View Full Version : Definitive Win

Ghost Writer
12-03-2004, 10:50 PM
The Spurs lost a big lead after Detroit tightened the game up a bit, but I like the character the Spurs showed in the waning moments with Barry hitting some clutch free throws and Manu making a defensive stop with Detroit down by 3.

Duncan with a statement game.

And I like the support he got from both Manu and Parker. It's always nice to see both of the backcourt starters contributing equally as well in the same game.

Spurs are looking good.

I want to fast forward to the playoffs.

12-03-2004, 10:51 PM
Your ignoring stalker will be in later to not ignore you some more, GW. Did you see that he started a thread about you?

12-03-2004, 10:51 PM
Where was Barry? Did to many ticket tearers call in sick and tight wad Peter had to pull him to the front door?

How can you not play this dude?

12-03-2004, 10:52 PM
Because he fucking missed EVERYTHING in the first half? Do I get a cookie?

12-03-2004, 10:54 PM
at least Berry nutted up and made two huge free throws down the stretch...thats move than Malik, Tim, and Manu can say

12-03-2004, 10:55 PM
Where was Barry? Did to many ticket tearers call in sick and tight wad Peter had to pull him to the front door?

How can you not play this dude?Right On Seqa

Ghost Writer
12-03-2004, 10:57 PM
I don't worry about Marcus, ex. He tries to bait me, because he's not happy unless I am miserable about the Spurs.

After 0.4 last playoffs, I'm taking a laizze fare approah to this season.

I'm hopeful, because Kobe/Shaq/Phil are broken up.

But this season has its interesting challenges, like the runnin' Suns, the mildly improved defensive Mavs, the surprising Sonics, the balanced LA Clippers, the reeling Rockets, the injured Jazz and others.

That said, the only team that really kind of scares me is the Suns. They have some solid post play, an airtight starting five when Stoudamire plays center, and can out-quick the Spurs. SA will have to grind them down if they meet in the playoffs.

I still feel like the Spurs can be physical with Dirk and beat the Mavs.

12-03-2004, 11:09 PM
I'm happy for the win but, we lucked out. Too many TO's and Duncan need's to score more he just can't score 12 points in the first half and score 4 in the next.


12-03-2004, 11:19 PM
I'm happy for the win but, we lucked out. Too many TO's and Duncan need's to score more he just can't score 12 points in the first half and score 4 in the next.

Totally agree more people need to realize that Tim needs to get that killer instinctive play

no free rides Duncan needs to be more dominant in the 4th quarter...I hate that catch and take 5 seconds to THINK what to do then turn it over instead of just taking it to the rim

Marcus Bryant
12-03-2004, 11:28 PM

12-03-2004, 11:36 PM
I'm coming the conclusion, after the 4 losses to the Lakers, and game like tonight, Tim is not a tough player, does not deliver when the going gets tough.

and WTF with Spurs 2 best FT shooter missing 4 straight in crunch time?

Smash-mouth bball for 3 qtrs, and then a total collapse.

A very disappointing, and lucky, win.

12-03-2004, 11:45 PM
A win is a win, and sucky play in the 4th quarter is sucky play.

T Park
12-04-2004, 12:05 AM
I'm coming the conclusion, after the 4 losses to the Lakers, and game like tonight, Tim is not a tough player, does not deliver when the going gets tough.

and WTF with Spurs 2 best FT shooter missing 4 straight in crunch time?

Smash-mouth bball for 3 qtrs, and then a total collapse.

A very disappointing, and lucky, win.

yeah that Duncan guy blew in the 03 playoffs.
ignore the big game 6 VS LA.

Ignore the huge game 6 VS New Jeresey to clinch both series.

DUncan is not tough enough?? Get a fuckin clue.

Manu missed 4 straight, it happens, he was more than likely gassed.

that lucky win counts the same as the blowout VS the Sixers.

Sucks winning I know.

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-04-2004, 01:01 AM
Tim is not a tough player, does not deliver when the going gets tough.

Yeah, that eighteen footer he hit with just under a minute left sure didn't help.[/dumbass]

Tpark, quit being such a prick, there is much work still to do with this team.

T Park
12-04-2004, 01:04 AM
who the fuck said there wasnt,

your the only prick around here.

fuck were 14-3. The horror.

Yes, Ginobili's ball handling needs to be adressed, and the team's overall ball handling.

Defensive rotations missed and stuff.

No big deal, chill everyone.

12-04-2004, 01:20 AM
:lol LOLOLOLOLOL!! :drunk ^^^^^^ Threads like this are why I frequent this site.... :smokin :elephant

Aggie Hoopsfan
12-04-2004, 01:49 AM
You forgot free throw shooting.

Ghost Writer
12-04-2004, 10:59 AM
Duncan deserves "some" criticism for the 4th quarter collapse, but let's give credit to the Pistons' D down the stretch.

That said, Duncan is always going to be stifled in the 4th quarters as part of any playoff teams' strategy.

It's the same story... we need Manu and Parker to take over the game when Tim is tripled in the post and has that derr-in-the-headlights look on his face.

the FT shooting was and is still unacceptable.

But I am more happy about the building of a strong lead over 3 quarters than the inadequacies of the 4th quarter.

The Spurs will need to figure it out by June, though.


In my previous post, I neglected to mention the Wolves as a threat. I guess I still don't think that KG can overcome TD in a playoff situation.

