View Full Version : Will NBA punish Sprewell?

12-06-2004, 04:26 PM
apologies if already posted

The NBA has yet to announce any punishment of Wolves guard Latrell Sprewell over his foul mouth.

Sprewell responded to a female heckler, during the Wolves overtime win Saturday against the Clippers, by yelling at her graphically to perform a sexual act. BenMaller.com first reported this story yesterday.

Sprewell's crude choice of language was picked up by the court-side mic and broadcast live on the Clippers KTLA Los Angeles TV broadcast.

Earlier this season Sprewell upset NBA boss David Stern when he demanded a new contract because he was worried about feeding his family despite making a reported $14,625,000 this season.

The NBA has fined and suspended players in the past for cursing on TV but those incidents happened during postgame interviews. Shaquille O'Neal for example used two profanities while criticizing the referees in a postgame interview back in February of 2004. O'Neal later apologized but was suspended without pay for one game.

linky (http://www.benmaller.com/archives/2004/december/06-will_nba_punish_sprewell.html)

bwahahahahaaa.....my favorite Shaq moment ever. Only he could do it...

"...these refs trying to take over the fucking game..."

"..uh, Shaq, we're on live TV."

"I don't give a shit!"

absolutely classic.

12-06-2004, 06:17 PM