View Full Version : 1992 Bulls @ Spurs video

06-14-2007, 09:25 AM
Hi guys,
I just created this video for all of us to enjoy !

The 1/28/92 meeting of the Bulls @ Spurs featured some of the greatest athletic talent around so I decided to showcase this great game (which I attended), which turned out to be as entertaining as advertised. Bulls were on a 13 game win streak and came into the game at 37-5 on a pace for 70 wins. The did finish the year at 67-15 and won the title but did not fare too well in the Texas Triange, losing the next game @ Houston. (I’ll put up that great game shortly too)

Be sure to Full Screen the videos using the lower corner box icon

TNT tribute to 1992 Bulls, 30 seconds (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPQ6TIhOrsM)

Same TNT tribute video, better quality, not youtube , slower download (http://media.putfile.com/1992-Chicago-Bulls-Catch-us-if-you-can)

First Half:

In the intro piece, DRob shakes Utah Jazz PF # 40 Mike Brown for a dunk, same person who is coaching Cleveland.

David Robinson has a spectacular first half with 7 credited blocks, a steal and dunk off a MJ pass, and all around domination of the lane.

MJ with his usual athletic moves, smooth jumpers, and dunks, gets blocked by DR 2 or 3 times though.
Pippen with a huge dunk (think Vince Carter over the French guy), driving floater in the lane, and general mastery of the game
Sean Elliot doing his best Pippen impersonation with some great scores and moves.
Terry Cummings with some solid jumpers and finished as the Spur leading scorer with 30, TC was one of the best PFs in NBA History, IMO.
Antoine Carr with a thunder dunk and a special play in the second quarter
Other players showing game include BJ Armstrong, Stacy King and Vinnie Johnson – Baylor !

There is some video of Spur coach Bob Bass who was coaching just his 4th game with the help of his disciple, Greg Popovich.

SA was up by as much as 18 in the first half. End of first quarter score 31-23 SA
Halftime score 55-46 Spurs .

First Half (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDndDpnR9kI)

same First half video, better quality, slower download (http://media.putfile.com/1992-Bulls-Spurs-First-Half)

Second Half

The 3rd quarter saw DRob pick up 4 fouls in just this quarter, but he did have a spectacular dunk off the roll. MJ kept his aggressive push to the bucket and was helped by Paxson in keeping the bulls in the game. MJ and T.Cummings kept trading buckets for a while in the 3rd quarter with Elliot showing a freak jam off the rim.

During the play, the future SA coach is discussed with names such as Tom Penders mentioned. You can imagine the Spurs today coached by TPenders, eh?

The game is tight all the way thru the end and an MJ bucket makes it 101-98. MJ dished to Horace Grant to make it 101-100. Strickland hits an easy midrange J for a 103-100 lead which is followed by an MJ drive to make it 103-102. Willie Anderson steps up big and hits a MJ-Byron Russel shot over MJ ! 105-102. The Bulls fight hard and Pip has a putback to make it 105-104. Then comes the most important play of the game as Robinson gets a layup in transition to make it 107-104. Man, the transition defenses in those days were lousy, even with 2 great defensive teams.

Down 3, MJ makes a poor choice and passes it up w the teammate unable to convert. Elliot is fouled and makes both, 109-104. Gov. Richards spotted in the audience as MJ takes a long 3 , hoping to get 5 pts out of it, but bricks it and SA takes a very exciting game.

second half on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST1U8q2QzjY)

better quality vid (http://media.putfile.com/1992-Bulls-Spurs-second-half-)

Box Score (http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/SAS19920128.html)

MJ finishes with 39pts, 9 rebs, 7 assts and 4 steals
Pippen has 21 pts, 10 boards and 5 assts
Terry Cummings with 30pts and 11 boards, a great game for one of the best PFs in NBA history
DRobinson with 21, 13 rebounds, 8 blocks and 3 steals.
Elliot with a solid game at 18pts

Notice that the Spurs only took 8 3ptrs and made only 1; Bulls only tried 6 the whole game and made 2. Each team with over 90 FG Attempts. 23 total blocks in the game !



06-14-2007, 09:33 AM
Jordan = fucking amazing :dizzy

06-14-2007, 09:35 AM
so was DRob

7 blocks in the first half and 2 or 3 on MJ ! Stole MJ's pass and went full court for the slam. give DR some love.

