View Full Version : Stupid things you hear at work...

07-06-2007, 10:53 AM
Those of you like me who work in direct contact with the general public understand where I will be coming from with this.

I have a theory...no matter how proficient someone is in his or her chosen profession, when they become a consumer, that person's IQ drops about 30% depending on the person.

Some of the things I have been asked in my dealings with the public:

Me in 1989: "Pizza Hut Delivery, this is Mike, how may I help you?"
The responses: "is this Pizza Hut?" or "do you deliver?" or "what number do I call for delivery?" (on the last one, I gave that person the number he just called. He hung up..and called back on the same number!)

My favorite happened recently.
I answered the phone here at work and the person calling asked to speak with one of our agents. I informed him that she was out of the office, he then asked for a different agent who was on the phone at the time..he then asked me...

"do you work there?" Not "Can you help me?" or "Are you an agent?" but "do you work there?

No sir....I was just walking by, heard the phone ring, though i'd help out. :lol

Other travel agents through the years have shared stories as well. Things like:

"Do they speak English in Hawaii?"
"Can I use American money in Hawaii?"

Traveler: "I would like an train ticket"
Agent: "Certainly...where would you like to leave from?"
Traveler: "San Francisco"
Agent: "And where would you like to go to?"
Traveler: "Honolulu"
Agent: "Im afraid we can't do that"
Traveler: "Well, if you won't, I will find someone that will"

One of my all time favorites:
In 1996, the Atlanta Olympic Committee hired hundreds of volunteers to handle ticket requests for the games and its different events. One lady had placed her order and the volunteer had reminded her to bring her passport to get into the US. The customer politely informed the ticket agent that she was coming in from New Mexico. The volunteer shot back.."New Mexico, Old Mexico, I don't care...you need a passport!"

Anyone else have some examples?

07-06-2007, 11:10 AM
I used to work at the Chase Help Desk for internal users - one day I reset a password for this guy and he said, "Fuck, I've run out of cuss words to use in my password - can you think of anymore outside of the normal ones?" ... I honestly didn't know what to say, because we're supposed to report that suff ...

07-06-2007, 11:50 AM
I work at a help desk on a college campus so I'm surrounded by extremely intelligent dumbasses. The most common problem we get are people who get incorrect second or third hand information and refuse to believe that we could possibly know better than the friend of their roommate who told them about this one thing they are asking about. There have been times where people have left our office convinced that they are somehow going to find a fourth floor office on a building we've repeatedly said is only two stories tall.

Probably the best came late one semester around the time of finals. Kids ask us where their finals happen all the time. We never know but we can usually put them in touch with someone who will like their professor or a TA. This guy came in with that very question, and the further we dug the more evident it became that this guy wasn't much of a thinker. He could not tell us the name of the course, name of the professor, it's time or place. The best he could give us was, "It's an economics course, I think."

We gave him the phone number for the Econ. department, waited until he left, and laughed until we hurt. Something tells me that if your attendance was so spotty you don't remember when or where the class was, you're probably not going to do to well on that final.

07-06-2007, 11:55 AM
I used to work at the Chase Help Desk for internal users - one day I reset a password for this guy and he said, "Fuck, I've run out of cuss words to use in my password - can you think of anymore outside of the normal ones?" ... I honestly didn't know what to say, because we're supposed to report that suff ...
:lol When our office implemented rules about making tougher passwords (namely requiring caps and numbers somewhere in them) I changed all of my work passwords to "FUCKyou99". I had to change them not long after that.

07-06-2007, 12:00 PM
Everybody asks me: Do you work here?

I'm behind a register with a uniform.

07-06-2007, 12:27 PM
I used to work at Infonxx 411 directory assistance.

I got so many people each day that you just thought to yourself "how do these people survive in the real world?"

Frequently I would get people calling for Dr. Smith (or some other popular last name in a huge city like NYC or LA), there would be dozens of doctor Smiths. I would ask them the doctor's first name they would say "doctor".

Other examples:
Directions windows pop up for caller wanting directions.

Me: What city are you located in?
Caller: I am on a bridge in Oregon on I-5 crossing a river.Me: What river? Do you know the name of the nearest town? (we did not have GPS locating).
Caller: I have no Idea.
Me: I need more specific info so I can can give you directions...I need a more specific starting point.

