View Full Version : email to Mark Kiszla

06-10-2007, 12:01 PM
Titled: How does it feel?

To leave your ass hanging out like you did when you exclaimed that the Spurs were done before/during the Spurs/Nuggets series? I find it funny that you complain about the Spurs "fawning media" and conveniently ignore, not just how wrong you were, but the depth of antagonism you showed to our team when you are forced to recognize our achievements. You have been exposed as someone with very little knowledge of the game of basketball.

A for fawning media...I lived in Denver from 98-01, living there for the 2nd of the 2 Super Bowls. There was scarcely a writer who would cross Shanahan at that time...Why? Because he was a winner and there was little to complain about.

You seem to be internally conflicted about Pop. On the one hand you admit how great of a coach he is, while on the other you complain that the SA media doesn't try and cross him...a Mafia Don is what you compared him to.

This Spurs team has competed for a title for over a decade. Why would media types take him on? He's been incredible. He had the good fortune of having Dave and Tim during that time. But the '05 and presumable '07 titles have been without David. The T'Wolves have had KG all this time and what have they accomplished?

Is the media supposed to peer into Pop's personal life to find something wrong since there's been little to complain about on the court or in the front office?

I think you are confused right now and aren't sure how to react. Let me make a suggestion to you...Apologize #1 for being wrong and #2 for acting like such a jerk while you were being exposed.

Very Truly Yours,

06-10-2007, 12:03 PM
Stories sell papers, not truth nor even-handedness.

06-10-2007, 12:06 PM
Stories sell papers, not truth nor even-handedness.

I don't disagree...It just felt therapeutic to write that to him. I hope it gets him just a little bent out of shape.

06-10-2007, 12:08 PM
good work

I sent a shorter email to him, telling him about the Sportsline article that called him out.


06-10-2007, 12:24 PM
Mark's response...

Thanks for writing.
But talk about exposing yourself as ignorant.
Congratulations. You just did it, my man.
I have let Spurs fans get their digs at me. In print. Repeatedly. It has been fun.
In fact, look up "Kickin It With Kiz" posted today on the paper's web site and you'll see another example of it.
Pop is best coach in the NBA. No conflict there. I have been writing it for four years. Repeatedly.
Where have been your emails of thanks in the past? I know, the nature of folks is to take time to complain, not praise. And you prove it. But you do angry and bitter well.
As for the electronic media in San Antonio? All I can do is quote a sports writer at the Express-News on his TV brethren:
"This place,'' he says, "is Hooterville."
You can go back to rocking on the porch at the Shady Rest now.
Enjoy the Finals.
Mark Kiszla

06-10-2007, 12:33 PM
My response...

So your retort is that I'm ignorant even though you can't point out one thing I said as being wrong? Nice spin, Mark. You've been exposed. Learn to live with it, admit it, then embrace it. I'm actually not angry...I think it's fun point out your deficiencies.

Oh, and I'm normally too busy chasing my 2 year old around to sit on the porch. It's nice to be given a Sunday afternoon hall pass before another NBA Finals game (that you said we wouldn't get to). Sorry...I had to get that last dig in.


06-10-2007, 12:38 PM
Lucky, I didn't even get a response :/


06-10-2007, 12:45 PM
Mark's response...

Thanks for writing.
But talk about exposing yourself as ignorant.
Congratulations. You just did it, my man.
I have let Spurs fans get their digs at me. In print. Repeatedly. It has been fun.
In fact, look up "Kickin It With Kiz" posted today on the paper's web site and you'll see another example of it.
Pop is best coach in the NBA. No conflict there. I have been writing it for four years. Repeatedly.
Where have been your emails of thanks in the past? I know, the nature of folks is to take time to complain, not praise. And you prove it. But you do angry and bitter well.
As for the electronic media in San Antonio? All I can do is quote a sports writer at the Express-News on his TV brethren:
"This place,'' he says, "is Hooterville."
You can go back to rocking on the porch at the Shady Rest now.
Enjoy the Finals.
Mark Kiszla

Wow, you struck a nerve on him. Not that he would admit it or anything, but it sounds like you got to him a bit. Nice work. I try not to read his articles anymore, but sometimes morbid curiosity gets the best of me.

