View Full Version : Satisfied with 4 championships by Duncan

06-15-2007, 02:32 AM
Midway through the season I made the resolution that if Duncan won one more for the Spurs that I'd be satisfied and not expect anymore. Does anyone feel the same? I mean, winning a championship is so damn hard...Spurs fans have been BLESSED with 4 thanx to Timmy (in big part), not winning another one will not really diminish in any way (to me) that Duncan has a HUMONGOUS place in basketball history. I'm satisfied, thanx for the fourth one Spurs and I hope you get more but if you don't...that's okay :-)

*Watch me change my stance next season for "one last one"* :lol

Go Spurs Go!!!!!

06-15-2007, 08:36 AM
Midway through the season I made the resolution that if Duncan won one more for the Spurs that I'd be satisfied and not expect anymore. Does anyone feel the same? I mean, winning a championship is so damn hard...Spurs fans have been BLESSED with 4 thanx to Timmy (in big part), not winning another one will not really diminish in any way (to me) that Duncan has a HUMONGOUS place in basketball history. I'm satisfied, thanx for the fourth one Spurs and I hope you get more but if you don't...that's okay :-)

*Watch me change my stance next season for "one last one"* :lol

Go Spurs Go!!!!!I'm sure it is a load off of Duncan's mind that you don't expect anymore championships from him. Now he can finally relax after 10 years of constant stress.

06-15-2007, 08:39 AM
they should win at least 2 more with this core...imo.

06-15-2007, 08:39 AM
ha ha ha i feel the spurs have the tools to repeat this season, not to mention the amount of crazy confidence that TP is gonna show up with next year.

Gin N Juice
06-15-2007, 09:00 AM
ha ha ha i feel the spurs have the tools to repeat this season, not to mention the amount of crazy confidence that TP is gonna show up with next year.

They did seem to have great chemistry on the court, I think the sidekicks no longer feel like sidekicks they've evolved into being equals on the team and become the Trio Of Triumph or the big three...lol

06-15-2007, 09:04 AM
they should win at least 2 more with this core...imo.

i actually agree with you for once dude. :toast

i honestly believe dallas and phx have peaked and there's no place for them to go but stay where they are or fall back a bit.

it's there for the taking if the Spurs, as Ginobili says "stay humble, stay hungry."

06-15-2007, 09:06 AM
I hope the Spurs repeat.....but if not.....OH WELL!!! Im completely satisfied with 4 trophies.......for now. Maybe 15yrs down the road I will thirst for another championship.

06-15-2007, 09:08 AM
Maybe I'm just greedy but I expect the Spurs to win a championship every single year. I'm very disappointed when they don't.

I think the Spurs can win at least two more with this core of players as long as there are no big injuries or anything like that.

I fully expect them to repeat in '08 and unless some other team in the west makes a big move or gets one of the biggest sleeper draft picks in history, who's to say the Spurs can't 3-peat?

Getting WAY ahead of myself here.

06-15-2007, 09:09 AM
Let's make it 5 next year with the REPEAT!!! GO SPURS GO!!! :toast

06-15-2007, 09:16 AM
4 is great...can't wait until next season to see the strive for 5. i would like to see duncan with 7 rings...one more than MJ. of course it's a dream. 5 or 6 seems more plausible.

06-15-2007, 09:30 AM
4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0, which is what a lot of team get.

We have been so lucky to have such a great bunch of guys representing this city.

Personally, I think the Spurs have a great chance at a repeat next year. Of course, we have been fortunate in the injury department this year and that would need to hold true for next year also.

But if this group never wins another one, it won't detract from the ones they have already brought home.

Just a great bunch of guys that gel well together and play the sport like it was meant to be played........As a TEAM.

06-15-2007, 09:32 AM
I want more dammit!!
I am greedy.

06-15-2007, 09:33 AM
Duncan will win 5 or 6 before it is all said and done

Dave McNulla
06-15-2007, 09:33 AM
i need at least one more, maybe two.

hilarious! i was satisfied that the spurs were a good team with good people. the championships were just icing on the cake.

Nathan Explosion
06-15-2007, 09:36 AM
4 is great, and I'm happy with it. Getting one is tough enough, let alone 4.

But when next year starts, I want a 5th one. Having Duncan pass Shaq would be nice. After that, I can truly say that I'm satisfied with Duncan's career, not that he's been a disappointment or anything. I guess what I mean is that Duncan will finally get the recognition he's due if he wins his 5th and finishes with more titles than Shaq.

06-15-2007, 09:47 AM
You never know if the Spurs can win another one with this group, because the other powerhouses in the West will be making summer moves to cope with the Spurs. I believe Ginobili and Duncan are signed thru 2010 and Parker thru 2011. I have a feeling that the Spurs will not match other teams' offers for Gino after 2010 and he might walk. I also suspect that parker will bolt for a big market city, like LA, in 2011, so he can pursue a career in the music business.
That leaves 3 good seasons for the big three, and barring major injuries, they might win another championship by 2010. Especially if Tony Parker keeps on getting greater and greater. The big three, plus Finley, Bowen, and Horry should make a great push for a repeat in 2008. Horry's gone after that.
I hope that Finley, being in his mid thirties and with his long-cherished ring, will now be a reliable bench player and that Gino will go back to being a starter.

Nathan Explosion
06-15-2007, 09:50 AM
With their success, the Spurs will make a run at someone like Dwight Howard. Duncan will be almost on his way out when Howard is a FA. If the Spurs can grab him, Parker and him will form a great tandem, and Howard can develop his game under Duncan's tutelage. It would also keep the big man line going in SA. Robinson, Duncan, and then Howard.

I can hope right?