View Full Version : Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

Southwest Texas Fan
07-16-2007, 04:52 PM
Beware spoiler alert.

Saw the film this past Saturday and I thought it was good but a bit rushed. I noticed that someone else wrote the screenplay and I think this might have hurt the film. I haven't read any of the books but since becoming an avid fan of the series I must say that I will be reading the entire series from the beginning. Out of five stars I give it 3.5. The part that really disappointed me was the lack of emphasis given to the death of Sirius Black. I was much more moved by Cedrics death in GOF. And what happen with the Quidditch games? Again good movie but my favorite so far is the goblet of fire.

07-16-2007, 05:01 PM
I saw it on Saturday and I agree with you. It was still a great movie but it seemed short and very rushed. I agree that Sirius' death went by too fast and I didn't even have time to "mourn"!! I really hated that it just happend in a flash and there was not much build up to it or emotion. I have read every book and you REALLY REALLY should read them to get a better propsective about things in the movie that weren't really addressed (like Sirius being called "Padfoot" because he can turn into a dog.. along with the others that could turn into animals, Harry's father included and all their nicknames). Anyway I saw it at the IMAX and there was about 20 minutes of it in 3D, the battle between Dumbledore and Voldermort in 3D was pretty damn awesome!!! That kind of made up for the rest of the movie lacking a bit. They really should make the movies longer because even though I still think it was good, I was disappointed at the same time. :(

07-16-2007, 05:13 PM
I saw it wednesday and after the movie I didn't know if i liked it or not. I agree sirius death was to fast. Many things will not be undurstand by those who haven't read the books and it's to bad

07-16-2007, 05:19 PM
well i thought it was a bad ass movie. just stop looking into other shit and enjoy the movie.

07-16-2007, 05:24 PM
My daughter said it was the best one yet.

07-16-2007, 05:25 PM
well i thought it was a bad ass movie. just stop looking into other shit and enjoy the movie.

:tu No need to be Siskel & Ebert.

07-16-2007, 05:25 PM
It was the shit, cant expect it to follow the book as the books have gotten longer and longer, of course iot would be a little rushed with some things left out (Cho being blamed for ratting on the order, lack of Firenze).
The movies are done about as well as they can do them, and the next film will be tougher with the length of it.
I thought it was the best Potter movie they had done
And the new book comes out Saturday

07-16-2007, 05:25 PM
I saw it wednesday and after the movie I didn't know if i liked it or not. I agree sirius death was to fast. Many things will not be undurstand by those who haven't read the books and it's to bad

Thanks for the spoiler.

07-16-2007, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the spoiler.
:lol :lol :lol that sucks

07-16-2007, 05:44 PM
Yea, Southwest Spurs fan, you should edit your post to includ a spoiler alert at the top of the screen real big for those who havent seen it or read the books

07-16-2007, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the spoiler.

just tell that to the first one. I only talk about that because it was already said

Southwest Texas Fan
07-16-2007, 05:51 PM
My bad. Sorry.

07-16-2007, 05:58 PM
daniel radcliffe shouldn't limit himself to playing harry potter

He needs to make a homemade porno because now that he's pased prepubescence he'll be able to play with his hairy cock.

can't wait for that shit fuk ya

07-16-2007, 06:04 PM
emma watson also need to improve. I thought she was awful in the last 2 movies

07-16-2007, 06:05 PM
daniel radcliffe shouldn't limit himself to playing harry potter

He needs to make a homemade porno because now that he's pased prepubescence he'll be able to play with his hairy cock.

can't wait for that shit fuk ya
I think he did a broadway musical in London where he is nude or something like that, it was on Yahoo.com. But yeah I liked Harry Potter up until the 7th grade. Then it became too repetitve.

07-16-2007, 06:08 PM
What gives? I thought you people were sick of Phoenix.

07-16-2007, 06:08 PM
My bad. Sorry.

yeah my bad too. I keep forgetting that people that HAVEN'T read the books watch the movies too! You should edit your first post though and put SPOILER in the title.

07-16-2007, 06:31 PM
I think he did a broadway musical in London where he is nude or something like that, it was on Yahoo.com. But yeah I liked Harry Potter up until the 7th grade. Then it became too repetitve.

Crap, Equus is hardly a "broadway musical."


07-16-2007, 06:41 PM
Crap, Equus is hardly a "broadway musical."

