View Full Version : why is the media so down on every sport

06-11-2007, 12:42 AM
I was listening to sports radio and they were all down on the nba finals saying the ratings suck and then they talked about how baseball is going down hill and then how hockey sucks... has it always been this way or is this the new trend ahah what ever spurs win tonight :toast

06-11-2007, 12:54 AM
EVERYTHING sucks on talk radio.

06-11-2007, 01:06 AM
I was listening to sports radio and they were all down on the nba finals saying the ratings suck and then they talked about how baseball is going down hill and then how hockey sucks... has it always been this way or is this the new trend ahah what ever spurs win tonight :toast

Yeah everything but the NFL that is the almighty godly sport in the US now that is basically untouchable by the media because the ratings are so high. I do think the NBA needs to make some changes. When you have a team that is on the verge of a dynasty and it brightest young star in his first finals and the ratings are bad that is a big time red flag. Everyone thought the ratings were going to be good for this finals.

06-11-2007, 01:14 AM
I used to HATE bball. In the last 6 years since I have become a spurs fan, I could care less about NFL now.

06-11-2007, 01:15 AM
EVERYTHING sucks on talk radio.

2nd. The second they run out of things to say, there IS no radio.

But I think there are some out there like JT the Brick and some others that are complimentary of the Spurs.

06-11-2007, 01:27 AM
talk radio needs ratings too.

06-11-2007, 01:40 AM
Baseball gets a free ride from the sports media. Let's see, there's practially an entire decade of phony records. And quick, name the last memorable World Series.

Yet, the media loves to speculate, almost wish for, the death of the NBA, writing more about the ratings than the games and recycling every tired cliche they can about the league. If the NBA had any of the things happen to it that MLB has had over the past 15 years, sports editors would be calling for a constitutional ban on basketball and public execution of David Stern.

At the same time, when baseball gets crappy ratings, they hardly mention it, or they'll wring their hands worrying about what a black mark on society it is that baseball isn't more popular.

T Park
06-11-2007, 01:44 AM
Baseball gets a free ride from the sports media. Let's see, there's practially an entire decade of phony records. And quick, name the last memorable World Series.


you practically get made fun of for being a hardcore baseball fan nowa days.

Not true what so ever.

2006 WS BTW :)

06-11-2007, 01:55 AM
Talk radio bags on everything but the NFL because the casual fan likes the NFL. And the casual fan likes the NFL because you don't need to understand the nuances of football - such as they are - to be able to follow what's going on. Casual fans like their sports simple. The very second a color commentator starts talking about anything in any sort of detail, the casual fan has already flipped back to E!, watching a rerun of "101 Most Shocking Oscar Moments" in hopes of masturbating to Reese Witherspoon in her 2004 gown one last time.

06-11-2007, 02:10 AM
The 2001 World Series was the greatest sporting event I've ever personally witnessed. Don't be knocking baseball.

06-11-2007, 08:23 AM
The 2001 World Series was the greatest sporting event I've ever personally witnessed. Yeah, of course. You're a Suns fan.


06-11-2007, 08:53 AM
i just wanted to remind you that the NBA is by far the most famous and popular american sport league abroad.... that's the real asset of this league...

Marcus Bryant
06-11-2007, 08:57 AM
Talk radio bags on everything but the NFL because the casual fan likes the NFL. And the casual fan likes the NFL because you don't need to understand the nuances of football - such as they are - to be able to follow what's going on. Casual fans like their sports simple. The very second a color commentator starts talking about anything in any sort of detail, the casual fan has already flipped back to E!, watching a rerun of "101 Most Shocking Oscar Moments" in hopes of masturbating to Reese Witherspoon in her 2004 gown one last time.

Attention spans are decreasing. Football involves people hitting each other, which never goes out of style for the "pro" wrestling fan segment of the population. In addition, the NFL has a fair number of white stars. When it comes to the NBA, the stars are black or foreign. Middle America is suspicious of both groups. Baseball would fare better with the casual fan if the number of innings was reduced to 5, the outfield fence was moved in to 200', and baserunners were out if they were tackled before they reached the next base.

Extra Stout
06-11-2007, 10:21 AM
What the casual fans and the media want out of the NBA are flashy, high-scoring teams from big cities, with larger-than-life characters who generate a lot of drama on a daily basis. The NBA, among the major sports, is the most dependent upon glamour and hype.

06-11-2007, 10:30 AM
Attention spans are decreasing. Football involves people hitting each other, which never goes out of style for the "pro" wrestling fan segment of the population. In addition, the NFL has a fair number of white stars. When it comes to the NBA, the stars are black or foreign. Middle America is suspicious of both groups. Baseball would fare better with the casual fan if the number of innings was reduced to 5, the outfield fence was moved in to 200', and baserunners were out if they were tackled before they reached the next base.