06-14-2007, 09:35 AM
David Robinson was a sick, sick, dude.

06-14-2007, 09:38 AM
Wow. Fastest center. Ever

06-14-2007, 09:39 AM
Wow. Fastest center. Ever


But when Sabonis was young an injury free, he was really fast too.

06-14-2007, 09:44 AM
In the intro piece, DRob shakes Utah Jazz PF # 40 Mike Brown for a dunk, same person who is coaching Cleveland

That's not the same guy. That Mike Brown was big fat scrub who looked like a big bear. In fact, I think that was his nickname. But that Mike Brown is like well into his late 40s/ early 50s. Mike Brown for Clevleand is 36 years old.

06-14-2007, 09:45 AM
I have actual manlove for David Robinson.

Easily my favourite Sports person of all time.

06-14-2007, 09:45 AM
i think people forget how good Robinson was.

06-14-2007, 09:48 AM
i say DR is the closest thing to a 7ft MJ we will ever see , but people don't understand. Run like a guard, jump like a SF, shoot, dribble, rebound, block shots... a better athlete in his prime than Duncan.

06-14-2007, 10:06 AM
I think David Robinson might be the best combination of athleticism in NBA history.

- Tall, 7ft
- At a guess, in the Top 5-10% of the league in terms of overall speed
- Easily would of had a 35"+ vertical
- Obviously very strong, no body fat, yet still could defend players like Shaq
- Co-ordination, as evidenced by that step over move for the dunk past Jordan

An extremely tall, fast, strong, co-ordinated bigman with great jumping skills? I'm trying to think of a better package...

Shawn Kemp perhaps.
Garnett is pretty close.
Hakeem is somewhere around there.
Stoudamire and Dwight Howard are pretty impressive.

I don't think anyone can flat out say that they are a better overall athletic package than D-Rob.

06-14-2007, 10:35 AM
D-Rob used to give Jordan all kinds of trouble, because he was so hard to dunk over due to his wingspan, leap and height. It was Pippen, and always Pippen that caused the Spurs grief.
Robinson > Kemp, Garnett, Hakeem, Stoudamire and Howard in terms of athletic ability, and I don't think Hakeem belongs in this group, he was extremely coordinated, great timing, great footwork, but he isn't that amazing a jumper or anything.

Solid D
06-14-2007, 10:47 AM
I was at a game early in David's career when he ran down Isaiah Thomas from behind on a fast break. David made up tremendous ground to catch him. The arena was buzzing and people were wide-eyed in amazement.

06-14-2007, 10:50 AM
Wow... I remember watching that game in the 10th grade. The memories...

06-14-2007, 12:05 PM
Nobody could ever really stop Michael Jordan, but Sean Elliot was as good a perimeter defender of Jordan as anyone in the league at the time.

06-14-2007, 12:14 PM
DRob was undoubtedly the most athletic Center to ever play the game. When he steals the ball and takes it all the way to the other end against MJ, he looks like a guard, not a 7-footer. Just jaw-dropping speed, ball-handling and agility from a big man.

And Jordan? Just the greatest ever. It makes me laugh to hear people compare Lebron to him. Sorry. Dream on. Not even close.....

06-14-2007, 12:22 PM
Sometimes i forget how athletic Robinson really was, definitely one of the most athletic big men ever.

06-14-2007, 12:28 PM
Awesome, thank you for posting.

Do you have that whole game recorded?

06-14-2007, 12:31 PM
Great that some of you are finally discovering young DRob as opposed to "creaky back" DRob. He was truly unique in so many ways.

06-14-2007, 12:34 PM
I spent a good portion of my adolescent life defending David as one of the best players in the league despite his lack of championships before '99. Everyone was gay for Jordan, Olajuwon and later, Shaq. I always told people David would get his rings and be a hall of famer.

Damn, it kicks ass to be right!

06-14-2007, 12:35 PM
Every time I see him run the floor it's like I'm seeing it for the first time.

06-14-2007, 12:37 PM
d-rob was the fucking man, so was jordan, i wonder how bowen would have guarded jordan

06-14-2007, 12:54 PM
I love seeing David in his prime of youth, what an amazing spectacle that was!

