View Full Version : Message from a Pistons fan

06-09-2007, 11:38 AM
as much as I can't stand him, don't discount Lebron. The Spurs did a great job of shutting him down in Game 1, but we basically did the same thing. I'm reading alot of posts that claim he choked, and that he isn't any good, but I strangly remember us Piston fans doing the same thing after Game 1 against them in our series. Anyway, best of luck, but don't get too excited yet, there are still 3 more games to win.

Cleveland Steamer
06-09-2007, 11:40 AM
I agree, Lebron can change the series. But the Pistons d wasnt anywhere near what this Spurs team has, and the Pistons didnt have a big near the caliber of Duncan. I still think the Cavs will make it a series, but it will be much, much harder than anything we did against the Pistons

06-09-2007, 11:43 AM
I agree the Pistons' D sucked, but I wouldn't have said that after the first 2 games which we held the Cavs to under 80 points. The Cavs made an adjustment, or Lebron made one, and Flip didn't. I'm just saying that it might be too soon to call Lebron Dirk

06-09-2007, 11:43 AM
LeBron will have to beat the Spurs differently than he beat the Pistons. The Pistons did an amazingly bad job of not allowing him penetration, particularly allowing him middle penetration.

06-09-2007, 11:47 AM
I think most of the knowledgeable people here expect a much stronger game from LBJ tomorrow.