06-10-2007, 12:48 PM
This brings back memories...I had a little email war with Stephen A. Smith when we were in the finals against Detroit in '05.

06-10-2007, 12:49 PM
This brings back memories...I had a little email war with Stephen A. Smith when we were in the finals against Detroit in '05.

Really? I'd like a funny read :P Do you still have the emails?


06-10-2007, 12:53 PM
LOL at a columnist bringing the city smack - the last gasp of those without a clue or anything to base an argument upon.

06-10-2007, 12:54 PM
Really? I'd like a funny read :P Do you still have the emails?


I'll try and find them...I had my hard drive wiped clean about 3 months ago so I'm gonna have to find where I posted them either on this board, spurs report, or ebsports.

06-10-2007, 12:57 PM
good work

I sent a shorter email to him, telling him about the Sportsline article that called him out.


Do you have that link, I missed it

06-10-2007, 12:57 PM
The gist of the SAS emails (if I can't find them) is that I called him out for disappearing after game 5. He said that he had to attend the funeral of a family member. I told him it was ironic that he did a hatchet job on Glenn Robinson the next day after Robinson's mother had passed away. Pretty mean of me, I know... *blushes* He responded after that...I don't remember what he said...Let me see if I can find it.

06-10-2007, 01:03 PM
That schmuck from the Cleveland TV station hasn't written me back yet.

Not that I expect him to.

06-10-2007, 01:07 PM
My response...

So your retort is that I'm ignorant even though you can't point out one thing I said as being wrong? Nice spin, Mark. You've been exposed. Learn to live with it, admit it, then embrace it. I'm actually not angry...I think it's fun point out your deficiencies.

Oh, and I'm normally too busy chasing my 2 year old around to sit on the porch. It's nice to be given a Sunday afternoon hall pass before another NBA Finals game (that you said we wouldn't get to). Sorry...I had to get that last dig in.


06-10-2007, 01:08 PM
The SAS emails...I'm still trying to find the last 2.

Entitled "Where have you been hiding?"

Dear Mr. Smith,

I noticed you were nowhere to be found after game 7 of the NBA Finals and I haven't heard your thoughts regarding the victory of the Spurs. After game 6 you said the series was over and that the Spurs were finished. After making such a bold prediction don't you feel the urge to come out and #1 admit your mistake and #2 give props to a team that defied your loudly pronounced expectations?

I've always considered you to be overcompensating for a lack of sports knowledge and intelligence by simply speaking more loudly than everyone else in the room, but now you have added being a coward to your list of negative attributes.

If I am wrong about you please tell me why.

Very Truly Yours,

SAS's response:

First off, I've acknowledged I was wrong once the Pistons lost Game 5 because I picked them 6.
In regards to my absence from Game, I HAD A DEATH IN THE FAMILY!!!
Does that still make me a coward, sir???

My response:

Dear Mr. Smith,

The death in your family does not explain why the first article since your tragic loss (for which I am truly sorry for you and your family) only makes mention of the Spurs championship as a subtext for your hatchet job on Glenn Robinson. I seem to remember you making many of these same comments after everyone in basketball watching America, except apparently you, knew that Glenn Robinson's mother had passed away.

There is irony in your use of a death in your family as the excuse for your inability to give the Spurs props (ignoring the fact that you have written an article since game 7 which did nothing of the sort), while demeaning Glenn Robinson's performance in the Finals after his mother passed away.

Your response to my email is pretty puzzling. Whatever you said after game 5 has nothing to do with your comments after game 6 which I was referring to. Saying that you admitted being wrong about the number of games the series would go and believing that excuses your inability face the music concerning your treatment of the Spurs is pretty comical.

Maybe in your next article you will prove those of us wrong who believe that you have lost all credibility as a journalist because of your inability to treat your perceived opponents with class and your outrageous bias which continues even after you have been proven wrong.

Very Truly Yours,

06-10-2007, 01:29 PM
I think Kizsla will be getting a national gig soon, thanks in no small part to us.