Yep, sports suck because we're all racists here in middle America.

Extra Stout
06-11-2007, 11:02 AM
Yep, sports suck because we're all racists here in middle America.
The predominance of foreign players on the NBA's most dominant team tells America something about basketball which it doesn't want to hear.

Mr. Body
06-11-2007, 11:20 AM
Talk radio is a cesspool. Our media likes to rip everything apart, anyway, except for Paris Hilton.

06-11-2007, 11:24 AM
Yeah, of course. You're a Suns fan.


Between the Cardinals, D-backs, and Suns somebody had to win something.

06-11-2007, 11:26 AM
The 2001 World Series was the greatest sporting event I've ever personally witnessed. Don't be knocking baseball.

2006 Rose Bowl.

06-11-2007, 01:41 PM
Between the Cardinals, D-backs, and Suns somebody had to win something.:lmao at the Cardinals being in that list.

06-11-2007, 01:52 PM
Between the Cardinals, D-backs, and Suns somebody had to win something.

Gave up on the Coyotes, huh?

06-11-2007, 01:54 PM
The Washington Post writers wrote in Monday's paper that the big three of the Spurs are all foreign born. Now what difference does that make? The only thing I can figure out is that we Americans are so nationalistic and have such superiority feelings against the rest of the world that rooting for a team like the Spurs is tantamount to being UnAmerican.

Now I'm not saying that is the case, but Nash, nor Kidd, nor Iverson, or whomever have anything on Parker and Ginobili. Pop is right. There aren't more exciting players to watch than TP and Manu. MSNBC, in their 3-hour show from 6 - 9 a.m.today, didn't even mention the results of last night's game in their sports report for Sunday. Their big news is that the Yankees are now only 9 1/2 games behind the Sox and warned the Sox to look out.

It is truly pathetic.

06-11-2007, 01:58 PM
Gave up on the Coyotes, huh?

That's how bad the Coyotes are... I totally forgot about them. :dizzy

06-11-2007, 02:01 PM
2006 Rose Bowl.

Seven games > one game. Plus, I hate both Texas and USC, so although it wasn't a great game, it didn't have that extra emotional push.

But 2001 was classic. You have the dynasty and most celebrated sports team in history in the Yankees, and the four year expansion franchise in the Diamondbacks. You have Randy Johnson finally getting over the hump and winning four games in the World Series, you have Byung Kim crying on the mound, and the game winning hit coming from Arizona's hero against the best post season pitcher in history. Plus all of the other drama and close games.

Extra Stout
06-11-2007, 02:14 PM
The Washington Post writers wrote in Monday's paper that the big three of the Spurs are all foreign born. Now what difference does that make? The only thing I can figure out is that we Americans are so nationalistic and have such superiority feelings against the rest of the world that rooting for a team like the Spurs is tantamount to being UnAmerican.

Now I'm not saying that is the case, but Nash, nor Kidd, nor Iverson, or whomever have anything on Parker and Ginobili. Pop is right. There aren't more exciting players to watch than TP and Manu. MSNBC, in their 3-hour show from 6 - 9 a.m.today, didn't even mention the results of last night's game in their sports report for Sunday. Their big news is that the Yankees are now only 9 1/2 games behind the Sox and warned the Sox to look out.

It is truly pathetic.
Part of America's basketball gestalt is a sense of entitlement to be the preeminent basketball-playing country on Earth. However, reality is not cooperating, and the nucleus of the Spurs is a reminder of that.

Extra Stout
06-11-2007, 02:15 PM
Seven games > one game. Plus, I hate both Texas and USC, so although it wasn't a great game, it didn't have that extra emotional push.

But 2001 was classic. You have the dynasty and most celebrated sports team in history in the Yankees, and the four year expansion franchise in the Diamondbacks. You have Randy Johnson finally getting over the hump and winning four games in the World Series, you have Byung Kim crying on the mound, and the game winning hit coming from Arizona's hero against the best post season pitcher in history. Plus all of the other drama and close games.
People look back on that series and think, "A Major League team wore purple and turquoise in actual games?"

06-11-2007, 02:19 PM
The 2001 World Series was the greatest sporting event I've ever personally witnessed. Don't be knocking baseball.

I have to admit, it was the last World Series I enjoyed watching.

Admittedly I was rooting for the D-Backs because Mark Grace went there.
But still, Defeating the "Yankee Mystique" in game 7 with their "untouchable" closer on the mound was fucking cool.