View Full Version : Sopranos Fans Check This Out

Thunder Dan
06-11-2007, 07:43 PM
I posted this on a different website earlier this morning. I did it on a blackberry while sitting in a airport so the spelling and punctuation is terrible, but check this out it's amazing and brilliant work by the writers of the show:

The Final 9 episodes of The Sopranos all relate to the literary work 'Divine Comedy', often reffered as the greatest Italian literary work, which was written in the 1300's. Check out how each of the 9 Circles of Hell, as discussed in the work, relate to each of the final 9 episodes:

(Circle 1)- The Unbaptized, and others who do not follow god becuase they lived before the time. Thus Ignorance due to inmaturity(Episode 1) they boy who picks up Tony's gun, thus getting Tony in trouble. Also Bobby never "made his bones"(paid tribute) to the family (god)

(Circle 2)Circle where the Lustful are punished(Episode 2) Carmella becomes suspicious of Tony of cheating after seeing Cleaver. She becomes suspicious that Tony was having relations with Adriana

(Circle 3)The gluttons are punished here(Episode 3) Phil wacks Fraustino for eating off of his plate during a sit down

(Circle 4)Greedy and those who value material goods more than the means are punished here(Episode 4)this is the first we see of Tony's huge gambling problem, which runs a whole episode.

(Circle5)slothful are punished here(episode 5) AJ becomes a sloth by sitting around all day sulking about his lost love.

(Circle6)Bad Religious Leaders are punished here(Episode 6)Tony, the mob boss, kills Christopher to better himself and his crime family

(Circle7)The Violent are punished here, both violent with others and to self.(Episode 7) A.J. suicide. The poem "The Second Coming" is both a major topic, and the title of the episode

(Circle 8)Includes: Seducers,Thieves, Falsifiers, and "Evil counselors"(Episode 8) Melfi becuase of guilt stops seeing Tony (note: this is the only one I have trouble landing excatly what it is they want to represent the circle since there at 9 parts inside this circle)

(Circle 9)traitors are punished here(Episode 9) Carlo had flipped on Tony

Now, I know some of these are not complete thoughts, but I feel that given more time to watch and critque each episode, you will find more evidence to this relation. Also:

This painting "The Barque of Dante" (which is a painting directly influenced from the characters in Divine Comedy)


This is the cover of the season 5 DVD. See the similarities?

Now, as for the ending, I have no idea. But this much I do know, Chase, as well as actors in the show say that there IS a conclusion, and there are hints as to what the real ending is hidden withing every episode since season 1. This final episode was David Case's vision since day 1. Keep that in mind when your watching your reruns!