View Full Version : History/Origins of Spurstalk

06-17-2007, 01:53 AM
I've been a member for a little over a year and have been posting for just a few months (I've visited from time to time before that though), so I don't know much of the history or the people here.

Sooo...I was wondering...how and why did SpursTalk come about? Who exactly is Kori Ellis (and Timvp, who I've gathered to be related to her in some way) and what caused her to create this site (assuming she started it)? What, if anything, do the people who help run this site get out of it, besides satisfaction as a Spurs (and basketball) fan?

(And anyone know if the paypal thing where people could donate a dollar every month or something ever got started up?? There was a thread about that here a couple weeks ago)

06-17-2007, 01:55 AM
Basically, on the Eighth Day, Kori said "Let there be SpursTalk," and then SpursTalk was. And it was good.

Mr. Body
06-17-2007, 02:16 AM
Kori and Timvp are married.

Spurstalk sprung out of Spursreport some time ago, because Spursreport are kind of wankers and annoying.

06-17-2007, 02:23 AM
ah...hopefully kori or timvp sees this thread tomorrow, so they could give the whole, detailed lowdown

06-17-2007, 02:26 AM
We're not going back down that road. Spurstalk is here because Spurs fans like to post bullshit about how much they hate Tony, Pop, etc etc.

06-17-2007, 02:33 AM
Fire Pop and trade Manu plz.

06-17-2007, 02:57 AM
I've been a member for a little over a year and have been posting for just a few months (I've visited from time to time before that though), so I don't know much of the history or the people here.Welcome.

Sooo...I was wondering...how and why did SpursTalk come about? Who exactly is Kori EllisShe is the basketball princess who is a reporter for various news outlets the world over.

(and Timvp, who I've gathered to be related to her in some way)I think he's some hanger on. Not sure though.

and what caused her to create this site (assuming she started it)? Spurs fans needed a place free from corruption to discuss the Spurs.

What, if anything, do the people who help run this site get out of it, besides satisfaction as a Spurs (and basketball) fan?We are rewarded with championships :smokin

(And anyone know if the paypal thing where people could donate a dollar every month or something ever got started up?? There was a thread about that here a couple weeks ago)Perhaps sometime soon something will be setup but nothing yet.

06-17-2007, 03:00 AM
We're not going back down that road. Spurstalk is here because Spurs fans like to post bullshit about how much they hate Tony, Pop, etc etc.


Well if you insist on being blunt about it. :lol

06-17-2007, 03:07 AM
I Love Spurstalk

06-17-2007, 03:38 AM
I don't know how long ago I registered but I do know that since I actually started posting a couple months ago it's been like a flood.

I've never found a message board that commands so much of my free time.

Is that sad?

06-17-2007, 03:41 AM
Thanks for the quick answers timvp!

Now that I got the cliffnotes version, I want the full-out essay version--complete with sappy, heart-touching backstories and frustration/anger-filled obstacles, haha

Kori Ellis
06-17-2007, 04:11 AM
Here's a little more extended version.

Read my first post in this thread and the links at the bottom of it.



Bill O'Reilly
06-17-2007, 04:16 AM
Thanks for the quick answers timvp!

Now that I got the cliffnotes version, I want the full-out essay version--complete with sappy, heart-touching backstories and frustration/anger-filled obstacles, haha

Here at Spurstalk, we like to keep it pithy.

I'm Bill O'Reilly. Do hope to see you around. Remember, the spin stops right here, because we're looking out for you.

06-17-2007, 04:21 AM
Here at Spurstalk, we like to keep it pithy.

I'm Bill O'Reilly. Do hope to see you around. Remember, the spin stops right here, because we're looking out for you.

Bill O'Reilly
06-17-2007, 04:27 AM

Please do not be a pecksniffian

06-17-2007, 04:29 AM
Please do not be a pecksniffian

06-17-2007, 06:51 AM
Ah, it seems not so long time ago that i started posting in Spurs BBall fan forum. Spring 2002, after been lurking since summer 2000. Those EZboard days of the old Spursreport forum. The memories are still there in my mind, even after three more championship.

The days of KoriDuncan, and then KoriEllis, the break up day, etc. Thx lord that this forum has been created by Kori & LJ, for then i can still post my thoughts about my beloved team, keeping up with the news, and getting insight knowledge from fellow Spurs fans in this forum, without being patronized ala the 'other' forum.

Muchas gracias & best regards from Indonesia. :)

06-17-2007, 08:35 AM
mikekim is a cool cat, welcome.

