View Full Version : Overpaying has offically got out of hand..

07-11-2007, 07:58 AM
The latest Rashard Lewis contract details is quite sickening.

http://assets.espn.go.com/i/nba/profiles/players/65x90/3275.jpg-Rashard Lewis 6 years, 126 million

If Orlando can execute a sign-and-trade with Seattle, it would be extremely beneficial to Lewis. That kind of deal would give Lewis 10.5 percent annual raises, meaning his contract would go from $16.8 million to $18.5 million to $20.3 million to $22 million to $23.8 million to $25.6 million. The six-year pact would be worth a staggering $127.2 million.

There are other reports that the deal could be Lewis' contract could approach over $110 million for six years.

Because he's coming into the Magic as a nine-year veteran, he can command as much as 30 percent of Orlando's salary cap and would be entitled to 8 percent raises on a yearly basis. Lewis' deal would be worth as much as $97.4 over five years, and considerably more if a deal between the Magic and Sonics is reached.

I do hope for the Magic's sake that a sign and trade isn't done. Otherwise they are screwed cap wise for a long time. Why spend this much on a guy who likely won't make them into that elite level? the Magic would go from an 8th seed to what? 5th at best? is it really worth destroying your future cap space for a guy who won't impact you to elite level?

Lewis' first-year salary with the Magic will be $16.68 million -- the maximum allowable for a player with nine years of NBA experience. From there, he'll get 10.5 percent annual raises. That will take the deal to a mind-boggling $25.2 million for the 2012-13 season.

Now that is just crazy. For a guy who averages 22 and 6 on below average defense?

Obviously Lewis is the worse case here but this topic isn't just about Lewis. Lets look around the league for other proofs of overpaying. Granted none is as bad at this possible contract.

http://assets.espn.go.com/i/nba/profiles/players/65x90/3734.jpg-Jason Kapono 4 years, 24 million

Granted Kapono's deal isn't that bad but the MLE for a guy who averaged just 10 points per game and really only did one thing well, shoot. Alot of his points was down to Wade getting into the lane. Shaq's presents I guess helped as well. This was a guy before he got to Miami barely got off the bench and due to one good season playing with two superstars got a big contract.

http://assets.espn.go.com/i/nba/profiles/players/65x90/3125.jpg[/quote]- Derek Fisher- 3 years, 16 million

Another idiotic move by the Lakers. Fisher had no one else on his list yet the Lakers offer him basically a MLE deal. Even though he is 33 and on the downslide. Do Lakers seriously expect him to play big minutes? clueless.

I guess I could mention Wallace from the Bobcats for his rumoured deal of 60 million but If it's for 6 years thats a pretty good deal considering he is still young and can do alot of things for them on the floor. Score, rebound, get steals, block shots and defend. Thats rare these days.

I'm sure there will be other bad contracts to come this off-season. Chris Mihm is reportly wanting the WHOLE MLE....What is the world coming to?

I put this in here as It relates to the Spurs and the league in terms of player contracts.

What the Spurs signed Parker and Manu to were complete steals. One would think teams would offering these guys 70+ million if they could. Mainly the idiots down in Orlando.

After what has happened this summer If the Miami Heat manage to sign Maurice Williams for the MLE then thats the biggest steal of the off-season.

07-11-2007, 09:15 AM
$25.2 million for the 2012-13 season

For Rashard Fucking Lewis?!?!?

Real Tomato Ketchup
07-11-2007, 10:02 AM
:bang why couldn't I be taller!

The only thing that makes that seem normal today is that Stevie Franchise is getting paid 25 to 30 mil to NOT PLAY. :bang :bang

07-11-2007, 10:30 AM
As much as I knew that some over-zealous GM would overpay this guy this summer, it is no less sickening to read this story in print. How any GM or FO-type could muster up a max deal for a complimentary player like Rashard Lewis is truly mind-boggling? This not to say he's not a good player - he is. It's just that he aint nowhere near the talent vicinity of say a Kobe Bean Bryant. These types of contracts should only be reserved for your superstar-caliber players. It's typical irresponsible finanacial management.