T Park
06-10-2007, 01:31 PM

Im shocked people actually take these guys this seriously....

06-10-2007, 01:33 PM
All you're doing is letting them know that a) you read the column and b) they pushed your buttons.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-10-2007, 01:33 PM
Why do you fucking idiots waste your time emailing guys like him? Are you 12 or something?

Here's some insight for you - you will never win a smack off with a writer like this, especially when you start an email with 'How does it feel to leave your ass hanging out like you did?'

Further, these guys are there to sell papers. The only way they get to keep their jobs is as long as they write stupid, inflammatory articles, and stupid, inflammatory idiots such as yourselves respond to him.

The best thing you can do with chumps like him is IGNORE his articles and don't spend two minutes writing a response. First, you aren't going to change his mind. Second, he gets to take all your stupid ass emails and show them to his boss to prove that he's doing a good job and has folks following his articles. And all his editor does is use those to show their advertisers that people read their rag and should continue to give them advertising dollars.

All you did with your email is prove that you're an insecure chump and put more money in his pocket in the form of a paycheck.

Just shut the fuck up and ignore his articles, and sure as hell don't dignify them with an email response. Good lord, sometimes I look around this place and it looks like a pre-school day care center with all the whining.

Ignore the stupid editorial articles and let the Spurs do the talking for themselves - on the scoreboard.

06-10-2007, 01:44 PM
Why do you fucking idiots waste your time emailing guys like him? Are you 12 or something?

Here's some insight for you - you will never win a smack off with a writer like this, especially when you start an email with 'How does it feel to leave your ass hanging out like you did?'

Further, these guys are there to sell papers. The only way they get to keep their jobs is as long as they write stupid, inflammatory articles, and stupid, inflammatory idiots such as yourselves respond to him.

The best thing you can do with chumps like him is IGNORE his articles and don't spend two minutes writing a response. First, you aren't going to change his mind. Second, he gets to take all your stupid ass emails and show them to his boss to prove that he's doing a good job and has folks following his articles. And all his editor does is use those to show their advertisers that people read their rag and should continue to give them advertising dollars.

All you did with your email is prove that you're an insecure chump and put more money in his pocket in the form of a paycheck.

Just shut the fuck up and ignore his articles, and sure as hell don't dignify them with an email response. Good lord, sometimes I look around this place and it looks like a pre-school day care center with all the whining.

Ignore the stupid editorial articles and let the Spurs do the talking for themselves - on the scoreboard.


Although I did get Charlie Parker to read an email I sent to him on the air when he and that assclown Chance had a morning show. They spent 45 minutes on the subject. It was my best morning drive to work ever.

Having said that, and having said the following in another thread......Spurs fan, learn to enjoy the envy and don't take it so personal. It's good to be on top for you right now and it won't last forever, the hatred is nothing but jealousy.

06-10-2007, 02:32 PM
Why do you fucking idiots waste your time emailing guys like him? Are you 12 or something?

Here's some insight for you - you will never win a smack off with a writer like this, especially when you start an email with 'How does it feel to leave your ass hanging out like you did?'

Further, these guys are there to sell papers. The only way they get to keep their jobs is as long as they write stupid, inflammatory articles, and stupid, inflammatory idiots such as yourselves respond to him.

The best thing you can do with chumps like him is IGNORE his articles and don't spend two minutes writing a response. First, you aren't going to change his mind. Second, he gets to take all your stupid ass emails and show them to his boss to prove that he's doing a good job and has folks following his articles. And all his editor does is use those to show their advertisers that people read their rag and should continue to give them advertising dollars.

All you did with your email is prove that you're an insecure chump and put more money in his pocket in the form of a paycheck.

Just shut the fuck up and ignore his articles, and sure as hell don't dignify them with an email response. Good lord, sometimes I look around this place and it looks like a pre-school day care center with all the whining.

Ignore the stupid editorial articles and let the Spurs do the talking for themselves - on the scoreboard.

