View Full Version : NIKE: LeBron will not dissapoint

06-13-2007, 03:25 AM

06-13-2007, 03:34 AM
He didn't disappoint me tonight

06-13-2007, 03:40 AM
Me either...

Phil Hellmuth
06-13-2007, 03:45 AM
his team sucks, there is not much else to be said.

06-13-2007, 03:53 AM
his teammates disappointed me. lebron did all he could do

06-13-2007, 03:54 AM
He didn't disappoint me tonight

06-13-2007, 04:03 AM
1 man < Team ...

LBJ + someone < TD, TP, Manu (even tonite), Bruce, Brent, Mike, Robert, Fabricio, Elson ...

Thunder Dan
06-13-2007, 08:53 AM
As much as you all will disagree, Lebron isn't a bad player. He actually is a very good player, and everyone else on his team blows fucking ass. I don't even think Tim Duncan could win a game if he was surrounded by the trash Lebron is.

06-13-2007, 08:58 AM
As much as you all will disagree, Lebron isn't a bad player. He actually is a very good player, and everyone else on his team blows fucking ass. I don't even think Tim Duncan could win a game if he was surrounded by the trash Lebron is.

Of course he is a good player. Doesn't mean that he alone can beat a team that plays team ball better than anyone in the league. . .

06-13-2007, 08:59 AM
Give the young man credit where credit is due.

I think this has been a season of maturing for him, and he will come back stronger next year because of it. Look at his post game interview. No whining and complaining about that no call at the end. No excuses. He will be a real leader on whatever team he plays. I gained a lot of respect for him last night, regardless of the "media hype" we have had to put up with. Admit it....We would all love to see him in a Spurs uniform.

He tried to will his team to victory, but his team just isn't up to the challange. And that's about all there is to say.

Thunder Dan
06-13-2007, 08:59 AM
Of course he is a good player. Doesn't mean that he alone can beat a team that plays team ball better than anyone in the league. . .

Right thats what I'm saying. But somehow everything has turned into mocking Lebron, that's all I'm saying.

Thunder Dan
06-13-2007, 09:02 AM
Give the young man credit where credit is due.

I think this has been a season of maturing for him, and he will come back stronger next year because of it. Look at his post game interview. No whining and complaining about that no call at the end. No excuses. He will be a real leader on whatever team he plays. I gained a lot of respect for him last night, regardless of the "media hype" we have had to put up with. Admit it....We would all love to see him in a Spurs uniform.

He tried to will his team to victory, but his team just isn't up to the challange. And that's about all there is to say.

exacty. Thats the funny thing, every Spurs fan bashing him is doing it out of sheer spite becuase everyone in San Antonio would love to see him in a Spurs uniform. He has been hyped, but I think with his stats and records broken so far he has lived up enough to justify it. I mean we arn't talking about the pitcher for the Red Sox who hasn't done anything.

06-13-2007, 09:04 AM
Give the young man credit where credit is due.

I think this has been a season of maturing for him, and he will come back stronger next year because of it. Look at his post game interview. No whining and complaining about that no call at the end. No excuses. He will be a real leader on whatever team he plays. I gained a lot of respect for him last night, regardless of the "media hype" we have had to put up with. Admit it....We would all love to see him in a Spurs uniform.

He tried to will his team to victory, but his team just isn't up to the challange. And that's about all there is to say.

Well said.

This is about a team, not about LeBron. (As much as the media has been all about LeBron.)

I also gained respect for him last night off the court. On the court he is going to be around a long time and win his share.

We knew it coming into this series. One man can win a game but not a series.
You have to lose to know how to win.
The Cavs put some players around him and their team will be something to fear.

06-13-2007, 09:06 AM
I like LeBron, always have. Trying to imagine myself in his position, I think he's doing so much better in terms of maturity and poise than I would! He and his team just aren't quite ready. Are people like Gooden and Boobie really starters on a Finals-ready team? He needs people around him who complement his game.

I think he's done a real good job. That being said, he really needs to work on his outside shot. You saw what people like Amare and Tony did with a summer or two of work--made a big difference. If Bron gets to the point of automatic from 18 feet or so...

06-13-2007, 09:09 AM
He didn't disappoint me, but even if one man can beat the Wizards, Nets and Pistons, LBJ can't beat the 07 Spurs, they are on another level.

My respect for him grew during these finals as a player and as a man. He still needs some work on his shooting, another coach and another supporting cast to get it done.

06-13-2007, 09:10 AM
Doubt LeBron at your own peril. He's getting some valuable Finals experience early in his career. This is like taking AP Calculus as a Sophomore in High School. It's a huge career leap for him that will pay dividends in the future.

06-13-2007, 09:12 AM
That ad is exactly why on some level LeBron and the Nike execs have to be somewhat thankful that foul wasn't called last night. If LeBron steps to that line and misses even one of those three freebies...he disappoints "the League, the City of Akron, the City of Cleveland"....not to mention Nike and all the others cashing in on his fame.

