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Wild Cobra
07-16-2007, 05:26 AM
If you could be dictator for a short time on the USA, what changes would you make before turning it back over to our form of representative government?

A few things I can think of, and they would be written in stone, as good as constitutional law.

Government spending:

The US military will have the highest of spending priorities.

Social programs will be cut dramatically except those affecting the elderly, disabled, short term needy, and children.

The national debt will be paid down every year except in times of recession or unexpected expenditures or ongoing military wartime spending.

The concept of a republic and states rights will be returned. No more government handouts to states except for large projects individually authorized buy congress and the president as deemed necessary.

Tax changes:

I would require all employers to give their employees a 7.65% pay raise and require all employee to pay 15% social taxes, replacing the 6.2% SS and 1.45% Medicare deductions, moving the employer match to the employee. This way the employee see the full impact of their paid taxes. Most other taxes would be eliminated and replaced by a consumption tax. This 15% tax can be changed by congress, but will always remain with no deductions and affect all wage classes by the same percentage and paid on all income.

Consumption taxes would be paid on all non essential items with each class having its own rate and/or method. Things like basic food items, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. would have no tax. Prepared food would be taxed.

Corporate and business taxes would be eliminated. Competition would reduce prices, and help be more competitive in the world markets when taxes are not part of the cost of doing business.

Tariffs would be applied to all items imported that are like items we make here, or have historically made here. Rates will be set such that imports do not undercut USA manufactured items, and are still competitive. Items that are unique to other countries could be exempted from tariffs, on a case by case basis.

07-16-2007, 05:46 AM
Abolish death penalty
Increase jail time and fines for most crimes (wtf @ $1000 fine for torturing animals, lock up these weirdos)
Re-establish building new nuclear plants
Increase tax burden on wealthy people and business
Legalize weed
Reduce nuclear stockpile to non-world destroying amounts
Get SDI system in all friendly nations
Keep space weaponry banned
Dismantle N.Korean gov't, by force if needed
Leave border alone
Outlaw abortion unless for health of mother
Outlaw political parties
Remove boutons' and Yoni's internet service
Other stuff I haven't thought of

07-16-2007, 07:46 AM
Restrict death penalty to repeat offenders only. Focus prison terms on psychiatric rehabilitation and job training (aka pretty much slave labor so the prisons pay for themselves).

Turn over control of welfare programs to the states and encourage progressive scale on payroll taxes.

Constitutional amendment restricting conscription to weapon owners only, and only to fill domestic positions when troops are moved overseas.

Reduce military spending, shifting those funds to anti-crime and intelligence.

Enforce the 10th amendment by reducing spending on non-core functions (core functions being military, intelligence, highway system, things like that) and decrease federal income taxes to a more acceptable level (goal would be highest tax bracket at 10%). All federal drug laws erased from the books, and all prisoners locked up solely on drug based charges fully pardoned (on the federal charges, if there are state laws involved, that's not my concern).

Completely ignore Israel and Palestine and let them figure it out for themselves. They both suffer from sleazy and disgusting governments anyway.

That's the big stuff anyway...

07-16-2007, 09:14 AM
If you could be dictator for a short time on the USA, what changes would you make before turning it back over to our form of representative government?

A few things I can think of, and they would be written in stone, as good as constitutional law.

Government spending:

[QUOTE]The US military will have the highest of spending priorities.

I would also get back to other basics of government.
Infracture, roads and sanitation projects. Encourage
private industry to invest in power, electric and oil
and other resources.

Social programs will be cut dramatically except those affecting the elderly, disabled, short term needy, and children.

Short term needy would be strictly limited and would have
to perform some sort of work to get help from the
government. Also no private organizations would
receive money or grants to do "education" or "re-training".
All education and re-training would be performed by
the institutions already in existence.

The national debt will be paid down every year except in times of recession or unexpected expenditures or ongoing military wartime spending.

I would agree with the concept of a balanced budget, I am
not sure what you are trying to say here. I think maybe
you are talking about "reducing" the national debt.

The concept of a republic and states rights will be returned. No more government handouts to states except for large projects individually authorized buy congress and the president as deemed necessary.

In concert with the above idea I would appoint
strict constitutional types as Supreme Court Justices.
And any Justice that interjected his own "ideas" into
a ruling would be thrown off the court. If the
constitutions doesn't say it, it cant happen. He would
have to be ready to defend his opinion and show where
it says it in the language of the Constitution.

Tax changes:

I would require all employers to give their employees a 7.65% pay raise and require all employee to pay 15% social taxes, replacing the 6.2% SS and 1.45% Medicare deductions, moving the employer match to the employee. This way the employee see the full impact of their paid taxes. Most other taxes would be eliminated and replaced by a consumption tax. This 15% tax can be changed by congress, but will always remain with no deductions and affect all wage classes by the same percentage and paid on all income.

Consumption taxes would be paid on all non essential items with each class having its own rate and/or method. Things like basic food items, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. would have no tax. Prepared food would be taxed.

Corporate and business taxes would be eliminated. Competition would reduce prices, and help be more competitive in the world markets when taxes are not part of the cost of doing business.

Tariffs would be applied to all items imported that are like items we make here, or have historically made here. Rates will be set such that imports do not undercut USA manufactured items, and are still competitive. Items that are unique to other countries could be exempted from tariffs, on a case by case basis.

A whole thread could be started on taxes alone. But I
would want everyone to pay their taxes only once a year
so they would know exactly what the government is
taking and feel the pinch, or bite.

The one item you left out which I would institute is
term limits and place it in the Constitution. No
politician in Federal government could stay more than
two terms, period. No politician would ever be
entitled to a pension after serving.

boutons would be appointed as a special advisor to
government, so they would be reminded of what
a real socialist liberal is like and what would happen
if they ever came into power. You know kinda like
a nagging wife.

Oh, Gee!!
07-16-2007, 09:20 AM
put every repug in club gitmo for life

Mr. Peabody
07-16-2007, 09:31 AM
I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man. And I think if I were the U.S. dictator I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with power.

07-16-2007, 10:21 AM
1) Abolish the federal income tax and institute the Fair Tax.

2) I'd defund every federal program that didn't have explicit constitutional authority, fire all the employees, and sell the assets to the highest bidder.

3) I'd form a shadow government, comprised of those federal agencies that do have constitutional authority, so I could be selective in populating them with political appointees and career bureaucrats that hold the same strict constitutional view of government I have.

4) I'd defund those agencies that remained, fire all the employees that haven't alredy been moved to the shadow government, and institute the new government.

5) I would get the federal government out of state business and strictly adhere to the principle underlying the 10th amendment that whatever the federal government is not authorized to do, by the constitution, is left to the states and the people to decide.

6) I'd pack the Supreme Court with like-minded individuals dedicated to a strict adherence to the Constitution, individual rights, and preservation of innocent human life through a ruling that adheres to the principle of our founders that all humans, from the moment of conception, are endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

7) I'd repeal the 17th amendment and return the States' representation to the federal government.