Now as I take of my GM hat and put on my player hat, I'll say good for Lewis. :elephant

There's an old saying that you're worth whatever someone is willing to pay you.

07-11-2007, 10:32 AM
These guys aren't overpaid!

Blair Rasmussen and Jon Koncak.


07-11-2007, 10:37 AM
Jim McIlvaine is not amused by your financial analysis

07-11-2007, 10:43 AM
I moved to the Seattle area Lewis' rookie season.
I like him, we saw a lot of Sonics games and my son did their summer camp for 5 years. Lewis was friendly and approachable. The kids loved him and listened to him. It was nice to see a player up close like that.

But...he's not this kind of money player. Unless Orlando knows something we don't this is out of hand.

07-11-2007, 10:49 AM
$127.2M guaranteed would be close to what Parker, Ginobili, Bowen and Oberto make guaranteed. That basically 80% of a championships starting lineup (Ginobili off the bench, but you know what im saying).


07-11-2007, 10:51 AM
I've been in the Seattle area for the last 3 years. Although I wouldn't have gone to a Sonics game unless they are playing the Spurs I'm thinking that Presti is making all the right moves. He's not mortgaging the franchise's future on mediocre players. Let Orlando, New York and Dallas continue to overpay these players while well run organizations like the Spurs continue to win while staying below the salary cap. It just makes it all the sweeter and yes I may go to a few more Sonics games this year to show my love for the Spurs Nortwest organization.

07-11-2007, 10:55 AM
Otis Smith is just terrible, terrible... :pctoss

07-11-2007, 10:58 AM
Otis Smith is just terrible, terrible... :pctoss

Yeah, he's already starting to build a legacy in the mold of Isaiah Thomas, Danny Ainge, Steve Patterson and Tep Stepien.

07-11-2007, 11:06 AM
Speaking of the cap, I believe the Spurs are way over, and has exceeded luxury tax territory (Luxury set at around $67 M). What are the implications?

07-11-2007, 11:14 AM
I've been in the Seattle area for the last 3 years. Although I wouldn't have gone to a Sonics game unless they are playing the Spurs I'm thinking that Presti is making all the right moves. He's not mortgaging the franchise's future on mediocre players. Let Orlando, New York and Dallas continue to overpay these players while well run organizations like the Spurs continue to win while staying below the salary cap. It just makes it all the sweeter and yes I may go to a few more Sonics games this year to show my love for the Spurs Nortwest organization.

Good point. Now that you've mentioned that, based upon his salary demands, I don't think there was any way Lewis was going to stay in Seattle.

Marcus Bryant
07-11-2007, 11:19 AM
Too bad the Spurs couldn't have found a way to nab Fisher, but other factors are at play.

07-11-2007, 11:21 AM
In regards to Lewis' contract, I just saw this on RealGM


Sign And Trade Hopes For Magic, Lewis Fading?
July 11, 2007 - 3:49 am
Seattle Times -
The Magic has spent the past few days attempting to finalize a sign-and-trade deal with the Sonics to ease the financial burdens of the Rashard Lewis contract, but the teams had not agreed on compensation as of Tuesday night.

According to league sources, the major stumbling block in negotiations was Orlando's unwillingness to include a high draft pick in the deal. The Sonics were considering accepting the expiring contracts of Carlos Arroyo ($4 million), Pat Garrity ($3.8 million) and Keyon Dooling ($3.6 million) only if the Magic included a first- and possibly a second-round pick.

Orlando was also shopping Hedo Turkoglu, but he's owed $13 million the next two seasons and has a $7.4 million player option for the 2009-10 season.

My comments on this is if the Magic are now having to work to "ease the burden of the Lewis contract", that tells me right there that they overpaid for him and perhaps they're second guessing themselves. So the question is, what the hell were they thinking in giving this kid so much money? With this contract and Dwight Howard's contract, they may very well be strapped for a while.


