View Full Version : James White and Jackie Butler Interviews

06-18-2007, 03:08 AM
From Slam published on the 13th.

SLAM: How’s everything going?

JW: Good. Being here is really a blessing in disguise. Even though I’m not playing, I’m on a team with a lot of veteran guys. A lot of guys that have been to this point before. Looking at their poise and looking how they’re carrying themselves, I’m just learning stuff from them everyday.

SLAM: What other things basketball-wise, maybe Pop or the GM or whoever wants you to be working on now, so that if you’re here next year you’re out there playing…

JW: For me to be able to be out there in a situation like this, they’ve gotta be able to trust me on the defensive end. That’s probably the biggest thing. Being able to go out there and being in the right spots at the right times and do the right things so they can trust me. If they had the trust in me right now, I’m sure I’d be out there. It’s hard for them to put a rookie out there in a big-time situation like that when they haven’t played all year.

SLAM: What’s it like as a rookie with this franchise? Everyone looks at it as such a veteran team, with a lot of guys that have been here for a long time. Are they accepting?

JW: Since I’ve been here, and I came kind of in the middle, they were accepting with open arms. Everyone thinks this is kind of like a boring team and stuff like that, but we have a lot of guys that have fun. Everybody is pretty open-minded. Everybody is fun and a good guy. Guys like Bruce Bowen, one of my best friends on the team. They pretty much just welcomed me with open arms.

SLAM: You’ve been with them since when?

JW: I’ve been with them since the second game of the season. Actually, the first game was against Cleveland. They took me off waivers and the first time I was here they were playing Cleveland. I came in the middle and I didn’t know the plays. It was gonna take awhile to get into the system. Then they sent me down to the D-League, played well in the D-League, then came back up and I didn’t really get to play until the end of the season.

SLAM: I know everyone complains about the dunk contest, especially our readers, who know a thing or two about what you can do. They were like, “Why wasn’t James in it?” Did the NBA talk to you at all?

JW: I was on an NBA roster the whole time, but I was in the D-League when they picked the contestants. Still, I was trying to kind of petition to get into it.

SLAM: But you woulda’ been there if you’d gotten invited?

JW: Oh, no doubt about it!

SLAM: And you would’ve won?

JW: Oh, that would’ve been an easy victory! Easy victory. I’ve still got stuff in the bag. Everybody knows my stuff from high school. In high school and college contests I busted some stuff out the of bag, but I’ve got even more stuff I’ve been saving my whole life that I will only break out on the center stage of an NBA Dunk Contest. I’ve got unbelievable stuff.

SLAM: And do your teammates know about you? Do you dunk a lot in practice and stuff?

JW: Oh yeah, they know it. I had about eight dunks this year in four games. I hope the NBA can get me in next year and show everybody what’s going on.

SLAM: How about the summer? Will you play for the Spurs?

JW: Yeah, I’m playing in both of the summer leagues. Las Vegas and Salt Lake.

SLAM: Then do you stay around here or do you go back to your place in DC?

JW: At the end of this season, I’m gonna go home and get like two weeks rest, then come back and I’ll probably be here for most of the summer.

SLAM: I don’t know if you know the numbers, but if you guys win you get a nice little check. Not to mention a ring.

JW: And I can’t be mad about that. I get the best seat in the house, get to be around great guys, learn everyday, be around basketball everyday and get a check doing it. And get a ring? I can’t be mad about it.

SLAM: This series doesn’t seem like much of a test, but that Suns series had to be pretty intense. What was it like when Robert had that foul on Steve? This place must’ve been going crazy in the middle of all that.

JW: This place is electrifying. This town, period, is pretty crazy. After the game, people go out on the streets and cheer.

SLAM: You got some attention last summer when you signed that free agent deal, but then they didn’t use you too much. On the upside, you made the Finals—how would you describe the experience?

JB: It’s good, man. First time in the Finals, just gotta sit back and watch, then come back next year and see what I can do.

