View Full Version : Insider on SpursReport: About the Scola Deal

07-13-2007, 05:17 PM
The following is a post by a poster on Spursreport.com. If any of you guys follow both sites like I do, you know that the poster, Amente, is believed to be an insider. I thought this was very interesting and brought something to the discussion, so I copied and pasted it here. Anyhow, here it is:

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Allow me to interrupt.......

Scola was ready to extend his contract with Tau if he wasn't going to come to the NBA this summer and had until the 15th to tell Tau whether he would be coming to the NBA or not.
Here's the kicker, most all the GMs KNEW THIS so they were not going to give the Spurs anything of real value for SCOLA. They were in no way going to help the Spurs in any way in this Scola situation, for them it was either you accept our cheap offers for you don't get him or anything else for him. The Spurs took the best they could do.

For the Spurs it was either sign Scola, take whatever they could for him or just lose him and get nothing in return.

The Spurs had tried for two years to try and get a first round pick for Scola with no takers. Chicago was only offering a 2nd round pick for Scola and nothing more. Nocioni, a first round pick or Duhon were never offered by Chicago.

Spurs weren’t getting any good offers for Butler either and they knew Butler wouldn’t find playing time on the Spurs this season and was to be paid $2.5 million to be the 13th or 14th guy on the roster and they were unlikely to keep him beyond 2008 anyway.

There was a deal in the works yesterday for Butler to go to Sactown and Scola to Cleveland and it fell through but the Spurs weren’t getting anything more in that deal than they did with Houston.

Not even a big man needy New Jersey was willing to give the Spurs anything of value for Butler.
As far as the luxury tax goes, yes the Spurs now are under the luxury tax threshold by a bit but the Butler move was also to open a roster spot and some salary as well as for tax purposes.

Note: The luxury tax a team has to pay is not determined until the last game of the regular season. In this case, April 2008. It’s difficult for teams to do this in April as all contracts are guaranteed by then so it’s more like Feb. 2008 when the trading deadline occurs as that is the last time to move players out. So Butler didn’t have to be moved now to get under the tax threshold. But he did have to be moved now to drop $2.5 mil and at the same time create a roster spot and some wiggle room on signing someone that may be of more value to the team in 2007-2008 than in 2009 or never.

The Spurs have paid small tax in the last 3 years or so but they are going to pay too much over the tax threshold as most teams are now going that route as well, especially with the CBA and luxury tax changes made in the last CBA.

Now back to Scola. The Spurs no longer wanted Scola as a Spur. I have never gotten a straight answer as to their reasoning but it was never about his buyout or him asking for too much money.
Tau dropped his buyout in 2005 and again in 2006 to $3 mil which was reasonable and doable. Nocioni had a similar buyout and received a contract from Chicago that allowed Nocioni to pay the buyout. Scola wanted a 3 year/ $9 million deal last year but the Spurs said that it was too much for a first year player from Europe since they felt they were burned with Oberto after his first year in the NBA. That was the Spurs excuse anyway.
And now it appears Scola will sign a similar deal with the Rockets. It wasn’t about the buyout.

I’ll add more later if I remember if I left out anything.

I’ll let you all digest this before I open this thread up for replies.

I hope he doesn't mind but I am posting coyote_geeks reply to the following question.

Originally Posted by kaji157:
what i don´t understand is why instead of getting spunoulis and a draft pick why the spurs didn´t send butler to one team and scola to another getting 2 different 2nd rounders.

C_G reply:

Because the entire goal behind moving Butler was to get his salary off of the payroll without having to add anyone else's salary in return. That really narrows the field of teams who can help the Spurs because you now have to find a team who A.) wants Butler AND B.) has either cap room, a trade exception, a non-guaranteed contract, or a whiny point guard from Greece who wants to take his ball and go home who can be bought out for damn near nothing.

I believe we're down to Charlotte and Milwaukee as far as teams under the cap and neither of them need a guy like Butler. Cleveland had a trade exception but they've got their own luxury tax issues to deal with so they didn't want him. Seattle and Golden state have big TE's but they're thinking things much grander than Jackie Butler.

Enter Houston. They've got the whiny Greek PG who can be bought out cheaply, and they need a power forward. The Spurs happen to have a power forward in Scola, for whom the best offer received is a 2nd round pick. The rockets don't want Butler, but they need to get Spanoulis off their team and need a PF. The Spurs want a guy like Spanoulis who they can ditch cheaply, they want to get Butler off their team and they need to get something for Scola.

