View Full Version : 3 Teams Above .800!

12-05-2004, 12:41 PM
I don't remember seeing that before, at least not after 20 games...which I predict will still be the case at that time.

These teams will slip back down to the 60% wins range, most likley. But they are HOT.

No injuries to major players, and I think seattle and phoenix are guranteed playoff locks.

Houston and grizz are probably done, tough a big turnaround is always possible and would put them back into contention. They would have to play .70% ball for the rest of the season to do that, though, and I don't see either of them doing it.

I see sac and phoenix fighting for the 2nd/4th western playoff spot, and seattle and minn fighting for the 3rd/5. Who would have thought minny could be as low a 5th?

The 6,7 and 8 will, as predicted, be a dogfight, with Dallas, LA, LA, denver, portland, utah fighting it out for those spots. Utah would have been higher but missing ak47 dropped them fast, and more than I think most expected.

12-05-2004, 03:38 PM
i thought harpering was there more dominante player too, o well

12-05-2004, 06:39 PM
DONT COUNT OUT MINNESOTA TOO QUICK, i heard somewhere that they played 15 out of the first 19 games on the road, and if thats true, then there record isnt as bad as it looks

12-05-2004, 08:16 PM
It's not true. see nba.com

Thru today, MIN has 10 had road games, 6 home games.

SAN has has 10 road games, 8 home games.

So, MIN gets no special consideration for tough road schedule.

T Park
12-05-2004, 08:33 PM
especially since they dont spend the entire month of February on the road.

F The T Wolf pussys.

Kori Ellis
12-05-2004, 08:34 PM
Utah actually started losing when Arroyo came back. When Keith McLeod, weirdly enough, was their starter they were on fire. As soon as Arroyo returned, they fell off. I'm not saying it's all on Arroyo, just interesting.

Now they will keep sinking without AK.

12-05-2004, 08:35 PM
Minnesotta is better than the Suns and the Sonics. At least when it matters they should be (major injuries aside).

Kori Ellis
12-05-2004, 08:37 PM
I don't think Minnesota is as good as the Suns.

The Suns have a good thing going. They are utilizing all their strengths. They will give a hell of a lot of teams matchup problems and can probably out run almost any team in the league.

T Park
12-05-2004, 08:41 PM
There defense is the big question, and can they do good in a half court set?

12-05-2004, 08:43 PM
I think thus far the Suns schedule has been on the soft side. They are a very balanced team from 1-6. But I still think they need a little more size underneath to be dominant. They also do not have a particularly strong bench.

They are playing excellent basketball right now, and just by the stats they look like the best team in the league right now. But I think they will cool off at some point.

They are still a hell of a team. But I think KG and a healthy Cassell is better than a Nash and Amare combo. And Minnesotta still has some solid role players in Wally, Hassell, Sprewell and Eddie Griffin (who hit some big shots for them last night against the Clippers in OT).

I would not count Minnesotta out. I think they are as good as anyone if healthy.

Kori Ellis
12-05-2004, 08:47 PM
Phoenix hasn't played all the elite teams, but their schedule hasn't been soft -- they've even played a stretch where seven of their eight games were on the road.

They have some guys on the bench who can play center -- Vokshul and Vroman, a rookie who is eventually going to be good. But D'Antoni was smart enough to want all five of his best players on the floor. So he went with the no center lineup of Stoudemire, Marion, QRich, JJohnson and Nash. That way QRich or JJ didn't have to come off the bench.

Sure, they are not going to out bang teams, but they run like crazy, do a decent job on the boards, and they are 4th in field goal percentage D -- so not that bad.

12-05-2004, 08:52 PM
Kori. the reason they are losing is because AK has been out. Their losing streak started when AK went down in the Spurs' game when he only played 8 mins. They have lost every game w/o him. This had nothing to do with Aroyo being back, they won a lot of games with Aroyo in the game. With AK, they were 8-5, without him, they are 0-5...that is the reason why they are losing.

Sat 27 at San Antonio Loss 76-109 8-6 Harpring 15 Collins 6 Boozer 4
Tue 30 Phoenix Loss 102-115 8-7 Boozer 27 Boozer 18 Eisley 7
Wed 1 at Seattle Loss (OT) 119-129 8-8 Boozer 36 Harpring 9 Arroyo 7
Sat 4 at Dallas Loss 86-109 8-9 Harpring 22 Harpring 5
Okur 5 Arroyo 6
Boozer 6

12-05-2004, 08:53 PM
Atlanta, 2-13
Philadelphia, 6-9
New Jersey, 3-12
Chicago, 2-11
Dallas, 12-6
New Orleans, 1-13
Lakers, 10-7
Clippers, 10-7
Chicago, 2-11
Milwaulkee, 4-10
New Orleans, 1-13
Utah, 8-9
Clevland, 11-6 (loss)
Sacto 11-5 (loss)

They are hugely improved this year, but still got Chicago twice, New Orleans twice, Atlanta & New Jersey. Half their wins are over some of the worst teams in the league.