Anyone notice how they mention in a brief tid bit how the players wanted Pop to coach the next year when Larry Brown leaves??? David might have a few more rings if that had happened.

06-14-2007, 01:04 PM
i wonder how bowen would have guarded jordan

Damn. Interesting.

T Park
06-14-2007, 01:10 PM
Notice what they said during the coaching possibilities?

"The players really want Gregg Popovich to take over"

Shit, we coulda started winning alot sooner, had McCombs had a fucking brain.

T Park
06-14-2007, 01:16 PM
Also you forget, before the blown knee, how friggen good Terry Cummings was.

Dude was an all star caliber stud.

Too bad we had morons like Bob Bass running things....

06-14-2007, 01:21 PM
Also you forget, before the blown knee, how friggen good Terry Cummings was.

Dude was an all star caliber stud.

Too bad we had morons like Bob Bass running things....

Dude....Even though D-Rob was a stud from Day 1, I always felt that Terry Cummings was our best player in 1990.

06-14-2007, 04:49 PM
yes, I have the whole game on 2 dvds. I collect great nba games and have almost all the spur finals from 99 to current.

TC was one of the best PFs in NBA history. That 92 spur team was very very talented, just don't understand how they lost so many games, even with Pops on the staff.

Marcus Bryant
06-14-2007, 05:05 PM
The Spurs would end the 1991-92 season quickly, losing DRob and Willie A to injury towards the end of the season and exiting the 1st round quickly and quietly. Rod Strickland would depart for Portland and Terry Cummings would blow out his knee in a pickup game that summer. The Spurs also passed on a proposed trade of Willie A and TC for Charles Barkley prior to the injury to TC. Spurs owner Red McCombs justified that decision based on Barkley's uncouthness and price tag. The Spurs could have had this starting lineup in the 1992-93 season:


The Spurs of the early to mid 90s were beset by a foul mix of injuries, poor coaching, and outright stupid decisions by management and ownership. With a little better luck one of those teams could have come home with a title.

Spurs rock
06-14-2007, 05:16 PM
Damn the Spurs had the same PA announcer back then lol.

Marcus Bryant
06-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Red McCombs helped to keep the Spurs in San Antonio but other than that he may have been one of the worst podunk minded owners ever in the history of major American pro sports, save for Donald Sterling. He let things get personal between him and players. He was downright cheap in a way Peter Holt could never be when it came to some personnel decisions.

06-14-2007, 05:44 PM
Things started messing up on that team being a future champ around the time we traded this guy:

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I personally always regretted trading Mo Cheeks in 89-90...I don't care if he wanted to be traded...he could have sucked it up till the offseason...could he have been the difference against Portland?

Hell yes. He was a defensive demon.

06-14-2007, 05:52 PM
Baseline to baseline DRob was probably the fastest guy in the NBA...he was definitely the fastest on the Spurs...a team that had AJ at the point..and AJ was quick.

I've always been of the mind that the first 3peat Bulls teams were lucky they never ran into Drob or Hakeem in the finals...they couldn't stop either of them, and both the Rockets and Spurs flat out fucking owned the Bulls during their first 3 peat...the only big they had to beat was Ewing...and he wasn't in Drob and Hakeem's league.

The second threepeat Bulls teams were much better built to withstand a dominant C...and it showed.

As for TC...he wasn't better than DRob and he probably was one of the best PF's of all time...offensively. He was a lot like Moses Malone. TC of that era wasn't just an All Star...he was All NBA.

Those early 90's Spurs Teams were arguably the most talented in team history IMO...if they weren't the most talented, they were the second most talented. Particularly the 89-90 team that had tough physical role players like Wingate and the Brick.

TC's knee, Willie's shins, losing Cheeks, Brick and Wingate...a back court that couldn't consistently pull doubles off of Drob in Vinny and AJ...

It's just a damn shame...but better late than never we got healthy and talented.

It's funny because now the Spurs are always under the radar...

In 90-91 they were the consensus pick to slaughter the Pistons in the finals...

That team was more hyped up than this team is after 3 titles...

They were the Prince's of the NBA expected to be Kings, then the wheels came off one by one.

Still...it was a real treat getting to watch DRob play...he's the best athlete to ever play C in the NBA..maybe Wilt was a better athlete, but that's it.