Sit YO ASS DOWN! I never said I was 100% postive it was a musical/broadway, I just knew that Daniel Radcliffe went nekkid on stage in a play. :lol

07-16-2007, 06:49 PM
It was good, not great. The whole movie did feel rushed and had a different feel than the previous films. It is the longest of all the books so thats why it probably felt rushed. However, I don't think I care much for this new director or writer. I think Alfonso Curon(Prisoner of Azkaban) has done the best job directing of all the directors. But in no way did this film stop me from being a fan of the series. One thing I really didn't like is that the previous films did a great job tying up all the loose ends within that film. In Order of the Phoenix we are really never told why Voldermort needed the prophecy so much. Why was he after it. And towards the end when Harry and Dumbledorf sat down to talk they did a poor job of conveying to the audience why Dumbledorf stayed away from Harry. Because he didn't want him to hurt anymore than he already was? In the book there is a whole chapter devoted to this scene. Visually, it was spectacular of course, but the movie all in all was like I said, good but not great.

07-16-2007, 06:53 PM
It was good, not great. The whole movie did feel rushed and had a different feel than the previous films. It is the longest of all the books so thats why it probably felt rushed. However, I don't think I care much for this new director or writer. I think Alfonso Curon(Prisoner of Azkaban) has done the best job directing of all the directors. But in no way did this film stop me from being a fan of the series. One thing I really didn't like is that the previous films did a great job tying up all the loose ends within that film. In Order of the Phoenix we are really never told why Voldermort needed the prophecy so much. Why was he after it. And towards the end when Harry and Dumbledorf sat down to talk they did a poor job of conveying to the audience why Dumbledorf stayed away from Harry. Because he didn't want him to hurt anymore than he already was? In the book there is a whole chapter devoted to this scene. Visually, it was spectacular of course, but the movie all in all was like I said, good but not great.

Dumbledorf?? lol

07-16-2007, 06:59 PM
Dumbledorf?? lol

WTF am I thinking!!! Dumbledore. Sorry...shit.

07-16-2007, 07:04 PM
WTF am I thinking!!! Dumbledore. Sorry...shit.

haha.. that's better :)

07-16-2007, 07:06 PM
haha.. that's better :)

Lol, yeah not everyone can be "spurfect" I guess :toast

07-16-2007, 07:13 PM
Lol, yeah not everyone can be "spurfect" I guess :toast

you get the :sequ award :lol

07-16-2007, 07:22 PM
you get the :sequ award :lol

Great, piling it on huh? Thanks, lol.

07-16-2007, 07:54 PM
i'd rather look at my soiled toilet paper
Then why even comment

07-16-2007, 10:23 PM
I think the movie was great, though it did help a lot that it's been years since I read OotP so I wasn't that bothered with the things left out. But there were some things they could've done better:

1. The scene with Snape's memory that included a young James Potter and a young Sirius Black, and supposedly, Lily Potter. It was done too fast and we didn't even get to see Lily.

2. Telling of the prophecy. If you hadn't read the book, you probably wouldn't realize that it was Prof Trelawney who made the prophecy, and that it was Dumbledore to whom the prophecy was told. They also didn't include the Neville angle, in which he could easily have been the boy in that prophecy instead of Potter.

3. The last fight was too fast and surprisingly underwhelming. You didn't really get to see most of the Order fight with the death eaters.

4. I do agree that the ending was too hasty and they didn't explain all the why's. What I liked about Book 5 was that it revealed so much about Harry's past, as well as his future. It was also a much darker ending in the book, with Harry knowing that he'd also have to kill in order to survive. I think a darker, more somber ending would have been better.

But I actually liked the way they showed Sirius' death. It was pretty much the way it was told in the book. It was so swift that if you blink, you miss it. For me, the quickness of the death makes it even more unbelievable, makes you deny it a lot stronger.

07-16-2007, 10:27 PM
It was cool to see why Snape had always had a dislike for Potter

07-16-2007, 10:40 PM
It was good, not great. The whole movie did feel rushed and had a different feel than the previous films. It is the longest of all the books so thats why it probably felt rushed. However, I don't think I care much for this new director or writer. I think Alfonso Curon(Prisoner of Azkaban) has done the best job directing of all the directors. But in no way did this film stop me from being a fan of the series.
How interesting. Many people I know were disappointed in Prisoner and that director. It was probably my favorite story but my least favorite movie so far.

Funny thing- there are a couple of things in this thread that people are complaining were left out in the movie- but they were there.?!

07-16-2007, 10:46 PM
How interesting. Many people I know were disappointed in Prisoner and that director. It was probably my favorite story but my least favorite movie so far.

Funny thing- there are a couple of things in this thread that people are complaining were left out in the movie- but they were there.?!

