View Full Version : Political Philosophy Test time

06-12-2007, 01:27 AM
Here are my scores:

Progressive/Conservative Score 12 - Ultra-Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 8 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 2 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score 2 - Pacifist

You are a Hardcore Democrat

What your score? Political philosophy quiz (http://politicalquiz.net/)

Wild Cobra
06-12-2007, 03:59 AM
LOL look at my scores:

Progressive/Conservative Score
0 - Ultra-Conservative

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score
5 - Economic Moderate

Libertarian/Authoritarian Score
6 – Moderate

Pacifist/Militarist Score
12 - Warmonger

Well, I can say this is a rather poor test. It was put together from someone who does not understand my points of view.

My answers were:

1. Are our gun control laws too strict?

2. Should gay marriage be legalized?

3. Should the US Invade Iran/Syria/NorthKorea?

This is one that has too much room for error. The reasons why someone believes we should are important, plus, each country should have been an individual question. I am postulating my changes as I type this. I will do this over and say maybe.

4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution?

I actually think it shouldn't, however evolution should either in my opinion. I said yes because if one theory is taught, the opposing theory should be too. I hate being indecisive, but for my do-over, I will say maybe.

5. Should health care remain privatized?

6. Should marijuana be legalized?

7. Should we repeal [or substantially change] the Patriot Act?

8. Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons?

This is one that a persons internal thoughts of current events plays a role in. I initially said No, and changed it because of the volatile atmosphere radical Islam plays in today's world. This question should be made more clear. There are also offensive and defensive weapons. Then degree of damage too. Under the worse of conditions possible, I will keep the Yes answer.

9. Should we end (or reduce the use of) the death penalty?

We should increase the usage of the death penalty! It is the ultimate deterrent to crime.

10. Should there be a higher minimum wage?

This is where my states rights vs. federal law comes in conflict. I would like to see higher minimum wages, but not mandated by the federal government. Let each state dictate it's own.

11. Does affirmative action do more harm than good?

12. Is the United States spending too much money on defense?

Absolutely not. Ask me if it's spending too much on social programs dammit!

13. Are school vouchers the best solution to bad public schools?

Limit me to one other solution, I'll say no. I believe they are better than the current system. I will say yes on my second time.

14. Should flag burning be legal?

15. Should all people (rich and poor) pay fewer taxes?

I said yes, but this question is moronic. I believe all people should pay their fair share, including the poor who don't pay income taxes!

16. Should the US begin withdrawing from Iraq?

17. Is it sometimes justified to wiretap people without a warrant?

The constitution protects against "UNREASONABLE" searches and seizures. Not reasonable ones. It states that for a reason.

18. Should the government be involved in reducing the amount of violence/pornography in tv/movies/games/etc?

I said yes, only because it included TV which many parents have no control over to protect their kids. This should of been a separate question for each category. On my do-over, I will say No because in general, I do not believe in censorship.

19. Should the United States only start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves?

What about our allies?

20. Should stopping illegal immigration be one of our top priorities?

21. Is outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods?

22. Are all abortions murder?

23. Should social security be privatized?
Maybe/Don't Care

The only one I said maybe to. Any plan I ever say was not to privatize the whole system, but allow less SS Insurance deducted if it was placed into an individual retirement plan of sorts. I agree with that concept.

24. Should the United States ever go to war even if the UN is against it?

We are a sovereign nation. Who gives a damn what they think? I though we outgrown such sophomoric attitudes from school.

Stupid poll. It still says I'm a Neocon, and I'm not. Scores changed to:

Progressive/Conservative Score
1 – Conservative

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score
3 - Capitalist Purist

Libertarian/Authoritarian Score
4 - Libertarian-leaning

Pacifist/Militarist Score
11 - Militarist

Now I agree more with this, but if the questions included social spending, it would exclude me from being called a Neocon.

06-12-2007, 09:20 AM
I agree with some of your reasoning throughout the test, WC.

It asks too broad questions that narrow your opinion too much.

