View Full Version : Tony Dungy's book "Quiet Strength"

07-14-2007, 08:44 PM
At first I was mainly interested in picking this book up because I'm a blue-blooded Colts fan. I'm in the third chapter right now and can't put it down. If any of you even remotely believe in God, I think you would really enjoy reading this book. Dungy has a lot of lessons to teach and the book is very engaging since he uses both his life, his faith and football to communicate to readers.

In the 2nd chapter he talks about how his parents were teachers and tried to teach in a way that all of their students could learn. I think he writes this book the same way, in a way that anyone who reads it can understand and relate to it. I read a lot of books and there are not many that I would put down at just the 3rd chapter to post a recommendation for. It's barely under 300 pages, so it won't take you more than a few days to complete it. Check it out, it's worth it.