Um...Go fuck yourself. I can write who I want when I want. Why don't you take your own advice and ignore this thread if you have such a problem with it, jackass.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-10-2007, 02:43 PM
Um...Go fuck yourself. I can write who I want when I want. Why don't you take your own advice and ignore this thread if you have such a problem with it, jackass.

Did you even read what I said? All your email bitching like you were on the rag did was make the guy look better.

Are you capable of even comprehending that, or is your dick so small that you feel the need to compensate for it by being such a bitch to a sportswriter in another city that just got an extra day's pay because of your whining?

Who gives a fuck what a writer in another state says about the Spurs? Spurs got scoreboard, and we're three games away from river parade #4. That's the ultimate scoreboard and the ultimate smack, yet you somehow think your simpleton smack is going to make a difference. Give me a fucking break. The best thing you can do is ignore hacks like Kiszla, not build them up with idiotic emails.

You seem to have the misguided view that your retarded ass email somehow had some effect other than 1) making you look like a dumbass 2) making Spurs fans look like insecure, ignorant little fucks and 3) making Kiszla look better.

Which it didn't. And then you top it all off by coming here, posting your idiotic email, and looking for a pat on the back? Wake the fuck up. And grow the fuck up.

06-10-2007, 02:53 PM
Did you even read what I said? All your email bitching like you were on the rag did was make the guy look better.

Are you capable of even comprehending that, or is your dick so small that you feel the need to compensate for it by being such a bitch to a sportswriter in another city that just got an extra day's pay because of your whining?

Who gives a fuck what a writer in another state says about the Spurs? Spurs got scoreboard, and we're three games away from river parade #4. That's the ultimate scoreboard and the ultimate smack, yet you somehow think your simpleton smack is going to make a difference. Give me a fucking break. The best thing you can do is ignore hacks like Kiszla, not build them up with idiotic emails.

You seem to have the misguided view that your retarded ass email somehow had some effect other than 1) making you look like a dumbass 2) making Spurs fans look like insecure, ignorant little fucks and 3) making Kiszla look better.

Which it didn't. And then you top it all off by coming here, posting your idiotic email, and looking for a pat on the back? Wake the fuck up. And grow the fuck up.

Again...Go fuck yourself, repeatedly. Do you think you're actually accomplishing anything right now other than making yourself look like an asshole, Mr. Hypocrisy?

I'm not the one who decided to insult a fellow Spurs fan and act like an Internet tough guy. You're a dick...live with it.

Your advice is falling on deaf ears because I don't like you as a direct result of how much of an jerk you are. I'm sure you here that in real life all the time so once more on the Internet is probably just gravy.

After we get done with this conversation please never address me again.

06-10-2007, 02:55 PM
spurtime... thank you for putting this worthless asshole in his place. Hopefully his life just got a little less worth living. :lol

06-10-2007, 03:22 PM
I agree with AHF that writing to Kizla (or any other sportswriter, for that matter) isn't going to create a change of opinion and only serves to reinforce that someone is reading his drivel. I mentioned in another thread that I thought it would be a good idea for someone to e-mail Mike Freeman's piece to Kizla, just to show him that his fellow media members are specifically calling him out for being a hypocrite when it comes to the Spurs. But I also don't think that it's terribly likely that such criticism is going to bring about any changes in what Kizla writes or says he thinks.

It might be theraputic at some level, and I suppose that has value, but it won't change anything beyond your own state of mind, I think.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-10-2007, 03:23 PM
Again...Go fuck yourself, repeatedly. Do you think you're actually accomplishing anything right now other than making yourself look like an asshole, Mr. Hypocrisy?

I'm not the one who decided to insult a fellow Spurs fan and act like an Internet tough guy. You're a dick...live with it.

Your advice is falling on deaf ears because I don't like you as a direct result of how much of an jerk you are. I'm sure you here that in real life all the time so once more on the Internet is probably just gravy.

After we get done with this conversation please never address me again.

Who's insulting a fellow Spurs fan again? I guess 'go fuck yourself is a term of endearment.'

I don't have to insult you, Kiszla's already got your panties in a bunch, or maybe more appropriately thrown some sand in your vagina.

