View Full Version : If the Spurs are boring.....all other teams in the NBA are shittier and more boring..

06-15-2007, 01:51 PM
That is all anyone can say. Because we whooped that ASS!!!! If the Spurs were that bad......everyone else SUCKED THAT MUCH WORSE!!! :pctoss :ihit :bang :madrun :rolleyes

06-15-2007, 02:05 PM
I don't think those people even watch western conference basketball. Do they not witness the Spurs battles with the Mavericks, Suns, Nuggets, etc.? They are high quality basketball games. And is it the Spurs fault the Eastern conference is incredibly slow and methodical? I think the best thing that can happen for the East is the wake up call they recieved from a sweep in the NBA Finals and realize they can't keep perpeatuing the legacy of the "Pat Riley Knicks" and compete with who is out on the west. Teams like the Cavs all have to become better offensively in order to compete with the west. And what do these Spurs-haters want Stern to do about it, rig the NBA? All of this crap just bred out of jealousy of the Spurs and the love/hate relationship sports fans have with the NBA.

NBA Junkie
06-15-2007, 02:10 PM
I think the world was witness as to who the leagues most boring team was- the Cleveland Cavaliers.

The "boring" Spurs have proven they can win playing any style of basketball. The Cavs...not so much

06-15-2007, 02:11 PM
We are not "boring."

We are "FO'RING" !!!

06-15-2007, 02:14 PM
that "boring" label is so tired and worn, it doesn't even warrant a response from me anymore.

multiple championships have that effect..

06-15-2007, 02:19 PM
I don't think those people even watch western conference basketball. Do they not witness the Spurs battles with the Mavericks, Suns, Nuggets, etc.?

Nah, they just jump on the bitterness bandwagon and start parroting phrases they've heard, like "boring," and "asterisk," etc. :lol :lol

06-15-2007, 07:47 PM
nothing boring about championships!

06-15-2007, 08:15 PM
That is all anyone can say. Because we whooped that ASS!!!! If the Spurs were that bad......everyone else SUCKED THAT MUCH WORSE!!!

06-16-2007, 11:21 AM
Put it this way, if the spurs had, celtics, lakers, Knicks, or chicago written across there jersey none of this bullshit you hear would ever take place. Imagine just how hyped and loved they would be on sportscenter everynight.. We scored over a hundred points mulitple times this postseason but everyone calls us a slow halfcourt offense. Leave it to the people that do not watch this team on a regular basis to say dumb shit like that. We led the playoffs in 3 point %.and ofcourse no mention of that just the boring label. I guess Tim Ducan has to shoot a gun at a strip club, or Parker has cheat on his wife and get accused of rape, or Manu has to go into the stands and beat up some fans for the spurs to ever be legit to the dumbass media. They claim they want a team full of character players that play the right way, and live good clean honest lives. Well the Spurs are just that, so whats the gripe? Its that they... the media really likes disfuntion, selfish players, and all the other bad things wrong with society. They just won't admit it.

06-16-2007, 11:19 PM

06-16-2007, 11:22 PM
Spurs vs the west = exciting
spurs vs the east = boring crap

you have to bring the excitement to the spurs. they wont create it themselves. thats why the suns series was so fun to watch.