07-11-2007, 11:26 AM
Wow, that's just 1 million from Duncan's 6 year 127 million.

Mr. Body
07-11-2007, 11:35 AM
Orlando just torpedoed their future.

07-11-2007, 11:46 AM
$127.2M guaranteed would be close to what Parker, Ginobili, Bowen and Oberto make guaranteed. That basically 80% of a championships starting lineup (Ginobili off the bench, but you know what im saying).


Not only that. But Lewis seems to me at times to be a very lazy player that puts up a lot of bad shots.

But why am I not surprised. Give it another 10 years and these guys will probably be getting billions to play a kids game. That's just how out of touch with reality some people are these days.

07-11-2007, 11:52 AM
126 million for 6 years! What are the Magic thinking!?
-Steve Francis

07-11-2007, 12:09 PM
We get to see Presti in action here and how he handles this. I had been hearing all along that Seattle did not intend to bring Lewis back and now they have the Magic on the hook. Sam can take some expiring contracts like the above article states but will want the draft pick as well. If Orlando doesn't give him what he wants, he can let Lewis walk.

Orlando is already dealing from the weak position here and they are the ones that are going to end up getting the free agent.

Lewis and Howard together will be nice but can they bring in the complementary players to make it work beyond a first round exit in the play offs?

07-11-2007, 12:11 PM
And by the way, with Stevie Franchise getting bought out by Portland, who will pick him up? The Houston radio guys are wondering alound if the Rockets should bring him back. I don't want him on the Spurs but do you think he would take a modest contract since he just got a huge buyout?

Damon Stoudamire redux.

07-11-2007, 12:16 PM
No to Francis.

07-11-2007, 12:18 PM
And by the way, with Stevie Franchise getting bought out by Portland, who will pick him up? The Houston radio guys are wondering alound if the Rockets should bring him back. I don't want him on the Spurs but do you think he would take a modest contract since he just got a huge buyout?

Damon Stoudamire redux.

Late word on local Dallas radio is that the Mavs are one of the teams in the hunt for Stevie Franchise. My question is Why? It seems that Mavs are rumoured to be pursuing almost any and every FA on the market. Yesterday, it was Chris Webber. Last week it was Gerald Wallace. Who next? Shawn Bradley....oops I forgot. They had him already.

Kori Ellis
07-11-2007, 12:21 PM
What the hell. I thought they over paid Lewis when I thought they were going to pay him 5 years/$75M. Over $120M is freakin nuts.

07-11-2007, 12:22 PM
Late word on local Dallas radio is that the Mavs are one of the teams in the hunt for Stevie Franchise. My question is Why? It seems that Mavs are rumoured to be pursuing almost any and every FA on the market. Yesterday, it was Chris Webber. Last week it was Gerald Wallace. Who next? Shawn Bradley....oops I forgot. They had him already.

I'm guessing because he's a PG who can actually pass and create shot opportunities for his teammates, even if he's in love with his own shot. Terry and Harris both telegraph their passes. Hell, if he's willing to take the MLE, I think Francis would be a good fit here, but word is he'll be joining his longtime companion since the Clippers need a PG even worse than we do.

Stevie + Cuttino = 4EVA.


07-11-2007, 12:32 PM
Granted Kapono's deal isn't that bad but the MLE for a guy who averaged just 10 points per game and really only did one thing well, shoot. Alot of his points was down to Wade getting into the lane. Shaq's presents I guess helped as well. This was a guy before he got to Miami barely got off the bench and due to one good season playing with two superstars got a big contract.

The Kapono deal is eerily similiar to the Damon Jones deal from the year before. How much do you want to bet Kapono ends up shooting 30% for the season and sitting himself at the end of the bench? I guess GM's just don't watch and learn....

Kori Ellis
07-11-2007, 12:41 PM
Kevin (Chicago, IL): Rashard Lewis’ deal is awful, but it can’t be the worst Max deal ever. Who is the worst player ever to get a max deal? Marbury?