8) I'd fortify the Electoral College and make sure voters understood they are participating in a state election and not a federal election when they vote for President.

9) I would vacate all Congressional offices in Washington, D.C. and allow them access only to the Chambers in which they deliberate and vote. All Representative and Senators will have to meet with constituents and lobbyists back in their home district office.

10) Before handing the reigns back over to the electorate, I'd amend the constitution in such as way as it would require every piece of legislation introduced to contain the actual language, from the Constitution, that would mandate or necessitate the contemplated legislation.

That's be for starters.

I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man. And I think if I were the U.S. dictator I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with power.
Welcome to the forum Mr. Clinton.

put every repug in club gitmo for life
You have issues.

07-16-2007, 10:23 AM
I'd immediately resign, because nobody wants a dictator and I wouldn't want to be a dictator anyway.

07-16-2007, 10:31 AM
6) I'd pack the Supreme Court with like-minded individuals dedicated to a strict adherence to the Constitution, individual rights, and preservation of innocent human life through a ruling that adheres to the principle of our founders that all humans, from the moment of conception, are endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

So you're a strict constructionist except when it suits you to dig into the intent of the founding Fathers? After years of extensive study, I've not seen the notion of conception anywhere in the text of the Constitution.

In light of your other desires, I would think that your argument on that issue would be a 10th Amendment argument -- that it's a states rights issue.

07-16-2007, 10:36 AM
So you're a strict constructionist except when it suits you to dig into the intent of the founding Fathers? After years of extensive study, I've not seen the notion of conception anywhere in the text of the Constitution.
Hey, it's my dictatorial edict and it stays.

In light of your other desires, I would think that your argument on that issue would be a 10th Amendment argument -- that it's a states rights issue.
You'd be right except you're forgetting that, as dictator, I've included it in my strict constitutional interpretation.

07-16-2007, 10:38 AM
I'd get rid of the Designated Hitter.

07-16-2007, 10:46 AM
You'd be right except you're forgetting that, as dictator, I've included it in my strict constitutional interpretation.

So, as a dictator, you're willing to be a strict constitutionalist unless doing so would preclude you from achieving the ends you wish to achieve -- and in those instances, you're willing to say the Constitution means whatever the hell you think it should?

I guess a dictator who is a strict constructionist can actually re-write the Constitution to suit his own purposes.

Just want to be clear about that.

Oh, Gee!!
07-16-2007, 10:48 AM
In light of your other desires, I would think that your argument on that issue would be a 10th Amendment argument -- that it's a states rights issue.

states rights? whatevzz, that's soooooo paleocon.

07-16-2007, 11:00 AM
1) Abolish the federal income tax and institute the Fair Tax.

2) I'd defund every federal program that didn't have explicit constitutional authority, fire all the employees, and sell the assets to the highest bidder.

3) I'd form a shadow government, comprised of those federal agencies that do have constitutional authority, so I could be selective in populating them with political appointees and career bureaucrats that hold the same strict constitutional view of government I have.

4) I'd defund those agencies that remained, fire all the employees that haven't alredy been moved to the shadow government, and institute the new government.

5) I would get the federal government out of state business and strictly adhere to the principle underlying the 10th amendment that whatever the federal government is not authorized to do, by the constitution, is left to the states and the people to decide.

6) I'd pack the Supreme Court with like-minded individuals dedicated to a strict adherence to the Constitution, individual rights, and preservation of innocent human life through a ruling that adheres to the principle of our founders that all humans, from the moment of conception, are endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

7) I'd repeal the 17th amendment and return the States' representation to the federal government.

8) I'd fortify the Electoral College and make sure voters understood they are participating in a state election and not a federal election when they vote for President.

9) I would vacate all Congressional offices in Washington, D.C. and allow them access only to the Chambers in which they deliberate and vote. All Representative and Senators will have to meet with constituents and lobbyists back in their home district office.

10) Before handing the reigns back over to the electorate, I'd amend the constitution in such as way as it would require every piece of legislation introduced to contain the actual language, from the Constitution, that would mandate or necessitate the contemplated legislation.

That's be for starters.

You forgot the part where the people would rise up, hunt you down, kill you in some horrible fashion, then go on to burn Washington DC to the ground, rape and kill anyone even remotely associated with you and your "Shadow Goverment", and install a Democracy with all its flaws.

I have read many of your posts. This one has told me everything I have ever wanted to know about you.

George Gervin's Afro
07-16-2007, 11:03 AM
First order of business would be to declare that conservatism is a mental disorder.

07-16-2007, 11:04 AM
You forgot the part where the people would rise up, hunt you down, kill you in some horrible fashion, then go on to burn Washington DC to the ground, rape and kill anyone even remotely associated with you and your "Shadow Goverment", and install a Democracy with all its flaws.

I have read many of your posts. This one has told me everything I have ever wanted to know about you.
Glad I could help.

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 11:06 AM
If I were dictator, I would have all sorts of idealistic yearnings for a short time, until I realized that the investor elite still really controlled everything. Then I would get discouraged and sell out.

I would wear a military uniform with a big red, white, and blue sash across my chest and a bunch of medals.

I would use a whole bunch of populist rhetoric, while in the meantime getting into bed with big business and the elites for my own personal enrichment and screwing over pretty much the whole country.

I would have an elaborate patronage system.

I would kill off just enough of my vocal political opponents to intimidate the rest into silence. This would be done quietly -- they would simply "disappear."

I would make the country appear superficially cleaner and wealthier by forcibly removing the poor to remote camps and demolishing their blighted neighborhoods. These I would replace with tacky-looking overdesigned edifices as monuments to my own greatness. Cost would be no object -- I would rack up extravagant debt, knowing full well that the middle class would bear the brunt of the inevitable collapse, not my new rich friends.

My picture would be on signs and billboards everywhere reminding the populace of my kind, wise, paternalistic care for them.

I would become quite expert at vague biblical platitudes to make the public think I was on their side.

I would engage in token oppression against unpopular minority groups that the majority doesn't like.

The military would have an expanded presence in everyday life. They would be used both to intimdate the population, yet simultaneously make them feel safe. I would trump up all sorts of vague threats from foreign lands, from which I would be certain to protect my people. Any dip in my popularity would be taken care of by a patriotism-inspiring military action.

When a violent popular uprising forced me from power at some indeterminate point in the future, my rich friends would whisk me away into "exile" in some isolated European villa, where I would live comfortably until I was extradited at an age where I would be too old to care.

07-16-2007, 11:12 AM
1) Abolish the death penalty

2) Repeal the second amendment

3) cut military spending by 70%, focus remaining spending on intelligence services and special forces

4) cut down the 10,000 nuclear weapons in this country by 95%

5) create an entrenched right to abortion without casey restrictions in all states

6) take 70% of the money taken from the military and put it into education, health care, and research and development

7) the other 30% of the military spending should go to the national debt

8) rewrite the tax code so that the wealthiest americans lose all tax loopholes and specifically repeal all the tax cuts bush created for them

9) institute radical reforms in environmental standards, (the majority of the R&D the government does will now be in the energy field)

10) get some ass (i would think that as dictator i would have a few options--- you ever see a world leader without good looking chicks?)

