View Full Version : John From Cincinnati

07-09-2007, 10:12 AM
Anyone watching?

New HBO show, created by David Milch, who created Deadwood. (Which I adored.)

Bizarre, haunting, strange, odd...the list goes on.

It caught me, I fell into it because I watch Entourage. Now I'm hooked.

Anyone have any ideas as to what's going on? Mitch elevating? A Vietnam Vet healing John? Bill communicating with a bird? Shaun's miracle recovery?

If strange shows get you I recommend you catch this one.

Oh...And Luke Perry plays a great bad guy.

If anyone ever saw "Oz", another gritty HBO show, Perry played a great bad guy in that too.

07-09-2007, 10:20 AM
I am going to start watching it on demand starting today hopefully. An ep. a day I should be caught up by this sunday.

peewee's lovechild
07-09-2007, 10:21 AM
I saw one episode, the first one I believe.

Ed O'Neill is great on this one.

07-09-2007, 10:28 AM
I have yet to check this out, but I'll probably half too. I was a huge Deadwood fan.

07-09-2007, 10:39 AM
I have yet to check this out, but I'll probably half too. I was a huge Deadwood fan.

So was I.
You should love this if you loved Deadwood.
It's got that same edge to it. A seemingly normal world that's turned upside down.

07-09-2007, 10:42 AM
My husband loves it, but I have found it hard to follow. I will agree that Ed O'Neill is great here and it's good to see him again!

peewee's lovechild
07-09-2007, 10:44 AM
So was I.
You should love this if you loved Deadwood.
It's got that same edge to it. A seemingly normal world that's turned upside down.

There's that one dude from Deadwood (Buffalo Bill's friend) that's on the show. And, it's like he's playing almost the same part he did on Deadwood.

07-09-2007, 10:44 AM
My husband loves it, but I have found it hard to follow. I will agree that Ed O'Neill is great here and it's good to see him again!

Keep trying. It's worth it.

And O'Neill is fantastic.

07-09-2007, 11:29 AM
Neither one of my grandmothers looked like Rebecca De Mornay

07-09-2007, 11:29 AM
Great show. Just hope all the craziness builds to something worthwhile. With Milch, i have no doubt there is.

I heard that HBO cut the order of eps down to 10 and don't plan on bringing it back. I hope that is false info, because I'm really into the show.

07-09-2007, 11:30 AM
Neither one of my grandmothers looked like Rebecca De Mornay
Man, she gets the award for worst overacting in a really good series.

07-09-2007, 11:35 AM
Great show. Just hope all the craziness builds to something worthwhile. With Milch, i have no doubt there is.

I heard that HBO cut the order of eps down to 10 and don't plan on bringing it back. I hope that is false info, because I'm really into the show.

I'm with you. I hope it stays good. And I hope it stays on.

Has anyone heard anything about Deadwood? Last I heard they were going to do 2 two hour movies to kind of "wrap it up", but that was a long time ago and I haven't heard anything else.

Anyone know?

07-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Keep trying. It's worth it.

And O'Neill is fantastic.
I'll try it again this week. God knows I need something to help get me thru the 30 min torture of "Entourage" while I wait for "Flight of the Conchords"! Now that's my new fave!

07-09-2007, 02:01 PM
I think Johns an Alien.

07-09-2007, 02:07 PM
I'm definitely into it at this point, I get the feeling it needs a little more direction-but I'm willing to wait to see what happens with John, the Yost family, etc.

As for John? I'm thinking he has maybe a spiritual background? An alien? Hell, I don't really know at this point, but he's got some qualities that make you think, which I enjoy in a tv show. So many shows out there require you to do no thinking at all.

07-09-2007, 02:09 PM
As for John? I'm thinking he has maybe a spiritual background? An alien? Hell, I don't really know at this point, but he's got some qualities that make you think, which I enjoy in a tv show. So many shows out there require you to do no thinking at all.

I think the alien idea might be far fetched.
Spiritual I like.

And I agree with the show making you think. That's how I got hooked.
I'm trying to figure it out and I find myself still thinking about it the next day.

07-16-2007, 10:51 AM

Okay. It got even stranger with last night's episode.

John appears to be in 2 places at once?

John speaking as Bill's dead wife?

WTF was with the green body at the bbq?