I'm not saying he'd be forever known for that moment, but it sure wouldn't have helped. Now LeBron apologists can look back and say he got jobbed.

06-13-2007, 09:13 AM
exacty. Thats the funny thing, every Spurs fan bashing him is doing it out of sheer spite becuase everyone in San Antonio would love to see him in a Spurs uniform. He has been hyped, but I think with his stats and records broken so far he has lived up enough to justify it. I mean we arn't talking about the pitcher for the Red Sox who hasn't done anything.

Lebron has been impressive in many ways on the court and now we are seeing some of his character in things like last night's post-game interviews. I have been surprised and pleased by that. What causes many SA fans to have so much heartburn is that he was annointed NBA saviour before ever even getting into the playoffs whilst our guys get tagged "dirty" and "boring", "floppers" and "asterisks". Nike jumps all over the Cav bandwagon while the team that won two of the last four championships gets ignored.

Lebron will get his championships if Ferry and company get him some decent help (and maybe someone who can draw up an offensive game plan). We'd just like to be given the respect that a multiple championship-winning team has earned. San Antonio never did shit before a guy named Tim Duncan showed up, but Tim - who espouses many of the same values as Lebron - might as well be on another planet as far as the media mavens go.

So I'm sorry for the Spur Fan abuse of Lebron, but at the same time understand the frustration behind it. Yeah, I know, "you guys have three championships and have no right to complain" but this team has received less respect than any NBA championship team in recent memory.

06-13-2007, 09:13 AM
I wont knock him. LeBron is good he is really good, and its great watching him play, when he plays at his level. His team is really dragging ass and he needs a better supporting cast.

06-13-2007, 09:14 AM
I also like the kids game and his heart...He will be a team leader wherever he goes and he will just get better.

That being said, with their current contract situation I don't see any way that Cleveland can put a competitive team around him before his opt out year in 2010. By that time he will have been in Cleveland for 8 years. Cavs will be in the same situation the Spurs were with David Robinson...good but not good enough...they can't expect any help from the draft without a huge amount of luck...and that kid has tasted the finals now...He may be from Ohio but I will be amazed if he stays after 2010.

06-13-2007, 09:15 AM
Lebron is an incredible young talent ...... ESPN just needs to realize there will never be another Jordan.

06-13-2007, 09:16 AM
Isn't it natural to mock something that is hyped as god, the ultimate player ever, the second coming, the Chosen 1, the best thing to happen to basketball in this decade, and it's pushed in your face every commercial, forum thread, BSPN spotlight (even his missed shots were highlights but they cut off the miss), and media outlet.

He earned my respect, but no that much hype and fear. And your right, he can't do it himself, but he's not the end all be all and stop cramming it down our throats. He is not the Messiah of basketball.

06-13-2007, 09:20 AM
Lame Ad.

I think quite the contrary as most do. If you want the cavs and lebron to improve, take lebron out of focus. Give the ball to Pavlovic, Gibson, Gooden, they arent's scrubs at all. Make them play as a team. If Lebron isn't shining it's because there's no room for him to play, no options. Blame it on your coach, apparently he has bought the hype more than anyone else.

06-13-2007, 09:34 AM
Lame Ad.

I think quite the contrary as most do. If you want the cavs and lebron to improve, take lebron out of focus. Give the ball to Pavlovic, Gibson, Gooden, they arent's scrubs at all. Make them play as a team. If Lebron isn't shining it's because there's no room for him to play, no options. Blame it on your coach, apparently he has bought the hype more than anyone else.

That makes a lot of sense. The Cavs need to make the others produce. Right now it seems like every single play out of the book is "Get LeBron" the ball. They need to open up the floor for the other players to do something.

06-13-2007, 09:40 AM
As much as you all will disagree, Lebron isn't a bad player. He actually is a very good player, and everyone else on his team blows fucking ass. I don't even think Tim Duncan could win a game if he was surrounded by the trash Lebron is.

Actually, the fact that LeBron isn't a bad player is the one thing Spurs fans will agree with you on.

Well, except for Ducks. LeBron could score 50 points to win the NBA title in a sweep then get the Finals MVP (After winning the League MVP as well as DPOY, scoring, rebounding and assist titles) then go out after the game and save a family of 5 from a burning building, piss on that fire to put it out, cure cancer and solve world hunger and Ducks would say...

"What took you so long?"

:lmao :lmao

Thunder Dan
06-13-2007, 10:14 AM
Lebron has been impressive in many ways on the court and now we are seeing some of his character in things like last night's post-game interviews. I have been surprised and pleased by that. What causes many SA fans to have so much heartburn is that he was annointed NBA saviour before ever even getting into the playoffs whilst our guys get tagged "dirty" and "boring", "floppers" and "asterisks". Nike jumps all over the Cav bandwagon while the team that won two of the last four championships gets ignored.

