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06-11-2007, 04:18 PM
Media Day Reflections
Posted by Brent Barry on June 9, 2007, 10:30 a.m. ET

Yesterday was a media session for us. Following a well played Game 1, the team had a day to rest but was still regulated by league rules to make itself available for all the gathered media outlets. It was another chance to see the NBA.com China host talk to a Slovenian with an Argentinian making funny “farting” noises behind said interviewee.

The scene looks something like this; at each of the four corners of the AT&T Center (promo plug) there are four podiums that have been erected. Each soapbox has been outfitted with all the fixings; noise canceling mics, NBA Finals backdrops, speaker systems and readily available bottled water. These four “interrogation stations” have the names Tony, Tim, Manu and Bruce written all over them. The rest of the team finds some open room on the court to talk shop with our local sports guys.

But time passes and occasionally an outside source will want to ask us a question. Usually that question has something to do with Tony, Tim, Manu or Bruce. Sometimes you get lucky and the question has to deal with all four of them and you can answer sweepingly and be done with it. Other times, the reporter probes. Maybe he wants to know about Tim and what he does in his spare time. What “spare time”, he’s a father. We don’t get spare time anymore.

Next question?

Or maybe someone asks about our master thespian Manu Ginobili versus his apprentice Anderson Varejao. I was speaking with a reporter who helped me come up with the idea that this would be the first time in NBA Finals history that referees would carry both whistles and yellow cards.

Next question?

Maybe she asks a question wanting details of Tony and Eva’s wedding. Yes, my wife and I have been invited. And yes, my wife and I are going. However, I have since signed papers (once we repondez s’il vous plait’d) that don’t allow me to parley any inside information. Many of the guests are being blindfolded, spun around in circles ten times and loaded into taxis before leaving the hotel in Pari....Oops, I almost gave the location away! Je vous remercie d’etre venus.

How is Bruce gonna guard him*? Do we really need to examine this match up any more after the ways it has already been dissected? In one word: EFFORT.

Any more questions?

There is a Game 2 coming and we know that Coach Brown is going to make some things very different for us. In the Finals the adjustment between games can be huge because of the unfamiliarity with your opponent. In order for us to continue on the course we set out on with the performance in Game 1, we are going to have to be prepared for something we haven’t seen yet. And there within lies the great challenge of winning these games. Enjoy the chess match that’s about to unfold...

* If you recall my first entry, I am challenging myself to not write the name of the player who wears number 23 for the Cavs during this exercise. This is in no way a slight this player, it is just that so much has been written, prognosticated, examined, scrutinized and opined about this stud that I thought I would, out of respect, give it a rest. Thank you for your understanding.

06-11-2007, 04:23 PM
:lol i'm glad he's doing this.

06-11-2007, 04:29 PM
Its very entertaining.

06-11-2007, 04:48 PM
He's really funny. I met him when he was a Sonic and he was funny then!
As casual as you would think, he just seems comfortable in his own skin.

06-11-2007, 05:02 PM
Good read. Maybe his next entry will take us into his frame of mind during his 3 misses in a minute nightmare.