Me: What city and state please? I repeat this twice.
Caller:....about 10-15 seconds of silence, the caller asks do you mean the city I am in?
Me: thinking to myself (no...the city I am in)
Caller: Philadelphia, Pa.
Me: Thank you.....what is the name of the listing you are looking for?
Caller: Blockbuster on main street.
Me: I'm sorry..I do not show a blockbuster on main....do you know the cross street?
Caller: No....but I am siting in front of the store right now.
Me: Thinking again (aargh:bang get you lazy but out of your car and just walk in). I ask them if they can see a street sign or something...trying to be polite....or is there a business close that I can find so I can locate the stret Blockbuster could be on?
Caller: Just give me the damn number.....then they just hang up on me.

Caller: I need the police for Marion, Ohio.
Me: Is this a 911 emergency? (according to their protocol)
Caller: I don't know.......I don't want to dial 911 though........(isn't that what I asked them just a second before?)
Me: Thank you, have a nice day...I connect them.

I got people who claim top work at a business for several years but did not know either the name, the number, the street, or anything about the company. I would ask the type of business for a category search and they would have no idea what they did.

I also got chewed out by a caller because I asked them what type of doctor it was so I could do a category search....like the one I described above. I was told by the caller that it was not any of my business what type of doctor it was. I trie dto explain to them that I could search by medical specialty as well but they told me to F-off they asked to speak to my supervisor.....I transfered the call and the caller told them the same thing....to F-off....the caller then hung up.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

I work at Pizza Hut part-time delivery....Someone wanted to pay for their pizza with a debit/credit card. I said no problem...I ask them for their card number for authorization, they said "you want the whole number?" I thought..."no, I have all of it but the last four digits, I need the rest because I already know your number."

Me in 1989: "Pizza Hut Delivery, this is Mike, how may I help you?"
The responses: "is this Pizza Hut?" or "do you deliver?"

I got one like that the other day....just shook my head.
Or they ask for all specials, I tell them, then they say.."I have a coupon, does that matter?" :bang

07-06-2007, 12:34 PM
this is a good thread

07-06-2007, 12:36 PM
"Do they speak English in Hawaii?"
"Can I use American money in Hawaii?"

Sequ plans a vacation.

07-06-2007, 12:43 PM
See -- what all of you don't realize is that we're using your frustrations with our seemingly stupid questions for our own humorous purposes.

07-06-2007, 12:45 PM
Really. When I'm bored at work, I like to call up random people with stupid questions.

I PWN you.

07-06-2007, 12:46 PM
Haaha, I used to book airlines tickets and people really do go overboard with this shit.

There was the one lady who claimed (an entire year after 9/11) that since she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was entitled to get off the plane if she saw a muslim. When I told her we would not refund her ticket because of personal choice, she asked what we were going to do about muslims on the plane. :rolleyes

Then there was the girl who wanted to go to 'the airport' in Australia, because apparently there is only one. When I informed her that there were indeed several airports, she asked what the price was to the biggest one. I quoted her to Auckland. She didn't catch on.

My favorite is the girl who wanted to go to Casablanca, then freaked out when I told her that it would cost almost $2,000. She asked why, and I told her travelling to Africa is very expensive. She flipped, insisting that Casablanca was in France. When I told her that it was in fact in Morocco she said that they never mentioned Morocco in the movie and she was pissed. She asked what was in France and when I mentioned Monte Carlo she said "yeah, yeah! like the car! how much to go there?" Considering I earned commissions, I wasn't too happy about wasting time with a dumb broad like this, so I decided my line accidentally disconnected her.

07-06-2007, 12:48 PM
someone feel free to merge my thread into this.

I had someone call and ask me what the special was at Luby's...why did they call me and not Luby's I asked.

Answer. Because you work next to one and I figured you'd know.

Heres another favorite

Customer: If I'm financing it why do I have to pay interest.

07-06-2007, 12:50 PM
I had someone call and ask me what the special was at Luby's...why did they call me and not Luby's I asked.

Answer. Because you work next to one and I figured you'd know.
I PWN you. :smokin

07-06-2007, 12:53 PM
Really. When I'm bored at work, I like to call up random people with stupid questions.