T Park
12-04-2004, 11:52 AM
I agree, that and, they really dont have a presence opposite of him to offset a Rasho, Malik, BOB Horry combination.

The Spurs to a point are almost like the Bulls were with three good solid center type players.

That plus, TOny Parkers inproved defense will help VS Sam Cassell, and Bowen totally cancels out Sprewell.

That and they have 0 defense for Manu GInobili.

12-04-2004, 12:02 PM
Barry needs to play more. I think we saw against the Pistons the shortcomings of the younger players....Beno and Brown. Not yet ready to go against a great defensive team. Beno couldn't even bring the ball up the court. Spurs went to Manu. Barry is not getting enough time on the court. He must feel like he has to make an instant impact. However, there is plenty of time to work out a playoff rotation. Come that time I would be surprised to see Beno leave the bench.

Rick Von Braun
12-04-2004, 12:16 PM
I am very happy with the win. The Spurs record is increadible, and our team is clicking in all cylinders. I am a little discourage with Pop stuborness though.

It's the same story... we need Manu and Parker to take over the game when Tim is tripled in the post and has that derr-in-the-headlights look on his face.Whoaa... when/where did you hear this comment first? http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smispin.gif

I agree with Ghost's call on this one. People please watch the tape and answer me:

1) When 4-down is ineffective, why the Spurs continue beating a dead horse?

2) Why the Spurs stop moving and passing the ball in crunch time in the 4th, when this strategy was working like charm in the first 20 minutes?

Once again, I completely understand that Tim is our most important player, and I don't mind playing 4-down in crunch time. It is our bread and butter, and that is all right. When it works, it is perfectly fine, and it should be our first option.

However, when it doesn't work, either because Timmy is not having a good 4th quarter, or because he is being double or trippled team, or whatever, the Spurs MUST adapt to the circumstances of the game!

Pop, please run some plays for Parker and Manu, I beg you. Manu didn't hit his FTs (1-4), but at least he was getting to the line (I'll live with that any day). This was the classic example of what happened with the Lakers. When things get tough in the 4th, we go back to 4-down hoping that:

1) Timmy will bail us out.
2) Our 3-pt shooters will have a good night.

Despite this, I think this is one of the best (if not THE best period) Spurs team I've seen ever. Time will tell if they can sustain this level of performance, but so far, so good.

Good Times. http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smielephant.gif

12-04-2004, 01:20 PM
"at least Berry nutted up and made two huge free throws down the stretch"

With Walton repeating about 50 times "hasn't played since 1st qtr, he's so cold, cold, cold, oh so cold....". Hey, Bill, we heard you the first 10 times.

12-04-2004, 01:25 PM
I think Bowen's FTs could be considered huge as well.

One less reason to keep him off the floor at the end of games.

His continued improvement at his age is incredible.

12-04-2004, 01:27 PM
With Walton repeating about 50 times "hasn't played since 1st qtr, he's so cold, cold, cold, oh so cold....". Hey, Bill, we heard you the first 10 times.And it's comments like this that make Walton sound like the local bar drunk.

12-04-2004, 02:11 PM
"Walton sound like the local bar drunk"

he's drunk by over-consuming his own hot air. The guy knows basketball, cut the theatrics.

12-04-2004, 02:21 PM
The Pistons are absolutely the worst team in the league to run 4-down on.

They have Rasheed, who is capable of guarding him 1-on-1, and their guards and wingman are all drilled to collapse and fill the passing lanes like nobody else.

I'm not against 4-down when it's needed, but that was playing right into the Pistons' hands.

The other problem was the Spurs' guards insistance on trying cross-court passes from the baseline. There could have been about 3-4 more turnovers but the Spurs got a little lucky.

12-04-2004, 03:37 PM
The feeling after the win is more of 'survival' than happiness.

The team still has not shredded that shakiness in fourth quarters, namely FT shooting and offensive cohesion. True Detroit had something to do with that, but turnovers and FTs are what kept this from being a blowout.

I hope in the future when they have big leads like they do not relinquish them in a quarters worth of time.

Ghost Writer
12-04-2004, 04:04 PM
I think Pop reverts to the 4-down in 4th quarters partly out of his own comfort and partly because the other teams' defense dig in the most down the stretch and perhaps our guards can't do anything and Duncan is our best player.

This season, I think Parker and Manu need to and probably can successfully take that pressure off Duncan and Pop can trust them to help the team win down the stretch.

T Park
12-04-2004, 04:12 PM
I think Pop went to it because before that players like Ginobili, Rasho, Malik, Devin were all playing out of control.

If Duncan, when he gets the ball, would just drive the Mfer, he could score everytime.
EX First half, the absolute fisting he gave Ben Wallace.

Thats sometimes why 4 down looks horrible, because Duncan wants to play paddy cake.

Get the ball, face up, DRIVE!!

Ben Wallace nor Rasheed, nor Antonio McDeyss last night could guard him, and no one tonight against Milawaukee in there right mind can guard him, so he shouldve last night had about 35 and 20
and tonight oughtta have 27 and 15.

12-04-2004, 04:25 PM
Tpark Duncan's gonna have a triple double. 29 points 16 rebounds and 11 assists.

12-04-2004, 04:36 PM
I agree with Tpark finally. Duncan could average 30+ easily. Dude is huge, has mad skills and has damn near enough power to be Shaqable. I think he tries to stay out of foul trouble and avoid injury. Dude paces himself.