Love the insults about real life. Maybe when you graduate high school one day you'll realize how much of a dumbass you are in worrying about what some hack reporter a couple of thousand miles away thinks about your team.

My advice to you is to find a hobby or two, because if you're getting that pissed off about Kiszla's articles you obviously have nothing else to look forward to in your life other than living vicariously through the Spurs.

You don't like me because of how much of a jerk I am? I'm not the one emailing reporters because they didn't worship my basketball team with such intelligent, well thought out responses to their columns as 'how does it feel to talk out your ass.'

Grow the fuck up and quit insulting Spurs fans in general with your pissant little email replies to beat reporters of teams that the Spurs already smoked in the playoffs.

06-10-2007, 03:23 PM
i love it when ahf gets sand in his vagina. he does have a point.

06-10-2007, 03:24 PM
I mentioned in another thread that I thought it would be a good idea for someone to e-mail Mike Freeman's piece to Kizla, just to show him that his fellow media members are specifically calling him out for being a hypocrite when it comes to the Spurs.

Which I did, with no response so far.


Aggie Hoopsfan
06-10-2007, 03:25 PM
Tell you what spurstime, if you don't want to listen to what I have to say, here's a few more folks in agreement:

All you're doing is letting them know that a) you read the column and b) they pushed your buttons.


Im shocked people actually take these guys this seriously....

I think Kizsla will be getting a national gig soon, thanks in no small part to us.

I agree with AHF that writing to Kizla (or any other sportswriter, for that matter) isn't going to create a change of opinion and only serves to reinforce that someone is reading his drivel. I mentioned in another thread that I thought it would be a good idea for someone to e-mail Mike Freeman's piece to Kizla, just to show him that his fellow media members are specifically calling him out for being a hypocrite when it comes to the Spurs. But I also don't think that it's terribly likely that such criticism is going to bring about any changes in what Kizla writes or says he thinks.

It might be theraputic at some level, and I suppose that has value, but it won't change anything beyond your own state of mind, I think.

Looks like you've got a few more people to insult....

06-10-2007, 03:27 PM
I agree with AHF that writing to Kizla (or any other sportswriter, for that matter) isn't going to create a change of opinion and only serves to reinforce that someone is reading his drivel. I mentioned in another thread that I thought it would be a good idea for someone to e-mail Mike Freeman's piece to Kizla, just to show him that his fellow media members are specifically calling him out for being a hypocrite when it comes to the Spurs. But I also don't think that it's terribly likely that such criticism is going to bring about any changes in what Kizla writes or says he thinks.

It might be theraputic at some level, and I suppose that has value, but it won't change anything beyond your own state of mind, I think.

I specifically said I was doing it because I felt like reminding him he was wrong, not change his views.

06-10-2007, 03:34 PM
Tell you what spurstime, if you don't want to listen to what I have to say, here's a few more folks in agreement:

Looks like you've got a few more people to insult....

I never responded to them because they articulated their views without insulting me in the process, you stupid jerkoff. I actually met exstatic at the GTG for the Spurs/Mavs game late in the season and had no problem with him disagreeing with my having sent the email.

You're a typical Internet blowhard. I didn't feel the need to comment on anything regarding your personal life other than what was readily apparent from your writing. Namely, that you're obviously an asshole.

I have a successful law practice and a beautiful family. I'll put up my accomplishments against yours any day of the week.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-10-2007, 03:43 PM
I never responded to them because they articulated their views without insulting me in the process, you stupid jerkoff. I actually met exstatic at the GTG for the Spurs/Mavs game late in the season and had no problem with him disagreeing with my having sent the email.

You're a typical Internet blowhard. I didn't feel the need to comment on anything regarding your personal life other than what was readily apparent from your writing. Namely, that you're obviously an asshole.

I have a successful law practice and a beautiful family. I'll put up my accomplishments against yours any day of the week.

Go figure, my impression of the majority of those involved in the legal profession is that they're assholes...

I'm sorry, I have a hard time buying that someone who has a successful law practice responds to articles like Kizla by starting off an email about him talking out his ass, and responds to criticism of their attempt at bragging/showing off their insulting a sportswriter like that with a response of 'go fuck yourself.'