I PWN you.

Well, I used to do that FOR work.

Pwned. Chode bloaded.

:elephant :ihit :cooldevil :elephant :downspin: :elephant

07-06-2007, 12:53 PM
Then there was the girl who wanted to go to 'the airport' in Australia, because apparently there is only one. When I informed her that there were indeed several airports, she asked what the price was to the biggest one. I quoted her to Auckland. She didn't catch on.

I had something similar happen to me.

Dude called in and wanted to go to SA...I asked where he wanted to fly from, he replied "Iowa"..I said, "no problem, where in Iowa"

his response..

"I don't care...just Iowa" :lol

07-06-2007, 01:00 PM
"Fuck me in the stairwell."

Every day, man. Every day.

07-06-2007, 01:02 PM
I mean who calls it a "stairwell?"

07-06-2007, 01:03 PM

07-06-2007, 01:04 PM
I gotta say, its nice working from home now and not dealing with this bullshit, it restores some of my faith in humanity.

07-06-2007, 01:25 PM
And the lack of air conditioning?

07-06-2007, 01:27 PM
Can one of you please give me directions for posting in this forum?

Thanks in advance!!

07-06-2007, 01:34 PM
well sir, we found corrosion on the inside of your computer, it seems a liquid was introduced into your system.

i don't know how it got there, why do i have to pay for it? why can't you stand behind your products?

07-06-2007, 02:25 PM
I work at a Catholic Church, so on the 23rd of December we generally do not pick up the phone, and just have people leave messages and return them if they are indeed emergencies or something other than mass times.

You would be surprised how many people call and ask us what time is "Midnight Mass"...when i inform them midnight they are shocked...i get atleast 100 of these phone calls each year.

07-06-2007, 02:37 PM
You would be surprised how many people call and ask us what time is "Midnight Mass"...when i inform them midnight they are shocked...i get atleast 100 of these phone calls each year.

I have had that happen too.

"What time does the 8:30 flight leave?" :)

One of my all time favorites was when I was helping a guy with a trip to NYC and he needed a truck to carry his supplies for a presentation.

Me: "I can get you a 15-foot truck"
Him: "Really, how long is that?"

07-06-2007, 02:38 PM
Every so often, we hear:

"I would like the 4:20 flight"

Yeah...wouldn't we all. :smokin

07-06-2007, 03:10 PM
When I would take home loan applications a guy sitting across from me didn't want to give me his race, ethnicity, and gender for government monitoring purposes. When I explained that I was required by law to ask, he told me that that was a racist question. I took a deep breath and explained that I, as a minority myself encouraged everyone to provide the info because it ensured that we DIDN'T discriminate based upon that stuff.

They still don't have to reply, but when they don't we are required to make a visual observation. I let him know that and he said "What's that?!?!" I explained that I basically had to make an educated guess of his ethnicity and gender. He said "What if you get it wrong?" ...I should have walked away.

My smart@$$ just couldn't resist:

Chuggz: "Mr ________, I understand your hesitation. While it is entirely possible that I indeed do make an incorrect judgement on my part I DO have a suggestion...if you were to somehow GIVE me your race, ethnicity, and gender, then the chances of misrepresentation decrease SIGNIFICANTLY!"

...he left not quite sure if I'd insulted him and didn't come back :lol

07-06-2007, 04:51 PM
I would also get people who called me to ask if the sun was up yet.

Or is there a restaurant in the mall?
Or what landmarks are near the mall in Atlanta or something? I always wanted to say something smart like maybe a large type sign....alas, I would have gotten let go long before I did....and for a different reason.

I even have had people ask me if we sell tacos at Pizza Hut.....I think no.....we do sell egg rolls though.

07-06-2007, 04:54 PM
...he left not quite sure if I'd insulted him and didn't come back:lol
I am sure you did insult him...he'll never know.

07-06-2007, 05:39 PM
I moonlighted as a tourist guide when I was younger.

One day in Venice, right at the water edge on St. Marc's square, I notice a lady from my group taking pictures of the sunset with the flash on (clue no. 1 :lol), as I approached her to help with the picture taking, she said "I was looking for you! Do you know at what elevation Venice is?"