SLAM: How do you take advantage of this time? Is the extra practice like a gift?

JB: Right, a gift to get my game. Staying in the gym everyday and working hard and playing with the best guys. And hopefully I’ll be playing next year.

SLAM: Is that the attitude of all the bench guys? That this as a good opportunity to keep working on your games with the team?

JB: Yeah, it’s good. Even the days I have off I go to the gym and work and do the little things while the team is getting rest and go to the gym and work on my game.

SLAM [Lang jumped in here]: Somebody emailed me today and asked me about your beard. You look like you’re from Philly.

JB: I’m from Mississippi. I was gonna cut it but we were two (wins) away. But I trim it a little bit, I keep it down. I don’t want to get too wild, so I keep it nice and trimmed.

SLAM: Have you ever had it like that before?

JB: Naah, first time.

SLAM: It’s totally the Philly look. Like Freeway. Where are you from in Mississippi?

JB: I’m from McComb, Mississippi.

SLAM: Do you ever cross paths with Monta Ellis?

JB: Oh yeah, I played him in high school a couple of times. He was tough, but we had a good team so they were close to all the recruits and stuff. They had all the good players. If his coach hadn’t done all that recruiting…

SLAM: Yeah, I hear his coach is really intense—Thomas Billups. I don’t think he and Monta talk anymore.

How about Jonathan Bender?

JB: I think he’s just chilling. I guess he’s retired now?

SLAM: Yeah, that’s why we want to talk to him. It’s nice he got a lot of money, but I’m sure it’s hard for him that he can’t be out playing.

JB: I feel bad myself. You can’t play that game that you love. I know what he’s going through, but it ain’t all about the money.

06-18-2007, 03:13 AM
"I am NOT from Philly, dumbass!"

Mr. Body
06-18-2007, 03:26 AM
The White interview impressed me the first time I read it. I like his attitude.

T Park
06-18-2007, 03:37 AM
i thought they both sounded interesting.

06-18-2007, 03:42 AM
The White interview impressed me the first time I read it. I like his attitude.

same here

Kori Ellis
06-18-2007, 03:43 AM
They both sound like they worked hard this year.

But I wouldn't be shocked if JW isn't in training camp if they find some other prospects this summer.

And I wouldn't be surprised if JB gets traded if that's what it takes to get rid of some dead weight contracts.

06-18-2007, 03:57 AM
JAMES WHITE is gonna be a star.

Mr. Body
06-18-2007, 03:58 AM
JAMES WHITE is gonna be a star.


06-18-2007, 04:38 AM
They both sound like they worked hard this year.

But I wouldn't be shocked if JW isn't in training camp if they find some other prospects this summer.

And I wouldn't be surprised if JB gets traded if that's what it takes to get rid of some dead weight contracts.

Why do you think that about White?

Kori Ellis
06-18-2007, 04:51 AM
Why do you think that about White?

Because there might be better/more proven players available. Who knows.

06-18-2007, 04:55 AM
Any one specific you think they might be interested in?

Seems like they like White to me...but then again I can never tell who the Spurs like.

06-18-2007, 05:03 AM
All I want is for James White to represent the Spurs in the dunk contest...

then, and only then, can he leave if he doesn't fit our team.

06-18-2007, 05:09 AM
I think RC and Pop know that the team is getting older, and keeping guys like White and Butler around...and these two guys seem like they are learning a lot and at least doing well in practice. Bowen gave White some props at the Alamodome ceremony and Jackie got some too. I am not saying White will be our next Bruce Bowen, but it's not a bad thing that he is Bruce's practice bitch. He's probably learned a lot of stuff playing with Bruce in practice every day.

These two guys are young and have pretty good potential, IMO. Their downside is that they haven't proven they can play Spurs basketball. I'm sure after being with the team during a title run, they'll be motivated to do well in summer league and camp, and be back in November to help defend.

