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06-27-2007, 02:26 AM
A GOP Plan To Oust Cheney

By Sally Quinn
Tuesday, June 26, 2007; 12:00 AM

The big question right now among Republicans is how to remove Vice President Cheney from office. Even before this week's blockbuster series (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/cheney/?hpid=topnews) in The Post, discontent in Republican ranks was rising.

As the reputed architect of the war in Iraq, Cheney is viewed as toxic, and as the administration's leading proponent of an attack on Iran, he is seen as dangerous. As long as he remains vice president, according to this thinking, he has the potential to drag down every member of the party -- including the presidential nominee -- in next year's elections.

Removing a sitting vice president is not easy, but this may be the moment. I remember Barry Goldwater sitting in my parents' living room in 1973, in the last days of Watergate (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/index.html), debating whether to lead a group of senior Republicans to the White House to tell President Nixon he had to go. His hesitation was that he felt loyalty to the president and the party. But in the end he felt a greater loyalty to his country, and he went to the White House.

Today, another group of party elders, led by Sen. John Warner of Virginia (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/w000154/), could well do the same. They could act out of concern for our country's plummeting reputation throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East.

For such a plan to work, however, they would need a ready replacement. Until recently, there hasn't been an acceptable alternative to Cheney -- nor has there been a persuasive argument to convince President Bush to make a change. Now there is.

The idea is to install a vice president who could beat the Democratic nominee in 2008. It's unlikely that any of the top three Republican candidates -- former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Sen. John McCain of Arizona or former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney -- would want the job, for fear that association with Bush's war would be the kiss of death.

Nor would any of them be that attractive to the president. Giuliani is too New York, too liberal. His reputation as a leader, forged on 9/11 and the days after, carries him only so far. McCain, who has always had a rocky relationship with the president, lost much of his support from moderate Democrats and independents (and from a fair amount of Republicans) when the Straight Talk Express started veering off course. And no matter what anyone says about how Romney's religion doesn't matter, being a Mormon is simply not acceptable to Bush's base. Several right-wing evangelicals have told me they don't see Mormons as "true Christians."

That leaves Fred Thompson (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/2008-presidential-candidates/fred-thompson/). Everybody loves Fred. He has the healing qualities of Gerald Ford and the movie-star appeal of Ronald Reagan. He is relatively moderate on social issues. He has a reputation as a peacemaker and a compromiser. And he has a good sense of humor.

He could be just the partner to bring out Bush's better nature -- or at least be a sensible voice of reason. I could easily imagine him telling the president, "For God's sake, do not push that button!" -- a command I have a hard time hearing Cheney give.

Not only that, Thompson would give the Republicans a platform for running for the presidency -- and the president a way out of Iraq without looking like he's backing down. Bush would be left in better shape on the war and be able to concentrate on AIDS and the environment in hopes of salvaging his legacy.

Cheney is scheduled this summer for surgery to replace his pacemaker, which needs new batteries. So if the president is willing, and Republicans are able, they have a convenient reason to replace him: doctor's orders. And I'm sure the the vice president would also like to spend more time with his ever-expanding family.

The writer is co-host, with John Meacham, of On Faith (http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/), an online conversation about religion.


Wild Cobra
06-27-2007, 03:15 AM
Why are you repeating Dan's work?

See this thread started about 22 hours earlier:

GOP Dropping Cheney Like it hot! (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72445)

We have too many threads as it is. Please don't duplicate them.

06-27-2007, 04:02 AM
WC, go fuck your ideological self, soldier boy. Don't tell me what to post or not post. I can post whatever the fuck I want.


dickhead has made himself an object of ridicule by both Dems, Repugs, and the media. And it's precisely BECAUSE 2008 is so close that the Repugs want to throw dickhead off their Death Star.

For the amusement of all:


The Cheese Stands Alone

By Dana Milbank
Tuesday, June 26, 2007; A02

"We'll make statements only today," President Bush announced to reporters yesterday as he sat with the Estonian president in the Oval Office.

No surprise there. Vice President Cheney's recent declaration that he is not part of the executive branch has prompted hard questions, and nobody in the White House has a good answer for why Cheney -- who hovered near Bush's desk while the president spoke -- had turned himself into a fourth branch of government.

