sides and thats where we are today.

06-06-2007, 02:33 PM
The spurs better bring that ship back to texas

06-06-2007, 02:34 PM
I would first like to appologize to most of you (not the bitch fans)for basically acting like a SUNS fan of this year and bitching about the refs and calls and blah blah from last year. I finally understand what a lof of you true fans went through last year. Most suns fans act the way i did last year towards you guys when I thought we got screwed. Yeah its a rivalry and you guys understand im sure. Does this mean I like that mavs........NO, it just means that I am truely sorry for all those mavs fans that had to hear it from me. I finally get it. For those of you pulling for us in the Finals....I commend you. I for one pulled for Miami last year and should have been supporting the west and TEXAS especially. If you guys still hate on us, its understandable, but remember we didnt Eliminate you guys this year and I do wish we would have played you guys in the WCF. Well comment on.....I know some of you are just itching to call me names and whatever..I just wanted to get it off my chest and didnt want to be a bitch like most of the SUNS fans that WON't let it die that they lost and are out.
lame thread. you come to this realization after the spurs make it to the finals? yeah, that's reeeeeaal big of you.

and fuck the mavs. we DID get douched last year. the bogus/bullshit calls are as fresh as ever in my memory, and the only realization i've come to is bullshit/bogus calls are going to happen. It's how the team reacts to them that will ultimately decide who advances in a series.

Last year we (the spurs) bitched too much about bullshit calls and they kept coming till we were knocked out of the semi's. This year, the suns couldnt/wouldnt shut the fuck up, and now look at them. Referees are human and just as much a part of the game as home-court advantage, experience, etc.

06-06-2007, 02:36 PM
lame thread. you come to this realization after the spurs make it to the finals? yeah, that's reeeeeaal big of you.

and fuck the mavs. we DID get douched last year. the bogus/bullshit calls are as fresh as ever in my memory, and the only realization i've come to is bullshit/bogus calls are going to happen. It's how the team reacts to them that will ultimately decide who advances in a series.

Last year we (the spurs) bitched too much about bullshit calls and they kept coming till we were knocked out of the semi's. This year, the suns couldnt/wouldnt shut the fuck up, and now look at them. Referees are human and just as much a part of the game as home-court advantage, experience, etc.

I came to this realization after I saw the way the Suns fans were...if you dont like a thread dont read it or comment on it....you dont have to come in and be an asshole about it.

06-06-2007, 02:42 PM
how was i supposed to know i didnt like it if i didnt read it?
i read it, didnt like it.. and since i wasted my time reading it, i needed to comment on it.

if you dont like my comment then dont comment on my comment

06-06-2007, 02:47 PM
how was i supposed to know i didnt like it if i didnt read it?
i read it, didnt like it.. and since i wasted my time reading it, i needed to comment on it.

if you dont like my comment then dont comment on my comment

hahaha fair enough. I know what you mean.......am I over our loss last year.......NO. I wanted the MAVS in the WCF so I could get redemption. In my eyes we still owe em one. I just wanted to say sorry for being a dick the way the SUNS fans have been this year that is all. Will I root for the Mavs if they advance further than us...who knows. Sorry for wasting your time :), ill try to take you into consideration next time I post :lol

06-06-2007, 02:49 PM
I like Lebron but I also don't mind if the Spurs win either.

06-06-2007, 02:53 PM
lol, no biggie
i feel the same way about the suns fans though, buncha bitches.

06-06-2007, 02:55 PM
i will be watching the french open finals instead...haha, j/k, i will watch both! i'm rooting for the cavs but it will be ridiculously fucked up if for some ridiculously freakish reason lebron gets d-whistle calls, haha. i don't think the spurs will fold, but it WOULD be weird if that happened

06-06-2007, 03:01 PM
Spur and Mav Fan Love-Fest. :sick


Eh, I never complained so much about the officiating. I was just pissed we were losing. Doesn't matter anymore. The Spurs and Mavs will have many a great battles next year.