I do think that the 10 in the rotation this year will all be back. Finley was very proud to finally win a championship, he will definitely come back and help defend it. Fabricio did batshit awesome in the playoffs, and while everyone else was talking about the Phoenix suspensions, Deron Williams elevating to star status, and Lebron, they missed Oberto go from a shaky rookie to a fundamentally sound, agressive big man. He was a huge factor for the Spurs.

We're in pretty good shape with what we have, although this was an extremely healthy year for our guys considering most of them are over 30. Anything can happen, but I think giving Butler and White some minutes this year to feel them out and see how they can play with the other guys. There's potential for everyone on the current roster but Beno to contribute to this team, even in the playoffs.

And there's also what we'll do with our draft picks...but we'll probably ship em to the D-League.

06-18-2007, 05:12 AM
Guys like Bruce Bowen, one of my best friends on the team.

Let's hope Bruce will take White under his wing this summer. White has all the physical tools to be a great defender and Bruce could be a great mentor for him.

06-18-2007, 05:56 AM
I hope White will become the 2008 slam dunk champion.

06-18-2007, 06:00 AM
Let's hope Bruce will take White under his wing this summer. White has all the physical tools to be a great defender and Bruce could be a great mentor for him.

Bruce said White makes him look bad in practice and causes the coaches to get on him...

Hearing stuff like that is what makes me think White is in the Spurs plans for this next season, at least. Basically he's got a year invested in our system, and I think that's important to Pop.

I've seen the Spurs give up on guys I thought they were interested in, like Linton Johnson, but I haven't seen any of those guys look as good as White did, as a rookie no less, in limited PT, after such a small amount of time with the team.

And White looked good to me in the limited PT he got this season...

One thing is for sure...after a year of being d'ed up on in practice by Bruce...it's going to take a lot for a defender to get under White's skin.

06-18-2007, 06:13 AM
His fellow Spurs teammates have given James White the nickname "Queen James". :lmao

06-18-2007, 07:43 AM
I do think that the 10 in the rotation this year will all be back.


I'm worried about this group...we can't expect these guys to be injury free and get through an even tougher WC playoffs next year.

I really hope Pop puts some youth into that rotation, regardless of them being defending champs. I mean, if anything, the players they add will be gain experience for the 2009 (inevitable) ring.

06-18-2007, 08:08 AM
Butler said he keeps his beard trimmed. :lol

06-18-2007, 08:14 AM
White is one relaxed, cocky guy. Confidence shouldn't be a problem. I like what I hear.

For all his jumping athleticism, I didn't find him to be very fleet and light of foot. In track-and-field terms, he's more of field type than a track type, whereas a guy like LeBron is full-blown track-AND-field guy (and a power lifter!)

How many guy would die to be in their position, with the Spurs holding the door open to them? Do they have the mentality to walk through it?

06-18-2007, 08:22 AM
The only thing that worries me about white is his maturity.

I see him as a fame and fortune type of guy, sorta like sjax.

hopefully im wrong, as i think he would bring a lot of nice things to the table for us.

06-18-2007, 08:24 AM
JW: And I can’t be mad about that. I get the best seat in the house, get to be around great guys, learn everyday, be around basketball everyday and get a check doing it. And get a ring? I can’t be mad about it.

Seriously what a job. He basically gets court side season tickets, both home and away. A fat ass pay check, and gets to play ball everyday for a living.

Please someone help me grow about 6 inches and drop about 30lbs. Id ride the pine for the rest of my life for about 100k a year :)

06-18-2007, 11:21 AM
White's interview was extremely impressive, and so were his flashes of pure scoring in the regular season.

In response to boutons, you're right. He doesn't look to be blazing fast, but I think White will be someone who has a '05 Ginobili quality to him in that he attacks and just wills the ball in the hole.

They both live by the same motto, " Take it strong to the hole, or dont take it at all."