The explanatory task fell to White House spokeswoman Dana Perino, whose skin reddened around her neck and collar as she pleaded ignorance during the daily briefing: "I'm not a legal scholar. . . . I'm not opining on his argument that his office is making. . . . I don't know why he made the arguments that he did."

"It's a little surreal," remarked Keith Koffler of Congress Daily.

"You're telling me," Perino agreed.

"You can't give an opinion about whether the vice president is part of the executive branch or not?" Koffler pressed. "It's a little bit like somebody saying, 'I don't know if this is my wife or not.' "

Give the flushed and flustered Perino credit for trying. The vice president had put her in an impossible position. Already under fire for his secretive ways, Cheney has refused to comply with an order governing the care of classified documents; his office concluded that the order does not apply because he is not "an entity within the executive branch."

( dickhead's legal sheriff Addington is really Black Adder. "You will know them by the fucking, slimy lawyers they keep" )

That's quite opposite the argument Cheney made in 2001, when he said that a congressional probe into the workings of his energy task force "would unconstitutionally interfere with the functioning of the executive branch." Cheney has, in effect, declared himself to be neither fish nor fowl but an exotic, extraconstitutional beast who answers to no one.

As if to demonstrate his status as the fourth branch, Cheney left the White House yesterday and made his way to the Capitol, escorted by eight police motorcycles, three police cruisers, two armored limousines, and five SUVs and minivans packed with aides and armed Secret Service agents. Cheney spent all of six minutes on the Senate floor, fulfilling his legislative obligations as president of the Senate.

His task was simple -- swearing in a newly appointed senator, Republican John Barrasso of Wyoming -- and was designed to be foolproof. He had a brief parliamentary script to read, and a laminated card printed with the oath of office. But the executive-branch refugee showed himself to be equally unimpressed with legislative custom. Instead of reading the oath of office and having the new senator merely say "I do" at the end, Cheney ordered Barrasso to "repeat after me."

Barrasso, unprepared to utter the entire oath, got tripped up on the line about "mental reservation or purpose of evasion" -- and asked Cheney to repeat it. The fourth branch of government, his duties thus completed, applauded, left the floor and returned downtown in his motorcade.

It's not entirely surprising that Cheney would attempt to flee the executive branch, given Bush's sub-30-percent standing in polls. But Democrats in Congress were not welcoming their new transfer.

"The vice president's theory seems to be one almost laughable on its face, that he's not part of the executive branch," Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) said in a conference call with reporters from his car. "I think if you ask James Madison or Benjamin Franklin or any of the writers of the Constitution, they'd almost laugh if they heard that."

Madison and Franklin did not return phone calls yesterday.

Maybe Schumer was just jealous. After all, Cheney enjoys perks not available to his colleagues in the legislative branch: a mansion off Massachusetts Avenue, Air Force Two, a West Wing office and a huge staff in the, uh, Executive Office Building next to the White House.

Over on the House side of the Capitol, the chairman of the Democratic caucus, Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), was equally unforgiving. He wants Congress to cut funding for the executive branch to reflect the fact that the Office of the Vice President is no longer part of that branch.

Cruelly, Emanuel said he would also oppose any attempt by Cheney to play in the congressional baseball game, held last night. "He would remake the rules to his liking," the congressman explained.

At the White House, spokeswoman Perino was in urgent need of a relief pitcher.

ABC's Martha Raddatz led off. "Does the president believe [Cheney] is part of the executive branch?"

Perino drew a deep breath and flipped through her notes. "I think that that is an interesting constitutional question," she answered.

Raddatz repeated the interesting question. "I'm not opining on it," the spokeswoman said.

CNN's Ed Henry asked if Cheney's office should get funds "from the legislative branch instead of from the executive branch."

Perino swallowed hard. "I don't know."

The abuse continued. "You're stonewalling," Helen Thomas heckled. CBS News's Jim Axelrod suggested Perino was denying "sky-is-blue stuff" and pointed out that the matter revises "more than 200 years of constitutional scholarship."

"He can't possibly argue that he's part of neither" branch, Koffler said, "and it seems like he's saying he's part of neither."

"Okay," Perino confessed after half an hour, "you have me thoroughly confused as well."


The fin-de-regime of the lame duck Repug Exec is beyond surreal.

When dickhead is playing insanely, arcanely legalistic cards, you know he's got tons to hide, esp in the run up to 9/11, and in the run up to Iraq invasion.

