View Full Version : Yeah, It's only Islamists Who Are Dangerous - NOT!

12-06-2004, 04:11 AM
PLANO, Texas - Long before Dena Schlosser took a blade to her baby's arms, her parents had begun to worry. In the years after she moved to Texas with her husband and children, their gentle, dependent daughter had become increasingly isolated. And, according to her stepfather, she was dangerously consumed by a self-described prophet and his church. snip

By then, though, Schlosser's association with Davidson's church had intensified, Macaulay said.

He said Davidson used violent imagery and told women they possessed a rebellious "Jezebel" spirit, and that they should submit to their husbands, he said. snip

That's absurd, the 72-year-old minister said.

"I'm an apostle and I'm a prophet," Davidson said. "I only teach what's in the Bible and that's what makes them mad."

Davidson, a former veterinarian, said God told him to start Water of Life Ministries in suburban Dallas in the early 1980s. His sermons, based on literal interpretations of the Bible, are available on his Web site and broadcast on TV and radio in several states.

He refers to Methodist, Catholic and Baptist denominations as cults and believes the Ten Commandments apply only to the disobedient, not the righteous.


Yahoo News (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=519&ncid=716&e=6&u=/ap/20041205/ap_on_re_us/severed_arms)

Does Mr Davidson sound familiar? He should considering his past criminal behavior...

Article filed on 12/04/2004 by Lisa Falkenberg/Associated Press (Denton RC.com/News for Denton, Texas/AP). The following statements in this article quoted, "In September, Davidson was arrested for public intoxication after a couple, longtime members of his church, called 911, alleging the minister attacked them at their home. Davidson said he was only trying to cast the devil out of the wife, who had become rebellious and rejected his teachings. He said he entered the home with the permission of her husband. The couple told police Davidson smothered and choked her until she couldn't breathe. They later declined to press assault charges and several calls by the AP to their home went unanswered." My response to this statement, firstly, I did cast the devil out of Lisa, and secondly, I don't know if the police told Miss Falkenberg what the Staton's said, or if someone told Miss Falkenberg that that is what the Staton's told police. It doesn't matter where the information came from, it is a lie and the Staton's know it.<

12-06-2004, 08:48 AM
Comparing harming of oneself to the Islamazazis is ignorant. I don't believe anyone here has ever said Christianity, or any religion for that matter, doesn't have it's share of whakos. Islamazazis want to destroy everyone who doesn't run around saying Allah Akbar!

12-07-2004, 02:49 AM
Islamazazis want to destroy everyone who doesn't run around saying Allah Akbar!

...and that doesn't make them extremists wacko's like this guy Davidson? Most Muslims are not extremists just as most Christians aren't either. The difference is we have precendent laws in the books in the U.S. that regulate the influence of the Church in State matters. In the Middle East they do not. We should be moving the Middle East and especially Iraq towards a secular democratic Republic, but we have so screwed up the recovery, distrustful Iraqi's are sure respond with a Islamic Republic if the January elections go off as planned - with Al-Sistani and the Shiite calling the shots in most of Iraq.