Sure wins are wins, but I still like to see what they will do vs better competetion.

They could end up being a Top 3-4 team in the league, but I still think their schedule has been a bit weak thus far.

12-05-2004, 08:59 PM
we will find out tonight.they are at portland

Kori Ellis
12-05-2004, 09:58 PM
Kori. the reason they are losing is because AK has been out. Their losing streak started when AK went down in the Spurs' game when he only played 8 mins. They have lost every game w/o him. This had nothing to do with Aroyo being back, they won a lot of games with Aroyo in the game. With AK, they were 8-5, without him, they are 0-5...that is the reason why they are losing.

Jim, they were 6-1 to start the season without Arroyo. Then they went 2-4 with him. Then A-K went down. I am not attributing their losing streak now to Arroyo being in the lineup. I'm just saying, for whatever reason, they played well in the very beginning of the season when they didn't have a PG.

T Park
12-05-2004, 10:41 PM
I disagree Jim, IMO Portland is a midpack team.

There not elite or a contender.

if they beat a Minnesota or a Seattle or a Sacramento or a Detroit,

then I would believe in em.

12-05-2004, 10:45 PM
Looks like the Suns will beat Portland by 25+ tonight.

Solid win for them to do it with such ease on the road.

I still am curious to see what they do against the Spurs, Minnesotta, Sacto throughout the season. But it looks like they are a Top 4 seed in the West for sure, barring injury. Their offense is awesome, and their defense has been great so far. But I do not think they will be an elite defensive team by seasons end, although I think they will be above average.

Offensively I would be suprised if they are not one of the 2-3 best teams in the league.

12-05-2004, 10:47 PM
if q richardson can socre 37 points threw 3 quarters of play against a team
suns are going to be scary

12-05-2004, 10:50 PM
Jim, they were 6-1 to start the season without Arroyo. Then they went 2-4 with him. Then A-K went down. I am not attributing their losing streak now to Arroyo being in the lineup. I'm just saying, for whatever reason, they played well in the very beginning of the season when they didn't have a PG.

They were 5-1 without him. He returned their 7th game and they won.

But the reason why they are losing now is because of the loss of their superstar.

12-05-2004, 10:52 PM
if q richardson can socre 37 points threw 3 quarters of play against a team
suns are going to be scary

He has scored 44pts before. He is as streaky as they come though. Was shooting 36% prior to tonight, and he takes a lot of shots, and often. He isn't bashful at all.

This team has the best offense in the NBA thus far. Obviously that is scary in and of itself, considering the Spurs are prone to offensive droughts themselves putting extra pressure on their D.

12-05-2004, 11:00 PM
if I am suns I trade q richardson for a big
they have marion
his shooting does usally suck

every game I look at his stats he sucks at shooting

12-05-2004, 11:31 PM
marion is rebounding out of his mind though

12-05-2004, 11:38 PM
that is why I would q richardson not marion

12-05-2004, 11:45 PM
I'm interested to see the spurs match up with the suns, would the spurs have to adjust to play the suns, or would rasho be able to guard amare, and duncan be able to guard marion, or would the suns have to adjust to the spurs style of play?

12-06-2004, 12:08 AM
I've seen the Suns twice in person (easy to do living in Phoenix). They are a very good team, but remind me way too much of Dallas and Sacto, circa 2000. Lotsa points, up tempo, very exciting to watch, but really can't play a lot of D. I'm very interested to see how well they do when they go to SA and play a "defense first" team. Parker is as good (and faster) than Nash, and TD will take Stoudemire out of his power game. The Suns will have their hands full, for sure. Who I like is the kid Hunter, their backup center. He's got some hops, and is pretty fun to watch. It's going to be a good show, for sure! :)

12-06-2004, 09:02 AM
I am going to watch the spurs play suns the 21 of jan in person

12-08-2004, 10:24 PM
I'll more than likely be there, too, but I'm usually a curse for the Spurs when I go to AWA (see: 2000 playoffs, I was at game 5). D'oh!

If you go Ducks, you'll be impressed with the remodeled AWA. Be sure to get a "G'rilla dog." Yeah, they're $8.50, but you only need one! :)