I'm not sure I actually followed it. There was a lot going on and they threw it at you fast. I'm going to watch it again this week and see if I can get it.

Anyone still watching it?

07-16-2007, 10:54 AM
fuck man, i fuckin love the fuck out of that fuckin show. i fuckin love the fuckin show so fuckin much that i fuckin started to fuckin talk fuckin exactly like fuckin every fuckin character. it's fuckin great. fuck yeah!

Oh, Gee!!
07-16-2007, 10:54 AM
I'll give it one season.

07-16-2007, 11:21 AM

Okay. It got even stranger with last night's episode.

John appears to be in 2 places at once?

John speaking as Bill's dead wife?

WTF was with the green body at the bbq?

I'm not sure I actually followed it. There was a lot going on and they threw it at you fast. I'm going to watch it again this week and see if I can get it.

Anyone still watching it?

last night's episode was definitely .. strange... to say the least.

john was saying some weird shit.

i'm still watching.

and RACK rebecca demornay tweaking on acid and showing a 13 yo how to get his jerk on!!

07-16-2007, 11:28 AM

Okay. It got even stranger with last night's episode.

John appears to be in 2 places at once?

John speaking as Bill's dead wife?

WTF was with the green body at the bbq?

I'm not sure I actually followed it. There was a lot going on and they threw it at you fast. I'm going to watch it again this week and see if I can get it.

Anyone still watching it?

I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be a dead body or WHAT. Freaky episode, to say the least.

All these elements of the show that were brought to the motor court: the spiral staircase from Bills place, for one. Then they'd show Kai and Butchie sitting with the "green" guy behind them, then the next shot was Kai, Butchie, Mitch, Shawn, Cissy and Tina are all standing together, the they cut to a new shot and Kai and Butchie are sitting alone holding hands...no green guy behind them anymore.

07-16-2007, 11:29 AM
and RACK rebecca demornay tweaking on acid and showing
a 13 yo how to get his jerk on!!


07-16-2007, 11:35 AM

not in real life, silly.

07-16-2007, 11:51 AM
not in real life, silly.

Of course not in real life, but geeez.

Besides, with all that rage she displays, would you want her hand on your peepee?

07-16-2007, 11:55 AM
It's bizarre.

But it's got me hooked.

I've got to know where it's all heading.

07-16-2007, 11:55 AM
^me and the wife had a big debate over the jerking off thing. My wife thought she actually had some kind of sexual interaction with her son, while I felt that she kind of displayed to him through the hand motion what to do when jerking off. We couldn't come to an agreement on that one.

Overall, my feeling at this time is that I need to watch that episode again. Too much going on with John, the dead body in room 24, etc. And I'm starting to get a little irritated with demornay's Sissy character, she needs to calm down some, ya know? Still enjoying the series overall though.

07-16-2007, 12:09 PM
^me and the wife had a big debate over the jerking off thing. My wife thought she actually had some kind of sexual interaction with her son, while I felt that she kind of displayed to him through the hand motion what to do when jerking off. We couldn't come to an agreement on that one.

Overall, my feeling at this time is that I need to watch that episode again. Too much going on with John, the dead body in room 24, etc. And I'm starting to get a little irritated with demornay's Sissy character, she needs to calm down some, ya know? Still enjoying the series overall though.

Whatever it was, it's stayed with her all these years based on the reaction she had when John was relating what was going on inside her head at that moment. At least I THINK that's what he was doing. It seemed like he was verbalizing the things that were going through her head at that moment.

I have two words for Grams: anger management.

07-16-2007, 12:25 PM
I'm addicted this show! I didn't know what to make out of last night's episode, but it was definitely an exclamation point on what's happened so far. We already know that something happened in room 24 because the new owner clearly sees the body whenever he goes in there. He also made reference to having talked to Cissy a long time ago, so I'm wondering what went on there. John's whole monologue completely threw me. I'm going to have to watch it again to see if I can glean anything from it.

07-16-2007, 12:36 PM
I'm addicted this show! I'm going to have to watch it again to see if I can glean anything from it.

I'm with you. Addicted and going to have to watch this episode again to try and make sense of it. If it's possible to make sense of it! :lol

I love how it stays with me, keeps me thinking the next day.
I loved David Milch's "Deadwood", but it never really confused me like this show can.