07-16-2007, 11:15 AM
If I were dictator, I would have all sorts of idealistic yearnings for a short time, until I realized that the investor elite still really controlled everything. Then I would get discouraged and sell out.

I would wear a military uniform with a big red, white, and blue sash across my chest and a bunch of medals.

I would use a whole bunch of populist rhetoric, while in the meantime getting into bed with big business and the elites for my own personal enrichment and screwing over pretty much the whole country.

I would have an elaborate patronage system.

I would kill off just enough of my vocal political opponents to intimidate the rest into silence. This would be done quietly -- they would simply "disappear."

I would make the country appear superficially cleaner and wealthier by forcibly removing the poor to remote camps and demolishing their blighted neighborhoods. These I would replace with tacky-looking overdesigned edifices as monuments to my own greatness. Cost would be no object -- I would rack up extravagant debt, knowing full well that the middle class would bear the brunt of the inevitable collapse, not my new rich friends.

My picture would be on signs and billboards everywhere reminding the populace of my kind, wise, paternalistic care for them.

I would become quite expert at vague biblical platitudes to make the public think I was on their side.

I would engage in token oppression against unpopular minority groups that the majority doesn't like.

The military would have an expanded presence in everyday life. They would be used both to intimdate the population, yet simultaneously make them feel safe. I would trump up all sorts of vague threats from foreign lands, from which I would be certain to protect my people. Any dip in my popularity would be taken care of by a patriotism-inspiring military action.

When a violent popular uprising forced me from power at some indeterminate point in the future, my rich friends would whisk me away into "exile" in some isolated European villa, where I would live comfortably until I was extradited at an age where I would be too old to care.

an excellent job rehashing a century of latin american history--especially if the rich friends are americans

07-16-2007, 11:19 AM
I'd get rid of the Designated Hitter.
Amen to that!

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 11:20 AM
an excellent job rehashing a century of latin american history--especially if the rich friends are americans
20th-century LatAm history/USA future 20-30 years down the road, same thing.

07-16-2007, 11:23 AM
Season tickets....everywhere.

07-16-2007, 11:26 AM
1) Abolish the federal income tax and institute the Fair Tax.

2) I'd defund every federal program that didn't have explicit constitutional authority, fire all the employees, and sell the assets to the highest bidder.

3) I'd form a shadow government, comprised of those federal agencies that do have constitutional authority, so I could be selective in populating them with political appointees and career bureaucrats that hold the same strict constitutional view of government I have.

4) I'd defund those agencies that remained, fire all the employees that haven't alredy been moved to the shadow government, and institute the new government.

5) I would get the federal government out of state business and strictly adhere to the principle underlying the 10th amendment that whatever the federal government is not authorized to do, by the constitution, is left to the states and the people to decide.

6) I'd pack the Supreme Court with like-minded individuals dedicated to a strict adherence to the Constitution, individual rights, and preservation of innocent human life through a ruling that adheres to the principle of our founders that all humans, from the moment of conception, are endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.

7) I'd repeal the 17th amendment and return the States' representation to the federal government.

8) I'd fortify the Electoral College and make sure voters understood they are participating in a state election and not a federal election when they vote for President.

9) I would vacate all Congressional offices in Washington, D.C. and allow them access only to the Chambers in which they deliberate and vote. All Representative and Senators will have to meet with constituents and lobbyists back in their home district office.

10) Before handing the reigns back over to the electorate, I'd amend the constitution in such as way as it would require every piece of legislation introduced to contain the actual language, from the Constitution, that would mandate or necessitate the contemplated legislation.

I think you left out the noticable absense of dark colored skin.

07-16-2007, 11:57 AM
So, as a dictator, you're willing to be a strict constitutionalist unless doing so would preclude you from achieving the ends you wish to achieve -- and in those instances, you're willing to say the Constitution means whatever the hell you think it should?

I guess a dictator who is a strict constructionist can actually re-write the Constitution to suit his own purposes.

Just want to be clear about that.
Did you really need this thread to peg Yoni as a nit-picking, strict-only-on-the-precedents-I-like Constitutionalist?

07-16-2007, 12:14 PM
The US military will have the highest of spending priorities.

In other words, turn us into a military state like Israel.

It's amazing how Republicans who rail against big government bureaucracy and social spending programs are all for dramatically increasing the budget of the largest federal bureaucracy already in existence. You don't think the military is capable of waste or bureaucratic red tape? You don't think no-bid contracts and outright favoritism shown to certain military contractors over others (in exchange for lucrative jobs from those same contrators after those officers retire) hinders the free market? There's nothing "free market" about a massive military industrial complex.

Food, housing, medical care, tax deferrments...not so despicable to Republicans when it's the military doing it for some reason.

07-16-2007, 12:16 PM
we're going to spend 675 billion on the military next year.

the next highest military budget in the world: russia 70 billion

07-16-2007, 12:24 PM
we're going to spend 675 billion on the military next year.

the next highest military budget in the world: russia 70 billion
5.14% of our $13,130,000,000,000.00 GDP vs. 4.02% of their $1,746,000,000.00 GDP is pretty much equal, if you ask me.

07-16-2007, 12:25 PM
we're going to spend 675 billion on the military next year.

the next highest military budget in the world: russia 70 billion

Well, we definately cant have that. The military quite obviously, needs more money.

07-16-2007, 12:35 PM
5.14% of our $13,130,000,000,000.00 GDP vs. 4.02% of their $1,746,000,000.00 GDP is pretty much equal, if you ask me.
Well, GDP is what seperates the winners from losers in war. See VN.

Wild Cobra
07-16-2007, 04:37 PM
In other words, turn us into a military state like Israel.

Look at my words please. That is a NO! I am not real good at English composure, but I am generally pretty good at using the qualifiers.

I said "the highest of priorities."

I did not say "the highest priority."

This has become an interesting thread. I started a whole list of things and put it together rather quickly, but then just posted my first few sections. With other peoples thoughts, I can now modify some of mine.

I'll say now, I can go for the "Fair Tax" in fact I am in favor of it and have Neal Boortz's book on the subject. I simply want a tax also that touches everybody equally. Hell, I don't care if the social tax is 1%. I just want a tax that must affect everyone the same so politicians cannot use the tax system for votes within the class warfare context.

I would dramatically expand the death penalty. My most extreme though would be to execute everyone convicted of a first degree crime that affects another person financially. Ultimate deterrents make people really think before they commit the crime. I am flat out tired of things like ID theft, house break ins, etc. Where I like we have so much of that, much goes unreported because the police cannot handle the load, and people give up.

07-16-2007, 04:56 PM
I'm extraordinarily pleased to know that Wild Cobra will never be given the reigns to be Dictator of the Free World (which seems oxymoronic to me, but I digress).