This is more evidence of why he got dubya, stooge-in-chief, to make an Executive Order sealing Exec branch records IN PERPETUITY.

Wild Cobra
06-27-2007, 04:13 AM
WC, go fuck your ideological self, soldier boy.
Temper Temper...

You're losing it!

Wild Cobra
06-27-2007, 04:31 AM
One more thing Boutons, that article is in error. Cheney's claim is that he is part of both branches. He is the president of the senate isn't he?

Just another liberal slanted media source being quoted.

06-27-2007, 10:38 AM
Wait...the Washington Post is liberal?

Man, now I am confused.

06-27-2007, 10:46 AM
Temper Temper...

You're losing it!
Nah, it's just the Tourettes.

06-27-2007, 12:01 PM
"He is the president of the senate isn't he?"

yes, is why he says he's NOT part of the Exec. But he claims EXECutive privilege to hide his shit (like pre-war lies), then says he's not part of the Exec. He's a fucking, murderous, lying joke. He will go down in history as the venal, vicious president-in-effect behind his stooge dubya.

No Repug candidates are even mentioning dubya and his record anymore, and no Repug Congressman will shed a tear is Cheney falls over dead.

06-27-2007, 02:23 PM
There is no way to defend what Cheney said, as evidenced by the WH spokesperson who probably doesnt have a job today.

You either ARE or you ARE NOT. There is no between. If he excercises an Executive Privelage to avoid divulging info one year, then he cant claim to NOT be a part of the Executive the next.

Seriously, honestly, whole-heartedly...

How in God's name some of you sheep can CONTINUE to defend this administration is beyond me.

Whats worse, is I think some of you actually want a government like this?! These people are fucking criminals! Criminals playing the highest stakes poker in all of history and they consistently LOSE!

No wonder they dont gamble with money, theyd be broke.

06-27-2007, 02:26 PM
2008 cant come fast enough.

Not because a Democrat will be elected, but because someone other than Bush/Cheney will.

I dont care who is the next President. I really, honestly dont. Because after this administration, we can all sleep well at night knowing that every politician will use this administration for the benchmark, the Bible if you will, on what NOT to do, on how NOT to conduct yourself and your staff.

This has been like the perfect anti-Presidency in history. "Students, I cant tell you how to be President, but I can tell you how NOT to be."

Bush/Cheney finally gone forever in 2008. Thank Christ.

Marcus Bryant
06-27-2007, 02:33 PM
No fan am I of the LDS but the GOP needs a presidential candidate who can put the religious conservatives in their place.

06-27-2007, 02:39 PM
"He is the president of the senate isn't he?"

yes, is why he says he's NOT part of the Exec. But he claims EXECutive privilege to hide his shit (like pre-war lies), then says he's not part of the Exec. He's a fucking, murderous, lying joke. He will go down in history as the venal, vicious president-in-effect behind his stooge dubya.

No Repug candidates are even mentioning dubya and his record anymore, and no Repug Congressman will shed a tear is Cheney falls over dead.

You are such a twerp! You really are. You let your
hatred hide any semblance of reason. And have no
command of the English language whatsoever. You are
good at profane.

06-27-2007, 02:46 PM
2008 cant come fast enough.

Not because a Democrat will be elected, but because someone other than Bush/Cheney will.

I dont care who is the next President. I really, honestly dont. Because after this administration, we can all sleep well at night knowing that every politician will use this administration for the benchmark, the Bible if you will, on what NOT to do, on how NOT to conduct yourself and your staff.

This has been like the perfect anti-Presidency in history. "Students, I cant tell you how to be President, but I can tell you how NOT to be."

Bush/Cheney finally gone forever in 2008. Thank Christ.

Same shit, different President. Unless we stop believing the M$M about who our next President should be.

06-27-2007, 02:53 PM
Dan you are the only one I know on this board who keeps talking about
the M$M and quoting other sources. All on this board have our
our sources and use them freely.

06-27-2007, 02:54 PM
Cheney Aide Explains Stance on Classified Material
By Michael Abramowitz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 27, 2007; Page A05

Vice President Cheney's office offered its first public written explanation yesterday for its refusal to comply with an executive order regulating the handling of classified material, arguing that the order makes clear that the vice president is not subject to the oversight system it creates for federal agencies.

