View Full Version : Who says we can't kill 'em all?

06-18-2007, 06:41 PM
Glenn Reynolds (http://instapundit.com/archives2/006341.php) writes:

MICHAEL YON EMAILS: "This is a very serious offensive kicking off in Iraq. The NYT realizes it's serious, but nobody that I am seeing realizes just how big this is. Relatively massive."

What did the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/world/middleeast/17iraq.html?ex=1339732800&en=ba8cfa3b24da338a&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss) say?

With the influx of tens of thousands of additional combat troops into Iraq now complete, American forces have begun a wide offensive against Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia on the outskirts of Baghdad, the top American commander in Iraq said Saturday. The commander, Gen. David H. Petraeus, in a news conference in Baghdad along with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, said the operation was intended to take the fight to Al Qaeda’s hide-outs in order to cut down the group’s devastating campaign of car bombings.
Actually, it is quite noticeable, although Michael Yon is probably right in saying we don't know the half of it. You really yshould go to MNF-Iraq's press release page (http://www.mnf-iraq.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=4&Itemid=128) and look at the action over the past two days. Heavy action.

Most of the coverage of the Surge has focused on the additional numbers of troops. But it was apparent to anyone that the augmentation was relatively small. The real news was in the redeployment of US troops out of the mega-bases into Joint Security Stations, where partnered with Iraqi forces, US troops were far closer to the fight. The principal benefit of this has been to increase the amount of intelligence available to US forces and shorten the decision and action loops. This had the disadvantage of moving Americans to less protected positions. However, the powers-that-be probably calculated the gains would be greater than the losses.

This enhanced intelligence capability and reaction capacity is at the heart of the current offensive.

Then this:

U.S. troops form uneasy alliances in Iraq (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-diyala18jun18,1,4631592,full.story?ctrack=1&cset=true)

U.S. soldiers on patrol here recently watched a man walk into the street with a bomb and begin to dig. They killed him before he finished. Out stepped another man to finish the job, so they shot him too — then another, and another and another.

In all, five people tried to place the makeshift bundle of munitions in the same hole within an hour.

"You see what we're up against," said Adam Jacobs, a 26-year-old Army captain, after recounting the astonishing story.

We're going after them and, they're stupid.

06-18-2007, 06:50 PM
We have no need to know this.

06-18-2007, 06:58 PM
"The NYT realizes it's serious"

So is the NY Times lying again? Or do they tell the truth only when the truth agrees with right-wing nut-jobs? The right-wing wants it both ways.

Whatever the military push now near Bagdad accomplishes, no matter how many insurgents are killed and captured, the US military cannot exhaust the insurgents nor stop the Sunni-Shiite civil war which shows absolutely no sign of exhaustion, nor stop foreigners, money, and materiel from coming into Iraq against the US invaders and occupiers.

Petraeus has already said that there is no military solution in Iraq, only diplomatic, and we can see the Shiites and Sunnis engaged fully in civil war, not engaging in diplomacy. So is Petraeus lying, too?

06-18-2007, 07:05 PM
Hey Chumpy! Nice to see you've been demoted to a position that allows me to put you on ignore where you belong.

06-18-2007, 07:14 PM
:lol you're only three months late with that news, scoop.

Now then:

Are you engaged in executing the strategy?

I think the problem has been, to a large degree, that too many people who have absolutely no need to know have demanded to know how we are going to fight this war.

Either it is a just war and those who are charged with prosecuting it should be left to do so, or; it is an unjust war and those who believe so should work to stop it. Chewing over the particular strategy is not working toward either of those objectives.


You can ignore me all you like. Ignorance is your speciality.

Along with hypocrisy.

And lying.

06-18-2007, 07:35 PM

06-18-2007, 09:29 PM
:lol you're only three months late with that news, scoop.

Now then:


You can ignore me all you like. Ignorance is your speciality.

Along with hypocrisy.

And lying.

No, it's not hypocrisy. Yoni can talk about the strategy because he's a former Army General...er, no...um, War College professor...uh, well no...uh...well he's read a bunch of Tom Clancy novels!

06-19-2007, 08:32 AM
No, it's not hypocrisy. Yoni can talk about the strategy because he's a former Army General...er, no...um, War College professor...uh, well no...uh...well he's read a bunch of Tom Clancy novels!

Now i know who to ask whenever i need a useless liberal quip or just flat out propaganda.

06-19-2007, 10:09 AM
We're only allowed to talk about the positives, even though they're outweighed by the negatives.

There's something familiar about this.......