SportsNation Bill Simmons: (1:09 PM ET ) No. it’s the worst max deal ever. It’s the worst sports contract in history. They gave a max contract to someone who has one skill (scoring), and he’s not even that good at that skill. He’s like a better Hedu Turkoglu. He plays 40 mins a game, scores 20 points and grabs you 5 boards. Congratulations.

07-11-2007, 12:42 PM
No to Francis.

As I wrote, I don't want him on the Spurs, I am just wondering where he will end up. Dallas is like the Lakers in that every "name" free agent is supposedly a target but if they can dump Terry and replace him with Francis, that might be an idea for them.

07-11-2007, 12:42 PM
He was sign-and-traded for a second round pick. It's official now.


07-11-2007, 12:43 PM
that's nothing

- Isiah Thomas.

Kori Ellis
07-11-2007, 12:44 PM
He was sign-and-traded for a second round pick. It's official now.


Yeah, Seattle got a second round pick and a ~$9M trade exception. Better than losing him for nothing.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-11-2007, 12:44 PM
Two things:

1. Franchise will end up in LA playing for the Clips with his 'buddy'.

2. Take any rumors about Dallas being involved in FA with a grain of salt. Cuban floats the rumors to the guys at the DMN every year so they'll print it and all the Cuban worshippers up here will lap it up, continue to idolize him and spend money on Mavs tickets.

07-11-2007, 01:20 PM
Woah, those are some TERRIBLE contracts.

What's the bet that Lewis does a Grant Hill and barely plays? Orlando make bad decisions to go with their bad luck...

Lewis is being paid the same as Duncan - I mean, WTF???????? :wtf :wtf :wtf

07-11-2007, 01:24 PM
Is there such a term as over-overpaid?

07-11-2007, 01:25 PM
Yeah, Seattle got a second round pick and a ~$9M trade exception. Better than losing him for nothing.

What the hell? Orlando isn't going to be in a position to pay any picks anytime soon anyway. May as well give them away.

Even if Seattle had lost Lewis for nothing in return, they still would have come out ahead of the Magic in this deal.

07-11-2007, 01:36 PM

2. Take any rumors about Dallas being involved in FA with a grain of salt. Cuban floats the rumors to the guys at the DMN every year so they'll print it and all the Cuban worshippers up here will lap it up, continue to idolize him and spend money on Mavs tickets.

Look, I don't know if we're getting Stevie and I'm not putting any stock in it, but two things:

1) Cuban and the DMN aren't on the best of terms and

2) What evidence do you have that the Mavs and Cuban aren't committed to winning a title? Questionable personnel decisions, sure, but not wanting to win a title, just content to field a competitive team and turn a buck? Why are we in lux tax territory? Why did we ink Dirk, Josh, Jet and Avery to extensions? Being in lux tax territory doesn't mean you've spent your money wisely, but it damn sure means you're TRYING.

07-11-2007, 01:40 PM
bonner gets 3 mill. lewis gets 20 mill. sounds legit to me.

back to drawing board for the owners and players.. its out of control again.

07-11-2007, 01:43 PM
what does this mean in terms of Howard?

They will still have the cap flexibility to max him out, but I don't see how they can build around the two of them.

07-11-2007, 01:44 PM
bonner gets 3 mill. lewis gets 20 mill. sounds legit to me.

back to drawing board for the owners and players.. its out of control again.

So you reckon Bonner isn't worth half the average salary of an NBA player (ie. the MLE)? I call BS. He's well worth that, and he'll prove it to us over the 3 years of the contract.

07-11-2007, 01:51 PM
So you reckon Bonner isn't worth half the average salary of an NBA player (ie. the MLE)? I call BS. He's well worth that, and he'll prove it to us over the 3 years of the contract.

Bonner is a minimum salary player. He overs no measurable signifcant contribution to this team as long as horry elson and oberto are here. he had no value and he has no potential and there is no demand for his services. so yeah.. the minimum.

