View Full Version : Bush got mugged

06-12-2007, 11:46 AM
Fucking Albanians! :lmao


06-12-2007, 11:50 AM
Or, not.

It appears a bodyguard had him remove his watch so it wouldn't snag someone in the crowd.

06-12-2007, 11:55 AM
It's Albania. I wouldn't put anything past them.

06-12-2007, 11:57 AM
It's Albania. I wouldn't put anything past them.
Well, then, his wedding ring was stolen too.


You can find before and after pictures there. In one you can clearly see his watch and wedding ring are gone from the left hand. I suspect both were removed and put in his pocket.

06-12-2007, 02:03 PM
Ok Yoni, but this Albanian news video clearly shows Bush with watch on greeting happy albanians and then his watch is missing.

Linky (http://english.hotnews.ro/George-Bush%5C's-watch-%5C'%5C'vanishes%5C'%5C'-in-Albania-articol_45211.htm)

06-12-2007, 02:29 PM
Ok Yoni, but this Albanian news video clearly shows Bush with watch on greeting happy albanians and then his watch is missing.

Linky (http://english.hotnews.ro/George-Bush%5C's-watch-%5C'%5C'vanishes%5C'%5C'-in-Albania-articol_45211.htm)

Proof that he planned 9/11.

Dude, do you have to make a conspiracy out of everything?

06-12-2007, 02:49 PM
CNN) — The mystery of President Bush’s missing watch has been solved.

After days of internet rumors and international reports that the president’s watch was stolen as he was mobbed by a crowd in Albania this weekend, the White House is setting the record straight.

Asked at Tuesday’s briefing if the presidents watched was lifted, spokesman Tony Snow answered, “No, it was not. It was placed in his pocket…the president put it in his pocket and it returned safely home.”

Snow says a careful review of video of the scene confirms no pilfering.

Snow also said there was no concern over the president’s safety as enthusiastic well wishers grabbed his hands and arms.

“What you had was an example of when captive nations come free,” he said.

Using the moment to allude to recent White House foreign policy decisions, he added, “They understand the role the United States has played through the decades, taking unpopular moves.”

Snow also said the crowd was “euphoric because we helped make them free….if there was a problem, the Secret Service would have dealt with it. Trust me.”

The CNN White House unit reports it is not unusual for the president to take off a watch or his cuff links before greeting a crowd at a rope-line, internationally or inside the U.S.


06-12-2007, 02:50 PM


Now I'm not going to go into speculations whether the watch was stolen or not (although on the vid it does look like it was) but I'm going to say that the secret service is incredibly naive allowing such close contact to Bush in a country who is most famous for being under the control of different criminal groups who among other things are quite famous for being violent and ruthless.

I travel to Albania quite often and have done several projects there in recent years, so believe me I know what I'm talking about.

06-12-2007, 02:57 PM
CNN) — The mystery of President Bush’s missing watch has been solved.

After days of internet rumors and international reports that the president’s watch was stolen as he was mobbed by a crowd in Albania this weekend, the White House is setting the record straight.

Asked at Tuesday’s briefing if the presidents watched was lifted, spokesman Tony Snow answered, “No, it was not. It was placed in his pocket…the president put it in his pocket and it returned safely home.”

Snow says a careful review of video of the scene confirms no pilfering.

Snow also said there was no concern over the president’s safety as enthusiastic well wishers grabbed his hands and arms.

“What you had was an example of when captive nations come free,” he said.

Using the moment to allude to recent White House foreign policy decisions, he added, “They understand the role the United States has played through the decades, taking unpopular moves.”

Snow also said the crowd was “euphoric because we helped make them free….if there was a problem, the Secret Service would have dealt with it. Trust me.”

The CNN White House unit reports it is not unusual for the president to take off a watch or his cuff links before greeting a crowd at a rope-line, internationally or inside the U.S.

SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!Only a moron who doesn't even know where Albania is would write something as bad as this.

"...nations come free."

People in Albania are not free, they exchanged the autocratic rule of a communist dictator for a rule of terror and poverty propagated by a small and rich elite that has earned those riches by criminal means.

Just for clarification do not confuse Albania and Kosovo where people are relatively free under a somewhat shaky democracy that is now in place thanks to the intervention of the US and others.

Oh, Gee!!
06-12-2007, 03:08 PM
CNN) — The mystery of President Bush’s missing watch has been solved.

After days of internet rumors and international reports that the president’s watch was stolen as he was mobbed by a crowd in Albania this weekend, the White House is setting the record straight.

Asked at Tuesday’s briefing if the presidents watched was lifted, spokesman Tony Snow answered, “No, it was not. It was placed in his pocket…the president put it in his pocket and it returned safely home.”

Snow says a careful review of video of the scene confirms no pilfering.

Snow also said there was no concern over the president’s safety as enthusiastic well wishers grabbed his hands and arms.

“What you had was an example of when captive nations come free,” he said.

Using the moment to allude to recent White House foreign policy decisions, he added, “They understand the role the United States has played through the decades, taking unpopular moves.”

Snow also said the crowd was “euphoric because we helped make them free….if there was a problem, the Secret Service would have dealt with it. Trust me.”

The CNN White House unit reports it is not unusual for the president to take off a watch or his cuff links before greeting a crowd at a rope-line, internationally or inside the U.S.



06-12-2007, 03:44 PM
Ok Yoni, but this Albanian news video clearly shows Bush with watch on greeting happy albanians and then his watch is missing.

Linky (http://english.hotnews.ro/George-Bush%5C's-watch-%5C'%5C'vanishes%5C'%5C'-in-Albania-articol_45211.htm)
What's the conspiracy, Dan? C'mon, I know you're angling for something here.

'No, it was not [stolen]. It was placed in his pocket, and I believe your network has actually looked through the tape carefully and has ascertained the same. But, no, the President put it in his pocket, and it returned safely home.'

06-12-2007, 09:53 PM
Watch was gone by the time he exited the first group of Albanians.

06-13-2007, 02:37 PM
Watch was gone by the time he exited the first group of Albanians.
Okay, I've watched the video and it appears he looks down, as if something has fallen to the ground, right after he starts shaking hands with the crowd. One of his bodyguards looks down as well.

I think his watch must have fallen off and, as was reported, and aide picked it up.

But again, so what? I don't get the big deal here.

06-13-2007, 02:47 PM
Strange, both Clinton and Bush wear Timex watches.

06-13-2007, 02:53 PM
OK, but this was probably his super-secret decoder watch. You know, they don't put those in just any cereal boxes anymore.

06-13-2007, 02:54 PM
OK, but this was probably his super-secret decoder watch. You know, they don't put those in just any cereal boxes anymore.
Notice Dan's clever attempt to mock his own conspiracy-mongering.

06-13-2007, 02:58 PM
The only conspiracy here is that Dubya has to fly half-way around the Globe to find cheering crowds. He and Cheney aren't even invited to the 08' RNC convention.