Lebron will get his championships if Ferry and company get him some decent help (and maybe someone who can draw up an offensive game plan). We'd just like to be given the respect that a multiple championship-winning team has earned. San Antonio never did shit before a guy named Tim Duncan showed up, but Tim - who espouses many of the same values as Lebron - might as well be on another planet as far as the media mavens go.

So I'm sorry for the Spur Fan abuse of Lebron, but at the same time understand the frustration behind it. Yeah, I know, "you guys have three championships and have no right to complain" but this team has received less respect than any NBA championship team in recent memory.

I fully understand that, but being the "savior" of the league is to bring intrest from a level that is not currently there. Jordan did that, and as much as it disapoints Spurs fans, Lebron does that more than the Spurs. Kids don't dream about executing a perfect pick-and-roll and playing lock down defense on the playground, they dream about dunking on someone, or hitting a fade away to win the game. That is what Lebron is. As where my generation (I'm 24) dreamed about being M.J., Lebron can be that person kids now adays look up to, and he hasn't failed at that. He is bringing an audience to the NBA (I know the rating are down but thats not my point). My point is that no matter where he travels, there are 8-15 aged kids wearing his jersey, wanting to see Lebron, who is a actual role model. That hasn't been seen in the NBA since Jordan.

Now I know the Spurs are exactly what a team should be, but teams don't sell shoes, and teams don't excite the kids who buy those shoes. As where we wanted to be Jordan, kids now see Lebron in that light, and you can't fault them for that.

06-13-2007, 10:29 AM
My kid gets Chosen 1 tattooed on his back and I'll backhand the little punk back to diapers. Role model or not.

And I'm never buying a pair of Nikes. And actually with Lebron being in the finals ratings are hitting new lows since the '05 series. It may be fluke or Spurs fault or whatever, but you can't make the claim that the world loves Lebron if they aren't willing to turn on the TV to watch his majesty play the game.

06-13-2007, 10:31 AM
What does Tim where? Adidas?

The fact I don't even know is nice.

06-13-2007, 10:32 AM
he's a kid that sucks. nothing dissapointing about that.

06-13-2007, 10:37 AM
LeBrons tats are a good example of why young kids shouldn't be allowed to get tattoos.

What were the parents thinking?

I remember seeing him play in high school and he had to wear big blotches of tape to cover them up.

Now that he is an adult he is probably a lot more realistic and next week will be getting his new tat...

"Another superstar owned by the Spurs"


06-13-2007, 10:53 AM
For all the hype, is it too much to ask Lebron to hit an open shot??? He has CHOSEN 1 tatooed on his back after all. That ad makes Nike and Lebron look bad.

06-13-2007, 11:04 AM
For the NBA it's all about selling jerseys. Unfortunately, that makes it a game of individuals.

703 Spurz
06-13-2007, 11:25 AM
He didn't disappoint me tonight


06-13-2007, 11:52 AM
Bruce Bowen is actually gonna help make Lebron James better. Lebron dealing with the best defender in the NBA at this early age is going to do alot for him in the future.

06-13-2007, 12:11 PM
Bruce Bowen is actually gonna help make Lebron James better. Lebron dealing with the best defender in the NBA at this early age is going to do alot for him in the future.

The first thing Bron needs to learn is to move the damn ball instead of aimlessly dribbling for ten seconds. Hopefully he learns that ... next year. :smokin

06-13-2007, 12:13 PM
Lebron is prolly going to demand some roster changes for next year knowing he's been close already. I wouldnt' expect anything else at this point. I don't think his entire team sucks but there are some guys there that are "too role" I guess.

06-13-2007, 12:15 PM
Lebron is prolly going to demand some roster changes for next year knowing he's been close already. I wouldnt' expect anything else at this point. I don't think his entire team sucks but there are some guys there that are "too role" I guess.

he can demand whatever he wants. but truth is he did not show up for this series, so any changes are pointless.

if Cavs had 1 competitive game or 2, but they had nil.

Lebronze sucks

06-13-2007, 12:20 PM
Lebronze sucks

That's a little harsh. LeBron is a good player surrounded by lesser talent.

Get LeBron a second scorer so he's not the only go to guy you need to shut down, and the Cavs become very dangerous.

Thunder Dan
06-13-2007, 12:48 PM
I watched the Bulls Jazz series from 97 when Jordan was sick and scored 38 the other night, he was rarely doubled the whole game. He was going 1on1 with the defender hitting outside shots, then a guy would help close if he took it to the paint. If Lebron had defense like that he would appear to be much better than he does right now, but the difference is Jordan had, Kucoc(or however you spell it), Pippen, Kerr, and Ron Harper on the floor. All of which are better than average scorers.