Progressive/Conservative Score 6 - Social Moderate
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 9 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 4 - Libertarian-leaning
Pacifist/Militarist Score 6 - Defense Moderate

You are a Democrat

06-12-2007, 11:44 PM
Progressive/Conservative Score 2-Conservative
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 6-Economic Moderate
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 0-Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score 4-Moderate-Pacifist

You are a Libertarian

Say hello to the world's first conservative anarchist! I think I'm going to start identifying myself with that term; it has more punch to it than constitutionalist.

06-12-2007, 11:55 PM
Here are my answers. I tried to answer every question as asked, for example the "are all abortions murder?" question - I do think abortion is killing, but if the mother's life is in danger, then that killing is not murder, so I said no.

Also this question - "Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons?" This is clearly a question about Iraq and Iran, but despite being against those wars I answered yes because the right does exist, but we must be essentially positive about the threat.

1. Are our gun control laws too strict?

2. Should gay marriage be legalized?
No (The government as no right to be in the marriage business, whatsoever)

3. Should the US Invade Iran/Syria/NorthKorea?

4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution?
Yes (If one, then the other - neither is best)

5. Should health care remain privatized?

6. Should marijuana be legalized?

7. Should we repeal [or substantially change] the Patriot Act?

8. Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons?

9. Should we end (or reduce the use of) the death penalty?

10. Should there be a higher minimum wage?

11. Does affirmative action do more harm than good?

12. Is the United States spending too much money on defense?

13. Are school vouchers the best solution to bad public schools?
No (taxing people to pay for private enterprise, I do favor greater competition in other ways)

14. Should flag burning be legal?

15. Should all people (rich and poor) pay fewer taxes?

16. Should the US begin withdrawing from Iraq?

17. Is it sometimes justified to wiretap people without a warrant?

18. Should the government be involved in reducing the amount of violence/pornography in tv/movies/games/etc?
No (unconstitutional)

19. Should the United States only start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves?

20. Should stopping illegal immigration be one of our top priorities?

21. Is outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods?

22. Are all abortions murder?

23. Should social security be privatized?
Yes (social securit itself is completely unconstitutional)

24. Should the United States ever go to war even if the UN is against it?
Yes (to say otherwise is to recognize a global authority, i.e. world government)

06-13-2007, 12:26 AM
A lot of those questions don't allow for nuance or vital qualifications, but that's pretty much par for the course in a lot of political discussion.

Progressive/Conservative Score - 11 - Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score - 8 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score - 2 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score - 8 - Moderate-Militarist

You are a Democrat

^I'm actually a former Republican, current Independent.

06-13-2007, 02:24 AM
Progressive/Conservative Score: 1 - Conservative
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score: 3 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score: 8 - Authoritarian-leaning
Pacifist/Militarist Score: 9 - Moderate-Militarist

You are a Hardcore Republican

06-13-2007, 06:48 AM
Progressive/Conservative Score 5 - Social Moderate
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 8 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 5 - Moderate
Pacifist/Militarist Score 9 - Moderate-Militarist

You are a Moderate

Extra Stout
06-13-2007, 07:39 AM
You are a Republican.

06-13-2007, 08:07 AM
Progressive/Conservative Score 8 - Moderate Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 6 - Economic Moderate
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 1 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score 0 - Isolationist

You are a Libertarian

06-13-2007, 08:12 AM
We should increase the usage of the death penalty! It is the ultimate deterrent to crime.

:lol yeah, look at all the crime it's deterred. All these abandonded and unused correctional facilities are an eyesore across our utpoian countryside.

06-13-2007, 08:23 AM
Progressive/Conservative Score 8-Moderate Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 12-Socialist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 6-Moderate
Pacifist/Militarist Score 2-Pacifist

You are a Hardcore Democrat

First time I've been a socialist and a pacifist on this type of quiz!

I didn't like the quiz much though. Yes, I am for withdrawing from Iraq, but I think that should be combined with putting more in Afghanistan. Yes, I am for public health care, but it should be carefully designed to control costs and I think that it will help our businesses and US workers at the same time.