Mr. Body
06-18-2007, 11:24 AM
In response to boutons, you're right. He doesn't look to be blazing fast, but I think White will be someone who has a '05 Ginobili quality to him in that he attacks and just wills the ball in the hole.

They both live by the same motto, " Take it strong to the hole, or dont take it at all."

Disagree, actually. One of the knocks on White in his career is that he shies away from physical contact, a result of his skinniness and physical weakness. As a consequence, he doesn't use his athleticism to his advantage in half court sets. Perhaps that changes in the pros - the Oberto lob dunk and his drive on Barnes, when Barnes shivered him into the stands - were both in the half court where contact was possible.

But to compare him to Ginobili's fearlessness isn't quite true to the point.

06-18-2007, 11:36 AM
Disagree, actually. One of the knocks on White in his career is that he shies away from physical contact, a result of his skinniness and physical weakness. As a consequence, he doesn't use his athleticism to his advantage in half court sets. Perhaps that changes in the pros - the Oberto lob dunk and his drive on Barnes, when Barnes shivered him into the stands - were both in the half court where contact was possible.

But to compare him to Ginobili's fearlessness isn't quite true to the point.

White seemed to show alot of aggressiveness when given the opportunity late in the season, so I think you can start to phase out the "shies from contact" label....though I agree that putting him on par with Ginobili is a little bit out there.

06-18-2007, 11:37 AM
Butler said he keeps his beard trimmed. :lol

when bruce introduced Jackie butler, he called him Rick Ross! :lmao


06-18-2007, 11:42 AM
James White!

06-18-2007, 12:00 PM
I had to check out White's Dunking Skills. I only got to see a few during the season but I found this on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzeAcPik4_s

Hes good I think hes going to be amazing for us next year. His interview was impressive and promising. I like Butler too but I'd rather see him go then White.

06-18-2007, 12:00 PM
What was with the whole Philly thing? I just watched Rocky 3 this weekend, so all I can think of was Mr. T. Clubber Lang!

06-18-2007, 01:03 PM
White and Butler will be in the rotation next year seeing around 20-25mpg. Book it. Butler can definitely beat out Elson for a spot and Oberto will share his time with him. Horry, I believe, will see his minutes decreased so he can have more rest and Butler will take advantage of that. Horry's time will come in the playoffs. Assuming we trade Barry which will most likely happen, White can use up his minutes and also can steal a few minutes away from Bruce so he can have his rest.

06-18-2007, 01:09 PM
I think 20-25 mins a game might be a bit much. I'd say 15-20 is more likely. Unless they have just an amazing breakout year then I think Butler/White playing that much would have to indicate injury issues.

06-18-2007, 02:42 PM
Yippee skippee, boy can dunk.

Any word on his jumper?

06-18-2007, 03:02 PM
With 1 year invested into the Spurs system and their team culture and unless there are better prospects available, I'd like to see whether White can pan out with this team. The kid has tons of natural athletic ability, is a willing defender and seems to be working hard. Showed natural flashes of aggressiveness in his brief PT and appears to be very coachable.

Plus, he's seemed to fit right into with the rest of the team characters. Loved the sombrero he wore at the celebration on Sunday - nice touch!

I'm also intrigued by Jackie Butler. However, I'd rather see the Spurs track down Mikki Moore. I understand he's a FA and he's been a significant contributor to the Nets success this past season.

06-18-2007, 03:04 PM
Yippee skippee, boy can dunk.

Any word on his jumper?

Concentrate on the positives LIT. He's a hard worker, willing learner, and good defender. His jumpshot will come...

06-18-2007, 03:05 PM
With 1 year invested into the Spurs system and their team culture and unless there are better prospects available, I'd like to see whether White can pan out with this team. The kid has tons of natural athletic, looks like he's working hard, a willing defender and seems very coachable.

Plus, he's seemed to fit right into with the rest of the team characters. Loved the sombrero he wore at the celebration on Sunday - nice touch!

