View Full Version : Should you encourage your mate to flirt with others?

07-09-2007, 12:36 AM
Interesting question:

You are at a friend's party having a great time. You look over and see your date or partner laughing, chatting -- and could that be flirting? -- with someone else at the party. What do you do?

(a) March over, wedging yourself in between your partner and the other person as you introduce yourself.

(b) Trust your partner will not take it past innocent flirting, but keep one eye on the situation anyway.

(c) Catch the eye of your partner, give them a smile, a wink, and a toast and hope they are having fun.

The reason I ask?

The fine art of innocent flirting has created many an after-party fight. Some people feel their partner should be giving all that attention exclusively to them instead of someone else. But what would happen if we began to see flirting as creating an abundance of good couple energy? The idea is, the more positive feelings you share with other people, the more you will get back.

I want my partner to flirt.

One afternoon while having coffee with a friend, I explained how I not only encourage my partner to flirt, I teach him the fine art of flirting. Perplexed, she asked why on earth would I teach my partner to flirt. Fair question with a super-easy answer: I trust him 110 percent.

Ever since my partner emerged out of his I-can't-look-at-any-other-woman box with the freedom to flirt, he feels better about himself. He feels and acts sexy. He is more fun to be around. The end result is our relationship is stronger and healthier because he brings that positive energy home to me. The irony is that he does not really even flirt. It's simply that he has been given a pass-card to flirt that has made all the difference.

I could see my friend nodding her head in agreement. I asked, "Why don't you try flirting?" A tiny look of terror crossed her face. She then uttered the words that many people say when I broach the topic of flirting: "My partner wouldn't like it."
Undaunted, I pressed the issue, "Why?"

She started squirming, as if she was to divulge dark bedroom secrets, and replied, "He's just not that secure and quite frankly neither am I. I wouldn't like it if I saw another woman flirting with him." The conversation was uncomfortably dropped.

A little jealousy is good

Innocent flirting, to me, is like window shopping. It is the catalyst to get a spark going in a relationship. To successfully take a healthy relationship over the long term, I strongly believe everyone should flirt. Flirt with each other, flirt with other people, and allow other people to flirt with you. It creates such great "happy couple" energy.

If flirting is so great, why don't people do it more often? Probably the green-eyed monster -- jealously --pops to mind first. Well, let us turn this idea of jealousy on its head. Believe it or not, a little jealousy affirms the affection within your relationship. Jealousy indicates there is excitement. That said, a well-balanced individual in a healthy relationship will not twist their jealously into a full-blown fight.

Make a flirting agreement.
However, a big part of successful flirting is having a mutual agreement about what is acceptable and unacceptable in your relationship. Which means you must decide what flirting means to you, and communicate this to each other.
Start out with baby steps. For example, at a party, flirt only while your partner is present. Next level, your partner is across the room but in view. You know you have reached the flirting pinnacle when you can look at your partner flirting and having a wonderful time with someone else and feel happy for him or her.

Finally, flirting stays at the door when you two go home together. All that positive, sexy energy you have created from flirting should take you into a fabulous, fun night together.

Link (http://dating.personals.yahoo.com/singles/relationships/1981/give-your-partner-a-flirting-pass;_ylc=X3oDMTI0dGVrYTM3BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2Zw X3RvZGF5BHNsawNnaXZlLXlvdXItcGFydG5lci1hLWZsaXJ0aW 5nLXBhc3MEenoDYWJj)

07-09-2007, 09:00 AM
I encourage every girl I'm with to look. I know I do.

07-09-2007, 09:14 AM
i dont mind the look...or the flirt really...there is a fine line when it go's too far though.

I know there was once my now wife and i went to "R JONS" or whatever that place is with her friend and her friends husband.

Her friends husband is a black guy, good guy, we get along well...but R Jons is pretty much a "black club"

I think My wife and i were the only 2 white people in the whole place.

Well, needless to say i had every single overconfident black man in the club trying to pick up my wife....right in front of me...

i mostly just laughed it off, but it was amazing how arrogant some of these guys were.

peewee's lovechild
07-09-2007, 09:16 AM
I encourage flirting when the girl I'm with is ugly.

That gives me an excuse to dump her without feeling guilty.

07-09-2007, 09:20 AM

Is it really flirting if it's not intended to send any message? I guess I see a difference between someone just having a good time and talking with someone and enjoying the conversation and actual suggestive language, touching, eye contact. Paying attention to someone you are having a conversation with should include eye contact and body language that is open and engaging.