07-11-2007, 01:55 PM
Bonner is a minimum salary player. He overs no measurable signifcant contribution to this team as long as horry elson and oberto are here. he had no value and he has no potential and there is no demand for his services. so yeah.. the minimum.

Horry is gone after next season. What's the bet Bonner logs some of his minutes during the regular season to take some of the burden off Horry while learning how to play his role. He will be Horry Jnr (very Jnr, admittedly), in years two and three. It's called forward thinking.

07-11-2007, 02:00 PM
Are there any good FOs in the Eastern Conference?

07-11-2007, 02:00 PM
If Bonner can come in and make shots in non-garbage time he may be useful.

07-11-2007, 02:19 PM
Are there any good FOs in the Eastern Conference?


Toronto looked good last year, but appear to have gone a bit crazy this year.
Chicago looks good, but I think they need to be a bit more adventurous (they should have traded for KG or Pau).
Charlotte used to be good, but may have screwed themselves by accepting Jordan as a GM.
The Wizards haven't done anything egregiously bad recently...

07-11-2007, 02:34 PM
Are there any good FOs in the Eastern Conference?

Not only are they unlucky in the lottery but their GMs are crap as well....... :spin

07-11-2007, 02:41 PM
If Bonner can come in and make shots in non-garbage time he may be useful.

He will. Watch and see how many of Horrys minutes that Bonner gets. Pop will rest Horry until playoff time, giving him very limited minutes. Bonner will be his fill in. And I expect Bonner will perform.

Ronaldo McDonald
07-11-2007, 02:46 PM
magic gm just crapped a giant one on their future.

07-11-2007, 04:37 PM
:bang why couldn't I be taller!

The only thing that makes that seem normal today is that Stevie Franchise is getting paid 25 to 30 mil to NOT PLAY. :bang :bang

It is a fucking joke in the league with the money anymore. Seriously it is so bad that if you are say 6-10 or so and can just play defense and rebound you are going to make at least 5 mil a year, probably more. You can be so bad on offense that you can't throw it into the ocean, but if you can do those 2 things you will be rich.

07-11-2007, 04:45 PM
Orlando just torpedoed their future.

That was my first thought too.

I mean.... if im a player in Orlando im holding my head.

Also problem with such a contract is that it sets standard for high demands for other Orlando player.

Will anyone want to sign a relatively small contract with them now? :toast

07-11-2007, 04:48 PM
I guess the Magic felt they needed to do something to replace that Grant Hill bargain.

07-11-2007, 04:57 PM
I guess the Magic felt they needed to do something to replace that Grant Hill bargain.

07-11-2007, 05:09 PM
I can't wait to see how much they give Darko

07-11-2007, 05:11 PM
Darko is gone. They had to renounce his rights to free up the cap room to sign Lewis.

07-11-2007, 05:21 PM
Donovan made the right choice.

07-11-2007, 05:54 PM
This signing would be the dumbest I have ever seen.... Shoot, give me a job as a GM and I could do better than this.

07-11-2007, 05:56 PM
This is the worst contract I've ever seen a team pay to a player on their own team.

07-11-2007, 06:00 PM
Shard's agent: My client's looking for something around the 6 year/$80 million range.
Otis Smith: I call that and raise you to 6 years/$90 million!
Shard's agent: Mr. Smith, we're not playing poker...
Otis Smith: $100 million!
Shard's agent: We already said we'd be happy with the first amount.
Otis Smith: $110 million!
Shard's agent: Are you seri...
Otis Smith: $126 million!
Shard's agent: Wow! You must really be enamoured with Rashard's skills. I don't see any reason to shop him anywhere else. We gladly accept your offer and I'll fax you all the paperwork tomorrow (leaves room).
Otis Smith: $200 million!

07-11-2007, 06:48 PM
i wonder how long before people in Orlando start saying their team is hexed by the cursed of Shaq. Seriously, nothing good has happened there since he left. If i was Dwight Howard i would get out while my ankles and knees were still intact.