I'm also intrigued by Jackie Butler. However, I'd rather see the Spurs track down Mikki Moore. I understand he's a FA and he's been a significant contributor to the Nets success this past season.

Mikki Moore is already on this team....only he's about 10 pounds heavier and 10 shades darker. Elson duplicates what Moore does on the floor, so to go after him would be a mistake by the Spurs FO, IMO.

06-18-2007, 03:10 PM
Mikki Moore is already on this team....only he's about 10 pounds heavier and 10 shades darker. Elson duplicates what Moore does on the floor, so to go after him would be a mistake by the Spurs FO, IMO.

I see your point. Only thing is Moore blocks a significantly more amount of shots than Elson. Because he played in the Utah system under Sloan, he's probably more advanced defensively than Elson.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still high on Elson. Love to see him stick around. I just think it would be valuable to have another post defender who can alter shots along with Duncan. I guess I'm getting greedy.

06-18-2007, 03:11 PM
I liked the fact that James White was willing to take the ball to the hoop in his brief appearances.

06-18-2007, 03:15 PM
I liked the fact that James White was willing to take the ball to the hoop in his brief appearances.

No kidding. Didn't seem to have any fear about that. Something tells me this kid is a "diamond in the rough" and may work out. Even if other prospects emerge from the draft, they still are not 1 year invested into the Spurs system. White has an edge. I hope he works his way back onto the team for next season.

06-18-2007, 03:17 PM
I see your point. Only thing is Moore blocks a significantly more amount of shots than Elson. Because he played in the Utah system under Sloan, he's probably more advanced defensively than Elson.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still high on Elson. Love to see him stick around. I just think it would be valuable to have another post defender who can alter shots along with Duncan. I guess I'm getting greedy.

I'm going off extremely limited viewing of him, but I saw Butler elevate and show great timing on some of the shots put up against him when he played. I think he can be a force in the middle because of his imposing frame (265lb), but he seemed to show the ability to alter/block shots as well.

I'd cast my lot with Butler before exploring more FA...but that's just me.

06-18-2007, 03:20 PM
how many points for a dunk?

06-18-2007, 03:40 PM
I'm going off extremely limited viewing of him, but I saw Butler elevate and show great timing on some of the shots put up against him when he played. I think he can be a force in the middle because of his imposing frame (265lb), but he seemed to show the ability to alter/block shots as well.

I'd cast my lot with Butler before exploring more FA...but that's just me.

The Spurs do need to see what they have in Butler. I just haven't got a good read on whether they're as intrigued by the guy as some of us.

06-18-2007, 04:30 PM
White's interview impressed me. The guy seems to have the right work ethic to be a contributor next year. Moreover, he seems willing to play a minor role right now as long as it benefits him. Considering his draft profiles that's really a step into the right direction, the guy seems smarter than I thought. Butler on the other hand is a quite controversial guy. I like what I've seen from him in New York and with Ely most likely being gone he could get some playing time. Spurs are likely to only tweak the team a bit with just a few guys maybe being gone --> Beno to Cleveland, Ely to FA, Vaugn to retirment (hopefully not) and Barry via a Trade. With White acting quite mature I wouldn't worry about pipe-dreams like signing Andres Nocioni, although It would be great to see him teamed up with Oberto and Manu. A bigger concern will be a solid back-up PG.

06-18-2007, 04:35 PM
Concentrate on the positives LIT. He's a hard worker, willing learner, and good defender. His jumpshot will come...

I hope so. Seems that what the Spurs want out of their SF is great defense and a respectable jumper.

06-18-2007, 04:37 PM
For the 1 trillionth time...White is about as much of a SF as Brent Barry.

06-18-2007, 04:43 PM
For the 1 trillionth time...White is about as much of a SF as Brent Barry.

And your argument for this is what?

06-18-2007, 04:44 PM
Actually he's about as much of an SF as Bruce Bowen, but point taken.

06-18-2007, 04:46 PM
And your argument for this is what?