07-06-2007, 09:29 PM
I got a call Tuesday from Unicare saying they are going to deny 3 days of coverage back in May. I said, why are you calling now? She said because we have to inform you, I said what should I do now? I mean shit, we bill them, they deny, we appeal, blah blah blah... wgaf, it's July 3rd. She said the patient was in the hospital again and seemed upset that the current stay has been over 30 days. I said, hmmm, I know why... she said why? i said she maybe sick? insurance company case managers are fricking worse than CT surgeons.

LMAO.... she got pissed and hung up.... :lol

07-06-2007, 11:06 PM
When I was working at a service center, I had to call a customer and explain to her that the coax cable connection on the back of the TV was broken off and that it would not be covered under manufacturer's warranty. She said that it broke on its own and therefore should be covered by the warranty.

I tried to explain that something had to cause it to break off, something like that can't randomly fall off. She insisted that it did because it was weak. I said, "Imagine a box sitting on a table and it falls off the table, something had to push the box off the table in order for it to fall, right?" She replied, "Not if the box was weak." At that point I knew I was dealing with someone incapable of logical thinking and the conversation was pointless.

I have A LOT of stories from my time in services, the things that people do to their electronics is amazing.

Lady Marmalade
07-06-2007, 11:20 PM
When I worked as a reservation agent I would ask the guest what city and state and they would tell me where they are FROM. So I'd have to be polite and to rephrase the question.

I also told the guest the price and they did not understand. So I told them the price is 200 dollars plus taxes per night. The guest still did not understand. The old lady was like can I speak to someone else I do not understand why you want to charge me for the hotel. I asked are you wanting to redeem your points and stay for free with your points. She told me know that she wanted to pay for the room....

Funny thing I guy called to cancel his reservation in New Orleans ( they have a 3 day cxl policy ) and it was the day of arrival. He sounded older so I assumed he was sick and wanted to help him avoid the CXL fee. So I asked him why he was canceling his reservation. Now he told me that one of his cows was loose and he could not rest until he found it and had to continue looking for his cow. I was able not to burst out laughing. The front desk manager at the hotel also laughed for about 6 min. but she did cancel the reservation without charge.

07-06-2007, 11:29 PM
Chode bloaded.

:elephant :ihit :cooldevil :elephant :downspin: :elephant:toast

baseline bum
07-07-2007, 01:33 AM
I work at a help desk on a college campus so I'm surrounded by extremely intelligent dumbasses. The most common problem we get are people who get incorrect second or third hand information and refuse to believe that we could possibly know better than the friend of their roommate who told them about this one thing they are asking about. There have been times where people have left our office convinced that they are somehow going to find a fourth floor office on a building we've repeatedly said is only two stories tall.

Probably the best came late one semester around the time of finals. Kids ask us where their finals happen all the time. We never know but we can usually put them in touch with someone who will like their professor or a TA. This guy came in with that very question, and the further we dug the more evident it became that this guy wasn't much of a thinker. He could not tell us the name of the course, name of the professor, it's time or place. The best he could give us was, "It's an economics course, I think."

We gave him the phone number for the Econ. department, waited until he left, and laughed until we hurt. Something tells me that if your attendance was so spotty you don't remember when or where the class was, you're probably not going to do to well on that final.

I had to go to the chemistry office one day to ask where my Final was (that had started 30 minutes earlier).... got an A+ on it. :fro

07-07-2007, 07:53 AM
I worked weekend, graveyard at West telemarketing (inbound) and got asked at least a million times what color panties I was wearing, how big my tits were ... and had several guys actually jerking off and *get there* before I could figure out what they were doing. It happens to all of the girls that work there...we would compare calls in the breakroom. These are the bastards that are too cheap for the 1-900 numbers, apparently. I could only stand it for about a month ... because you can't say anything back to these fucktards. :lol

07-07-2007, 08:50 AM
Well working at the Hotel sure gives you an oppurtunity to see all kind of stupidity and bad behave.

I work at the front desk so I have to also answer calls. So I say This is ___ Hotel , Przemyslaw ____ speaking, can I help you?
Caller: Is this a ___ Hotel?
Me: Yes it is
Caller: May I speak to reservations?
Me: You speaking to
Caller: I want to book a hotel .... :grim:

There are many kind of people coming and having problems, with everything, and all the blame they are putting on us. Once one guy was so pissed that I could not give him the room he was blabling for 40 minutes and he asked for my name and he promised me that I will pay for this and I do not work here anymore. Imagine this 40 minute talking in the middle of a night.

