View Full Version : city of champions

06-15-2007, 10:23 AM
the san antonio spurs are champions once again. the fantastic four, four trophies, and of course, timmy,tony, manu and bruce. these guys, wow.
you made us proud. the celebration downtown was crazy. something to see. looked like fiesta..again. tourists here, were in awe. the fans also, were a class act. no riots, no problems. the airport arrival, expect 10,000 plus, welcoming you home. san antonio awaits your arrival today with a sea of brooms , flags and the best fans of all. small town, small market, if you could see us now. who cares anyway, just get ready to party at the riverparade sunday. come downtown, come see our market square, and have the breakfast of champions "menudo". for those who cannot support the win, better luck next time. and beware, because,
we are already looking at next year and here we go again... "here come the spurs"!!!
for one more...