So Houston agrees to pay market value, a 2nd rounder, for Scola and they agree to take Butler in return for the Spurs taking Spanoulis. The rockets even kick in the cash to cover a possible buyout and lux tax hit for Spanoulis, possibly even kicking in some extra cash just to sweeten the pot a bit. The rockets get their power forward, the Spurs get market value for Scola and the ability to make Jackie Butler's contract vanish. Rocket fans rejoice, Spurs fans rebel, but in the end both teams accomplished exactly what they set out to do.

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Kori Ellis
07-13-2007, 05:19 PM
Link to their thread. It's not cool to copy and paste from there.

Anyway, Amente isn't an insider and I didn't read anything in there that hasn't been printed elsewhere. But it's interesting nonetheless.

07-13-2007, 05:23 PM
I’ll let you all digest this before I open this thread up for replies.



What a pretentious douche. A fucking pre-read?

Mr. Body
07-13-2007, 05:26 PM
Because GMs thought the Spurs were in tight quarters, they all stopped bidding on Scola?

07-13-2007, 05:30 PM
Spursreport is always right.

07-13-2007, 05:30 PM
Where's the inside info? Doesn't sound like much more than really wordy common sense.

07-13-2007, 05:30 PM


What a pretentious douche. A fucking pre-read?

I know I read that and I was like WHAT THE #$#%

I can multi task mother F@#

07-13-2007, 05:32 PM
Because GMs thought the Spurs were in tight quarters, they all stopped bidding on Scola?
They didn't stop bidding. They started offering shit worse than they were already offering.

07-13-2007, 05:34 PM
I love how all these sites have "so-called" insiders that simply restate the obvious and get a cult-like following for some reason. Grow a brain dummies.

07-13-2007, 05:34 PM
Was this the same insider that guaranteed Scola would be a Spur?

07-13-2007, 05:34 PM
Anyway, Amente isn't an insider and I didn't read anything in there that hasn't been printed elsewhere. But it's interesting nonetheless.

This is Amente for all you that dont know who he is


07-13-2007, 05:35 PM
Was this the same insider that guaranteed Scola would be a Spur?


so funny

I guess his equipment failed


07-13-2007, 05:38 PM
Amente is a joke.

No insider.

Just a clown.

07-13-2007, 05:38 PM
Now back to Scola. The Spurs no longer wanted Scola as a Spur. I have never gotten a straight answer as to their reasoning but it was never about his buyout or him asking for too much money.

It'd be better if I I hadn't been drafted at all - Luis Scola, Draft Night 2002

I don't care about playing in the NBA and am happy to play with Tau - Luis Scola, Olympics 2004, with a sneer after being asked about playing for the Spurs in 2004...and after RC asked him about his rebounding.

The Spurs have ruined my career and held me prisoner blah blah - Luis Scola, about 1.2 billion times since being drafted in 2002.

How hard is it to figure out why the Spurs didn't want this humungous whining pussy with the NBA game of Malik Rose(sans the rebounding)?

Wait a second...I'm sorry Malik...you actually showed up to play in big games. Forget the Malik comparison.

Kori Ellis
07-13-2007, 05:40 PM

so funny

I guess his equipment failed


No, actually I think Spurssheriff (Dusty Garza) said Scola was coming to the Spurs for sure and now Amente (Jesse Diaz) is saying this. But either way, I don't know the point of always trying to pretend you are an "insider." To stroke the ego, I guess.

Anyway, good luck to Scola in Houston.

07-13-2007, 05:42 PM
Guys I really think we need to let this digest a bit before we start commenting. We haven't had time to consider the many insights and piece them together.

07-13-2007, 05:42 PM

so funny

I guess his equipment failed


I thought that was someone else.

Anyways, even if he isn't an insider, I thought it would be interesting. Guess it isn't that interesting? Oops. :oops

07-13-2007, 05:42 PM
Now that the dust is starting to settle (sorta), what intrigues me most, is what was the true problem with Scola. He appears to have talent... why would you let that just walk away when it could go to work for you?

07-13-2007, 05:43 PM
Amen to that.

Spursreport is nothing more than info and ideas shared here.....they just pose like they came up with it on their own.


07-13-2007, 05:46 PM
Wuss. whiney bitch loving Spurfans...I am sorry for the fact that this whining bitch will never suit up for the Spurs and the loss you feel...

However, the three NBA championships we have since drafting him...and the two non-whining, non-pussy, non-bitch, non-choking, non-loser Argies we have at this time...kinda ease the loss for me personally...I hope you guys can reconcile the loss of this whining bitch pussy primadonna fucking scrub that thinks he's Jordan.


I hope you get it...if not...there's always the Rockets.

07-13-2007, 05:46 PM
Was this the same insider that guaranteed Scola would be a Spur?

Yeah. With the backup plan of Scola being shipped to Portland.