07-11-2007, 06:52 PM
This is the worst contract I've ever seen a team pay to a player on their own team.:lmao

07-11-2007, 06:54 PM
Shard's agent: My client's looking for something around the 6 year/$80 million range.
Otis Smith: I call that and raise you to 6 years/$90 million!
Shard's agent: Mr. Smith, we're not playing poker...
Otis Smith: $100 million!
Shard's agent: We already said we'd be happy with the first amount.
Otis Smith: $110 million!
Shard's agent: Are you seri...
Otis Smith: $126 million!
Shard's agent: Wow! You must really be enamoured with Rashard's skills. I don't see any reason to shop him anywhere else. We gladly accept your offer and I'll fax you all the paperwork tomorrow (leaves room).
Otis Smith: $200 million!

:lol :lol :lol :lol

and agreed Slinkyman

if i was D Howard i would start looking where to go after my rookie contract expired

07-11-2007, 07:12 PM
Shard's agent: My client's looking for something around the 6 year/$80 million range.
Otis Smith: I call that and raise you to 6 years/$90 million!
Shard's agent: Mr. Smith, we're not playing poker...
Otis Smith: $100 million!
Shard's agent: We already said we'd be happy with the first amount.
Otis Smith: $110 million!
Shard's agent: Are you seri...
Otis Smith: $126 million!
Shard's agent: Wow! You must really be enamoured with Rashard's skills. I don't see any reason to shop him anywhere else. We gladly accept your offer and I'll fax you all the paperwork tomorrow (leaves room).
Otis Smith: $200 million!

:clap :clap

07-11-2007, 08:14 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol

and agreed Slinkyman

if i was D Howard i would start looking where to go after my rookie contract expired
I think he was trying to follow the Ferry model that got LeBron to resign: "Maybe if I go out and throw cash around like a lawyer in a strip club, our star will see how serious we are about building a winning program!" But averaging $21M/yr. for Rashard Fucking Lewis is the most ridiculous thing I've personally ever seen.

07-11-2007, 09:19 PM
sickening? why do you give a shit? you're not paying him.

07-11-2007, 11:24 PM
$25.2 million for the 2012-13 season

For Rashard Fucking Lewis?!?!?

Yeah but imagine how much trade value that expiring contract will have in 2012!!!

07-11-2007, 11:36 PM
They paid Grant Hill $92.88 million for 200 games in 6 years = $464,400 per game.

At that rate, Lewis needs to only play 274 games in the 6 years of his contract.

Given he has only ever once played a full 82 games in 9 years.... it's a dangerous contract, and that does not even consider his contribution on the court!

07-12-2007, 12:12 AM
they are going to extend howard sometime this week.

07-12-2007, 05:39 AM
WALLACE only resign with the bobcats at 60m/6yr or 10-12mill per yr with 2m bonus base on performance.....thats a fuckn steal there for the hello kitties

07-12-2007, 07:13 AM
they are going to extend howard sometime this week.
I heard that too. They just have to figure out how many zeros in a "Kajillion" first.

07-12-2007, 07:34 AM

Howard is signing a 5 yr, $80 million extension. Somebody on here has a picture of Howard in a Spurs uni in their signature and I keep hearing talk about the "08 Master Plan." I'm glad it doesn't include Dwight Howard.

Don Quixote
07-12-2007, 01:49 PM
And this is why the Spurs win championships ... and most of the other teams don't.

They don't know how to put together a team.

Another question ... where was Isiah in all this? Couldn't he have offered Lewis about the same? Or is he waiting for Lewis to get into his 30's and show a bad attitude before trading for him?

07-12-2007, 02:22 PM
And this is why the Spurs win championships ... and most of the other teams don't.

They don't know how to put together a team.

Another question ... where was Isiah in all this? Couldn't he have offered Lewis about the same? Or is he waiting for Lewis to get into his 30's and show a bad attitude before trading for him?

Rashard has to have a degenerative ankle or knee problem before Zeke will touch him.

07-12-2007, 02:25 PM
I feel sorry for those poor bastards


Alex Rodriguez