And now I'm a stupid jerkoff? And you're the one trying to call me about as internet tough guy/asshole? Look in the fucking mirror, douche.

I'm actually a pretty cool guy in real life. I just get sick and fucking tired of coming here and seeing idiots like you post about how big and bad they are because they got their panties in a bunch over what some NBA beat writer covering a team that can't beat the Spurs had to say about the Spurs.

Replying to writers in any form or fashion only justifies their paycheck for another week to their bosses, and I'm sorry this is lost on someone who runs a 'successful law practice, yet calls anyone who disagrees with them an asshole, jerkoff, or starts off correspondence with them stating that they have their head up their ass'.

So what happens when a judge calls you out in the courtroom? Do you tell him to go fuck himself too? I bet that works out well...

06-10-2007, 03:48 PM
Go figure, my impression of the majority of those involved in the legal profession is that they're assholes...

So you like to stereotype people as well. More indication you're an asshole.

I'm sorry, I have a hard time buying that someone who has a successful law practice responds to articles like Kizla by starting off an email about him talking out his ass, and responds to criticism of their attempt at bragging/showing off their insulting a sportswriter like that with a response of 'go fuck yourself.'

I only responded to you that way because you deserved it. Everyone else's criticism was acceptable because it didn't go overboard like yours.

I'm actually a pretty cool guy in real life.

Sure you are...

I just get sick and fucking tired of coming here and seeing idiots like you post about how big and bad they are because they got their panties in a bunch over what some NBA beat writer covering a team that can't beat the Spurs had to say about the Spurs.

If you don't like it, follow your own advice and ignore it, genius.

So what happens when a judge calls you out in the courtroom? Do you tell him to go fuck himself too? I bet that works out well...

Um...You're not a judge, nor are you a person deserving of my respect.

Mark in Austin
06-10-2007, 03:51 PM
I never responded to them because they articulated their views without insulting me in the process, you stupid jerkoff. I actually met exstatic at the GTG for the Spurs/Mavs game late in the season and had no problem with him disagreeing with my having sent the email.

You're a typical Internet blowhard. I didn't feel the need to comment on anything regarding your personal life other than what was readily apparent from your writing. Namely, that you're obviously an asshole.

I have a successful law practice and a beautiful family. I'll put up my accomplishments against yours any day of the week.

wow. I hope someday I share a courtroom with you, because if I can bait you half as much a that schmuck in Denver did, your ass is mine.

Don't you see that by sending him email - be it good, bad, or indifferent - you're giving him the ammo he needs to justify his continued employment to his editor? Think about this. Electronic ad rates are set based on hits, not if what was read was a hatchet job or not. By showing you are paying attention to what he is writing, you just give him that much more job security.

06-10-2007, 03:57 PM
spurtime - I understand what you're trying to do, but it's futile. In the world of the media, the only "wrong" column is the one that generates no churn...indignant emails and extra page hits when the incensed pass it along to their friends. What you're doing actually feeds and encourages this kind of yellow "journalism".

Jizzla doesn't care that you hate his column and it's contents. He cares that you hit the page, and that absolute nugget of gold: you replied with an email. That shit is precious to their advertisers.

06-10-2007, 03:58 PM
wow. I hope someday I share a courtroom with you, because if I can bait you half as much a that schmuck in Denver did, your ass is mine.

Don't you see that by sending him email - be it good, bad, or indifferent - you're giving him the ammo he needs to justify his continued employment to his editor? Think about this. Electronic ad rates are set based on hits, not if what was read was a hatchet job or not. By showing you are paying attention to what he is writing, you just give him that much more job security.

Mark, let me say that I don't want to come off as getting in a pissing match with you because I really would like to discuss this in a reasonable manner with someone who seems capable of it.

If my lone email did everything you suggest then I must have quite an impact as a writer. Which I really doubt.

So I've heard 2 schools of thought...#1 there's no reason to send the email because it won't change his views and is thus a waste of time, and #2 I am actually empowering him by doing it.