07-30-2007, 03:12 PM

My God it's getting stranger by the week.

Anyone sticking it out with me?

"Shape Shifter" seem like the best guess?

Is Shaun "gone" because Cissy signed him with Link? Why the fuck would she do that after Link destroyed Butchie?

If Ed O'Neill doesn't get an Emmy for this role it will be a crime. He's incredible.


07-30-2007, 03:39 PM

My God it's getting stranger by the week.

Anyone sticking it out with me?

"Shape Shifter" seem like the best guess?

Is Shaun "gone" because Cissy signed him with Link? Why the fuck would she do that after Link destroyed Butchie?

If Ed O'Neill doesn't get an Emmy for this role it will be a crime. He's incredible.


I can't wait for Sunday nights for the new episodes. Totally hooked on this show.

We were discussing this last night after we went to bed. I don't think he's an "evil" being.....that being said I'm not sure he's an angel, or a messenger from God, or maybe just an alien.

The phrases "My fathers words..." and "See God..." are what have me leaning toward an angel or messenger. But with the twists and turns in the show, nothing would surprise me when his identity is finally revealed.

"Shawn will soon be gone." Will his mother take him? Is he going off with Link? Is he going to run away? Will he die (again)?

All these people being brought together. There's something there, I just don't know what it is yet.

07-30-2007, 03:56 PM
I can't wait for Sunday nights for the new episodes. Totally hooked on this show.

We were discussing this last night after we went to bed. I don't think he's an "evil" being.....that being said I'm not sure he's an angel, or a messenger from God, or maybe just an alien.

The phrases "My fathers words..." and "See God..." are what have me leaning toward an angel or messenger. But with the twists and turns in the show, nothing would surprise me when his identity is finally revealed.

"Shawn will soon be gone." Will his mother take him? Is he going off with Link? Is he going to run away? Will he die (again)?

All these people being brought together. There's something there, I just don't know what it is yet.

notice that they had him in room 24 when Bill and the other guy were questioning him?

07-30-2007, 03:57 PM
Interesting. I was just on the HBO site for the series, reading the bios on all the actors.

The actors playing Shuan and Kai aren't actors, per se. They're both professional surfers.

And the woman who plays the lawyers wife? That's Jennifer Gray!! Damn...she's unrecognizable after all her plastic surgery.

07-30-2007, 04:58 PM
They all seem awfully calm about John's powers. The guy stabbed himself in front of Bill! Every week brings about more questions than answers? What's with the black cloth and the stick figure?!

07-30-2007, 05:03 PM
Every week brings about more questions than answers

I hope this doesn't turn into another "Lost".

07-30-2007, 05:06 PM
Every week brings about more questions than answers?

That's what has gotten me. I keep finding myself thinking about it during the week. Wondering...

I like a show that keeps me guessing.

I just hope it stays strong and brings a great conclusion.

Something this good shouldn't be a letdown when they start answering the questions.

07-30-2007, 05:25 PM
notice that they had him in room 24 when Bill and the other guy were questioning him?

Have we ever found out exactly WHAT went on in room 24?

It obviously holds bad memories for Barry.

07-30-2007, 05:25 PM
That's what has gotten me. I keep finding myself thinking about it during the week. Wondering...

I like a show that keeps me guessing.

I just hope it stays strong and brings a great conclusion.

Something this good shouldn't be a letdown when they start answering the questions.

I've started answering questions I have no answer for with "I don't know Butchy instead" :lol

07-30-2007, 05:27 PM
Have we ever found out exactly WHAT went on in room 24?

It obviously holds bad memories for Barry.

i think a pedophile molested barry in that room.
rumor is Cissy killed him.

07-30-2007, 05:29 PM
i think a pedophile molested barry in that room.
rumor is Cissy killed him.

So the dead guy is the guy who molested Barry when he was little?

I was thinking about that with the whole "Shirley Temple" exchange with Shaun in the bar. Flashback to how he came to be taken to Room 24 and molested perhaps?

07-30-2007, 05:31 PM
So the dead guy is the guy who molested Barry when he was little?

I was thinking about that with the whole "Shirley Temple" exchange with Shaun in the bar. Flashback to how he came to be taken to Room 24 and molested perhaps?

some things i know and some I don't.

07-30-2007, 06:04 PM
We never remember my father's words.