Unfamiliar with the SF position are we?

06-18-2007, 04:46 PM
For the 1 trillionth time...White is about as much of a SF as Brent Barry.

Nobody said he was going to play the 4 in small-ball. But ideally, he takes over the Bowen role as the perimeter defender with the toughest assignment.

And I would hate to call him a "shooting" guard...because that doesn't describe him at all. Does G/F satisfy?

06-18-2007, 04:49 PM
Swingman. Hopefully we get a taller swingman to play here too.

06-18-2007, 04:49 PM
For the 1 trillionth time...White is about as much of a SF as Brent Barry.

I'm gonna agree with this 100%. Dude doesnt look like a Bowen replacement. Looks more like a SJax replacement in terms of getting throwing up points.

06-18-2007, 04:52 PM
I have been a big supporter of White in the past.

People are right when they say that White was shy when it came to contact and taking it to the hole. However, things have changed for James this past year.

If James was soft and afraid of contact he would no be on this team, period. Popovich is about taking the ball to the basket and making contact. James has vastly improved in that area. We saw him attack the basket in various games and even get checked by Barnes, and still attacked it. Furthermore, going up against Bowen in practice everyday makes you really tough really quickly.

It is not like James is an immature 21 year old kid. He spent 4 years at Cincy, and is now being mentored by Bruce Bowen. Bowen claims James makes him look silly in practice, which I believe.

We all knew coming to the season James would get the 1 year treatment. He was tested and passed with flying colors. Would the kid set aside the ego, the dunks, the playing time.....and settle for learning the defense, learning from experienced players, and learning the true meaning of the game? Yes.

As a result, I think we are going to see James White come in next year and amaze people. He will be solid with rotations, attack the basket, and be a great asset to the team. Hopefully, he can develop a consistent shot with Chip this summer, but who knows.....

All I know is that the Spurs have finally found the athletic wing that they so much need....they no longer have to be looking at other teams or free agents....because he is right uder the nose.

By the way, it is scary to think and wonder what in the world James has in his bag of tricks when it comes to the Slam Dunk contest?!?

06-18-2007, 05:03 PM
Unfamiliar with the SF position are we?

That's what people said about when the PF position got a complete overhaul. He is unquestionable not a true SF but he has the ability to play there. He does not have the ability of a true wing player considering his jumper being inferior compared to other's but the guy still has time to learn and adjust his play. Just being curious about your arguments as I don't have this much knowledge about every position as it is hard to watch games here in Europe and the general coverage about basketball in the media is pretty much non existant.

06-18-2007, 06:56 PM
That's what people said about when the PF position got a complete overhaul. He is unquestionable not a true SF but he has the ability to play there. He does not have the ability of a true wing player considering his jumper being inferior compared to other's but the guy still has time to learn and adjust his play. Just being curious about your arguments as I don't have this much knowledge about every position as it is hard to watch games here in Europe and the general coverage about basketball in the media is pretty much non existant.

Too short too skinny...I mean yeah, if he can play D like Bruce, great, but that's a huge if. A huge, huge, huge, huge, huge if, and I'd have said that before Bruce owned LeBron...now it's an even bigger if. And we will still need a bigger guy that can play SF.

He's not the solution for a long SF(our need), because...he's not a long SF.

06-18-2007, 07:11 PM
I have been a big supporter of White in the past.

People are right when they say that White was shy when it came to contact and taking it to the hole. However, things have changed for James this past year.

If James was soft and afraid of contact he would no be on this team, period. Popovich is about taking the ball to the basket and making contact. James has vastly improved in that area. We saw him attack the basket in various games and even get checked by Barnes, and still attacked it. Furthermore, going up against Bowen in practice everyday makes you really tough really quickly.

It is not like James is an immature 21 year old kid. He spent 4 years at Cincy, and is now being mentored by Bruce Bowen. Bowen claims James makes him look silly in practice, which I believe.

