View Full Version : 2Q Presidential Cash Raising Reports...

07-03-2007, 04:45 PM
The numbers say it all for the Demos, but where is the purse behind the Ron Paul candidacy? Hello?? are there any real Conservatives left anymore?

Mitt Romney: $14 M
John McCain: $11 M
Sam Brownback: $1.5 M

TBA: Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Jim Gilmore, Tommy Thompson, Tom Tancredo, DENNIS KUCINICH, MIKE GRAVEL, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul

07-04-2007, 04:20 AM
GOP candidates may be finding out that it's not just enough to distance themselves from the current administration...

NYT: Romney and Giuliani Trail Democrats in Fund-Raising
Published: July 4, 2007

DES MOINES, July 3 — Two more Republican presidential candidates disclosed new fund-raising totals on Tuesday that underscored the tough political environment for their party and the big money advantage that the Democrats have built.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, who led the Republican field in money raised in the first three months of the year, said donations to his primary campaign had dropped by a third in the second quarter, to $14 million from $20.5 million. Mr. Romney lent his campaign another $6.5 million out of his personal fortune to soften the impact of the decline in donations.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor, raised more in the second quarter than he did in the first: $17 million including $2 million that he can use only if he wins the Republican nomination, versus about $15 million. But unlike the first quarter, when his fund-raising operation was just getting up and running, his campaign was fully operational in the second quarter.

And while his performance from April through June put him in first place among Republicans, Mr. Giuliani trailed substantially behind the record sums raised by two Democrats, Senators Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York. Mr. Obama raised a total of $32.5 million in the second quarter, and Mrs. Clinton about $27 million....

Put together, the results for the three leading Republicans amounted to a stark indication of a gap in enthusiasm and confidence between the two parties, driven in part by President Bush’s low approval ratings, the war in Iraq and the failure of any of the Republican candidates to emerge as a clear front-runner, strategists in both parties said....

NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/04/us/politics/04repubs.html?hp)

GOP candidates may have to get into the habit of denouncing some the the most controversial Bush policies to get any real traction going. Could this be the beginning of a ethical race to see who can impeach Dubya and Cheney the fastest, or will the candidates be happy going down swallowing the Rove Kool-aid?

Wild Cobra
07-04-2007, 01:15 PM
GOP candidates may be finding out that it's not just enough to distance themselves from the current administration...

GOP candidates may have to get into the habit of denouncing some the the most controversial Bush policies to get any real traction going. Could this be the beginning of a ethical race to see who can impeach Dubya and Cheney the fastest, or will the candidates be happy going down swallowing the Rove Kool-aid?
I don't agree with that. I think, like me, many of us who support republicans over democrats are just waiting to see what Fred Thompson will be like once he starts actually running.

Why should I give money to a candidate who is not my first choice until my first choice is not an option?

I'm certain there are others who feel the same as me! Besides, there is still plenty of time till the primaries.