Some young guys came into hotel fighting, once I had to call an Ambulance and that kind of stuff.

One lady was asking me where to go by car to some town, I didn't knew, she immediately got pissed. I gave her our pickpocket map and was looking for a road in the internet (there was about 10 people in the hall and phones were ringing).
Have you finished with me?! She asked
I said no, I'm trying to find ... then she trough the map at me. It's good she did not hit me with this map :) Our menager called a guy from security to expalin where to go and then I got some bad words from menager, that I should know where to go. :rolleyes

If you can't take it with a bit of humor you are lost.

Same lady called me once from the room and had some problem with internet cause the wireless had stronger signal ... and stuff.. she wanted the cable connection so I said I will send a portier to see what is the problem, she said no and was speaking to me, and got pissed again. SEND ME SOMEBODY CAUSE I CAN"T TALK WITH YOU! BAM!
I sended a portier, he came into her room and said he will help. She said:
You do not have to, I know the computers better then you!


And many more

07-07-2007, 09:08 PM
I worked weekend, graveyard at West telemarketing (inbound) and got asked at least a million times what color panties I was wearing, how big my tits were ... and had several guys actually jerking off and *get there* before I could figure out what they were doing. It happens to all of the girls that work there...we would compare calls in the breakroom. These are the bastards that are too cheap for the 1-900 numbers, apparently. I could only stand it for about a month ... because you can't say anything back to these fucktards. :lol
Same thing would happen at BRYLANE(incoming Lane Bryant catalog orders)when I worked there...

07-07-2007, 09:17 PM
I can say...try working at a plasma center...the Fucking crazy shit I here and see every day...
I had this lady come into to donate and we require Valid ID,SSN and a proof of address(mail recevied in the last 30 days as proof or CURRENT address). She told me she does not have her SSN card with her cause the police told her it is a bad idea to carry it with her. I told her she needed to provide a SSN card and she was mad...stormed off saying "You should tell people not to carry thier SSN cards with them". I find out later she called the center to complain that I would not let her donate. She really would have been mad if she had the SSN card with her because she was wearing too much perfume and I can refuse to let a person donate for too much perfume/colonge or BODY ODOR!!!

peewee's lovechild
07-07-2007, 10:09 PM
A girl once asked if anyone had turned in a vibrator to the lost & found.

07-08-2007, 12:31 AM
You can be refused donation on the basis of too much perfume? Reason being?

07-08-2007, 12:51 AM
Does the fact that a person wears too much fragrance or forgot to wear deodorant make their blood unsafe?

07-08-2007, 03:40 PM
You can be refused donation on the basis of too much perfume? Reason being?
If it overbearing...they can be denied from donating that day. Some perfumes will trigger an asthma attack in myself and some of my other co workers. Plus, who wants to sit next to someone for 45 mins to an hour that smells of strong perfume/cologne or body odor? I had this woman come in to donate and she had some serious foot odor. She did not get to donate.

07-08-2007, 03:41 PM

today my mom and i were at home depot, and she asked me how wide the 4" brush she was holding. i shook my head.

07-08-2007, 03:42 PM
Does the fact that a person wears too much fragrance or forgot to wear deodorant make their blood unsafe?
No it does not.

marini martini
07-08-2007, 04:25 PM
How do you tell them their feet stink and they can't give blood?

07-08-2007, 05:25 PM
How do you tell them their feet stink and they can't give blood?

I'm guessing it's somewhat along the lines of this:


*Clears throat*

"Your feet stink and you can't give blood."

07-08-2007, 05:35 PM
Speaking of dumb things you hear at work, I was at work when I heard that potential blood donors are sometimes turned away based on odors.

I would have thought that a person's willingness to give blood would make his or her contribution welcomed, even if taking the blood might cause some discomfort to the phlebotomist. Silly me.

07-08-2007, 05:53 PM
if the odor is that bad, other waiting donors might change their mind and leave.

i see nothing unreasonable about expecting people to wash there ass and feet.