I pretty much fundamentally disagree with each point of that agenda.

07-16-2007, 04:59 PM
I would dramatically expand the death penalty. My most extreme though would be to execute everyone convicted of a first degree crime that affects another person financially. Ultimate deterrents make people really think before they commit the crime. I am flat out tired of things like ID theft, house break ins, etc. Where I like we have so much of that, much goes unreported because the police cannot handle the load, and people give up.

Would you have these executions performed via stonings, lynchings, or guillotine?

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 05:01 PM
Would you have these executions performed via stonings, lynchings, or guillotine?
With the number of executions he would be carrying out, none of those methods would be efficient or speedy enough. Gas chambers and subsequent incineration would do the trick.

Wild Cobra
07-16-2007, 05:02 PM
I'm extraordinarily pleased to know that Wild Cobra will never be given the reigns to be Dictator of the Free World (which seems oxymoronic to me, but I digress).

I pretty much fundamentally disagree with each point of that agenda.
It is an oxymoron, but an interesting question, isn't it?

I would also reestablish the one representative per 30,000 people we used to have. With modern communuications, they can live in their districs and acually represent the people.

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 05:04 PM
10,000 representatives? That would be quite a palaver when Congress is in session.

07-16-2007, 05:05 PM
I would also reestablish the one representative per 30,000 people we used to have. With modern communuications, they can live in their districs and acually represent the people.

Now this I agree with -- a 9,381 member House of Representatives (Census 2000) would be off-the-charts efficient.

Wild Cobra
07-16-2007, 05:18 PM
With the number of executions he would be carrying out, none of those methods would be efficient or speedy enough. Gas chambers and subsequent incineration would do the trick.
Once you actually start doing it, crime will dramatically slow down. You can execute as many as time provides showing you are serious, then give the overloads a commuted sentence once they understand they don't have another chance. They system should then be able to handle carrying out the executions needed for justice.

Look, I'm only talking about first degree crimes here. If people cannot live and participate in a civilized society, then they don't belong in society, nor should we waste the money on them with incarceration.

07-16-2007, 05:24 PM
Once you actually start doing it, crime will dramatically slow down. You can execute as many as time provides showing you are serious, then give the overloads a commuted sentence once they understand they don't have another chance.

You just killed the system before it left the ground.

07-16-2007, 05:29 PM
well at least it would be more difficult to buy 10,000 representatives, of course at that point corporations really wouldnt have too...hell anarchists should be in favor of this plan.

i love the expansion of the death penalty idea, anyone that commits a premeditated crime ought to be executed huh? Im super excited that the high ways will be so much slower now, because all the speeders will be dead within months

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 05:41 PM
Once you actually start doing it, crime will dramatically slow down. You can execute as many as time provides showing you are serious, then give the overloads a commuted sentence once they understand they don't have another chance. They system should then be able to handle carrying out the executions needed for justice.

Look, I'm only talking about first degree crimes here. If people cannot live and participate in a civilized society, then they don't belong in society, nor should we waste the money on them with incarceration.
So you will only execute as many people as the state has the resources to carry out.

Your deterrent just went POOF!

07-16-2007, 06:01 PM
Of course, you have to admit that if Wild Cobra were able to execute everyone within the ambit of that plan, the goal of having one representative for every 30,000 people would be much easier to achieve.

07-16-2007, 06:05 PM
Of course, you have to admit that if Wild Cobra were able to execute everyone within the ambit of that plan, the goal of having one representative for every 30,000 people would be much easier to achieve.
Yes, but under that system, entire communities would disappear.

oh, i guess that's your point. nevermind

Extra Stout
07-16-2007, 06:06 PM
WC's plan also takes care of poverty.

If we process the executees into biofuels, it could help wean us off foreign oil too.

07-16-2007, 06:32 PM
The US military will have the highest of spending priorities.

Been there done that. The U.S. spends annually almost as much of the rest of the world combined and what for? What we really need is a streamlining of existing military spending based on future priorities and a budget cut of 25% across the board on almost all military spending.

07-16-2007, 06:35 PM
Social programs will be cut dramatically except those affecting the elderly, disabled, short term needy, and children.

What 'other' social programs are there? Oh that's right, the arts.......

07-16-2007, 06:36 PM
The national debt will be paid down every year except in times of recession or unexpected expenditures or ongoing military wartime spending.

Welcome to perpetual war....

07-16-2007, 06:38 PM
The concept of a republic and states rights will be returned. No more government handouts to states except for large projects individually authorized buy congress and the president as deemed necessary.

How are the poor in red states supposed to survive?

07-16-2007, 06:41 PM
What's so fair about the fair-tax anyway?

Consumption taxes would be paid on all non essential items with each class having its own rate and/or method. Things like basic food items, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. would have no tax. Prepared food would be taxed.

So the poor who spend 100% of their annual income would pay 100% on taxes, minus food, while some rich guy who only consumes 30% of his annual income only pays taxes on 30% of his yearly income....yeah, that' fair....

07-16-2007, 06:44 PM
Corporate and business taxes would be eliminated. Competition would reduce prices, and help be more competitive in the world markets when taxes are not part of the cost of doing business.

We subsidize businesses with things like questionable amortization deductions, and corporate grants and we still can't compete with .38 fucken cents an hour....

07-16-2007, 06:47 PM
Tariffs would be applied to all items imported that are like items we make here, or have historically made here. Rates will be set such that imports do not undercut USA manufactured items, and are still competitive. Items that are unique to other countries could be exempted from tariffs, on a case by case basis.

Can you say tariff war? While I agree that we need to protect domestic manufacturing I think there are better ways to do it than start a import-tax war...

07-16-2007, 06:49 PM
Abolish death penalty

Ok, I would apply the three-strikes and your out rule. Two violent felonies and one murder gets you sleepy time...

07-16-2007, 06:51 PM
Increase jail time and fines for most crimes (wtf @ $1000 fine for torturing animals, lock up these weirdos)

Ok, but let people convicted of possessing less than a lb of ja-ja weed out for christ's sake...

07-16-2007, 06:53 PM
Increase tax burden on wealthy people and business

Yep, businesses will always complain anyway. Just look at how they fought the minimum wage increase for so long, and ironically, it will help stimulate business in TX....

07-16-2007, 06:56 PM
Restrict death penalty to repeat offenders only. Focus prison terms on psychiatric rehabilitation and job training (aka pretty much slave labor so the prisons pay for themselves).

The only thing I have against this is it would encourage states to imprison more people because more people = more cheap labor, more cheap labor = more kickbacks to the state, that's a very, very dangerous cycle....

07-16-2007, 06:59 PM
Completely ignore Israel and Palestine and let them figure it out for themselves. They both suffer from sleazy and disgusting governments anyway.

Yep, and you'd be amazed how fast they would figure it out for themselves if we stopped giving them a combined 5 billion in military aid every year

07-16-2007, 07:01 PM
I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man. And I think if I were the U.S. dictator I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with power.