We all knew coming to the season James would get the 1 year treatment. He was tested and passed with flying colors. Would the kid set aside the ego, the dunks, the playing time.....and settle for learning the defense, learning from experienced players, and learning the true meaning of the game? Yes.

As a result, I think we are going to see James White come in next year and amaze people. He will be solid with rotations, attack the basket, and be a great asset to the team. Hopefully, he can develop a consistent shot with Chip this summer, but who knows.....

All I know is that the Spurs have finally found the athletic wing that they so much need....they no longer have to be looking at other teams or free agents....because he is right uder the nose.

By the way, it is scary to think and wonder what in the world James has in his bag of tricks when it comes to the Slam Dunk contest?!?

Big ups to you El Mago. Yours was one of the first original posts I read on J. White and I know you've been one of his biggest supporters. Let's hope this guy keeps working hard and sticks finds his way into the rotation.

06-18-2007, 07:19 PM
He was sitting behind me at the airport this morning in SA. He was also catching a Southwest flight, I think he was going to Baltimore. He seems like a nice guy.

06-18-2007, 07:38 PM
he's from the DC area so that makes sense

06-18-2007, 07:40 PM
I believe White will on the team because his contract isn't that high. Also the Spurs wanted to Draft him before Indiana did, so we got lucky when they waived him. It always take a year for anyone to learn the Spurs system and with him being here the entire summer I will definitely help his confidence!

James White 2008 Dunk Champion.....Now have the league calls us boring with Manu, White and Parker!

I find it hard to believe that the Spurs thought enough of this guy to court him during the draft, pick him up off waivers, invest a year in him only to let him walk. Especially if the guy is working hard, getting better and is buying into the system the way White has done.

If the Spurs find a guy of similar or greater skill and stature, either during or after the draft, who is a better fit at the swing and he beats out White during summer league play - OK. Otherwise unless there is some dramatic dropoff, I think White sticks.

06-18-2007, 07:43 PM
White is roughly the same size/weight as Bowen, so if he plays D, there's no reason why he can't play SF. However, a bigger SF would be ideal to match up physically with guys like LeYawn and Caramelo. I love James White. I don't care if he can't shoot a jumper... he can dunk! The Spurs have shooters... they need another slasher to attack the basket and get FTs. I hope he pans out so I can get his jersey and a big fucking Spurs sombrero.

06-18-2007, 07:48 PM
People...Bruce Bowen is a 7 consecutive times all NBA Defensive player...there are like...2 or 3 other perimeter players in NBA history that have made that many all NBA D teams like that. Do ya'll realize that?

2 or 3 other players, in NBA history.

That's why he can do it....it's not like anyone can, that's why you don't see many 200lb SF floating around the NBA...most of the SF's in the NBA today are big enough to play PF....and sometimes C.

06-18-2007, 07:49 PM
So get one of those guys too.

06-18-2007, 07:52 PM
Ok, after a bit of thinking, I got the solution.

Bonner... he's big enough.

06-18-2007, 08:03 PM
Unless the Spurs land a stud via the draft, I expect White to dominate the Summer League in Vegas and Salt Lake.

White is just going to toy with the opposing players at the Summer League.

I expect him to be on the opening roster.

SenorSpur is correct.

The Spurs targeted White via the draft. They brought him for workouts and were impressed with his talents and I honestly believe the feeling was mutual. Thats why when Indiana waived him (which Carlisle claimed was the most difficult cut he has ever had to make as head coach) White had already decided he wanted to come to San Antonio.

Deep down inside, White could of possibly felt San Antonio was his best destination. He knew that his game was not as polished and as strong as he would of liked it to be coming out of Cincy...he needed to work on defense (which he claimed would be the staple in allowing him to stick around the league and not his freak athelticism), and he wanted to just fit in and learn. Next thing you know, White has gotten a lot tougher and stronger, grasps the importance of defense, improved his game, and is about ready to make a true impact on the NBA.