07-08-2007, 07:25 PM
I'm guessing it's somewhat along the lines of this:


*Clears throat*

"Your feet stink and you can't give blood."
Precisely...JOE, you want a job?

07-08-2007, 07:26 PM
By The Way>>>i Work At A Plasma Center

07-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Precisely...JOE, you want a job?

Donating plasma is a job?

07-08-2007, 07:57 PM

today my mom and i were at home depot, and she asked me how wide the 4" brush she was holding. i shook my head.Did she then use it to beat your ass?

marini martini
07-08-2007, 08:03 PM
Did she then use it to beat your ass?

07-08-2007, 08:03 PM
If it overbearing...they can be denied from donating that day. Some perfumes will trigger an asthma attack in myself and some of my other co workers. Plus, who wants to sit next to someone for 45 mins to an hour that smells of strong perfume/cologne or body odor? I had this woman come in to donate and she had some serious foot odor. She did not get to donate.That's interesting, and a little surprising.

I know it's not the same, and I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns, but you can't turn somebody away from getting medical care because of their odor. What's the logistical difference between working with someone who is donating blood vs. somebody you're seeing in an amergency room?

07-08-2007, 08:42 PM
Donating plasma is a job?
Not really, but you could get hired to tell people they smell bad and can't donate.

07-08-2007, 08:52 PM
That's interesting, and a little surprising.

I know it's not the same, and I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns, but you can't turn somebody away from getting medical care because of their odor. What's the logistical difference between working with someone who is donating blood vs. somebody you're seeing in an amergency room?
Shoogar, the people donating their plasma are not receiving medical care, unless of course they get dizzy, nauseated,have a allergic reation, heart attack,etc. For the most part, my job is to screen potential new donors. I make sure they are healthy, are not injured, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. On the ambulance, I respond, evaluate, treat and transport to a hospital for an MD to futher evaluate and treat a patient. Has this answered your question?

07-08-2007, 09:00 PM
Not to pick on Rashofan because she is just doing her job but if I am the mother of a hemophiliac, I don't think I would give shit how much old spice they used that morning or if they just came from the gym, if they are healthy I want them to donate.

The Cougar
07-08-2007, 09:03 PM
Not to pick on Rashofan because she is just doing her job but if I am the mother of a hemophiliac, I don't think I would give shit how much old spice they used that morning or if they just came from the gym, if they are healthy I want them to donate.

If they just came from the gym they wouldn't be able to donate anyway, their pulse rate would be too high.

07-08-2007, 09:09 PM
Yeah, I'm not picking on her either, because she didn't make the rule. I just don't buy the logic.

RF, I understand the technical difference in what you do at the donation center vs. on an ambulance. My point is that the reasons given for refusing perfume-wearers (allergic reaction, etc.) would be no different in ANY normal day-to-day situation where you have that kind of contact, even non-medical ones, where you wouldn't turn them away. So to me, unless there's something related to the safety of the blood, it's very specious to use that to turn away someone for donating.

And yes, people donating blood are absolutely receiving medical care. Unless they're somehow getting venopunctured by people without allied health certifications.

07-08-2007, 09:29 PM
Not to pick on Rashofan because she is just doing her job but if I am the mother of a hemophiliac, I don't think I would give shit how much old spice they used that morning or if they just came from the gym, if they are healthy I want them to donate.
I understand. If they are healthy and pass all the requirements they will donate. I was pissy about her attitude toward me in regards to the SSN card thing.

07-08-2007, 09:29 PM
If they just came from the gym they wouldn't be able to donate anyway, their pulse rate would be too high.

07-08-2007, 09:36 PM
My point is that the reasons given for refusing perfume-wearers (allergic reaction, etc.) would be no different in ANY normal day-to-day situation where you have that kind of contact, even non-medical ones, where you wouldn't turn them away. So to me, unless there's something related to the safety of the blood, it's very specious to use that to turn away someone for donating..
It is not a safety issue in regards to plasma, it is more of a courteous thing for the other donors and the phlebes. And it does( I will admit this) on how much of a pissy mood I am in. Most of the time I am cool, but some days I turn on my darker side.

And yes, people donating blood are absolutely receiving medical care. Unless they're somehow getting venopunctured by people without allied health certifications.
You have a good point there. I submit to your logic on that point.