I have a better plan, in order to encourage a abysmal marriage rate among men, i would institute a new policy where men could take on a new mate every 7 years he stays loyal and married to his old mate...

07-16-2007, 07:03 PM
put every repug in club gitmo for life

....in Iraq for just one day...

07-16-2007, 09:09 PM
10,000 representatives? That would be quite a palaver when Congress is in session.

07-16-2007, 09:19 PM
Ironically, I see striking similarities in the principles expoused by Palpatine and Yoni.

07-16-2007, 09:29 PM
Ironically, I see striking similarities in the principles expoused by Palpatine and Yoni.
Such as?

07-16-2007, 09:33 PM
Such as?
Warmongering, cynical disdain for Congress/Galactic Senate, Increasing the power of the President/Chancellorship under the auspices of "war powers" for starters.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-16-2007, 10:16 PM
* Two chicks at the same time
* Abolish the DH
* Make ABC hype good NBA teams all year long (*cough Spurs*) instead of one hit wonders
* Execute the fucker who airbrushes the Victoria's Secret catalog photos to get rid of nippage
* Send Cindy Sheehan to Waziristan so she could be with like minded people
* Nuke Waziristan

On a more serious note:

* Flat tax for everyone. No loop holes, no PITA federal income filings every April, just across the board a flat tax no matter what class or how rich you are. Probably about 15% or so, would have to look at the numbers as far as the combined salaries of all U.S. workers relative to a revamped federal government

Speaking of revamped federal government...

* Start phasing out social security. It's going to go bankrupt anyway, and the folks in D.C. don't have the balls to do anything about it because it's a hot button topic and they don't want to lose votes. It would start on a sliding scale of current salary deductions (percentages) and work its way down to zero.

While SS tax would go to zero, I would make individual savings retirement accounts mandatory, with a minimum of 5% of salary required to be donated. This would have all the same requirements of 401ks, i.e. can't touch until you're a certain age, etc. The cap on yearly donations would be bumped up so people could save more for themselves and their families.

I'd also plan it so that at as the deductions for SS approach zero, funding of the program increases on a sliding scale to meet the costs of those already in there.

How would I do this?

* All pork projects would die. No more campaign contributions in return for fat kickbacks after Joe Senator is elected. In 2006 Congress approved 30 billion in pork projects using taxpayer funds of you, me, and everyone else. Fuck that.

* Streamline the various government programs and cut jobs and costs. There's a lot of government waste in this area and no one feels compelled to deal with it. Funding for the sick, elderly, and children would not be touched.

* Tort reform. Time to end frivolous law suits. Long overdue actually. Stupid shit like the McDonald's coffee suit would be capped at the cost of medical bills and wages lost, no more monster judgments. And in the case of things like the lawyer sueing the dry cleaning place in D.C. recently, losers of frivolous lawsuits get to pay the defendant's costs - legal counsel and lost wages.

* Legalize marijuana. I've seen estimates the federal government spends between 15-20 billion a year to fight marijuana production and use. Forget that.

* After legalizing pot, I'd tax the shit out of it. Take that money and put it towards schools and infrastructure (roads).

* Speaking of roads, I'd stick a fork in the TTC. Bad deal for Texas, bad deal for America. I'd give Perry a firm boot up the ass and send him to Europe to hang with his Cintra buddies.

* Auto manufacturers would have to bring the fuel efficiency of all vehicles to 30 MPG to reduce dependance on foreign oil. No more 'the average of your fleet must be 25 MPG' shit where they can off-set piss poor gas mileage for big trucks with hybrids getting 50 MPG. Forget that.

* Health care reform. No more protecting pharmacom prices. People here should be able to get medicine at costs at the same prices as those in Canada, particularly the elderly and meds for kids.

* Speaking of medical, reduce Medicare costs by allowing for health spending accounts. Hell, make them mandatory if that's what it takes so people are covered. The law would change regarding account funds expiring after a year. Individuals would be able to contribute and build accounts up over time to large amounts.

* Also speaking of medicine, time to reform medical malpractice suits. They are the primary impetus for spiraling health care costs. Oh yeah, fuck lawyers :lol

* The Constitution allows for the right to bear arms. I would nip all the shit about states trying to pass laws restricting firearms ownership in the bud, with a couple of stipulations:

1. No automatic firearms. You don't need an AK-47 to hunt deer. Don't give me that BS.

2. If you have a criminal record or history of mental health issues, no firearms for you.

3. Concealed carry would be allowed in all states, and you wouldn't have to worry about what state you're going to as far as whether or not they allow CHLs (like you do now).

Election Reform:

* I would gut what currently passes for our national election process. It's ridiculous that it is literally a billion dollar campaign to run for president. You think anyone with that kind of bankroll behind them cares about the average American? Hell no.

Presidential election campaigns would be capped to one week of nationally televised debates and speeches for each of the party primaries and then the main eleciton. No more stumping all over the country and bullshitting people about the stuff you promise them but don't deliver after being elected.

There would be a series of simple questions regarding the key issues concerning the country, and they would have to answer with straight answers, not political speak of not really answering questions.

After the first week, everyone would go to the polls to elect a party representative for their party, or they could also vote for an independent representative.

The winners of the various 'primaries' would have a second week of debates regarding the national election for the office. After this week of debates, a national election would be held.

In the interim, news networks would only be allowed to present the sound bites/answers of candidates. No talking heads doing the thinking for Americans, it's time for people to think for themselves.

* The terms that Congressmen could serve would be capped in line with the presidency. No more career politicians sucking at the tit of the lobby profession.

I would also allow for politicians to be more easily recalled if they are doing a suck ass job in D.C. If I can be fired from my job tomorrow for doing a bad job, they shouldn't get a 2-3-4 year grace period.

* Speaking of lobbyists, that stuff would be outlawed. Lobbying is the most profitable and high paying job in D.C. outside of being a Congressman. And neither one of those jobs does anything to help the average American. Time to nip it in the bud.

The Law

The death penalty is a good thing. It would be put to use in all states. And I would add child predation to the list. Sexually assault a child, you just signed your sentence. No excuse for that.

Illegal Immigration

Illegals would be sent back to their country of origin. I don't want to hear sob stories about separating families. If you're worried about separating your family, take them back with you.

Those using stolen identification/SSNs to obtain work would be put in jail for 50 years. Why so harsh? Because it hoses up the life of whoever's SS # they take. Payback's a bitch.

Those who assist illegals in obtaining such documentation and credentials would be sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. It's bullshit, and they screw up the life of the person they steal the info. from. Again, payback's a bitch.

Education Reform

* One of the biggest costs of higher education is buying books. It's a total scam, publishers release a 'new edition' every year that just has a new cover and maybe some new pictures and charge $200 for the fucking book. All books would be released online, available for download, and costs of textbooks would be capped at $30, and be indexed to inflation.

* At the elementary - HS level, teachers would get payraises, and the funds would be there to fund schools so that teachers don't have to buy supplies for students out of their own pockets.