07-30-2007, 06:16 PM
the end is near

07-30-2007, 06:19 PM
We never remember my father's words.the 1s and 0s make the words on Cass's Camera

07-30-2007, 08:51 PM
See God, Kai.

07-30-2007, 09:50 PM
Can I bone Kai and Butchie know my father instead?

08-06-2007, 02:04 AM
besides line regurgitation, any thoughts on last night's episode?

08-06-2007, 08:09 AM
All I learned last night was that the doctor bought a building that he's turning into a clinic, and the stick figures are popping up all over. I had a thought that maybe the "chemist" is supposed to be God? The preview for next week's season finale said that all will be revealed, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of another season?

One thing is certain... the Cissy Yost character has gotten really old for me. All she does is yell and curse at people. She barely has much dialogue beyond "fuck you".

08-06-2007, 09:19 AM
he Cissy Yost character has gotten really old for me. All she does is yell and curse at people. She barely has much dialogue beyond "fuck you".


and i seriously doubt ALL will be revealed next week.
but i hope a few questions get answered... or I'm likely to drop this one like I did "Lost" .... after about the 50th sub-story with no answer, I just quit caring.

08-06-2007, 09:51 AM
All I learned last night was that the doctor bought a building that he's turning into a clinic, and the stick figures are popping up all over. I had a thought that maybe the "chemist" is supposed to be God? The preview for next week's season finale said that all will be revealed, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose of another season?

One thing is certain... the Cissy Yost character has gotten really old for me. All she does is yell and curse at people. She barely has much dialogue beyond "fuck you".

I'm with you. Cissy's anger was interesting for a short time but now is just irritating.

"All will be revealed" can not be true if there is another season, but I don't see how people will stay interested if they leave us completely hanging. There are too many questions now, they have to be careful in how much they give us. Too much or too little won't be good.

Last night's show wasn't as good as previous one's, but I still sat completely engrossed in it. I guess I wait and see if they can keep my interest next week and beyond.

08-06-2007, 11:01 AM
I agree that this episode was the least interesting, but I watched hoping for some answers.

Maybe there is no plan for another season.

08-06-2007, 11:08 AM
each of the main characters seems to have changed in a positive way except for cissy (and link i guess). she's basically devolved even further, which is interesting. for no reason i thought that butchie and mitch in the water together would have sparked something.

08-07-2007, 08:25 AM
Even Cissy had a mellow moment at the end of the last episode when she was talking to the Chemist
According to HBO's website, the Chemist's name is Erlemeyer; he was a 19th century chemist who invented the Erlemeyer flask and formulated the Erlemeyer Rule
My guess is "Erlemeyer" is a tip of the hat to either Augustus Owsley "Bear" Stanley III or Hershberger
Cissy is supposed to be an old acid head, but DeMorney is playng her as either a burned out speed freak, or a casualty of angel dust

08-07-2007, 09:06 AM
I have watched all 9 episodes to date and I'm convinced that they aren't going to wrap up anything next episode. No new season, no closure, and no answers. It's like Deadwood...great characters and visuals, but the plot just wanders around aimlessly and even they don't understand it or have any idea how to satisfactorily wrap it up with a bow.

08-07-2007, 09:07 AM
Sissy is one hot GMILF though...

08-07-2007, 09:38 AM
Damn, they better give me some kind of answer in the last show coming up. And I have to watch Sissy run around, kicking shit, yelling, and blowing cigarette smoke at things I'm going to lose it. That act is getting very tired.

08-07-2007, 10:39 AM

08-07-2007, 06:12 PM
I have always meant to catch this show. worth watching?

08-07-2007, 07:08 PM
I have always meant to catch this show. worth watching?
i'd recommend it.

08-07-2007, 07:20 PM

08-08-2007, 02:42 PM
The show is definitely intriguing. Did you know Shaun is played by Greyson Fletcher, son of surfing legend Christian Fletcher? Greyson is a professional surfer and skater. I believe he is the boy in the opening credits -- it cuts between old surf videos and skating. Now, Christian Fletcher was the person who developed "aerials." If you recall, Butchie is mentioned as popularizing aerials as well. There are other parallels between the two; Christian Fletcher left the surfing scene and became a drug addict. Aside from this, if you look at the credits list:
You will notice Dibi Fletcher and Herbie Fletcher. This is Christian Fletcher's mother and father, respectively. Herbie was a Long Board surfer -- another parallel with the show between Butchie and Mitch. They are credited with consulting.