As for the 1st one...I really don't care whether I changed his views. I just enjoyed the opportunity to remind him he was wrong, which he still seems unwilling to accept, and I find that funny, and worth talking about.

As for the 2nd one...I'm just one person. I doubt an editor is going to take a set of emails from one person in SA and take it as anything more than one person pointing out that one of his writers was wrong.

06-10-2007, 04:02 PM
spurtime - I understand what you're trying to do, but it's futile. In the world of the media, the only "wrong" column is the one that generates no churn...indignant emails and extra page hits when the incensed pass it along to their friends. What you're doing actually feeds and encourages this kind of yellow "journalism".

Jizzla doesn't care that you hate his column and it's contents. He cares that you hit the page, and that absolute nugget of gold: you replied with an email. That shit is precious to their advertisers.

My one hit (which didn't click on any of the advertising) vs. the credibility of one of their writers. Hmmm...I'll admit that I'm not up to speed on the latest publicity norms in journalism, but it seems like common sense that a writer who is often wrong puts into question the credibility of the newspaper they write for. I notice that Jemele Hill sees little espn.com space ever since she wrote that horrible piece comparing Kobe and MJ.

06-11-2007, 06:09 AM
As for the electronic media in San Antonio? All I can do is quote a sports writer at the Express-News on his TV brethren:
"This place,'' he says, "is Hooterville."

I wouldn't be suprised if this is legit and he's talking about Mike Monroe. That comes through in his writing, you can tell he doesn't want to be here.

Extra Stout
06-11-2007, 08:02 AM
My one hit (which didn't click on any of the advertising) vs. the credibility of one of their writers. Hmmm...I'll admit that I'm not up to speed on the latest publicity norms in journalism, but it seems like common sense that a writer who is often wrong puts into question the credibility of the newspaper they write for. I notice that Jemele Hill sees little espn.com space ever since she wrote that horrible piece comparing Kobe and MJ.
The latest publicity norm in sports "journalism" is that sensationalism trumps insightful writing. It's the talk radio phenomenon. It is more important to have a strong opinion that generates a response than to have an accurate opinion. Good solid writing is considered boring for the same reason the Spurs are considered boring. America is not a nation of intelligent people.

Baiting San Antonians is the low-hanging fruit for a sports columnist. It is nearly guaranteed that not only will San Antonians go looking for pieces bashing the city or the Spurs and send back nasty e-mails, but they will forward the piece to all their friends, who likewise will send back nasty e-mails. So, congratulations on swimming into that net.

The columnist benefits because the website hit count for his work surges, generating ad revenue. Soon, every hatchet job column on the Spurs in the Denver paper, or wherever, will have ads for H-E-B and Taco Cabana.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-11-2007, 09:29 AM
My one hit (which didn't click on any of the advertising) vs. the credibility of one of their writers. Hmmm...I'll admit that I'm not up to speed on the latest publicity norms in journalism, but it seems like common sense that a writer who is often wrong puts into question the credibility of the newspaper they write for. I notice that Jemele Hill sees little espn.com space ever since she wrote that horrible piece comparing Kobe and MJ.

You're not listening. Are you this stubborn in the court room? You assume that Kiszla's job is somehow based on being 'factual', when in reality his job with his editorial pieces is to 1) generate page views and 2) generate email responses.

Both put more money in the pocket of his employer and himself. That's what we've all been trying to tell you for two pages now. And you don't have to click on an ad for them to get money, they get coin from their advertisers just off unique page views.

I agree with Mark in Austin, you'd be an easy mark in the courtroom. You're arrogant, stubborn, and obviously anything other than anyone here kissing your rear and you react emotionally.

And spare me all the high and mightly crap in your responses, you'd think a person supposedly as educated as yourself would be a bigger man than feeling the need to post on an anonymous internet board looking for a pat on the back for sending an email to a hack journalist trying to show him how small and insecure you are.

Loose Cannon
06-11-2007, 09:43 AM
There's a reason Stephen A. Smith is still employed even though he's a complete hack, and this thread is the textbook definition of that reason.