Defense (the fun one)

* I would quietly let it be known that the next time Americans are killed in a terrorist attack perpetrated by radical Islamists, every known terrorist center will be glowing 30 minutes later. I.E., northern Africa, the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, and any place else we can pinpoint. This would be broadcast via back channels to those within the governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. Police your own, or we have no choice but to minimize our chances of an attack.

* Address the US - Mexico border security problem. We don't have to worry about terrorists coming in from Europe, all they have to do is make it to Mexico and walk across our wide open border.

Build a wall like Israel has sealing itself from the Palestinian territories.

* Declare that the U.S. won't put up with genocide anywhere, and back it up with our military. That means shit like Rwanda wouldn't have happened while we stood by and watched (thanks Bill, thanks W.).

* Restore much of the Mideast to its pre-Sykes-Picot Agreement borders, but along ethnic lines. Sort of a re-do of the League of Nations fuck up after WWI. Palestine would become a country. Parts of Iraq would be sectioned off. The west would go to Syria to orient the Sunnis in line with one another. Iran would get the east. A Kurdish state would be created in northern Iraq. I'd tell Turkey to STFU if they complained.


I could go on, but that's just off the top of my head.

07-16-2007, 10:24 PM
* Start phasing out social security. It's going to go bankrupt anyway, and the folks in D.C. don't have the balls to do anything about it because it's a hot button topic and they don't want to lose votes. It would start on a sliding scale of current salary deductions (percentages) and work its way down to zero.

If SS 'goes broke' were all screwed anyway..hey, i got an idea, let's quit trying to be colonialists!

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-16-2007, 10:32 PM
If SS 'goes broke' were all screwed anyway..hey, i got an idea, let's quit trying to be colonialists!

I guess we're all screwed then right? May as well try and do something about it.

So what's wrong with giving people control over their retirement savings (but making it mandatory)?

Further, part of the problem right now is Congress is raiding SS to pay for other pet projects and federal bureaucracy. Time to reform all that and clear up some more of the problem.

By the way, I really disagree about us all being screwed if SS goes away. It's only been around for about 70 years now, this country did alright before that.

If you are concerned about people not funding their own accounts, like I said - make it a mandatory salary deduction that can't be touched until a certain age.

If you are worried about people not being able to understand the stock market, that's fine - let them put their money in index funds. Historically, the market has returned 11.83% annually over any 30 year span of the market.

Are you going to get 12% annualized returns out of your SS deductions when you're eligible? I'm pretty sure none of us are.

07-17-2007, 12:08 AM
I guess we're all screwed then right? May as well try and do something about it.

Sometimes doing something is worse than doing nothing....

07-17-2007, 01:01 AM
Sometimes doing something is worse than doing nothing....
Ironically, a conservative notion.

UV Ray
07-17-2007, 02:35 AM
My most extreme though would be to execute everyone convicted of a first degree crime that affects another person financially. Ultimate deterrents make people really think before they commit the crime. I am flat out tired of things like ID theft, house break ins, etc. Where I like we have so much of that, much goes unreported because the police cannot handle the load, and people give up.

Your joking...right?

07-17-2007, 03:24 AM
Hey, why can't i read UV's post. I never put him on ignore?

07-17-2007, 08:28 AM
* Auto manufacturers would have to bring the fuel efficiency of all vehicles to 30 MPG to reduce dependance on foreign oil. No more 'the average of your fleet must be 25 MPG' shit where they can off-set piss poor gas mileage for big trucks with hybrids getting 50 MPG. Forget that.

Also open all areas of our country to oil drilling. Tell the
environmentalist to go take a hike.

* Health care reform. No more protecting pharmacom prices. People here should be able to get medicine at costs at the same prices as those in Canada, particularly the elderly and meds for kids.

Pass a law that no drugs can be sold in the United States
for a price higher than the lowest price they charge in
any other country. Also include that the generic name
of the drug will be used for comparison, no brand names.
This would be needed to keep them from changing the
brand name for the US market.

07-17-2007, 08:35 AM
* I would quietly let it be known that the next time Americans are killed in a terrorist attack perpetrated by radical Islamists, every known terrorist center will be glowing 30 minutes later. I.E., northern Africa, the Pakistan/Afghanistan border, and any place else we can pinpoint. This would be broadcast via back channels to those within the governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. Police your own, or we have no choice but to minimize our chances of an attack.

Oh, do I support this idea. And we have the resources to
do this. I suspect if it was done and we would regain all
that "respect" we lost. Of course boutons would still
be hollering, but we can let him go to the locations
bombed and send back reports. :lol

07-17-2007, 11:03 AM
After careful consideration and much deliberation, I have decided to elect Aggie as Dictator for a Year.

While I dont agree with a few of his ideas (some of the 50 year sentences for illegals is a bit much, but you cant have everything ina dictator), but the majority are fucking sound.

Extra Stout
07-17-2007, 11:23 AM
Among those who have posted what they would do:
sabar = populist
fyatuk = libertarian
xrayzebra = paleo-conservative
Yonivore = right-wing fringe
Extra Stout = corrupt Latin American dictator
Robinson to Duncan = hard left-liberal
Wild Cobra = right-wing fringe*
AHF = "national greatness" conservative

* -- primarily because of Iran-like death-penalty position; otherwise "hard-right conservative"

07-17-2007, 01:17 PM
Among those who have posted what they would do:
sabar = populist
fyatuk = libertarian
xrayzebra = paleo-conservative
Yonivore = right-wing fringe
Extra Stout = corrupt Latin American dictator
Robinson to Duncan = hard left-liberal
Wild Cobra = right-wing fringe*
AHF = "national greatness" conservative

* -- primarily because of Iran-like death-penalty position; otherwise "hard-right conservative"

I will accept that.....

Paleoconservatism (sometimes shortened to paleo or paleocon when the context is clear) is an anti-communist and anti-authoritarian[1] right wing movement based primarily in the United States that stresses tradition, civil society and classical federalism, along with familial, religious, regional, national and Western identity.[2] Chilton Williamson, Jr. describes paleoconservatism as "the expression of rootedness: a sense of place and of history, a sense of self derived from forebears, kin, and culture — an identity that is both collective and personal.”[3] Paleoconservativism is not expressed as an ideology and its adherents do not necessarily subscribe to any one party line.[4]

Paleoconservatives in the 21st century often focus on their points of disagreement with neoconservatives, especially on issues like immigration, affirmative action, foreign wars, and welfare.[2] They also criticize social democracy, which some refer to as the therapeutic managerial state,[5] the welfare-warfare state[6] or polite totalitarianism.[7] They see themselves as the legitimate heir to the American conservative tradition.[8]

Paul Gottfried (and possibly Andrew F. Seabrook as well) is credited with coining the term in the late 20th century.[9] He says the word originally referred to various Americans, such as traditionalist Catholics and agrarian Southerners, who turned to anticommunism during the Cold War.[10] It then began referring to the conservative opposition to neoconservatism.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 02:55 PM
You guys are taking my extreme position to more extremes…

Speeding would not be a premeditated act to do harm to someone else.

