View Full Version : Why are they killing (or trying to kill) kids in China?

Kori Ellis
12-03-2004, 04:35 PM

Twelve Stabbed in Latest China School Attack

BEIJING (Reuters) - A man forced his way into a primary school in northeast China Friday and stabbed and injured 12 grade-one pupils, the latest in a wave of recent school attacks in China, Xinhua news agency said.

The man, whose identity was unknown, was seized and the injured pupils taken to hospital near the school in the northeast province of Jilin, the agency said.

A series of attacks on schoolchildren in China in recent months have prompted schools in Beijing and other cities to recruit professional guards.

Last month, a man broke into a Chinese school dormitory in the central province of Henan and stabbed eight children to death in their sleep.

A bus driver stabbed 24 primary school children with a kitchen knife and kidnapped a nine-year-old girl at a primary school in eastern Shandong province in September.

The same month, a man with a knife and homemade bombs attacked 28 children in a kindergarten in the city of Suzhou, near Shanghai. No one was killed. In August, a janitor stabbed 17 at a Beijing kindergarten, killing one child.

Chinese police arrested a man accused of killing a 5-year-old boy and his teacher at a Beijing kindergarten in October.

12-03-2004, 04:38 PM
God, that's awful.

12-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Chinese put a great stock in having sons, which taken to extremes would lead to Chinese extinction. Due to the population controls, each family is now allowed to have one child. Maybe these were people who didn't get their son? Chinese actually used to drown daughters to kill them so they could have a son.

12-03-2004, 05:44 PM
Dang... what is it with these people? Forget the "finish all your food, there are starving kids in China"... I think I'll send over all my anti-depressants instead.

Hook Dem
12-03-2004, 08:11 PM
It's the fault of the United States as I'm sure someone will be along to point out to us. We get blamed for all that is wrong in the world. It's trendy. As Exstatic pointed out, there are some screwed up ideas over there. Why not let the allmighty U.N. sort it out.

12-03-2004, 11:52 PM
Manifestations of paranoid schizophrenic atheist communism.

China remains one of the largest human rights abusers, but what's chilling to me is that it's based only on what's recorded. God only knows the real numbers...