07-13-2007, 05:50 PM
I'll give you some inside info...

The Spurs just dealt the biggest whiner ever to be associated with the Spurs...to the team with the whiniest coach in NBA history...

That's the inside..............joke.

07-13-2007, 05:51 PM
SpursReport sucks. Not like that was anything new...

Mr. Body
07-13-2007, 05:52 PM
I love this idea that all the GMs somehow together started offering small fry for Scola. They're all kicking themselves for not offering slightly better crappier offers for him now. Because they all have a freaking mind meld.


Anyway, Amente or whoever El Spursreport Gente were dead sure Scola was going to Portland.

07-13-2007, 05:57 PM
I dont mind this deal, only cause i dont think we would have ever seen him in a spurs uni. But if Scola averages 15 and 5+ next year and we dont win the title...i'll probably throw my computer against the wall.

07-13-2007, 05:59 PM
No, actually I think Spurssheriff (Dusty Garza)

I didnt know Dusty was Spurs Sheriff, hahahahaha

Thats funny


Big P
07-13-2007, 05:59 PM
I have never seen anybody post so much "inside info" to stroke themselves off as this "amente" does, its actually kind of sickening, I guess he needs to inflate himself...practically all the crap he claims to have knowledge to are already posted in various other media outlets, yet the posters over there praise him for his "inside information"...he said that Nocioni would be getting a salary starting at the MLE, when I called him out & said that Noc was actually getting a frontloaded contract & would make over $8mil the first season, the thread disappeared & he would never acknowledge he was wrong...that place is a joke..today Dizz made a post about how he "thinks" Duncan & Udoka got into it during a game last year, but he wasn't sure..I'm sure he read that info on this board, then went back to sr & posted the same info that was already posted here...

07-13-2007, 06:01 PM
I love this idea that all the GMs somehow together started offering small fry for Scola. They're all kicking themselves for not offering slightly better crappier offers for him now. Because they all have a freaking mind meld.


Anyway, Amente or whoever El Spursreport Gente were dead sure Scola was going to Portland.

Yeah...so we here on SpursTalk have more info than NBA Gm's...

Get fucking real.

We knew...everyone in the world knows there is bad blood between the Spurs and Scola..why?

Because Scola can't keep his fucking mouth shut even when it's to his own benefit to do so.

No only did his incessant mouth running in the papers clue us and everyone else in on the problems the Spurs would have with him...it actually hurt his trade value...because no other GM's that aren't desperate are going to give up much for a potential malconent who has a habit of either deliberately, or accidentally, making stupid hot headed and inflammaroty comments in the media.

And Scola's annual chokes in Euroleague finals didn't help his value much either. Another choke and we probably would have had to give up Manu to get someone to take him.

If Luis had ever known how to shut up and play we'd have all been happier...he'd probably be getting more money now as well(his primary concern).

Fuck Scola....this motherfucker was drafted by the elite team in the NBA and all he's done about it from day one was whine.

This motherfucker says he would have been better off not being drafted by the Spurs?

Fuck this bitch...he's my #1 most hated player ever. I am going to enjoy flushing his whining bitch ass 4 times per year.

Mr. Body
07-13-2007, 06:01 PM
None of this was Scola's fault. The Spurs had a good asset and blew it.

07-13-2007, 06:04 PM
Yeah...so we here on SpursTalk have more info than NBA Gm's...

Get fucking real.

We knew...everyone in the world knows there is bad blood between the Spurs and Scola..why?

Because Scola can't keep his fucking mouth shut even when it's to his own benefit to do so.

No only did his incessant mouth running in the papers clue us and everyone else in on the problems the Spurs would have with him...it actually hurt his trade value...because no other GM's that aren't desperate are going to give up much for a potential malconent.

And Scola's annual chokes in Euroleague finals didn't help much either.

If Luis had ever known how to shut up and play we'd have all been happier...he'd probably be getting more money now as well(his primary concern).

Stop acting like we dont know as much as we really do. If spurstalk ran the FO we would still have ...Butler, Scola, Malik, mohammed, and speedy claxton. Not only that, but we would have won 8 straight titles in a row.

07-13-2007, 06:05 PM
None of this was Scola's fault. The Spurs had a good asset and blew it.

Yeah...Scola was so in demand that 50 fucking teams passed on him...

The only stupid thing the Spurs did...was draft Scola in the first place.

07-13-2007, 06:07 PM
This post sounds the most coherent I've read ,so far, since the trade. Hypothetical: We bring in Scola--- who does he replace? How many minutes does he get off the bench? Now we're also stuck with Butler for another year of inactivity and weight problems. I can hardly control myself from dropping F-bombs all over the place! That said Greg Popovich signed off on the Scola deal. ANYONE DISAGREE? If people want to start F-ing anyone it should be Pop. He let two studs go for nothing. The man is just a lucky wine buyer!

