View Full Version : Does drafting Splitter actually mean Scola is closer?

06-29-2007, 11:27 AM
Does the drafting of Tiago Splitter indicate that the Spurs are still serious about Luis Scola? While many people think that Splitter makes Scola expendable, I think it might indicate that Scola simply needs more enticing to come over. They seem to be creating an atmosphere in SA that would be far too tantalizing for him to pass up. Think of the familiarity that it would afford him.

Argentine National Teammates Manu Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto are both on the team. He has known them both since he was a teenager and has won a gold medal with them.



Last night, the team drafted Tiago Splitter...the player that has been paired with Scola in the post for some time at Tau. This would be just another friend of Scola's on the team that would create an air of familiarity.


Finally, the Spurs are one of the most international teams in the NBA and are known for loving their talent. Surely this situation is intriguing to Scola in general. Not to mention the fact that San Antonio is a spanish speaking area that has embraced Ginobili...and could embrace him too.

All and all, I think the drafting of Splitter could simply be one more carrot that the Spurs are dangling in front of Scola in an effort to finally bring him over.

06-29-2007, 11:39 AM
Hopefully this year we can get Scola and next year we can have Splitter. I'd love that frontcourt.

06-29-2007, 11:43 AM
Hopefully this year we can get Scola and next year we can have Splitter. I'd love that frontcourt.

Agreed. The guy I see being rubbed out here is probably Butler. We'll just have to see how he does in the summer league. But having a frontcourt in a couple years of:


That would be a nice deep (and young) rotation.

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-29-2007, 11:45 AM
we can only hope so

but until the Spurs announce themselves Scola is coming over, I won't believe he's ever coming

T Park
06-29-2007, 11:47 AM
IMO, gotta give getting Scola over here, another shot.

At the very worst, he takes Melvin Ely's spot.

06-29-2007, 11:47 AM
Agreed. The guy I see being rubbed out here is probably Butler. We'll just have to see how he does in the summer league. But having a frontcourt in a couple years of:


That would be a nice deep (and young) rotation.
:tu Unfuckingbelievable. A deep AND YOUNG frontcourt. :smokin

Dr. Acula
06-29-2007, 11:54 AM
I can't wait for Scola to come!!!! I freaking am the biggest fan in the world of this player........once he gets here you will see me wearing argentine colors everywhere i give a damn if im not argentinian!!!!!

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-29-2007, 12:15 PM
IMO, gotta give getting Scola over here, another shot.

At the very worst, he takes Melvin Ely's spot.

easier said then done when no one really knows the situation with his contract there

but by drafting Splitter, the Spurs are basically saying to Scola "if you don't come this year, then you can fuck yourself because we got Splitter coming next season anyway"

06-29-2007, 01:42 PM
Scola and Splitter when those old boys ... TD, Horry, Brent, Oberto retire .. they will get their place

06-29-2007, 01:47 PM
i dont think this draft pick correlates to Scola and his situation whatsoever.

If Splitter was already gone, I think they would've traded out of the first round. He wasn't so they were more than happy to pick and stash him. Simple as that.

As for Scola, I don't think he ever sees the light of day on a Spurs team.

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-29-2007, 01:48 PM
I wish the Spurs would just trade Barry away, he is useless and hows up every other game, if the Spurs are lucky

06-29-2007, 02:11 PM
I wish the Spurs would just trade Barry away, he is useless and hows up every other game, if the Spurs are lucky

How does this relate to Scola or Splitter?

06-29-2007, 02:27 PM
Closer to be traded.

Given his contract, there are good chances that Scola plays in nba next year.
Spurs are looking for a SF/PF and Scola is maybe the best asset to get one via trade. I can see Spurs shopping his rights this summer for a SF/PF : Chicago with Nocioni could be Spurs primary target. If Spurs don't get a good offer for Scola, signing him could be a good solution for Spurs.

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-29-2007, 02:35 PM
How does this relate to Scola or Splitter?

someone brought up his name

T Park
06-29-2007, 02:39 PM
I didn't say Scola was coming.

I just said the Spurs oughtta give it the old college try.

I mean if you think Splitter is good, I mean Scola is better than Splitter, so what the hell, try and get him over. AT WORST, he takes Bonner's spot in the rotation.