08-08-2007, 03:04 PM
The show is definitely intriguing. Did you know Shaun is played by Greyson Fletcher, son of surfing legend Christian Fletcher? Greyson is a professional surfer and skater. I believe he is the boy in the opening credits -- it cuts between old surf videos and skating. Now, Christian Fletcher was the person who developed "aerials." If you recall, Butchie is mentioned as popularizing aerials as well. There are other parallels between the two; Christian Fletcher left the surfing scene and became a drug addict. Aside from this, if you look at the credits list:
You will notice Dibi Fletcher and Herbie Fletcher. This is Christian Fletcher's mother and father, respectively. Herbie was a Long Board surfer -- another parallel with the show between Butchie and Mitch. They are credited with consulting.


The series includes surfing sequences by well-respected surfers Brock Little, Keala Kennelly, Dan Malloy (surfer), John-John Florence, Shane Beschen, and Herbie Fletcher.

08-08-2007, 04:00 PM
Always meant to catch it, but I don't have HBO though. Looks like a good show.

Rumor is that it won't be renewed.

Link (http://www.tvblogger.org/2007/08/john-exiled-to-cincinnati.html)

A source inside HBO, who wished to remain anonymous, has informed TV Blogger that HBO will not pick up John From Cincinnati for a second season.

A second individual, who works on the show itself, also suggested that that John will not be back. "I don't know for sure, but from what I've heard, the grape vine and such, we won't be back" for another season.

The show has struggled since its debut, garnering mixed reviews and drowning in the ratings. That it's the most confusing show in television history can't have helped. My sincere hope is that HBO brass pushes Milch into bringing back Deadwood.

The season one (series) finale airs August 12th.

08-08-2007, 04:02 PM
Always meant to catch it, but I don't have HBO though. Looks like a good show.

Rumor is that it won't be renewed.

Link (http://www.tvblogger.org/2007/08/john-exiled-to-cincinnati.html)

Thanks for the link.

It is a great show, I was hoping they could maintain it.

I'll be thrilled if Deadwood comes back.

08-08-2007, 04:09 PM
if it's not going to be renewed , i want some answers next week, dammit!!!

don't leave me hanging like you did in Carnivale

08-08-2007, 04:50 PM
if it's not going to be renewed , i want some answers next week, dammit!!!

don't leave me hanging like you did in Carnivale

There is no way they wrap it up next week. They will leave us hanging and hope that viewer response forces HBO to renew or they will hope to get picked up by a different network.

08-12-2007, 08:54 PM

Just saw the season finale.

Could take me a week to figure out what the fuck went on.

Chime in when you see it and please sort this out for me!

08-12-2007, 08:57 PM
I'm as lost as you are. WTF?

08-13-2007, 12:15 PM
I want Deadwood back, I want Carnivale back... and I want John from Cincinatti to return.

goddamn HBO.

08-13-2007, 12:25 PM
I want Deadwood back, I want Carnivale back... and I want John from Cincinatti to return.

goddamn HBO.

I'm with you on all 3 shows.

Carnivale was intense and they left us at the peak of the battle with no answers!

Deadwood was/is one of my all time favorite shows, I really liked it.

I guess there's rumor that maybe Milch will do something with it if John From Cincinnati isn't coming back.

I had heard that there would be 2 two hour movies on HBO to "wrap" Deadwood up but I can't find anything to confirm that.

If HBO doesn't bring any of these back we can only hope that they've got something else equally as great for us soon!

08-13-2007, 12:26 PM
Oh...I'm going to watch last night's John again in the hope that I can start to figure out wtf it was about!

08-13-2007, 12:44 PM
WFT happend last night? Aye aye aye. I guess I'll have to watch it again.

08-13-2007, 12:45 PM
WFT happend last night?

Please tell me when you figure it out.

08-13-2007, 04:28 PM
Watched the whole season and I can only really come to one main conclusion after this last episode.

John basically restored balance to that little universe in Imperial Beach. Everyone (for the most part) got their life back in the end, they were in a better place than when they were at the beginning of the show.

