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07-05-2007, 01:20 AM
Did you get any of my PMs?

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EssaySpur1001, pawe, RashoFan, Avitus1, jaffies, nsrammstein, The sone, Boulevard1, TheSanityAnnex, Phil, resistanze, DannyT, David Bowie, yourtehclay, spurspf, 2Blonde, mrsmaalox, monosylab1k

Thunder Dan
07-05-2007, 08:50 AM

Yes I did

07-05-2007, 08:58 AM
ha ha ha mine too

07-05-2007, 10:44 AM
got jokes

i get out around ten tonight i will swing by on the way home if i dont forget the hard drives

07-06-2007, 03:17 AM
hey DannyT thanks for the reply. I was wondering if maybe that DELL I sold you was not as fast as you wanted and you were upset about it. I PM'd you for over a week and I saw you lurking in the club so I made the topic. I lost the HD replacement job the guy could not wait any longer. So he took his notebook to some laptop shop by the airport.

Get this they charged him 140.00 just to replace his HD. and another 60.00 for the HD.

I was going to charge him 40.00 for the whole thing HD Included. since I made the step from Desktops to notebooks, business has increased 200% How many HDs do you have, and what do you want for them?

07-08-2007, 10:53 PM
Hey Danny you plan to call me or answer my PMs before August?

07-12-2007, 12:45 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 2 (2 members and 0 guests)
MavTalker, DannyT

Dude why you avoiding mouse?

07-12-2007, 12:55 AM
Who knows what makes a person do what they do. Maybe he felt he got ripped off on the DELL he paid for. Maybe he ran out of gas, lost his cell phone, forgot my number,busy at work,was abducted by aliens. I don't care anymore and I really don't need DannyT's HDs I already told the vato he needed to buy his own I lost a 80.00 dollar Notebook job. I just wished he would have called so the man could have done something sooner.

It's all cool n the gang. I wish DannyT well I have no hard feelings If I did ? I would still be pissed at KEDA for never stopping buy to pick up his photo shop program,and Sequ for making me download Ocean's 13. What really botherd me was he was ex Military like me and I never expected him to hide from being a true soildrer.


But then again he is Air foce not Army :lmao

MavTalker, Fillmoe's Grampa Raj, AnkleBreaker21, O-Factor, Ed Helicopter Jones, Guru of Nothing, sabar, Spurfect, RS189, Nathan Explosion, DannyT, Fat Bones, Pablo Escobar, Jekka, RashoFan, boutons_, u2sarajevo, exstatic, duncanchick21, 2Blonde, Fabbs