06-29-2007, 03:44 PM
I think you have to keep Bonner or at least make sure you have a 4 that can spread the floor to the 3 line in the future. Right now that guy is Horry, but after next season? To me Bonner gives you that ability which opens the middle, and the Spurs would be foolish to get rid of him unless they have another 6'10 or 6'11 3 Pt shooting forward coming in.

06-29-2007, 03:46 PM
I sometimes wonder what kind of training Mahinmi is getting overseas. I wonder if it wouldn't be more valuable to bring him and Scola over, lose Ely, and let Mahinmi and Butler learn by banging heads with each other, Scola, Oberto, and TD throughout a season. It also lets them get used to life in SA and the NBA's 82 game season.

06-29-2007, 03:53 PM
I think you're giving Scola too much credit as a player if you think the Spurs are planning their drafting partially to entice him to come over here.

06-29-2007, 04:01 PM
I don't see the Spurs using a first round pick and crafting the roster to coddle Scola. You do that for a franchise player, not for a tweener with questionable NBA potential. If the Spurs had totally given up on Scola they would have taken one of the second round picks they were offered, but whether they see him as a future roster player or a trade chip remains to be seen.

06-29-2007, 04:12 PM
I didn't say Scola was coming.

I just said the Spurs oughtta give it the old college try.

I mean if you think Splitter is good, I mean Scola is better than Splitter, so what the hell, try and get him over. AT WORST, he takes Bonner's spot in the rotation.

I agree with you 100%!!! Sure would be nice having Scola next season! The only thing that sucks is that damn 3 million buy out. Hopefully Scola & The Spurs can figure something out this summer to bring him in.

06-29-2007, 05:04 PM
Drafting Splitter didn't really have anything to do with Scola. Splitter was by far the best draft and stash option left on the board. It's just a coincidence that he plays with Scola.

06-29-2007, 09:26 PM
Closer to be traded.

Given his contract, there are good chances that Scola plays in nba next year.
Spurs are looking for a SF/PF and Scola is maybe the best asset to get one via trade. I can see Spurs shopping his rights this summer for a SF/PF : Chicago with Nocioni could be Spurs primary target. If Spurs don't get a good offer for Scola, signing him could be a good solution for Spurs.




Solid D
06-29-2007, 10:52 PM
Drafting Splitter didn't really have anything to do with Scola. Splitter was by far the best draft and stash option left on the board. It's just a coincidence that he plays with Scola.

I agree with this generally speaking, however, Scola and Splitter can influence TAU and how cooperative they can be. TAU would not be as likely to cooperate with both of them leaving...if they were given to show any leniency at all this season (a huge IF).

Here in this article last month (May 9th), there is a reference to the impact to TAU. http://www.draftexpress.com/viewarticle.php?a=2039

Jonathan Givony: So what is your situation, as far as the NBA is concerned, for next year? Your situation right now as far as your contract or your buyout, what do you want to do?

Tiago Splitter: My situation is that I have one more year on my contract. My team knows that I want to go to the NBA and they know that well. So I don’t know what is going to happen this summer because, you know, they want to keep me. They tried all year to renew me. But right now I don’t want to. I want to go to the United States. So I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Jonathan Givony: So basically it’s up to them, under their control whether you go or not.

Tiago Splitter: Yeah, it’s up to them. We are going to see what happens. It’s the same situation with Luis Scola, and that can make a difference because we don’t know who is going to stay or not. If he leaves for the States, maybe it’s going to be harder for me. So all these situations, we have to put them on the table and just watch.

06-29-2007, 11:09 PM
Drafting Splitter didn't really have anything to do with Scola. Splitter was by far the best draft and stash option left on the board. It's just a coincidence that he plays with Scola.

I didn't really mean to imply that the Spurs were dealing the cards in a direct effort to entice Scola to come over. But I do think it was an added bonus and perhaps additional incentive. Even if this fact is complete coincidence (which I think likely) the end results on Scola could be the same. The stars may have simply aligned in such a way that the Spurs got their guy at 28 and got a little closer to Scola in the process.

My point is not to argue intent but simply view the result.