I remember gettin an invite via a PM at SpursReport to try out this new Spurs forum, I feel like it was from timvp, but am not sure. From memory the place only had 50 or so members when I signed up, but I recognized a lot of the names, and they were good ones. I think I was one of the few people who posted consistently at both sides because it seemed a lot of people were banned from SpursReport... but over time quality always rises and that place doesn't even cop a visit anymore unless I accidently click the wrong bookmark :lol

2003 live game chats will always be my favourite memory of this place, classic stuff :lol

Much props to Kori and timvp for creating the best Spurs forum on the net, and probably the best basketball forum now I think about it.

06-17-2007, 08:55 AM
Here's a little more extended version.

Read my first post in this thread and the links at the bottom of it.



Thanks for the refer to the Funny IM thread again.

Classic stuff. :lol

06-17-2007, 08:58 AM
mikekimI remember gettin an invite via a PM at SpursReport to try out this new Spurs forum, I feel like it was from timvp, but am not sure.

It could very well have been me. :nerd :lol

Marcus Bryant
06-17-2007, 11:47 AM
SpursTalk needs a FAQ.

06-17-2007, 11:52 AM
I started posting in spursreport when the spurs were playing the 2004 playoffs. It was pretty good back then. I lost my access after the 2005 run when I decided to stop posting for a while (pretty bandwagon IMO). When I came back it was all different and now we have spurstalk. I might be wrong with the dates, I'm not sure but I think that was the timeline.

06-17-2007, 12:32 PM
I found spursreport before I found SpursTalk. I lurked a while, finally registered, but only posted there a couple of times. They just seem to have a different mentality there. When I did post it was only about facts, like Duncan's diary being updated or the date for his appearance on "Payback." I never felt comfortable posting "opinions" there, it just didn't feel welcoming.

Once I found SpursTalk there was no looking back. People are accepting here, Kori and timvp have set such a wonderful tone here. It's okay to have a different opinion, it's okay to ask a "stupid" question. You won't get dumped on, unless you post in the troll forum and ask for it!

I scan spursreport occasionally, just to see what they're posting about. It still seems unfriendly, I haven't ever logged in to post again.

06-17-2007, 12:40 PM
I don't know how long ago I registered but I do know that since I actually started posting a couple months ago it's been like a flood.

I've never found a message board that commands so much of my free time.

Is that sad?

No, you can count me in there as well. :lol :lol :lol

06-17-2007, 12:46 PM
IS it just me or did after you join spurstalk you get banned from spursreport. one day I just went back to spurs report to login and it said I was banned.

06-17-2007, 07:07 PM
Here's a little more extended version.

Read my first post in this thread and the links at the bottom of it.



Loved reading your post Kori. I remember seeing Dusty's site in 1999, and started trolling in 2000 on SR. I remember the posts from Spurs Fan and Ghostwriter during that time, and wondered where they went, and why SR didn't seem as busy as it was before...so you've filled in the gaps.

Its weird that I couldn't find this site until March 2007...you'd think somebody at SR would have leaked out the link.

Also, if I remember correctly some info about you back then, didn't you start following the Spurs due to Duncan?

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-17-2007, 07:43 PM
Don't forget about the Black Saturday where myself and some others got our FullSportPress invites.

Crusty was having a huge chat on who the Spurs were going to sign in FA or something like that, and myself and about six others told everyone in there who was asking what happened to Kori and LJ about FSP, were banned about five seconds later, but brought a bunch of the 'crew with us.

Good times :drunk

06-17-2007, 07:50 PM
wow...nice...I'm happy to be a part of this community...haha..."community."

This is my first, and quite possibly last, forum I've joined. And i've always wondered what makes people so invested in something to join a forum to simply talk about what they're so invested in with other people. Such a seemingly trivial thing--you type thoughts onto a message board and read what other people type about it.

It's almost "loser-ish" if you think about it. But I'm happy to be "loser-ish" here at spurstalk...

Now...let's all do a nice, big group-hug

06-17-2007, 07:53 PM
I joined SpursReport in 2000 or 2001. That site was my second webpage after NBA.com. I didn't post alot (just like here), but I loved to read the posts, the rumors, the players people wanted, and of course the Fire Pop threads that came after every loss.

Then I was suspended for making an anti Bush topic in the political forum and that was it. To be honest I don't remember when I joined Spurstalk. I'm just glad I did. Great site.

06-17-2007, 08:23 PM
Then I was suspended for making an anti Bush topic in the political forum and that was it. To be honest I don't remember when I joined Spurstalk. I'm just glad I did. Great site.

Similarly my account was cancelled too..which was confusing as hell since I had no idea why, and couldn't get the admins there to explain it.

Sounds like a mass purge, but I suppose we'll never know why.