07-08-2007, 09:44 PM
It is not a safety issue in regards to plasma, it is more of a courteous thing for the other donors and the phlebes. And it does( I will admit this) on how much of a pissy mood I am in. Most of the time I am cool, but some days I turn on my darker side.Your point about other donors is a good one. I hadn't thought about that. Althought I still believe it would only rarely be a problem.

07-08-2007, 10:27 PM
Your point about other donors is a good one. I hadn't thought about that. Althought I still believe it would only rarely be a problem.
It is rare. I have had to tell only one lady that her body odor was VERY strong.

07-08-2007, 11:14 PM
I too am not picking on Rasho but on the plasma center's policy. If I can sit through a really long Christmas Mass next to someone who only shows up once a year smelling like dead fermented cow and just be thankful that person made it to church then I certainly don't care what the donor of the plasma that might save the life of myself or someone I love smells like.

07-09-2007, 01:06 PM
Subject: FW: They Walk Among Us ...... These are too funny!

I was at the checkout of a local K-Mart. The clerk rang up a $46.64
charge. I gave her a fifty dollar bill. She gave me back $46.64. I
it back to her and told her that she had made a mistake in MY favor
and gave her the money back. She became indignant and informed
me she was educated and knew what she was doing, and returned
the money again. I gave her the money back again...same scenario!
I departed the store with the $46.64.

...............They Walk Among Us and Many Work Retail.

I walked into a Mickey D's with a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for
a sandwich. I handed it to the girl and she looked over at a little
chalkboard that said "buy one-get one free." "They're already
buy-one-get-one-free," she said, "so I guess they're both free."
She handed me my free sandwiches and I walked out the door.

...............They Walk Among Us and Many Work Retail.

One day I was walking down the beach with some friends when
one of them shouted, "Look at that dead bird!" Someone looked
up at the sky and said, "Where?"

...............They Walk Among Us!

While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent
which direction was north because, he explained, he didn't want
the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, "Does the sun
rise in the north?" When my brother explained that the sun rises
in the east, and has for sometime, she shook her head and said,
"Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff."

...............They Walk Among Us and some of them sell real

I used to work in technical support for a 24/7 call center. One day
I got a call from an individual who asked what hours the call
center was open. I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week." He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific
time?" Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh, Pacific."

...............They Walk Among Us!
My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car designed to cut through
a seat belt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in the trunk.

...............They Walk Among Us!

My friends and I were on a beer run and noticed that the cases
were discounted 10%. Since it was a big party, we bought 2
cases. The cashier multiplied 2 times 10% and gave us a
20% discount.

..............They Walk Among Us!

I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area, so I went
to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags
never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because
she was a trained professional and I was in good hands. "Now,"
she asked me, "has your plane arrived yet?"

...............They Walk Among Us!

While working at a pizza parlor I observed a man ordering a
small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked
him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it
for some time before responding. "Just cut it into 4 pieces;
I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces."

...............Yep, They Walk Among Us!

They Walk Among Us, AND they reproduce, and
WORST OF ALL............. they VOTE!!!

07-09-2007, 01:29 PM
My friends and I were on a beer run and noticed that the cases
were discounted 10%. Since it was a big party, we bought 2
cases. The cashier multiplied 2 times 10% and gave us a
20% discount.

Now if you could just combine that with "buy-one-get-one-free", you could live off the earnings!

07-09-2007, 07:34 PM
I don't know if it fits under the category of stupid, but one of my co workers said I talk too much.

07-09-2007, 07:47 PM
I worked weekend, graveyard at West telemarketing (inbound) and got asked at least a million times what color panties I was wearing, how big my tits were ... and had several guys actually jerking off and *get there* before I could figure out what they were doing. It happens to all of the girls that work there...we would compare calls in the breakroom. These are the bastards that are too cheap for the 1-900 numbers, apparently. I could only stand it for about a month ... because you can't say anything back to these fucktards. :lol

omg! that happened to me too when I worked at West! this was a looooong time ago, one of my first jobs... soo sick! lol. i forgot what the guy called for I just remember it was some exercise machine/equipment. Turbo something.. anyway, he kept telling me to spell it, and when I would he would tell me "slower, spell it slower" and i would spell it slower having no idea what he was doing. he had the phone on speaker, eventually i heard noises that there was no mistaking what it was!! nasty lol

man i have a few stories about West. one time some man called in because of a commerical about feeding starving kids in Africa. He basically bitched me out with the most racist things i have ever heard saying things like "those (n-word)s need to keep their legs closed and stop making children" etc. etc. and he was yelling it at me. I had to stop and take a break (aka cry in the breakroom) after that cause it freaked me out so bad.