George Gervin's Afro
06-13-2007, 10:59 AM
progressive vs conservative

you're a progressive. You think that the government should be in the process of making sure people of all races/gender/sexuality be treated equally. This applies to affirmative action programs, gay marriage, immigration, and many others.

captialist vs Social Capitalist

a Social Capitalist, you think that, left to its own, Capitalism leaves a lot of people behind. You think that Health Care should be free to all, that the minimum wage should be raised, and that the government should provide jobs to all that are capable of having them. You likely hated the Bush tax cuts, and believe that the middle class has gotten poorer, and the rich have gotten richer over the past several years. The far extreme of social capitalism is socialism.

Libertarian vs Authoritian
If your score was from 4 to 8, you're a Moderate. You think that we all have certain inalienable rights that must be protected, but that sometimes laws need to be made to protect the majority's lives or quality of lives. You might think that the 2nd amendment isn't necessary anymore because letting everyone a gun is extremely dangerous to the community. You might also be against illegal drug use or public pornography because of its possible harmful effects to society.

If your score was from 4 to 8, you're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Yes!! I'm not a conservative!!!!! :clap :drunk :nope

06-13-2007, 02:34 PM
Here are my scores:

Progressive/Conservative Score 12 - Ultra-Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 8 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 2 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score 2 - Pacifist

You are a Hardcore Democrat

What your score? Political philosophy quiz (http://politicalquiz.net/)

Here are my scores:
Progressive/Conservative Score 10 Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 10 - Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 2 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score 3 - Pacifist

You are a Hardcore Democrat

...and yet I still think you are full of shit about 9-11. ;)

06-13-2007, 03:04 PM
...and yet I still think you are full of shit about 9-11.

From the looks of things, I don't think we can even completely dismiss Mouse's missile theory anymore.

06-13-2007, 03:24 PM
You are above simplistic categorization

06-13-2007, 03:26 PM
Just kidding, it says I'm a Moderate.

Bob Lanier
06-13-2007, 05:27 PM
Apparently they think Bill Clinton was to the left of Richard Nixon.


06-13-2007, 06:10 PM
Regular ol Republican

06-14-2007, 07:58 PM
3 - Moderate Conservative
12 - Socialist
10 - Authoritarian
6 - Defense Moderate

Due to my worldview, I am socially conservative in the area of abortion (does life begin at conception- if one believes it does, then there are conclusions from that which seem to logically follow), marriage, and in science (I'm not biologist or a natural scientist, but in August I will have my master's in math and haven't yet seen compelling evidence for evolution (adaption within species is clearly true, but does that translate to variation outside of the gene pool - two completely different questions-).

I have come to realize that the Iraq war was a major mistake (like the British trying to fight us on our continent). Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on an unwinnable war is an unnecessary defense department expense.

I don't want to wait until an attack is imminent and we are in immediate danger or peril prior to acting. For, at that time, it could be too late and much more costly. Every nation has the right to defend itself and must act in its own best interest.

Moral equivalence arguments stink: If I have a gun (I don't), I am not a danger to society because I am not a criminal. If a criminal has a gun, then his possession of the gun poses a danger.

If a police officer shoots a criminal and the criminal shoots at the police officer, are they both equally guilty of sin?
So, the US having a better military with better weapons does not mean that Iran is justified in obtaining the same weapons.

Now, if they had liberated Western Europe, rebuilt it with the Marshall Plan and brought down totalitarianism, well then they would need to deconstruct and stop funding Hamas, Islamic Jihad...
Start a democracy...And whatever the faults of our democracy, only an ill-informed lunatic thinks that Middle Eastern Countries have a more fair political process.

Then, it might be legitimate for them to obtain the same type of weapons.
Otherwise, they act as criminal regimes and can't be trusted with these weapons.

In virtually every other way, I am a hardcore democrat.

climate change is real and human induced
no child left behind stinks
there is no level playing field;
past discrimination has present consequences
universal health care is a good idea and we can and should do it