Butchie was back surfing and has re-connected with his son and with Kai.

Ed Oniell's character finally went upstairs and talked with his deceased wife, also had his bird come back, doesn't have to worry about Shaun anymore.

Barry came to terms with the history of room 24, and obviously the voices in his head he can now ignore or at least turn their message into a more positive one.

Link isn't the backstabbing corporate asshole that he was, he makes peace with the Yost family and helps the mom/porno actress re-connect with her son and a life away from porn.

Lawyer Dickstein (sp?) finds passion again in his relationship/satisfcation?

Kai connects again with Butchie, kind of re-ignites their old relationship with each other.

Sissy at the end finds some kind of peace with her history/interaction with Butchie when he was young, accpets that she needs to move on in her marriage with Mitch while letting Butchie and Tina become parents to their child.

The thug guy living at the motel complex gets out of the drug selling business-opens up a new life for himself.

The doctor finds a new meaning to his life, opens up a clinic to help those less fortunate.

Sean seems to be the glue holding these people together, he accepts them all for who they are and continues to love them. He's also moving back in with his dad at the end, and you can tell that Butchie loves him a great deal.

John, who the hell knows? Still thinking about this one. From his words he makes himself to be, I don't know, the son of Jesus? Something along those lines? I'm still very confused as to who he is exactly, but he does seem to have very strong morals/beliefs which effect others in a positive manner. Still have to think some more on this one.

Anyway, that's all I can come up with for now, any other thoughts, ideas?

08-13-2007, 04:52 PM
Wow...thanks Ballcox. Great analysis. Everything you say makes perfect sense. I was too blown out by the pace of it last night to take it apart like you did. They threw it all at us so fast it was hard to digest.

John did restore balance, what a brilliant insight. And he did it the way it needed to be done...by throwing them all more off balance. I like the idea of John being some kind of spiritual person, I didn't want to think of him as evil. His words about his father and his father's father do bring Jesus to mind, but maybe it's simpler than that. Maybe it's the link we all have, to our own fathers and to the people who matter in our lives.

I'm going to watch it again, with what you've said in mind.

Thanks for the great post.

08-14-2007, 09:08 AM
^Thanks, I also like your idea about John and the relationship to the term 'father', could really imply relationships on a lot of different levels.

Also agree with you about how John kind of set everyone off balance in order for them to finally sustain/achieve balance again in their lives, makes sense. :fro

Oh, Gee!!
08-14-2007, 09:51 AM
I'll give it one season.

I told you so.....

The wave has crashed for "John From Cincinnati." A day after its first-season finale, HBO on Monday canceled the dark surfing drama.



08-14-2007, 11:04 AM
I told you so.....

The wave has crashed for "John From Cincinnati." A day after its first-season finale, HBO on Monday canceled the dark surfing drama.



Too bad. I liked it.
Here's the article.

Say goodbye to 'John from Cincinnati'
HBO cancels "John from Cincinnati"

Show, created by "Deadwood's" David Milch, about surfer family

Odd tone, unusual characters never caught on with audiences

LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- The wave has crashed for "John From Cincinnati." A day after its first-season finale, HBO on Monday canceled the dark surfing drama.

"John from Cincinnati," starring Bruce Greenwood as the leader of a surfer family, never caught on.

Labeled by critics as "strange," "weird" and "unlikable," "John" never clicked with viewers despite a strong marketing campaign and such well-known leads as Rebecca De Mornay and Bruce Greenwood.

For the few devoted fans of the show, which David Milch ("Deadwood") created with "surf noir" author Kem Nunn, the mysterious final line in the season finale -- John saying, "Mother of God, Cass-Kai" over a shot of Kai (Keala Kennelly) surfing -- will remain just that, a mystery.

Meanwhile, HBO is yet to decide the fate of its other summer freshman series, the comedy "Flight of the Conchords."

It's been a rough summer for HBO, while basic cable networks have launched a slew of hit new series -- USA Network's "Burn Notice," Lifetime's "Army Wives" and TNT's "Saving Grace," all renewed for a second season.

HBO's upcoming series include the drama "In Treatment," the comedy "12 Miles of Bad Road" and "True Blood," the recently picked-up vampire drama by "Six Feet Under" creator Alan Ball.

(That sounds cool. I liked Six Feet Under.)