I don't see anything wrong with that at all. I wouldn't insert myself between SFIE and someone else just because they seemed to be having a good time talking with each other. So I guess I encourage that.

But active flirtation as I described it - suggestive language, physical touching that borders on inappropriate, things like whispering in their ear - I am not ok with that. I trust my husband a lot, and with a lot. I don't think he'd engage in that sort of behavior, innocently or otherwise. But that sort of behavior seems to me to be a step away from our relationship and towards something else. It seems like it's leading the other person on too, which isn't fair to them.

Additionally, I would find it disrespectful of him to do something like that, whether I am there or not. It's suggesting that he is available and he's not. It's suggesting to other people that he takes our relationship less seriously than he should. I'm not ok with that. It makes a statement about him (unfavorable, in my opinion) and about me (less favorable as well, imo).

Whether or not that's about how I define trust and respect in my relationship (and I know 100% that my husband would not and will not cheat on me), or just jealousy, I don't know.

Like I said above, I don't have any problem with him talking to other people (so long as I'm not abandoned and left completely alone - I have anxiety about that), and he doesn't have to stay attached to my hip all evening long. I don't care if he goes out and has a good time without me present. But I don't think I could approve of flirting or encourage him to do it.

Tyler Durden
07-09-2007, 09:27 AM
Nothing Wrong With Harmless Good Fun Flirting...

07-09-2007, 10:49 AM
I don't mind if my husband flirts a little (he's quite charming) but I keep an eye on the flirtee! Now if I'm flirting, I do everything possible to make sure my husband is watching me! :p:

peewee's lovechild
07-09-2007, 10:51 AM
I don't mind if my husband flirts a little (he's quite charming) but I keep an eye on the flirtee! Now if I'm flirting, I do everything possible to make sure my husband is watching me! :p:

I love flirts, you saucy minx!

07-09-2007, 01:04 PM
I guess its not that bad to flirt. I would rather have him talking to a person kind of flirting than have him stare at her with his mouth open. Also I think by nature I am a flirtatious person. So yeah I should be able to hand his flirting as well.

07-09-2007, 02:17 PM
Well, I'm on the trust side of things. I trust my wife completely, so when we're at a party, or a get-together social function I don't mind her flirting a bit with another male. I kind of like the fact that my wife is still hot enough to attract interest from other males, and I know she likes the attention.

It also relieves me of having to be right next to her the whole evening, she can go do her thing for a while, I can go and find the nearest game on the tv! :lol

07-09-2007, 02:36 PM
I've never really felt the need to validate how lucky I am by how many other women would flirt back with him. I know I'm lucky. WTF?

07-09-2007, 02:57 PM
Go right ahead I say. The more guys my wife talks to the more she realizes that she already has the best one in room. Plus while she's chatting up some other man it gives me some free time to nail some chick in the bathroom.

07-09-2007, 03:01 PM

07-09-2007, 04:36 PM
Go right ahead I say. The more guys my wife talks to the more she realizes that she already has the best one in room. Plus while she's chatting up some other man it gives me some free time to nail some chick in the bathroom.

:lol I take back what I said about my guy flirting. I want him on a leash.

07-09-2007, 06:09 PM
flirting privileges are the first brick in the road to 3 somes and swing parties.

peewee's lovechild
07-09-2007, 06:32 PM
flirting privileges are the first brick in the road to 3 somes and swing parties.

That's a pretty cool brick road.

07-10-2007, 12:04 AM
I'm only concerned when it becomes the kind of flirting that has to be hidden.

Finding someone else attractive is okay. Wandering eyes are okay. Being charming and flirtatious is no problem. But encouraging/intimating something more than flirting is just not cool.

07-10-2007, 09:01 AM
Go right ahead I say. The more guys my wife talks to the more she realizes that she already has the best one in room. Plus while she's chatting up some other man it gives me some free time to nail some chick in the bathroom.


I mean, really. Who wouldn't want to be married to you, sweetheart?


07-10-2007, 09:56 AM
Go right ahead I say. The more guys my wife talks to the more she realizes that she already has the best one in room. Plus while she's chatting up some other man it gives me some free time to nail some chick in the bathroom.:lmao

07-10-2007, 10:33 AM
I mean, really. Who wouldn't want to be married to you, sweetheart?

Seriously. :lol

If that were the case though, thank God I'm one of those women who would be perfectly content being 80 years old and alone...in a rocking chair surrounded by my 28 cats. Because that's exactly what would happen before I'd put up with that kind of shit. :lol

Oh, Gee!!
07-10-2007, 10:38 AM
I get accused of flirting all the time by my wife.