BTW, you shouldn't critisize the President while we're at war, Gummi. :lol

Marcus Bryant
06-17-2007, 08:25 PM
Derrick Dial.

FSP might have come along later, but that was the spark.

Dave McNulla
06-17-2007, 11:02 PM
i would like to know what happened when kori left sr.com. when spurstalk first opened, the url was filtered out on spurs report forums. i asked but my message disappeared instead of getting an answer.

i think there are knowledgable posters on each site, including lots of people who post on both. sr seems to have a lot higher moderation level. if mizzmytes gets banned, somebody has gone too far. this site seems to have more whiny threads, and more extreme idiots (like louis, who started on usenet alt.sports.basketball.nba.sa-spurs with an email like my_balls@something).

for a long time, i was die-hard usenet, but slowly all the good spurs posters dropped off it to the point where the spurs fans only posted in the la-lakers newsgroup (me, charlie board, and markus quan).

06-17-2007, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I remember seeing you in a.s.b.nba.sa-spurs. Can't remember what name I used back then, it was WAAAAAY pre-Cubes.

06-17-2007, 11:38 PM
Dave you ever post on alt.sports.basketball.nba back then? Those were the good ole days...I even won the playoff tournament that Larry Coon held in '99...picked a Blazers-Knicks finals.

06-18-2007, 01:04 AM
This place started because I wasn't allowed to post anywhere else. :D

Dave McNulla
06-18-2007, 01:14 AM
Dave you ever post on alt.sports.basketball.nba back then? Those were the good ole days...I even won the playoff tournament that Larry Coon held in '99...picked a Blazers-Knicks finals.
no, not in asbn (back then). here is my first spurs-related post (http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sports.basketball.nba.sa-spurs/msg/bd8a4121580b8b4e?hl=en&), regarding spurs making a trade before the deadline

06-18-2007, 01:32 AM
I posted a little bit on usenet back in the day. I can only find two posts in a quick search:

the spurs will be great this year. elie, kersey, and kerr all bring
something different. elie is a player that leaves everything on the court.
he HATES losing. kersey is a rugged inside player who isn't afraid to put
his body on the line. kerr is one of the greatest shooters ever. he will
help spread the defense


I think the spurs will have a pretty quiet offseason. Will is probably gone.
The raptors, wizards, kings, and yes even the lovable jazz have all shown
interest. He has said many times that he wouldn't mind wants more minutes
and i also think he wouldn't mind the 10-20 mil he can get from those teams.
The most the spurs would pay for a backup big man is around 2-4 mil per. L.
Wright is asking for around 6 per, Outlaw also wants about 6 per, and
Polynice is a head case. There is no way the spurs would/should sign him. He
thinks he is the greatest thing to happen to basketball since Jordan. if he
makes a shot (not very often) he runs up the court like he just hit a game
winner. His teammates are like "dude its 6 to 4, calm down". One time when
he was on Sac he was quoted as saying "if they just passed me the ball more
i could average 30...instead of Richmond shooting threes, they should just
pass it to me down low". Sorry about the rant, but i hate that guy. A good
backup big man could be a guy like Mark Bryant. He won't demand a big
contract and he can come in and bang, play defense, and rebound. Gerald King
might be good enough to play back up center, it all depends on how he plays
in the summer leagues. He showed some good post moves in garbage time last
year and he is 6'9 to 6'10 which is about the size the spurs are looking
I agree about what y'all are saying about JJ. If he thinks he is lucky to be
in this position, he will re-sign. If he thinks that he has become a star,
he will sign somewhere else. We would miss him and i am almost certain he
would struggle if he moved to a different team. The spurs are a perfect fit
for him. Talking about perfect fits, Malik just fits the spurs perfectly.
His height (or lack of) doesn't hurt him because he is always on the court
with either duncan or dave. If he did decide to sign with another team, i
think he would also struggle because of his height.

The spurs did the right thing in this draft. They didn't need any more
contracts and they got two guys who could be solid players in the future.
And if not, it doesn't really matter because we don't owe them any money. It
will be interesting to see how last years 2nd round pick Derrick Dial does
in the coming summer league. The coaches seem impressed with what he did
last year in greece. He average about 19 points and that was good enough for
the leading scorer on his team. He was also in the league leader in three
pointers made. His shooting percentages were not great (about 42% overall,
35% at threes), but that is to be expected for the leading scorer on a bad
team (his team was 10-16 overall, 0-13 on the road). His only problem is
that his role would be the same as steve kerr. He is taller than steve kerr
(6'5) and is a better defender, but it is always good to have a proven
winner like kerr.