Don’t forget my words please:

My most extreme though[t] would be to execute everyone convicted of a first degree crime that affects another person financially.

How does speeding fit that category? Let me include intentional physical harm however. The key point is that the convicted person would need to be guilty of an act that “knowingly will result”, not “may result” in some kind of injury to another. There has to be some reasonable limits set. I wouldn’t expect the next door neighbor who lets his dog pee and shit in my grass be executed for example, but sometimes I wish….

Let me include now that:

All new laws must provide a clear purpose and scope. Loopholes in the laws will be null and void if they do not fit the intent of the law.

Now this I agree with -- a 9,381 member House of Representatives (Census 2000) would be off-the-charts efficient.
My reason for this is that the representatives can actually meet with the represented, and it would cost to much for interest groups and business to buy voting blocks.

i would institute the original constitution, (sans the 3/5 rule)

and then see if we can keep from fucking it up this time
There are parts of the Articles of Confederation (http://yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/artconf.htm) that should have remained in the constitution too. I am in agreement.

i'd also make election day the same day every year
and make it a national holiday
I agree with this too, even if we make it another silly Monday holiday.

Extra Stout
07-17-2007, 05:26 PM
WC, your capital-punishment plan is either absolute wingnut batshit-crazy, or completely toothless, or both. Hundreds of thousands of people would draw death sentences in the first year, for everything from spousal abuse to shoplifting. Either 99% of them get their sentences commuted to life because the state doesn't have the means to execute them all, or you have to employ 1940's-era German engineering and build some ovens to deal with the backlog.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 06:27 PM
WC, your capital-punishment plan is either absolute wingnut batshit-crazy, or completely toothless, or both. Hundreds of thousands of people would draw death sentences in the first year, for everything from spousal abuse to shoplifting.
Spousal abuse is rarely a first degree crime. People don't plan to harm their spouse, it is an act of spontaneity that is programmed by our upbringing. Shoplifting is up in the air, but usually done by minors too. Minors can be excluded from adult sentencing. Besides, shoplifting is usually spontaneous, and not a first degree crime under such circumstances.

Either 99% of them get their sentences commuted to life because the state doesn't have the means to execute them all, or you have to employ 1940's-era German engineering and build some ovens to deal with the backlog.
You are thinking like a democrat, thinking raising taxes raises revenue. With enough warning, people will curtail their actions.

First degree crimes are planned crimes. Do you really think that the crime rate of such crimes will remain constant, that someone who plans to kill, steal, etc. will not take the death sentence into account?

I would expect very few overload if any, needing to commute. Maybe at first all should be commuted for like the first 90 days or so once the law is effective with a second time the kicker?

Oh… serious crimes would not be commuted.

07-17-2007, 08:13 PM
First degree crimes are planned crimes. Do you really think that the crime rate of such crimes will remain constant, that someone who plans to kill, steal, etc. will not take the death sentence into account?

I would expect very few overload if any, needing to commute. Maybe at first all should be commuted for like the first 90 days or so once the law is effective with a second time the kicker?

I think you seriously overestimate humanity's ability.

Or, you know that already, and dont particularly care about the people who would do such things like steal a car.

If stealing a car is a death sentence, then youre saying that the worth of that vehicle is more than another human being.

Thats a leap of general principle I am not willing to make.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 08:49 PM
If stealing a car is a death sentence, then youre saying that the worth of that vehicle is more than another human being.
Not true. A car is often the only means a person has to make it to and from work, maybe pick their kids up, or one of many different things. Stealing a car can result in loss of a job. How does one measure that damage. There are several things that can happen from crimes that are seem meaningless in value compared to life. To me, those who plan the harm of others have no place in society.

Are you by chance saying you tolerate such criminals in your circle of friends? Is that why you are so defensive?

Would their be people stupid enough to steal if they were executed if caught? Do you want to have such stupid people procreating? Maybe they deserve to be removed from the gene pool?

07-17-2007, 09:00 PM
Would their be people stupid enough to steal if they were executed if caught? Do you want to have such stupid people procreating? Maybe they deserve to be removed from the gene pool?


Ive been known to speak such rhetoric, but even I admit its just talk. The actual implementation isnt fathomable to a normal human being. I am not sure if you have ever espoused your Christianity in the various religious threads, but if so, youre a hypocrite with a bloodlust.

Extra Stout
07-17-2007, 09:00 PM
Spousal abuse is rarely a first degree crime. People don't plan to harm their spouse, it is an act of spontaneity that is programmed by our upbringing. Shoplifting is up in the air, but usually done by minors too. Minors can be excluded from adult sentencing. Besides, shoplifting is usually spontaneous, and not a first degree crime under such circumstances.

You are thinking like a democrat, thinking raising taxes raises revenue. With enough warning, people will curtail their actions.

First degree crimes are planned crimes. Do you really think that the crime rate of such crimes will remain constant, that someone who plans to kill, steal, etc. will not take the death sentence into account?

I would expect very few overload if any, needing to commute. Maybe at first all should be commuted for like the first 90 days or so once the law is effective with a second time the kicker?

Oh… serious crimes would not be commuted.
I think maybe you need to redefine "first-degree" as "whatever the most severe class of felony is in a given state." Be that "Class A" or "first-degree" or whatever. Because, for example, defrauding a retail outlet of $1,000 is a "first-degree" felony in the state of Michigan, but is not in the most severe class. I would regard capital punishment in that circumstance as unacceptably exterme.

The crimes I hope you are talking about are the ones that otherwise would draw life sentences. If you are talking about crimes that might draw 25 years, and are proposing making those capital, that is beyond the pale.

Take that away, and you've reduced this to a discussion about values (eye for an eye, specifically), and the relative efficacy of capital punishment.

I would submit that taking a human life as punishment for a property crime is unbiblical.

I would also admonish the use of caution in applying the death penalty, given the not-insignificant frequency of wrongful conviction and the high cost of the appeals process, which usually exceeds the cost of lifetime incarceration. The Catch-22 of that is trying to fix one of those problems exacerbates the other. And unlike life in prison, if new evidence exonerates somebody who already has been executed, they can't be released. But that is true also of capital murder cases. It is up to the people to decide the trade-off.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 09:01 PM

Ive been known to speak such rhetoric, but even I admit its just talk. The actual implementation isnt fathomable to a normal human being. I am not sure if you have ever espoused your Christianity in the various religious threads, but if so, youre a hypocrite with a bloodlust.
Come to Portland, Oregon and see all the crime around here. Maybe you'll change your viewpoint.

07-17-2007, 09:10 PM
Come to Portland, Oregon and see all the crime around here. Maybe you'll change your viewpoint.

I live near Detroit, about 18 miles due north of Detroit, Im sure Portland has its fair share of crime but dont act like I dont know what I am talking about.

