View Full Version : Something to consider

07-03-2007, 03:54 PM
Only The West Offers Freedom To Muslims (http://www.nypost.com/seven/07032007/postopinion/opedcolumnists/islamophobia_idiocy_opedcolumnists_amir_taheri.htm )

Britain and a few other Western democracies are the only places on earth where Muslims of all persuasions can practice their faith in full freedom. A thick directory of Muslim institutions in Britain lists more than 300 different sects - most of them banned and persecuted in every Muslim country on earth.

A Shiite Muslim can’t build a mosque in Cairo; his Sunni brother can’t have a mosque of his own in Tehran. Editions of the Koran printed in Egypt or Saudi Arabia are seized as contraband in Iran; Egypt and most other Muslim nations in turn ban the import of Korans printed in Iran. The works of a majority of Muslim writers and philosophers are banned in most Muslim countries.

In Britain, all mosques are allowed; no Muslim author or philosopher is banned. More importantly, rival Muslim sects do not massacre each other, as is the case in half a dozen Muslim-majority countries.
How ironic it is that Muslims can only find religious freedom and freedom from sectarian violence in the hated, decadent, kuffar West.

Oh, Gee!!
07-03-2007, 03:57 PM
religious freedom is a bad thing?

07-03-2007, 04:03 PM
religious freedom is a bad thing?
No. Is that what you get out of it?

You see, I get that Muslim countries are full of backwards idiots and that anyone who would pretend to know a reasonable justification of why Islamic extremists, from these countries, would perpetrate violence against societies that give them that freedom -- where their own countries do not -- are just as idiotic.

That's what I get out of that posting.

07-03-2007, 04:26 PM
Extremism breeds extremism....Take the Iraq war for instance, Christians live peacefully with Muslims for decades under Saddam in Iraq, in comes the coalition, in come secretarian violence, in comes extremism...

07-03-2007, 04:29 PM
Extremism breeds extremism....Take the Iraq war for instance, Christians live peacefully with Muslims for decades under Saddam in Iraq, in comes al Qaeda, in comes the coalition, in come secretarian violence, in comes extremism...
There, fixed...well, as much as that over-generalization can be.

07-03-2007, 04:33 PM
There, fixed...well, as much as that over-generalization can be.

I though Al-Queda was already there?


07-03-2007, 04:47 PM
A model Islamic state would be out of a Western democracy sans the Porn/Alcohol/Pig/Gambling. There would be religous freedom in a Islamic state, except they'd be Dhimmies and would have to pay a tax or whatever, but most leaders in Islamic countries are hypocrites/morons; I mean you see Saddam praying/giving charity in one shot, then in the next he is shooting the shit and bombing civilians. Another reason is that most of all the inhabitants are WAY TOO uneducated, they are so in the past and feeble sheep that they take the literal words of another person as the whole truth and nothing but the truth and feud over some really itty bitty differences.

My point is that the world is filled with a lot of morons.

07-03-2007, 04:52 PM
I though Al-Queda was already there?

Yeah, I fixed it.

07-04-2007, 12:50 PM
The problems that exist in Islam are the same that have and to a certain extent still exist in Christianity today. Namely the witten word and the interpretaion of the texts and oral traditions.

Mohammed in all his wisdom, or lack thereof, saw in the world that existed at the time a political vacuum caused by plague and war between the Persians and Byzantines. He 'created' a religion that for the most part, if you read the First Suras of the Quran, were an extension of Christianity and Judaism and were directed solely at converting Arab jews and Christians, i.e. People of the Book (Bible/Torah). The power base of the Arabian peninsula was situated within his own family, the al-Quraysh of Mecca, and was mostly made up of pagans who worshipped Allah and numerous other deities and spirits. They, of course, ridiculed Mohammed and drove him away from the city of Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) where his first converts were Jews and Christians.

However, the majority of the Jews refused to follow the new sharia law opting for there traditional Torah and Talmudic law. This pissed him off and the Middle Suras then take a more stringent role against the people that originally took Mohammed and his original umma in.

And of course, there are the Third Suras which are mostly about jihad. But the jihad was directed at the people's of the Arabian peninsula and was not supposed to include expansion as far as Spain but was later interpreted to mean world domination. Mohammed died before he saw the eventual expansion of Islam to Europe and Asia but modern Islamists continue to interpet the Quran as a guide to war, expansion and conversion of the world.

Christianity has the same outdated faults which culminated in the rape of an entire culture during the Crusades. The Islamic world at the Y1K changeover was flourishing and was fat on the Silk road trade between China and an eager West that was trying to fill the vacuum created by the destruction of the Western Roman Empire. So Pope Urban II sent all of Christendom to the Levant to 'retake' the Kingdom of Heaven. And since we have all seen the movie Kingdom of Heaven, we know how that eventually turned out.

But the barbarity that Christians propagated upon Islam during that time made Islam retreat back into a proverbial cave to lick it's wounds. A cave which Islam has never fully left despite Turkey and some other smaller Islamic countries trying to break free of sharia and the clerics.

And let's also not forget European nationalism and expansion from 1600's-1900's that forced Arab countries into colonialism.

So in conclusion, fuck organized religion as the basis for life. Fuck Bush for sending us on a Crusade. Fuck Clinton for doing nothing worthwile foreign policy wise other than giving us great movie plots. Fuck Bush Sr for caving into the Saudi's need for Iraq to be a buffer between Persia and Arabia. Fuck Reagan for supplying the Taliban to fight the Russians and then telling them to fuck off after we didn't need them anymore. Fuck Carter for destabilizing the entire country of Iran giving rise to a whole new brand of extremist terrorism. Fuck Ford for being Ford. Fuck Nixon for being able to drink more than me. Fuck LBJ for being a redneck. Fuck Kennedy for banging hotter chicks than Clinton and myself. And FUCK YOU!

07-04-2007, 12:57 PM
"Fuck Carter for destabilizing the entire country of Iran giving rise to a whole new brand of extremist terrorism."

Where did Carter do anything to de-stabilize Iran?

The Iranian revolution/Khomeini were entirely to overthrow the Shah and his US/UK oilco/CIA buddies.