Talking about kerr, it wouldn't shock me if he isn't a spur next year. He
might be part of a sign and trade with Will. One trade that is possible is
will and kerr to washington for cheaney and terry davis. that would be a
pretty good trade, but i am not a huge terry davis fan. Kerr is a good
player but last year he didn't really fit well with the spurs. the spurs are
a defensive team and the weakest part of kerr's game is his defense. but
this season the spurs have a training camp and can find a way to fit him
into the team.

the players that the spurs might go after is a player like dale ellis. he is
a veteran that is only playing now to get a ring, and the spurs can never
have too much outside shooting. hopefully there will be players that will
want a ring and sign with the spurs for less money.

the backup point is another question for the spurs. they might go after a
veteran point like greg anthoney or terry porter if they are not confident
with antonio daniels. personally, i think daniels will be a very good player
one day and that they should give him some more minutes next year to get him
ready for when it is his team. all he needs to do is get the mental part of
the game down because he has all the physical skills.

it looks like pop is planing to sign a lot of players next offseason. the
only spur under contract for the season after next is steve kerr. with all
that cap room, pop will probably try hard to sign sprewell. pop and him are
good friends and i think sprewell would be a great compliment to duncan.
other players he could go after are ron mercer and derek anderson. after
signing the free agents he would then re-sign duncan, robinson, elliott, aj
etc. (if we get the arena that is)

lets just hope that duncan won't have to play a lot these upcoming pre
olympic games. and then we can see how the spurs players (daniels,dial,
king, williams)play in the summer leagues.


Damn, timvp knew his stuff back then too. :smokin

Here (http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sports.basketball.nba.sa-spurs/browse_thread/thread/e510ecdfaeb4b835/6d0d0683ddc323b3?lnk=gst&q=valmont&rnum=1&hl=en#6d0d0683ddc323b3) is Marcus Bryant responding to that post. Damn, we've been at this for a long time now.


06-18-2007, 01:35 AM
no, not in asbn (back then). here is my first spurs-related post (http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sports.basketball.nba.sa-spurs/msg/bd8a4121580b8b4e?hl=en&), regarding spurs making a trade before the deadline

wow thats cool fuckin google archived all the old posts. Damn i was reading my old posts and cringing on how much of a jackass I was back then.

Nice to see you've kept your moniker the same for 9 years Dave.

06-18-2007, 02:17 AM
Aggie Hoopsfan was an original SR poster? That explains allot.

06-18-2007, 02:22 AM
I found spursreport before I found SpursTalk. I lurked a while, finally registered.

I have read some of your posts you should have stayed lurking.

JK :lmao

06-18-2007, 02:24 AM
Does anyone remember RevHill or Dave Knukem?

06-18-2007, 08:45 AM
Here's a little more extended version.

Read my first post in this thread and the links at the bottom of it.



:clap :clap

like my little grandson once told Mrs Taco after she did something he thought was cool

"you the MAN, Nana, you the MAN!!!" :lol

06-18-2007, 02:30 PM
Man, forgot where it was that I posted back in '03, but reading all this historical stuff, yeah, now I remember spursreport, Dusty, and was CyberBob there too? I seem to remember him asking if he could use one of my posts after the 03' clincher, that was the highlight of my activity there. Then I got away from posting for some months, went back and couldn't find the old place, didn't post anywhere else for two years until I joined spurstalk in 05' and COULD NOT BELIEVE the how the expression filter here was set to infinity!
Here's a copy of that old post, classically Clutch20 although for the life of me can't remember my board name at spursreport :p:

(originally sent to our dear beloved Sean Deveny)

Dear Sean,
Professional basketball is coming full circle, back to it's roots. Through analysis by coaches, general managers and notable sports experts actively teaching sports across our country, this year's NBA Champions used the team approach to reach their goal of winning games. Traditionalists cheered. Groupie hoopheads jeered. Team owners leered. And an NBA player exemplifying all that is right with sports retired on the highest of notes but surprisingly, retiring only to head towards brighter lights and higher media exposure, as the coming months will attest to.
Other will adjust. Will you? Adjusting to changes is a sign of progress, as did that relatively young core of San Antonio Spurs. They adjusted to every new team they encountered on the way to the finals and eventual championship. Many of those influential in our fast-paced media run the risk of reacting too slowly to changes in fan perception. What was the last count of world-wide viewership projections as reported by NBA Tv? 3.1 billion? Where and when the money starts flowing from will prove much to reinforce the notion that T. Parker and E. Ginobili did much to make the rest of the world feel included in this year's finals.
Fundamentals fueled, teamwork ruled, streetball was schooled and this year's crown was jeweled with confidence, trust, selflessness, devotion and believe it or not, good-humored introspectiveness.