Really??? Alot of people I know agree with the above post that, that Prisoner was great! Its my second favorite of the films. The directing was great by the way, but Im also an Alfonso Curon fan.

07-16-2007, 11:06 PM
It was cool to see why Snape had always had a dislike for Potter

Just got home from seeing it and I liked it a lot. 2 thumbs up.

The book went into a lot more detail on Snape's dislike of James Potter because of his school history with him, Sirius, Wormtail, and Lilly, wheras the movie just touched on it in that scene.

07-16-2007, 11:17 PM
Here's a good one, I didn't feel like checking out Order of the Phoneix when it first came out, so I tried downloading a copy from the internet and I thought I had a legit version, but while I was reading some of the most craziest shit was happening. I was thinking this isn't for kids, but maybe since Harry is growing up the book is maturing. But it came to the point where Harry and Hermione were having sex and so was Malfoy and Ron's sister. I was like this is a fake. I felt embarrased that I read 9 chapters of that shit, before I caught on.

07-17-2007, 12:45 AM
Here's a good one, I didn't feel like checking out Order of the Phoneix when it first came out, so I tried downloading a copy from the internet and I thought I had a legit version, but while I was reading some of the most craziest shit was happening. I was thinking this isn't for kids, but maybe since Harry is growing up the book is maturing. But it came to the point where Harry and Hermione were having sex and so was Malfoy and Ron's sister. I was like this is a fake. I felt embarrased that I read 9 chapters of that shit, before I caught on.

That shit happened to you too? :pctoss

T Park
07-17-2007, 12:45 AM
just got back and im with everyone else, it did feel like a cut and paste, like almost just a cliff notes version of the book.

This happened, this happened, fight in the ministry blah blah blah.

I mean it just had a "lets get this movie over with so we can do the Half Blood Prince"

Now THAT one, I can't wait for. Fuck after the movie, Im dying to read the damn 7th book to see what happens.

I've got to say, theres gonna be some hardcore clamor for Ron, Hermione and Harry to be brought back.

If you read the books and watch the movies, you in a way, get connected to the characters and get a bit down that its ending.

Yeah yeah yeah thats enough for now.

Great movie, Radcliffe is a heck of an actor, hope he doesn't get typecast, although you know he will be.

07-18-2007, 11:46 AM
I really enjoyed the movie a lot, but my expectations weren't very high, since I'd only watched Goblet of Fire two days before for the first time.

OOTP is the longest book at almost 900 pages, there was no way to include everything without making 2 movies. I thought they did a good job of getting the main story out there. They naturally sacrificed on other things (notably character development - there was little further development in the movie version of Ron and Hermione, they are just there a lot. I was sad to see the limits of screen time Snape and McGonagell get). I felt like much of what was sacrificed could be sacrificed. I liked the pace of the movie and liked that they didn't add unnecessary elements.

I particularly enjoyed Imelda Staunton's role - she did a terrific job. I understand why people think Sirius was killed too quickly, but given the constraints, I was not unhappy.

07-18-2007, 12:57 PM
The movie was good and they did chop the book up as expected I mean look at all the previous movies we've never seen Dobby again. The one scene I'd like to have seen in there is when Hagrid is fighting Umbridge and her group of wizards, thats one of my favorite scenes in the book.

Though all and all the movie was good. I did enjoy it and do plan to see it again but first things first, I cant wait to read book 7!

07-18-2007, 01:03 PM
The one thing I enjoyed was how little teen angst there was in the movie, considering it took up most of the damn book. I wanted to gouge my eyes out while reading it - eye roll after eye roll. Yes, Harry, you are mad and you don't understand why Dumbledore isn't your friend anymore. I get you want to do more, now shut up about it.

I was sort of sad we didn't get to see Firenze. But I get it - special effects cost money. Sort of like in Goblet of Fire, I was really hoping the scene with the Weasley's busting through the fireplace into the Dursley's to retrieve Harry for the World Cup would be aired, because I thought it was terrific and would have been really funny.

My biggest complaint about OOTP is that I dislike the actor who plays Dumbledore. I haven't liked in any of the movies he's done - I disagree with his interpretation of Dumbledore. The actor brings a real meanstreak that I don't read in the books.

T Park
07-18-2007, 02:40 PM
My biggest complaint about OOTP is that I dislike the actor who plays Dumbledore. I haven't liked in any of the movies he's done - I disagree with his interpretation of Dumbledore. The actor brings a real meanstreak that I don't read in the books

Wow i must be bad at watching movies cause I dont get that at all.

Remember, this guy was brought in i think one or two movies back cause the other guy died.