07-09-2007, 08:25 PM
I too am not picking on Rasho but on the plasma center's policy. If I can sit through a really long Christmas Mass next to someone who only shows up once a year smelling like dead fermented cow and just be thankful that person made it to church then I certainly don't care what the donor of the plasma that might save the life of myself or someone I love smells like.
I'm with you. I get awful headaches from people's cologne, but donors save lives- including several I know- and their smell can be tolerated for that.

07-09-2007, 08:33 PM
I've worked for the Postal Service for 21 years and I've heard many stupid things from customers. When the first class stamp went up .39 cents many customers would call on the phone wanting to know " How much was a .39 cents stamp!" As Charlie Brown would say, "Good grief!!" :rolleyes

07-09-2007, 08:33 PM
I did also learn on here that you need your SS card to donate plasma. I do not carry mine either as it is unsafe. It's locked in my safe and I only take it if I know I need it somewhere.

07-09-2007, 08:58 PM
I did also learn on here that you need your SS card to donate plasma. I do not carry mine either as it is unsafe. It's locked in my safe and I only take it if I know I need it somewhere.
Thank you! That was the point, SSN( for ID purposes only) is needed to donate plasma. It is not safe to carry it around with you all the time...only when it is needed.

07-09-2007, 09:59 PM
Thank you! That was the point, SSN( for ID purposes only) is needed to donate plasma. It is not safe to carry it around with you all the time...only when it is needed.
I'm just surprised to learn that you need it for that. I take it for setting up a bank account or legal type matters, but I would have never guessed for plasma donation. You don't even need it to vote- they will take your driver's license if you don' have your voter's registration card.

Then again I learned this week that the bank won't take a US passport as a valid form of ID for a minor- they have to go get a Texas state ID card- but the state accepts a US passport as the only necessary document to get a state ID card- so go figure.

07-09-2007, 10:00 PM
Not to pick on Rashofan because she is just doing her job but if I am the mother of a hemophiliac, I don't think I would give shit how much old spice they used that morning or if they just came from the gym, if they are healthy I want them to donate.

Seriously ... I'm not sure how someone smells should make a difference. :wtf

I donate blood regularly, and I've never had to show a SS card. A driver's license has always been sufficient.

marini martini
07-09-2007, 10:38 PM
And when I donated, no one sat next to me the whole time!

07-09-2007, 11:01 PM
Alot of the reasone why we require SSN as well as ID is we pay the donor for the "time it takes" to donate plasma. We have people who come in to try to donate that are homeless,IV drug users, exchange money/drugs for sex, have Hepatitis( and in some cases...they know they have Hepatitis and still donate),come in for a "free" HIV test,etc. I would say those are most of the reasons we are so "Selective".

07-09-2007, 11:04 PM
omg! that happened to me too when I worked at West! this was a looooong time ago, one of my first jobs... soo sick! lol. i forgot what the guy called for I just remember it was some exercise machine/equipment. Turbo something.. anyway, he kept telling me to spell it, and when I would he would tell me "slower, spell it slower" and i would spell it slower having no idea what he was doing. he had the phone on speaker, eventually i heard noises that there was no mistaking what it was!! nasty lol
Could you repost that . . . slower?

07-09-2007, 11:05 PM
Alot of the reasone why we require SSN as well as ID is we pay the donor for the "time it takes" to donate plasma. We have people who come in to try to donate that are homeless,IV drug users, exchange money/drugs for sex, have Hepatitis( and in some cases...they know they have Hepatitis and still donate),come in for a "free" HIV test,etc. I would say those are most of the reasons we are so "Selective".Interesting, I didn't know it was still legal to pay people for donating.

07-10-2007, 07:40 AM
That is why the are paid for their "TIME" and not for the Plasma. All the plasma centers in town pay for the "time".