Move out of the ghetto if you are near such activity. Its really that simple.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 09:25 PM
I think maybe you need to redefine "first-degree" as "whatever the most severe class of felony is in a given state." Be that "Class A" or "first-degree" or whatever. Because, for example, defrauding a retail outlet of $1,000 is a "first-degree" felony in the state of Michigan, but is not in the most severe class. I would regard capital punishment in that circumstance as unacceptably exterme.
Just look at this link. It describes the four degrees of a crime:

Wikipedia on Culpability (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culpability)

The crimes I hope you are talking about are the ones that otherwise would draw life sentences. If you are talking about crimes that might draw 25 years, and are proposing making those capital, that is beyond the pale.

I am being extreme. I won't deny that. I am so sick of crime, I will take an exteme position if I can.

Consider the subtle difference between first and second degree in the above wiki definitions. Even when crimes are committed, I never said the judicial system cannot convice of with a lesser crime. Pleas often do just that.

Wild Cobra
07-17-2007, 09:26 PM
I live near Detroit, about 18 miles due north of Detroit, Im sure Portland has its fair share of crime but dont act like I dont know what I am talking about.

Move out of the ghetto if you are near such activity. Its really that simple.
What is your solution to dramatically curtail crime?

07-17-2007, 09:29 PM
Damn, I forgot about this earlier.

I'd require every school system in the country to teach a second language from K-12 and demand fluency testing in statewide standardized tests. Most states have a hard-on for those idiotic things anyway...let's at least make them useful.

Oh, and I want a spring / summer professional football league game to replace every reality show on network television.

07-18-2007, 08:40 AM
What is your solution to dramatically curtail crime?

The solution will have to be long term, and it will have to involve fundamental changes to our educational system, welfare system, law enforcement, drug laws, and maybe gun laws.

Your proposal, I believe, would dramatically increase crime and cause all-out war in urban areas. You would make martyrs and heroes out of criminals, on a wider scale than they already are in some areas.

07-18-2007, 11:33 AM
A dictator would kill every hero. Only he commands center stage.

07-18-2007, 02:20 PM
I would have most of you killed.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-18-2007, 08:08 PM
Damn, I forgot about this earlier.

I'd require every school system in the country to teach a second language from K-12 and demand fluency testing in statewide standardized tests. Most states have a hard-on for those idiotic things anyway...let's at least make them useful.

Oh, and I want a spring / summer professional football league game to replace every reality show on network television.

Thanks for the reminder. I'd make English our official language and make everyone speak it before they could emigrate.

Wild Cobra
07-18-2007, 08:33 PM
The solution will have to be long term, and it will have to involve fundamental changes to our educational system, welfare system, law enforcement, drug laws, and maybe gun laws.
I agree these need to be changed. I doubt we agree on how...

Return the schools to local control for the most part. Our schools took a serious dive since the Department of Education was established. Require certain standards before grade advancement. Merit pay for teachers, eliminate the standard pay by time system. Return to real teaching, eliminate political agendas in schools.

Now that borders are better enforced, farmers are having rotted crops. Put the able bodied welfare recipients to work!

Enforce the laws that affect others and eliminate victimless crime laws. Encourage the purchase of firearms and training for protection.

Your proposal, I believe, would dramatically increase crime and cause all-out war in urban areas. You would make martyrs and heroes out of criminals, on a wider scale than they already are in some areas.
How do you figure? That just doesn’t make sense to me. Educate me how please

Extra Stout
07-18-2007, 08:51 PM
Now that borders are better enforced, farmers are having rotted crops. Put the able bodied welfare recipients to work!
Now that the borders are better enforced, people are paying $8-$10 fan hour for unskilled Mexican labor, and $12-$16 for skilled Mexican labor.

You could hire a "welfare recipient" for less than that, but the problem is their productivity is so much lower.

Extra Stout
07-18-2007, 08:54 PM
How do you figure? That just doesn’t make sense to me. Educate me how please
Because black people will think you are trying to exterminate them, and will riot.

07-18-2007, 09:00 PM
Because black people will think you are trying to exterminate them, and will riot.

Jarring, but ultimately, completely true. Well said.

07-18-2007, 09:40 PM

And then what? You have all these First Degree crimes happening at a high rate in small areas, so you could simply institute Martial Law and execute immediate death sentences on the rioters by using Military force.

That would look beautiful in the History books.

07-18-2007, 10:49 PM
I think you guys got it all wrong, WC is just adopting Hammurabi's code

Wild Cobra
07-18-2007, 11:53 PM
I think you guys got it all wrong, WC is just adopting Hammurabi's code
Ha... ha...

You really think?

Code of Hammurabi (http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/MESO/CODE.HTM)

07-19-2007, 08:25 AM

And then what? You have all these First Degree crimes happening at a high rate in small areas, so you could simply institute Martial Law and execute immediate death sentences on the rioters by using Military force.

That would look beautiful in the History books.

And that would stand out in history how? You people think your little Utopia of this Republic is going to stand the test of a Millenia?

It's been around less than 1/20th of Civilization's documentable history...

07-19-2007, 08:48 AM
Good point.

Extra Stout
07-19-2007, 09:27 AM
And that would stand out in history how? You people think your little Utopia of this Republic is going to stand the test of a Millenia?

It's been around less than 1/20th of Civilization's documentable history...

The liberal political philosophies of the European Enlightenment found their most significant manifestation when the colonies of British North America declared their independence and formed a liberal democracy.

The new nation grew in power and wealth as it spread across the North American continent. The political liberties enjoyed by many Americans spurred a wave of liberalism in the 19th century back in Europe.

While the USA manifested many concepts of political freedom, it also was one of the last bastions of African slavery, and its Southern provinces reflected an aristocratic social model more reminiscent of pre-liberal Europe.

This juxtaposition exploded into a bloody civil war in the mid-19th century, in which the institution of slavery was abolished, but the destruction in the Southern provinces retarded economic and social development for over a century.

Meanwhile, the political rights and freedoms extended to American citizens were not extended to the pre-existing native population, which was displaced by wars of conquest as the nation expanded.

Warts notwithstanding, the United States developed into the world's greatest economic and military power by the mid-20th century, and its ideals and culture spread throughout much of the world. Its system of political liberty and economic dynamism outlasted its chief rival, the Soviet Union, whose Marxist system collapsed in the late-20th century.

However, in the 21st century, the USA fell into decline. Its vast wealth was depleted by a series of wars attempting to retain its global economic empire. It gradually eroded away the political liberties upon which it was founded. By 2100, the USA had adopted the autocratic model of emergent Eurasian powers such as Russia and China.

Oh, Gee!!
07-19-2007, 09:33 AM
so is it fair to say that given the chance most of us here would run a country like Saddam or Fidel?

07-19-2007, 10:25 AM
so is it fair to say that given the chance most of us here would run a country like Saddam or Fidel?
Nope. I'd have a free market economy and you'd have individual liberties.

So, no, it's not safe, at all, to say that.