Mr. Body
07-13-2007, 06:07 PM
Yeah...Scola was so in demand that 50 fucking teams passed on him...

I'm not sure there are 50 teams in the NBA.

The only stupid thing the Spurs did...was draft Scola in the first place.

You've completely lost it. End times for whottt?

07-13-2007, 06:09 PM
amente is a nice guy but he needs to come clean about getting his Spurs credentials stripped in 2004.

07-13-2007, 06:22 PM
If any of you guys follow both sites...

I try now and then to see what's going on over there and I just can't stay on there long. I never log in anymore, probably don't remember my password.

I saw this post, saw it locked up top so it couldn't be replied to.

When the news first broke they had another locked thread up top that said not to open any more new threads about it. Can you imagine this place if Kori ran it like that? Gives me shivers even thinking about it!

My only thought as I left the site was "Thank God for Kori and SpursTalk." I came back here and happily read lots of threads on it! :spin Freedom!

I don't like their better than everyone else attitude and even if they had some "insider" I still couldn't stomach being there long enough to read it! :lol

You would think after "spursheriff" guaranteeing Scola was coming (also due to "insider" info IIRC), the embarrassment would be enough to have them all slink under a rock.

Sorry for the rant. I know they're not the topic at hand. But they bother me.

07-13-2007, 06:25 PM
I'm not sure there are 50 teams in the NBA.

You've completely lost it. End times for whottt?

Miss Peacock...in the library, with the brain removal tool.

Big P
07-13-2007, 06:32 PM
amente is a nice guy but he needs to come clean about getting his Spurs credentials stripped in 2004.


07-13-2007, 07:14 PM
Yeah...Scola was so in demand that 50 fucking teams passed on him...

The only stupid thing the Spurs did...was draft Scola in the first place.
With the contract granted to Bonner given to Scola, the buyout could have been paid with Scola's salary...how come is Scola's fault that the Spurs were reluctant to give him a contract they were eager to give to a crappy player like Bonner?

Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 07:15 PM
Umm.... he "priced himself out" remember.

07-13-2007, 07:23 PM
If Matt Bonner played in Europe he'd have better numbers than Scola.

07-13-2007, 07:28 PM
If Matt Bonner played in Europe he'd have better numbers than Scola. :)

07-13-2007, 07:29 PM
amente is a nice guy but he needs to come clean about getting his Spurs credentials stripped in 2004.

What a whore

07-13-2007, 07:31 PM :)


Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 07:33 PM
Holy shit, 19 a game in the Euro leagues.... fuck, we screwed the fuck out of Toronto.

07-13-2007, 07:50 PM
Holy shit, 19 a game in the Euro leagues.... fuck, we screwed the fuck out of Toronto.

Not to mention the nearly 10 rebounds per game....and the 60% shooting. And he was only a baby then.

Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 07:51 PM
Shit, why isn't Spurs Dynasty 21 named Spurs Dynasty 15????

07-13-2007, 07:54 PM
amente is a nice guy but he needs to come clean about getting his Spurs credentials stripped in 2004.
:lol That's what I was thinking. Insider? The last time he was even "inside" a Spurs game arena, it was still called the SBC Center.
As for the whole Spurssherriff thing, it's a fig leaf that Dusty uses to cover himself when he's wrong. Two things, though: it's not very big, and it's overused. :lol

Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 07:56 PM
I thought SpursSheriff was all the different MODS using it when they got post happy?

Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 08:00 PM
It's fucking funny to no end that SpursSheriff tells them Scola to the Spurs this summer is the donest deal since the last Deal or No Deal episode and that the only way he didn't is if he priced himself out of the market.

It turns out the Spurs didn't want him and looked for every possible avenue to trade him before settling on basically nothing.

Yet those sheep at SpursReport still follow them blindly.

07-13-2007, 08:00 PM
Shit, why isn't Spurs Dynasty 21 named Spurs Dynasty 15????

wow you've got quite the one-track mind. just about all of your posts I've read recently are about this "spurs dynasty 21" guy, seems a bit weird

Buddy Holly
07-13-2007, 08:02 PM
wow you've got quite the one-track mind. just about all of your posts I've read recently are about this "spurs dynasty 21" guy, seems a bit weird

Here's what you can do, total all my post for today then take the number posts that focused soley on "that" poster and find the percentage. I doubt it's even in the teens. :depressed

I can do better!

07-13-2007, 08:19 PM
It would have been better for the Spurs to get nothing for Scola and have him resign in Europe than to trade him to the Rockets.