In a letter to Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), Cheney Chief of Staff David S. Addington wrote that the order treats the vice president the same as the president and distinguishes them both from "agencies" subject to the oversight provisions of the executive order.

Addington did not cite specific language in the executive order supporting this view, and a Cheney spokeswoman could not point to such language last night. But spokeswoman Lee Anne McBride said the intent of the order, as expressed by White House officials in recent days, was "not for the VP to be separated from the president on this reporting requirement."

Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/26/AR2007062602052.html?hpid=topnews)

Then a few minutes later...

With a vote looming in Congress on Thursday to defund the Office of the Vice President in the White House's annual appropriation, a report at The Politico claims that the White House will no longer advance the argument that the Vice President's office is not a part of the executive branch.

"The White House has no plans to reassert the argument there is any vice presidential distinction from the executive branch," according to Bush administration officials who spoke with reporter Mike Allen. "Two senior Republican officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the rationale had been the view of the vice president’s lawyers, not Cheney himself."

Rawstory (http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Cheney_backs_off_on_claim_that_0627.html)



06-27-2007, 02:58 PM
Dan, does it really matter about "how" they handle classified
material? I mean the NYT has their own way of getting information.
And the folks charged with checking Cheney couldn't stop Sandy from
stuffing stuff in his socks, underwear or whatever........some

06-27-2007, 03:40 PM
Dan, does it really matter about "how" they handle classified
material? I mean the NYT has their own way of getting information.
And the folks charged with checking Cheney couldn't stop Sandy from
stuffing stuff in his socks, underwear or whatever........some
Who is Sandy and what are the terms of his conviction? He must have been brought to trial, right?

Are you trying to say "He stuffed socks in his underwear"?

06-27-2007, 03:58 PM
"view of the vice president’s lawyers, not Cheney himself."

dickhead is responsible for everything, accountable for nothing,which pisses a lot of people off.

06-27-2007, 04:01 PM
Who is Sandy and what are the terms of his conviction? He must have been brought to trial, right?

Are you trying to say "He stuffed socks in his underwear"?

You have a real reading comprehension problem don't you.
He was brought to trial and he was convicted and for
some unknown reason to me, he did not go to prison like
some I know of who lied to special prosecutor.

Oh, Gee!!
06-27-2007, 04:03 PM
You are such a twerp! You really are. You let your
hatred hide any semblance of reason. And have no
command of the English language whatsoever. You are
good at profane.


06-27-2007, 04:21 PM

Sorry Ray, that made me LOL.

06-27-2007, 04:48 PM
You have a real reading comprehension problem don't you.
He was brought to trial and he was convicted and for
some unknown reason to me, he did not go to prison like
some I know of who lied to special prosecutor.

06-27-2007, 10:01 PM



Wild Cobra
06-28-2007, 03:59 AM
Wait...the Washington Post is liberal?

Man, now I am confused.

Actually, if I recall correctly, the Washington Post is a paper that has more conservative journalists that other print media in general. However, the tone of the article tells me it came from a liberal journalist. I could be wrong.

Besides. I never said I agree with Cheney's assertion. I don't know the story (but probably more than others) well enough to form an opinion yet. I do think there are more important matters for the media to focus on too. So what, he avoids allowing what is basically an audit. I really don't care, and think certain things should be privileged.

Anyone have the EXACT wordings of the executive order, rather than what the media says it says?

Wild Cobra
06-28-2007, 04:04 AM
Now did I see John Kerry's name in there? Is he part of the oversight?

If so, that explains it right there. Nobody wants to give him claffified information...

Another thought. Who is responsible for all the leaks coming out of the White House? Could it be these people who are auditing the material?

06-28-2007, 09:56 AM
Anyone have the EXACT wordings of the executive order, rather than what the media says it says?

Ummmm, yeah, hes the Vice PRESIDENT. I know, I know, nothing could possibly be that easy in this day and age of double-speak and political affiliation that trumps things like, oh, logic, reasoning and general understanding.

You see that guy right there?

Yeah, that guy, right over there....yeah, if the President dies, hes next in line for his seat.

No, crazy talk, hes not apart of the Executive Branch!!! Cmon, thats like saying the Speaker of the House is in the Executive Branch.

Oh, wait....ahhhhh....now I get it, its their job title!! Man, shoulda seen that coming. Vice President vs Speaker of the House. Whew...