06-07-2007, 08:10 AM
I don't think I complained about the officiating. Spurs fans could of complained all they want, but when it came down to it, Manu messed up big time when he fouled. Otherwise we win the series. I'm kind of mad we didn't get to face the mavs this year in playoffs, we are going to hear about how the Spurs are lucky they didn't have to go through the Mavs. But I dont think that should be held against us because its not our fault the Mavs lost in the first round. It is what it is.

06-07-2007, 08:17 AM
not really interested in seeing the spurs win it all bit wouldnt mind seeing Michael Finley get a ring after all he did for the mavs franchise

06-07-2007, 09:18 AM
Spur and Mav Fan Love-Fest. :sick


Eh, I never complained so much about the officiating. I was just pissed we were losing. Doesn't matter anymore. The Spurs and Mavs will have many a great battles next year.
I know. But Mavs will still probably regard Golden State as their biggest rivals.

06-07-2007, 09:25 AM
I know. But Mavs will still probably regard Golden State as their biggest rivals.

not hardly. GS just kicked their asses. SA are the only rival I think they really consider a rival, maybe PHX. But GS??? Please.

06-07-2007, 12:18 PM
not hardly. GS just kicked their asses. SA are the only rival I think they really consider a rival, maybe PHX. But GS??? Please.

Yeah the new rivals in the west are Mavs vs Suns vs Spurs.........ALTHOUGH I haven't lost sight of the Lakers......even though they have dropped off they are not forgotten.

06-07-2007, 12:28 PM
I still dont necessarily know if I factor PHX in for either team really as a rival. I mean, yeah both teams love to beat 'em... but I see that moreso as being just beating another team for both clubs. *maybe the Mavs have a bigger itch about it than the Spurs tho since Nash and Dirk and all that hoop-lah*. i dunno, i think the Suns will fall apart soon enuf for some reason. Whether it's injuries or trades, i just see them hitting a bump in the road in the near future, could be next season or the season after, but i see it still.

But - Lakers? Hmm... Bleh. They will return but I still dont know if I see the Lakers beating either team in a 7 game series without better support for Kobe, we'll see how that pans out soon enuf tho.

06-07-2007, 12:34 PM
I still dont necessarily know if I factor PHX in for either team really as a rival. I mean, yeah both teams love to beat 'em... but I see that moreso as being just beating another team for both clubs. *maybe the Mavs have a bigger itch about it than the Spurs tho since Nash and Dirk and all that hoop-lah*. i dunno, i think the Suns will fall apart soon enuf for some reason. Whether it's injuries or trades, i just see them hitting a bump in the road in the near future, could be next season or the season after, but i see it still.

But - Lakers? Hmm... Bleh. They will return but I still dont know if I see the Lakers beating either team in a 7 game series without better support for Kobe, we'll see how that pans out soon enuf tho.

Well after this series this year with PHO we dont like em very much... well at least I dont :). They are set to fall apart this coming season. There is no way they can not fall apart.. Look at the chart......they might as well say goodbye to Marion right now.


06-07-2007, 12:39 PM
I'm sure he will try to find a place where he can be more of the Superstar and not the Support. Silly of him IMHO, but who am I?

So explain to me why Marion might be leaving after this season... based on this chart. I get a lil 'blonde' sometimes... :p:

06-07-2007, 12:47 PM
well they are already 13 Mill in the hole. They are going to be -22 mill in the whole next year and they have 5 guys that arent even going to be under contract. Marion is getting the most next year and only has 2 years left. Would make sense to let him go.

06-07-2007, 12:48 PM
I think they might cut Thomas too, damn guy is getting 8 Mil next year and IMO is not worth it.

06-07-2007, 01:01 PM
Yeah I agree about Kurt. What is his purpose again? I dunno. Thanx for the clarification, i guess if i felt like looking at the chart rather than skimming past it to respond, I could have pieced it together. oh well...

06-07-2007, 01:05 PM
Yeah I agree about Kurt. What is his purpose again? I dunno. Thanx for the clarification, i guess if i felt like looking at the chart rather than skimming past it to respond, I could have pieced it together. oh well...

hahaha its ok I forgive you THIS ONE TIME :)... nah im playing, anytime.

06-08-2007, 02:22 AM
I still think the Spurs got screwed in two of the games against the Mavs last year! We should be going for a three-peat!